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Asha'man Shar'aman

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Posts posted by Asha'man Shar'aman

  1. On 6/29/2021 at 9:30 AM, Thrasymachus said:

    His hammer didn't attack him because it wasn't a weapon.  It was a blacksmith's tool that he taken to using as a weapon, but it was still ultimately a thing of creation, not destruction.  Every other weapon made of metal attacked people, but things that were not weapons didn't, even if they would have been pretty effective at killing people.  No shears started stabbing seamstresses, or leather worker's punches started making holes in people's hides.  Lengths of chain didn't wrap around people's necks and break them or drag them up into the air to hang.  Belt and harness buckles and unshod horseshoes didn't start pelting people. Perrin's not immune to bubbles of evil, he just happened to not be in a great deal of danger when that particular bubble hit.



    This is a very interesting thought. You say that a hammer is not a weapon. Is it the fact the Perrin's hammer was a blacksmith's hammer, and not a war hammer? Would Mah'allenir react the same way, even though it was created for war?

  2. 19 hours ago, Cross said:

    think eye of the world asha. no he doesnt know etc 

    Got sick of answering my questions? 


    Okay. I will announce a leaving day, and spend my time until then with Rand or the Women's Circle. I will make it very clear that their coming could jeopardize very important White Tower business, and that they may not come. If they continue to pester me, then I will sneak away with Rand in the night. If I could bring Nyneave and Egwene, that would be great, but I won't put Rand into danger just to bring them along. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Cross said:

    they do not know he's the dragon reborn. they do know you're aes sedai (cant hide that face) the whole womens circle wants to come as well as the usual characters from the books. tam is reserved, amused and quiet

    Why does the Women’s Circle want to come?

  4. On 7/8/2021 at 2:54 PM, Illian Tear said:

    Oh... you know... I should really be more active because school is over. Very cool. 


    Glad someone is keeping the club running.

    Uhh, yeah. It’s nice to have the ability to fulfill my roles this time. 

  5. On 7/8/2021 at 4:04 PM, Cross said:

    Asha'man Shar'aman


    in convincing the dragon reborn to follow you and leave his village you are swamped by the women's circle. they have a thousand questions, seek a myriad pieces of advice. and in general have monopolized your time since your arrival. they're at your every turn, everywhere you look there they are. they're very nearly threatening to join you on your journey. 


    how do you get rand away, the women's circle off your back without alienating them and causing a bigger scene?

    Question time again! Do they know he’s the Dragon? Do they know that I’m Aes Sedai? Does anyone else want to go with Rand? What does Tam think of all this? 

  6. 3 hours ago, Turtle said:

    Hello, hello,


    Nice to join you all.  I am Turtle, first time poster, long time fan, moderate time member.  This is my first foray into the forum wilds, but I'm liking what I'm reading.

    I intend on visiting more often as time (work) allows.  


    Until then,


    Be well, and be weird.

    Hi! I’m Aman. 

    DragonMount is a fun place to be, and I’m glad you like what you’re reading! Hopefully I’ll see more of you around. 

    Be well, and be weird my friend. (New favorite farewell, by the way)

  7. 3 minutes ago, Cross said:

    while the reds hesitate to put all their number on a ship after 'you' they realize the need for all 13 in their rank and eventually chase out after the red herring. congratulations! you've eluded the red ajah and preserved Rand for your own devices. 

    Woo-hoo!!! I didn’t just doom the entire world! 

    Are we allowed to go again?

  8. 11 hours ago, Cross said:

    it’s rand as old as he was in eye of the world. the amrylin can do nothing without exposing herself and her knowledge of it. the reds have sent  13 sisters

    Okay. Thanks! And Rand is in the Two Rivers, right?


    Honestly, I think the best way to do this is to hire a ship (maybe Sea Folk) and make it look like I got on. Wait for the Reds to follow me, and maybe drop clues that my destination is the Borderlands or Tear. The Reds would follow my ship, and leave me be. Then I would just travel quietly to Rand. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Cross said:

    not TOO many repercussions. now remember you are moiraine. 




    @Asha'man Shar'aman


    you finally believe you have tracked down the baby born on the slope of the dragonmount.  the location of the dragon reborn. it's imperative that you reach him safely, quietly and with the means to ingratiate yourself favorably to him. 


    however, the red ajah has caught wind to your discovery. they do not know more than that you are certain, you're heading out with your warder and, to them, a false dragon may be in the making. no matter what you try as you leave the tower, there is a contingent of red's hot on your trail. you do not know how to Travel. how do you lose them and make it to the dragon reborn without leading the reds anywhere near him?

    Questions: How old is the DR right now? How many Reds are there? Can the Amyrlin do anything about the Reds following me?


  10. 13 hours ago, Arie said:

    Arie, Shadow Dedicated.. 


    WoT. because I'm one of those few that haven't read any LotR aside the Hobbit, and i liked WoT better.

    The Hobbit is the best out of the four in my opinion. But I agree that the Hobbit just won’t be able to stand on its own against a fifteen book series that is very close if not equivalent to the Lord of the Rings in most peoples minds. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Wolfbrother31 said:

    WoT Twenty Questions:


    This game works just like the car-game, but it is WoT themed. The host will think of something from the Wheel of Time, you ask a question and they answer yes or no. You have 20 questions to narrow it down and get the right answer.



    Points wise: If you simply ask a question, you personally, get a point. (Yeah participation!)

    If you guess the correct answer - your faction gets 10 points and then you are the host (answering questions).


    Either I can start as host -- or somebody higher up in the BT?

    @Asha'man Shar'aman @Illian Tear Should I tag someone else?


    Feel free to go first. Say when you’ve got it, and people will start asking. 

  12. July points:


    Aman: 246 (10 roll call and question, BT Factions Game, July Factions Game, and Staff Points)

    Wolfbrother31: 93 (July Factions Game, and BT Factions Game)

    Arie: 101 (BTFG, roll call and question)

    Harldin: 39 (BTFG)

    SableSage: 63 (July Factions Game, roll call and question)

    Illian Tear: 869 (JFG, Staff Points, roll call and question)

    Dar'Jen: 454 (roll call and question)

  13. Again. You guys know the drill. Name, rank, faction. 5 points for that and 5 for answering this question: WoT or the LotR and the Hobbit? No hate, regardless of answer. 



    FLotL, Mod, Dedicated



    The Hobbit is a comfort book for me, so this one is a little tough. I like Tolkien's writing style a little more, it feels less like he's trying to drill information into your head, but WoT's story is amazing and has bigger payoff in my opinion. If I could only have one, it would be WoT, but it would be hard choice to make.

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