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Everything posted by Ralph

  1. tear I had anyway assumed not, unless much later in a different way where is the second quote from? team doesn't have to mean the writers and directors, they have tens of other people, some of whom may not read English
  2. All true, but I wouldn't hold out much hope.
  3. Rid_matter: Will Moridin be In the show? I know. The Ishamael fella is more sane, but Moridin was a completely different character that presented a different set of challenges to the good guys Rafe: We wove a lot of Moridin and his philosophy into Ishamael this season
  4. but no Ishamael / Moridin body swap it seems
  5. loads of information there very curious about Anvaere now
  6. yes looks like this is replacing the portal stones
  7. can anyone copy over the q&a from today. I don't have twitter
  8. depends if the point is for Mat to be shown as being a better fighter than two capable fighters, which is quite unrealistic, or whether the point of the episode is not to underestimate people. but anyway any two professional soldiers/bodyguards should be assumed more than capable of defeating a farmboy
  9. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://twitter.com/rafejudkins/status/1706945931961122872%3Fref_src%3Dtwsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet&ved=2ahUKEwjw0uT8uMqBAxVNZcAKHVjeAKQQglR6BAggEAM&usg=AOvVaw31w0-2auOlKRZmFlBdxeNP
  10. someone said it is in s3 in caemlyn, in which case may well be against gawyn and galad
  11. nice idea I thought just to make M even more desperate. as per Ishy's thoughts
  12. I don't know what the general audience thinks, but personally I like them and see their development very much. true nothing "heroic" but that is just like the books at this stage, the only exception was Rand at tarwin's gap which it seems I was not the only one to find jarring and not fitting with the whole series nyn and eg in the books had been through far more emotionally affecting experiences than the boys. the Arches and the damane episode will cause anyone to relate with their journey more, but not to "like" them more. but again, like the books and no reason to suspect misandrism
  13. very interesting thank you for posting a lot of people had picked up on the damane weaves, and some mentioned the differences between other channelers, but I don't recall anyone picking up on a difference between Liandrin and other AS. and I am taking what he said about Rand as confirmation that Nynaeve's channeling in S1 (mass healing and deflecting Machin Shin), although before he joined the team, was also just a burst of raw power with no understanding of what she was doing. and possibly could only ever have worked that way.
  14. funny, because I see your way of seeing it exactly the same way Mat is yet to happen, but we have been fairly reliably informed it will happen. and in the books had not yet done much. he did not say a payoff for the girls, he said to share things out so not ONLY Rand.
  15. Nynaeve fight two Warders in the tower rather than Matt. - did not happen. Mat is coming. Nynaeve trained with the Warders because she was frustrated with hot being able to Channel. And she did not defeat them at all. Or Nynaeve and Egwene be the heroes of the S1 finale —wiping out the trolloc army —rather than Rand. - did. not happen. I hated that scene not because it was taken from Rand but because it was ridiculous. but it was not N&E, they were just batteries not heroes. Amalisa killed the Trollocs, then herself (for. no reason except not being able to let go) Or to have Avi step in front of Perrin to fight Whitecloaks - did not happen She did not step in front of Perrin so he would not fight. he, ludicrously, tried to step. in front of her, knowing she was an incredible fighter and knowing if she wasn't he was dead anyway, she stepped up to fight with him, and he contributed a lot to that fight if you watch
  16. I am sure you are not alone, but none of your examples happened except the Moiraine one, and I'm not sure how you see diminution of Lan there. two (or three) fades at once are a challenging opponent for anyone, especially at night, and in the books it is considered a tremendous feat when Lan does defeat such much later on
  17. can you show me where they said this please? iirc they said that rj wrote a feminist series for his time but that it needs updating. not the same thing at all. and I think I asked you once - were you upset when bs introduced normal gay characters in his novels? in rj ones there were no gay men, and the only lesbianism was playing around as novices, and Galina. I know many gay people were extremely offended by this. but clearly bs was introducing a new political point that rj didn't deem suitable. so were you outraged?
  18. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66887717
  19. was interesting to me that Logain could see Rand channelling. we speculated at length (and more) about M seeing Verin's weaves, but now confirmed that stilling doesn't take that away
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