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Posts posted by TheMountain

  1. 5 minutes ago, MasterAblar said:

    It’s a line that I find very frustrating as a reader because it makes no sense, but for tv viewers it’s meaningless because they don’t bother explaining what a Ta’verren is, and by the time it will be explained most people won’t be thinking back to that line and wondering about the inconsistency. 


    I can suspend my disbelief with magic, trollocs, and Fades, as long as everything is internally consistent within the story. I have a really hard time with blatant inconsistencies and "suspension of logic" though. I tend to stop watching shows that do this too much... but as a WoT fan, I will struggle past it.


    To me, this is clearly a case where everything was NOT "fully thought through," to put it in the words of Sarah lol.

  2. How can there possibly be "rumors of four Ta'veren in the Two Rivers?" I can deal with Egwene being Ta'veren, but this line irks me to no end, it makes no sense. In one of his comments on Reddit, Brandon Sanderson said that the line wasn't in the script that he reviewed and that they must have added it later. If he had, I'm sure he would have raised it as a potential logical inconsistency. Do you think we're going to get an explanation for this later? Is this a throwaway line that was added that the writers didn't really think about? Do you disagree and think it actually works? Would love to hear your guys thoughts on this.


    I'm really enjoying the series so far, but man, this line is just a thorn in my side... I can't let it go lol.



    Did I accidentally post in this thread, or was it merged? I wasn't talking about the Dragon's gender so I didn't think it belonged here.

  3. 1 hour ago, ForsakenPotato said:

    I think also because of the oaths, the Aes Sedai also can't just retaliate against Valda with the power. Like if he makes a mistake while trying to mess with an Aes Sedai she can defend herself, but I'm not sure other sisters can go take him out just because they know he can kill sisters and has a history of doing so. Basically, I think they need to catch him in the act to be able to use the power against him.


    That said I was also confused when I saw the Aes Sedai burning, so I do hope we find out what his methods are.

    The Aes Sedai can raise armies and declare war. Those armies can do the fighting for them.

  4. 9 minutes ago, swollymammoth said:

    Has anyone talked about that sacred pool from Episode 1? Because here's the thing, they made way too big a deal about it for it not to be important. And when Nynaeve kills the trolloc, its blood cloud forms the Dragon's Fang/Aes Sedai symbol. 


    Here's my theory: 


    It's a saidar eye of the world (How very Rafe it would be to invent one of those, right? After all, there's always 2 eyes, so the existence of one suggests the existance of another. TOTALLY BACKED BY THE LORE YOU GUYS) and at some point towards the end of the first season, they're gonna end up back in Emond's Field so that Egwene can use it to do something like help Rand defeat the trolloc armies which are attacking Fal Dara. Like, Rand is channeling out of the Eye and Egwene is at that pool doing her thing as well. 


    Calling it right now. 

    I hope you're wrong, that would be really lame.


    1 hour ago, Taishar Hawaii said:

    You are not!  It was a high-light of the series for me.  I love how it shows that ANYONE could be a darkfriend!  And the actress really sold it.


    Right up until she started monologuing on their purpose.  To save people from the wheel??  I cringed hearing that.


    Yeah, I enjoyed her acting until the monologue. But it wasn't really her fault, the writing for that scene wasn't great.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Harad the White said:

    The only meaningful deviation between the book and series in 1-3 is the suggestion that the Dragon Reborn could be a woman. This one is puzzling. It throws on its head the idea that in that world there is a dichotomy between women who "normally" channel, mainly the Aes Sedai, and men who are forbidden to channel, mainly by the Aes Sedai. Why would Sanderson apparently endorse this change. It's hard to believe this is due to modern day ideas of gender equality.

    Could it be that this was seen as an improvement by Sanderson. The book, from the beginning points to Rand, with a little ambiguity with Matt and Perrin. Yet Egwene and Nynaeve are crucial main characters as well. Here's how it could make sense. The idea is based upon the Forsaken, divided between men and women who were both prodigious channelers. If they and the original Dragon were part of the same "species" then obviously gender was not a distinguishing feature-the only ranking was by strength. The ambiguity among 3 or among 5 doesn't seem important, but the idea is consistent with the rules of the world. It remains to be seen how this aids the narrative, although it does nicely point viewers to five main characters, as they were in the book.




  7. Well, for one, running around town waving a bared sword around the air in front of you like a madman/madwoman, you're more likely to trip and fall on your own sword than hurt anyone else. She doesn't exactly come across as a terrifying swordmaster in that scene just because of the ridiculousness of that alone.


    I mean, if you don't see that scene as ridiculous/comical, you don't see it. I'm sure I'm not the only one though.

  8. Dana can be very skilled, I have no problem with that. I just think that the scene of her in a dress chasing two fully grown men across town with a bared sword came across as ridiculous and almost comical. Had the writers intended for the scene to be comical and leaned into it instead of being so self-serious, perhaps it could have worked in a "this crazy lady is chasing us waving a sword" Matrim Cauthon antics kind of way. As a serious scene (which would have echoed a similar scene in the books), what would have worked 10x better is some close quarters knife-play, capitalizing on her greater skill and playing to her strengths against Rand's and Mat's weaknesses.


    It just wasn't believable... but as a fan of the show so far, I realize that not everything is going to be perfect.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Harad the White said:

    Actually this topic seems to be, nitpicking and trashing the series. The casting is excellent and the characters hew to the book as closely as the translation from written to visual medium allows. 

    As someone who has generally liked what I've seen of the show so far, I strongly disagree that the changes are purely "necessary for translation to a visual medium." The changes definitely go way beyond that, this shouldn't constantly be paraded out as the defense for every change.

  10. I do agree that with "Agents of Shield" as the main experience on his resume, we were probably never going to get a masterpiece. I think it could have been A LOT worse though.


    I think it has the makings of good show. Not amazing, but good. The question is whether "good" is enough for Amazon to continue to justify $10 million per episode. 

  11. It's definitely not shaping up to be a masterpiece so far, but I went in with very low expectations and was very pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed the first two episodes in the advance screening. The third episode though, I've heard it's the weakest out of the first six, and I hope that's correct...

  12. Spoiler

    One thing that is starting to dawn on me as a bit disappointing is the lack of Tam's fever dream. He pulls out a sword and Tam gets healed right as rain, but Rand never asks any questions and Tam never has anything to say about him leaving with Moraine. The character development between Rand and Tam is one area that I'm realizing now sorely suffers from the manufactured "Who is the Dragon Reborn?" mystery. It's also much less believable. Are we really to believe that Rand and Tam have nothing to say to each other after winternight?


  13. 11 hours ago, Samwell Tarly said:

    I guess this show might be a very interesting experience for someone like me who has read only The Eye of The World and about the first two chapters of The Great Hunt. I will really care primarily about good writing, production values and obviously, the escapism. Who knows, it might be the thing that would eventually make me an actual WOT fan! 

    Imposter!! Samwell Tarly would NEVER stop at the second book!


    Perhaps the Others and White Walkers have you already.

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