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Harad the White

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Posts posted by Harad the White

  1. 3 minutes ago, Guire said:

    I think Thom just recognized a fellow trouble maker in Mat like him and his nephew.

    Thanks for the answer. But that doesn't seem like it matches the story of Owyn enough to elicit that reaction. Also in that same scene didn't he same "keep him away from the women"? The mother and young daughter at the farm?

  2. Cinematography

    The fadeout from the setting sun over the Tinker camp to the light in the Rand/Matt/Thom barn was cinematic.


    Some questions:


    What made Thom compare Matt to his nephew Owyn? Had Matt changed in the short time he knew him, channeled, or cut his own throat?


    Did the Aes Sedai leave Logain unshielded to fight the battle? Ok, the answer to this is that he knocked out the two, Kerene and Liandrin. Although it's possible Liandrin let him go (taking a chance) to gentle him, as she threatened.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Ralph said:

    Ishmael says in the books that he whispered in the ears of Arthur Hawking and others, so it makes sense it could be him whispering in Logain's ears. 

    Yes, my guess is that Ishamael is Lanfear's partner. We may never know, since there is no reason to reveal that later.

  4. Not sure where this should go, but here it is. 

    The actress who played Dana the Darkfriend barmaid in WoT, also played the Blackblood Priestess' daughter in The Outpost. The Outpost was a Swords&Sorcery series on C&W which filled a gap between GoT and WoT. It was far less ambitious than those. Even so, it was not bad. It started well, meandered around for a few years, and ended unexpectedly excellently. It was also shot in Eastern Europe, so likely paved the way for WoT. The last connection with WoT is that one of the FX studios is Outpost FX.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Gothic Flame said:

    wallowed in the shaedenfreud of GoT season 8, but I felt some sympathy for those that kept up with the show despite the deterioration after season 5.

    GoT got better with time and the last season was the best. The reaction of human beings to "popular" events is best portrayed in the book Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino. First they don't know what it's all about. Then they start paying attention. Next, given enough support, they begin  to love it. They can't get enough of it. It's the best thing since sliced trolloc. Next, they hear about or see a flaw-- their beloved has feet of clay. They start drifting away from it. The next stage is hatred. They hate everything about it. They don't know why anybody ever liked it. Finally, they ignore it again. One complete turn of the Wheel.

  6. Perrin self-defense against Laila? Because she disapproved of him shirking the forge? Book Perrin is tormented by killing his enemies because he is not a warrior, per se. This is an early, for non-book readers, case of the danger he rightfully sees in his being a warrior. He goes into berserker mode, the only way to survive against the trolloc, and tragically, makes one swing too many when surprised by Laila. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, ArrylT said:

    Here is their article on the first episodes 

    Nice article!

    Andrew said: ... "Ooh, I am excited to see how they change this!" is the healthiest attitude for a book reader to have going in, I think. The first season of Game of Thrones was a very straightforward, true-to-the-book adaptation of A Game of Thrones. The sheer length of WoT and how the scope and focus of the books change as they move forward meant that was always going to be a lot harder to do for Eye of the World. Honestly, for me, the fact that this show is happening at all is so wildly improbable that I am planning to just enjoy the ride. But that's a kind of trust that the creative teams behind these adaptations can easily lose, as David Benioff and D.B. Weiss did by the time Game of Thrones had slogged through to its last seasons."


    I agree with all of that except for the fashionable trashing of the end of GoT.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Fox said:

    They are aiming for a GoT feel,

    Don't see any factual basis for that.

    On another point, I like the Perrin casting choice, and the way he is used. The actor looks like he doesn't have a clue, a big lumbering mystical blacksmith. But his dialog is sharp and incisive. Kinda like the guy in the book.

  9. One post herein said (paraphrasing), "The show is not the book. It's now just the interpretation of the creators." Yes. That's what changing from one medium to another is. You read the book. Then you create in your mind an "interpretation" of the what the book says. Rand has reddish hair. How red? The presence of the power gives others goosebumps--are they big warts or undetectable even in HD? There are zero visual facts in a book. If you hate the interpretation, why would you want to watch, and why would you want more seasons? Hurts so bad. Happily, WoT Amazon, is probably getting to be popular enuf, that the loud wails of the naysayers and nitpickers will not curtail future seasons for the rest of us who enjoy it.

  10. 7 minutes ago, flinn said:

    Which book was it that Rand had his hand blown off? Semihrage said straight out, that just because the voice is real makes no difference, it usually makes it even worse.


    Who ya going believe: A Forsaken or your lying eyes--watch Logain in the confrontation with the King. What kind of "madness" resists murderous suggestions. Gimme summa that. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, flinn said:

    The difference SHOULD be, that the voices others hear are not "real". Whereas, with the DR, he actually hears a real voice.

    Listen to the conversation between Logain, King of Ghealdan, and the two shadows. Is Logain mad? He is perfectly rational and he resists the advice of the shadows to murder the King. 

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