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Harad the White

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Posts posted by Harad the White

  1. Just now, Canukistani said:

    how about you lay off the snark.  did you see the post i made on the other thread in the top quarter of page 7? 

    I am not snarking you. I first thought your post was unresponsive to the issue. So I sincerely asked if you were up to date. Then I realized there was another idea that warranted a comment, and I changed my response. I welcome the ideas. 

  2. 21 minutes ago, Canukistani said:

    maybe she's not a Friend of the Dark, but just a regular person with marriage troubles.

    my pet theory is she's not in love with Perrin.  She got pregnant by someone else.  Perrin loves her and married her to give her child a family.   She doesnt want to be with Perrin anymore but can't bring herself to break his heart.  Then the Trollocs attacked and once the Trolloc was killed she saw her opportunity to be rid of Perrin and blame it on the Trollocs.   


    This is an alternate explanation for why Laila wants to murder Perrin. It seems far-fetched but it works logically. RJ2 didn't want her to be a DF, but he wanted her to be a murderer. 

  3. 1 minute ago, AusLeviathan said:

    I explained that, Rafe wanted you to look at the hammer and the symbolism of Perrin attacking with the axe, it wasn't meant to look like she was attacking him, it's just they cut it together in such a way that it unintentionally appeared she was attacking him.

    I get it. Then don't be "surprised" if people see what you "unintentionally" did. Did he put a chiron across the screen saying "UNINTENTIONAL.? Otherwise people will naturally be cornfused. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Canukistani said:

    might be because some people are so focused on the trees, they don't see the Stedding

    This is a crucial scene for new characters who all viewers are interested in, to the max. They see (as I see) a wife with her axe raised over her husband approaching from his back. That is not at all an appropriate position in that situation- there are no more Trollocs and the only there is already tomorrow's haggis--so what gives? If you want to discuss this more I suggest moving to the DFs thread since this is only related to Episode 5 because of the recap.

  5. 3 minutes ago, AusLeviathan said:

    Oh the scene is definitely set up in such a way that it looks to be the case, it's apparently completely unintentional though.


    OK! Thanks for that. Then why would he be "surprised" if people thought it was exactually as it looked?


    If you what you say is true, then you saved me a lot of investigative work. ?

  6. 11 minutes ago, AusLeviathan said:

    Rafe has already dismissed this idea, he was actually surprised people thought it could be the case.

    Don't care what he said. Neither do you, unless it suits your N&N purposes. Look at the scene of her behind Perrin. Let's get a freeze frame. Then I'll believe my lying eyes.


    Somebody: Please freeze frame, capture image on computer, and post it. I'm sure you can do it much faster than I can, but....I will.

  7. 9 hours ago, fra85uk said:

    At that suggests me that Laila was a DF (and also the fact that the wolf was feeding on her in the dream).

    After watching the recap in Episode 5, I am going to say sincerely: Oh Light, you were totally correct - I absolutely see your point and you've completely changed my mind!


    It really does look like she is about to chop Perrin.


    This is ridiculous. Now they are posting (in Series 5 thread) that RJ2 has stated that he "unintentionally" cut the Perrin fight scene to show that: yes it does look like Laila is a DF, but no, she isn't. Then RJ2 says he is "surprised" people think that, even though he is the own who showed the scene like that.


    So, we just have to accept two contradictory things. 


    1. Laila is shown as if she is a DF.

    2. Laila is not a DF.


    This does not reflect well on RJ2.


  8. 8 minutes ago, Canukistani said:

    i'm sorry my request for clarification was offputting for you.

    Not at all. Thought you were dismissive, but mea culpa. I looked back at the scene and could not find the flash-back, so maybe I was hallucinating. Thought I had skipped the recap at the beginning but mebe it was there.


    Yes! It was in the recap. Same question, was it the same camera angle? If no one knows, my next task, if I accept it, is to look back at episode 1.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Canukistani said:

    maybe?  aren't you sure there was a flashback scene?  cause i don't remember one but i am probably mistaken

    Maybe you're not the right person to answer then. There are people on this thread who are fantastic with details, so if they know...


    N&Ns: Nitpickers and Naysayers

  10. 6 minutes ago, ArrylT said:

    No one who read ASoIaF is likely too impacted by the death of Khal Drogo on the show - but those who watched GOT without reading the books ... 

    Looking at the ebb and flow of series, and I can hardly remember what I had for breakfast, I'm sure there were some slow, exposition-full episodes of GoT that were soon forgiven, when the breakneck speed picked up in episode, the next.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Sabio said:

    We only have 8 episodes and they spent a whole episode basically on a side character who dies. 

    And on Loial. And on Perrin/Egwene/WC. And on Rand/Matt/Logain. And on TV politics. And on Nyn. Right...only on Stepin. I must be dreaming the rest.


    [quote should say Arthellion but the quote in a quote utility sometimes bonks]

  12. 3 minutes ago, Sabio said:

    Nazi's make sense.  RJ said one of the groups he based the Whitecloaks from were the Nazi's.  A group that their truth, their way is the only way.

    Don't really care what RJ said, either of them. Any fascist group has "their truth, their way is the only way." The Nazi were a nationalist group who believed in racial purity. The Spanish Inquisition were a religious group that wore robes of "holiness" and who used torture as their main tool to terrorize and murder their opponents. What's on the screen is what matters.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Wolfbrother31 said:

    I like Daniel Henney and think he's doing a good job.


    5 minutes ago, Wolfbrother31 said:

    Ok...eternal optimists...explain to me how any of that jives with the Lan we all know and love!

    Suggestion for increased enjoyment. Go with what you like (on top) and don't keep holding it up to the character on paper.

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