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Harad the White

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Posts posted by Harad the White

  1. 2 minutes ago, Maximillion said:

    The show doesn't really seem to care for knitting the story together properly.  Another example is the mysterious disappearance of an army of Trollocs from outside Shadar Logoth.   I guess they just gave up and went home, or maybe they did go into the city and all die?  Who the hell knows .. and I doubt most watching would care.

    Oh good. You've found a Book plot glaring hole.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Katherine said:

    I think that’s what disqualified him as the dragon reborn because.. according to her logic… the pattern would not have allowed that to happen.

    That's a dangerous explanation. It jumps into the morass of free-will vs. predestination. If the pattern rules, then Moiraine can take a vacation and all will be well. Other than that, right on!

  3. 1 minute ago, swollymammoth said:

    So is Starship Troopers, and it's a complete and utter betrayal of the original. WoT isn't that, but it does beg the question: How long will you allow yourself to buy into this show as WoT?

    I liked Starship Trooper as a movie. Verhoeven knows fascism, in a different way than Heinlein. If you no longer want to "buy into this show as WoT," don't. Then you can criticize it on its own. Sure you're up for that, too.

  4. 3 minutes ago, notpropaganda73 said:

    didn't think Tim was nitpicking at the scene, just discussing its implications.

    And the implication of the opined battle between the Children and Moiraine? (As Elder_H sez, that is not a given in the Book). The only alternative is to s***-can the scene, which, imho, loses far more than it gains.

  5. The meaning of originality in science or in art is not that there is no source material, it's that something new is added. Einstein, one of the most original thinkers in history, used results and theories of Lorentz and Planck.  Nearly every movie--Gone With The Wind, All The President's Men, Harry Potter-- is both original and based on source material. Amazon's WoT is original AND based on source material. The incarnation of the characters is original for one simple example. Also the solution of taking the plot from the beginning to the end is original. So far, so good.

  6. 55 minutes ago, Kudzu said:

    old mate shows up again at all you can have my electrons.

    Let's stick to the original wager. The Coulombic forces will disrupt you if you give too many electrons. But your side is looking good because X-ray indicates he is Jan Petrina, also the stunt coordinator, so will he come back? On the third ,  he has appeared as an actor in the MCU. The tension is palpable.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Kudzu said:

    Look mate, if I'm putting my hard earned electrons on the line I need to understand what the bet is.

    Ok, Brah. Electrons don't grow on trees so we better made d**n sure we know what the bet is. You're in the figment camp. The bet is that the old guy seen running with the young FD, will reappear in Amazon, and prove he exists. A, perhaps, unreliable source on this usually reliable forum answered his name was "Owen." But for the purposes of this bet, that is irrelevant. My guess is he's a strong male channeler but his figmentshiphood is the only issue in the bet.

  8. 5 minutes ago, AusLeviathan said:

    Let's just end it by acknowledging that it's one of the worst scenes ever written and leave it at that.

    No, it was just fine. It introduced the Aes Sedai, men channelers, and the conflict between them, all in a few moments. Not to mention Owein who will net me a bunch of electrons when he returns. Oh..and Moiraine and Lan on a far away cliff.

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