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Harad the White

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Posts posted by Harad the White

  1. 2 minutes ago, Whittle said:

    It seems we are missing a lot of the story! They

    There should be an alternate Amazon-ish WoT wiki. It would be great to see people with this idea create an alternate series with scenes for each episode. Of course, if it turns out to be 1400 episodes because of everything included, it just might be priced out of the market. But sticking to the same length and number of episodes, an alternate, and superior creation, would be fascinating.

  2. 8 minutes ago, pretty_blossom said:

    but I don't understand why they made Mat a thief, or

    Wiki sez,

    Mat is often described as lazy, roguish, immature, tactless, and brazen. He is not afraid to flout any and all authority figures around him, and typically tries whatever he can to shirk responsibility and work."


    Taking valuables from a dead Aeil in a hostile town when you are starving, doesn't seem out of character, as above.

  3. Another homage to lotr or is it?:



    And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. 



    Ages come and pass leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth and even myth is long forgotten.


    But, did Tolkien write the Galadriel words or Peter Jackson? And did Peter Jackson read WoT before FOTR?

  4. Elder_haman said:

    He killed at least 3 in the book.  Their was zero reason for him to lose the fight in that manner.  He could have won the fight and still been injured. The pattern of changes is plainly there to see, whether you agree or not.



    To be fair, the Trolloc fighting Tam was twice the size of the Trollocs fighting Lan. 


    But the point is correct. Tam's relative prowess is reduced in Amazon. Perhaps to both enhance the Trollocs and also to leave the real sword mastery to Lan and other more major characters.

  5. Changes from the book to amazon or in other adaptations come in these categories:


    Insertions: e.g. Nynaeve abduction, Aragorn's river trip. 


    Deletions: Thom's moustachios, Tom Bombadil


    Re-ordering: Nynaeve reaches Moraine, Aragorn reaches Helm's Deep


    Consolidation: Dana darkfriend, Arwen Glorfindel


    Redefinition: Dragon Reborn, Elf Warrior Maiden


    Any of these can change the nature of the story, but none of them necessarily do.

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