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Posts posted by TheMountain

  1. 8 hours ago, AdamA said:

    Then you definitely can't be gender-locked because souls previously incarnated in sexually dimorphic species may reincarnate as species that reproduce asexually, don't have sexual dimorphism, or can change sex over the span of a single lifetime.


    Gender-locking also seems jacked up for intersexed souls. What happens if some future genetically enhanced human race that has cured abnormal chromosome disorders no longer has intersex people? Or if we figure out how to reproduce without sex and no longer need men? Now there can never be a dragon at all.

    There are 7 ages. Time and the events of the world, flow according to a cycle.

  2. 6 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

    From this limited set of data, we have 
    2753 Book readers.

    65.2%  liked it.
    24% liked it enough

    10.8% don't like it.


    From this limited set of data, we have 
    226 Non-Book readers.

    73.4% liked it

    17.3% liked it enough

    9.3% didn't like it.


    As to the quality of that data... If we are to believe people who hate the show, they have made claims that Reddit mods ban show haters for offering any criticism. Whether true or not, any data sample is gunna have flaws. ? 


    I can personally vouch for this. My posts get removed automatically from r/WoT, but my comments are allowed to stay. There's kind of an evil genius to the methods of the mods there. The automod doesn't tell you that your post has been removed, it just looks like nobody is reading or upvoting it. Only if you try to find it separately will you see that it doesn't show up in "new posts." You can also use one of the "has my comment been removed?" bots to confirm. r/WoT used to have much more activity, but it has died down a lot recently. I'm pretty sure that this is why. There was a post a couple months ago from the mods saying that most criticism of the show would be removed as "low effort." 


    r/wheeloftime allows criticism and is pretty hands-off though, and it's starting to grow bigger. I've had some really great discussions there.


    r/WoTShow is the most ridiculously positive sub there is, they would eat up absolutely anything Amazon served them. Ironically though, I'm actually allowed to post there and haven't been banned or shadowbanned yet, I just get a lot of downvotes lol. I hear a lot of people complain about it though... I guess it just hasn't happened to me. One thing to be careful of... if you want to stay on the sub, do not comment, join, or post on r/WhiteCloaks (haters of the show), because r/WoTShow will automatically ban you.

  3. 36 minutes ago, KakitaOCU said:

    Kudzu beat me to it, this was never the plan, the DR was always the same character it was in the books, this mystery did not change that, they are not rewriting the entire series around a change that big.

    The Female was simply a possibility.  The Multi Headed was specifically brought up as a ridiculous and nonsensical idea and dismissed as such immediately.  Why do people think it has any real liklihood of possibility?

    They're not exactly subtle with their numbers.


    "Rumors of FOUR Ta'veren in the Two Rivers."


    "It's one of the FOUR/FIVE of you."


    "It has to be one of you FIVE."

  4. I think that equality and inclusivity could have been better served by the introduction of the Ameresu concept, perhaps through a LotR style intro (think Galadriel talking about an endless cycle of battles against the Dark One with alternating male and female saviors). That way, you preserve the worldbuilding and lore of the books, without the massive ramifications and ripple effects of making the Dragon possibly female and degendering souls. Then, you lean hard on the madness and fear of the Dragon Reborn to differentiate it from the classic "white male savior" trope.

  5. There's a real dearth of critical analyses that take into account the differences with the books. Most of the reviews that even mention the books are along the lines of "the show is more diverse, inclusive, and does away with the gender essentialism of the books, therefore it is objectively better in every way."


    I also noticed that every time there is a controversial change in an episode, ScreenRant comes out with an article saying, "Here's Why That Change Was Incredible and Exactly the Right Choice!!!"

  6. 3 hours ago, DaddyFinn said:


    Found this on discord when someone pointed out how Rand has been shoved to the background.





    Data can be meaningless without context. It's not just a straight word count that matters, but the focus of the story, events that happen, characters they interact with, things they say, etc. I think it's pretty obvious to most people that Rand has been sidelined so far.



  7. 3 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

    How could that work if the warder can't channel?

    No idea. Perhaps through the aid of a ter'angreal? I just remember Stepin saying that they "bonded themselves to each other." I've found that more often than not, the hints of changes we get from little snippets like this end up panning out, so I want to know how they are handling it on the record.

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