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Everything posted by Ralph

  1. do you really think that an AS would not be able to use the OP against an unmanned drone? against victim would presumably inckude torture and punishment, both of which we know are fine for them
  2. no but Gawyn does, and would have been very easy to use that as another conflict
  3. I don't see how disrupting an enemy's attack with no intention to harm them is using it as a weapon.
  4. I don't think the ships blew up, I think she holed them with a small explosion and they sank. we don't know if people died in explosions or drowned or neither
  5. https://winteriscoming.net/2023/10/09/the-wheel-of-time-season-3-gets-very-ambitious-lots-new-characters-moiraine-lan/ Lots to chew over here. and of course the bait to get the anti-woke warriors to explode is there as well
  6. not on mine. it starts a trailer but can skip immediately
  7. and I expect them to expand on Elayne thinking Rand killed her mother, which fizzled out in the books
  8. Ishy and min was needed so we know mat stabbing Rand was Ishy's plan. we only know it from there we still don't know how he knows about it though. or what he meant that he knows who kills him - I suspect not this but he means he himself as Moridin in s8e8
  9. The point is the purpose. you can't say shooting someone in the head is not using a weapon, albeit it is to achieve something else. same with setting clothes on fire in order to burn him. however, to set his clothes on fire because you are cold would be fine, even though obviously he will be burned as collateral damage. similarly, torturing someone with op is fine. as is beating (eg Rand in the box) as a punishment. doing the same thing because you want to hurt them would not be ok. RJ in one interview said beating them because you hate them would not be permitted iirc.
  10. the horn is there only for mat I suspect they had Ingtar reveal, and then unfortunately got cut
  11. I think there would be a difference between attacking a person and doing something to an object that affects the person, especially if you would have done exactly the same had the person not been there.
  12. nice idea, but all those years ago there were hundred of similar debates about the books. until people asked RJ at book signings or other occasions, and sometimes he answered, and sometimes the answers were satisfactory. I don't think this type of thing can ever be clear even in a book, and def not in a TV show
  13. not everything that causes injury or death is a weapon. only if it intended to be used in order to cause... sinking a ship because Trollocs could use it is the same purpose whether someone is on board or not. neither one is using it as a weapon
  14. because he said he is hyper sensitive to the three oaths, not because it is obviously against them. I still don't see the point - if your intent is not on causing deaths but on something else then it is OK. therefore if your intent is to disrupt someone else's activity it is fine, even if it is inevitable they will die. that would be indirect albeit inevitable. what about the examples I gave? can an AS push something off a cliff because it is ugly, if she knows someone underneath will die. I don't see how that is using as a weapon. and it is explicit in New Spring that can be used to torture, so clearly the point is intent and purpose not result.
  15. I don't have it with me, but acc to Tar Valon library New Spring ch 18 says that you can punish or torture using the OP, as that is not using it as a weapon
  16. aware but not her purpose like diverting the train knowing it is likely to kill or injure people on board could she throw something away from her, because it may hurt her (but not kill), knowing it is certain to hit and injure someone else? I think definitely yes. that is not using the power as a weapon
  17. so if intending to sink the ships, but no interest in whether that harms the people, how is that different? or if Siuan blows Lan away, but doesn't care whether that hurts him or not, she is not trying to hurt him, is that a weapon?
  18. is something a weapon if it kills people when that was not the purpose, although you knew it would happen? could an AS divert a runaway train from hitting people, although it may well kill some of the people on board because she did so?
  19. Thank you. very interesting. I don't recall seeing this. this gets us into the question (which I was thinking re e8 anyway) - is sinking a ship someone is on "using the Power as a weapon" when you would be perfectly happy for them to survive unharmed, you just want the ship gone?
  20. book 7 sorry. and clear in the book (ch 36) that Rand does not succumb as quickly as others would have, so I don't really see the problem. Rand has to have his two wounds, though he is getting them in the wrong order here. The burning thing they took from the Dark friend knife in the stable, which never fit in in the books at all
  21. the insight I found most interesting in the finale was the point Ishy makes that Rand's friends could be driven to the Dark just like he himself and the others were. I had never thought of this parallel before. (also referred to by Lan.) I know in the books at least once Lews Therin (not Lews I don't like that) thinks how his arrogance drove them away, but I didn't pick up on that as a comparison between the Forsaken and Rand's friends, only between LTT and Rand
  22. not remembering clearly enough, but there was stuff in book 3 about the pictures of rand being sent around. does it not mention there that there were crowds celebrating? def the Shienaran soldiers swore fealty to him after Falme
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