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Posts posted by Raeyn


    Saerythra grumbled at the pile of darning, “Light,” she muttered, “I don't know why Marric even bothers with socks; I wish I knew how me manages to rip up every pair so!”  As she slid the needle into the fabric in her hands, a loud knock sounded through the door.  Yelping as she accidentally jabbed herself, Sari put her labor back in the basket on the table and went to the door.


    Upon opening the door, she found a disheveled young woman standing without.  Blinking, Sari stepped back and gestured that the strange woman should enter.  She shut the door, bemusement painted on her face, and returned to her seat, pointing to a chair at the table for the other woman.  After the other woman lowered herself down and leaned upon the table, Sari spoke, “I'm Sari, the local Wisdom.  And you are obviously not a local, so I can only guess that you need my assistance.”


    She picked the needle up and gestured with it at the younger woman, “At least, I'm hoping you're asking for help for yourself, and that you don't have a friend stashed somewhere in worse shape; I'd rather not be out in this weather sewing someone up, and looking at you, I'm guessing you're going to need a fair amount of sewing up yourself!”

  2. Careful, they're only loosely attached ;)


    And I think I've pointed out several times that Owen's Sister, Cara, is just as ter'angreal crazy as you ;)  If that's not an RP on a golden platter, I don't know what is :D


    That, and I'm sort of crap planning RPs unless someone else has a basic idea to start with.  So if you insist on it being with me (le mock sigh *giggles*), get me on MSN and we'll hash something out.


    *points again*  Sitters are NSWs and are up to date as to which NSWs they are :)  Told you silly, I fixed that data when I tried to make the pages show up correctly and failed!


    And I know, something nice to match the page... something probably be worked up, but toss a thread on the signature request board perhaps to see what people make?





    Whoa, form-letter Nelly :D


    Everything is up to date, minus what Sisters there are (me and Cara, basically), to include links to the Brown Ajah website.


    As for graphics... if you have something in mind, I or Jehaine could probably whip up an excellent set pretty quickly :)


    Mariasha smiled as Thera pulled out her dice cup, <i>“Nothing like a drink and a bit of a gamble to pass the time,”</i> she thought to herself as she pulled out a couple of coppers and placed them on the table.  Stacking them neatly, she nodded to Thera, who replied, “I always liked a girl who could gamble.”


    <i>”Is she flirting with me?!”</i> Mari thought with some incredulity as the other woman tossed a copper onto the tabled and passed over the dice cup.  Matching the bet, Mari eyed the cup and picked it up.  As she began to shake it, Thera spoke again, “So, tell me Mari, now that you've escaped your condescending man, how do you like life at the White Tower?”


    Tossing the dice onto the table, Mari groaned to herself, <i>”A three and a two; this isn't off to the best start.. especially if she's going to be flirting with me too!"</i>  She handed the cup back across to Thera and replied to the other woman's question, “I quite like it here at the Tower.  Things aren't nearly as hard as I had envisioned, but not a cakewalk either... lots of training, but we all know that!”


    She paused to push another copper onto the center of the table as Thera rolled again – a six and a four. <i>”Blood and bloody ashes, someone's luck is in today, and it's not mine!”</i> Mari thought to herself as she scooped the dice into the cup and rattled it.  “As for my father... I guess you could say that it felt like a betrayal of sorts.”


    Another poor roll – a one and a three.  Mari pushed forward yet another copper, and handed the cup back to Thera.  Taking a healthy chug from her ale, she continued, “I was an only child, you see, so I had childishly hoped to take over the smithy from my father.  He let me help him out, you know – sweeping up, pumping the bellows, and so on.  Sometimes he'd let me make little things, that is, if my mother was away visiting her sisters or something!”


    Mari made yet another poor roll of the dice and commented, ”I swear Thera, you've got all the luck tonight!  But you know what they say about luck in gambling and luck in love, right?”  The Andoran woman winked, and drained her ale.  She gestured across the inn for more, and continued, “Anyways, I don't even know whose 'brilliant' idea trying to marry me off was, and I obviously didn't stick around to find out – marriage just isn't for me!”


    Her next mug of ale arrived, and Mariasha eyed it thoughtfully, “How many of these have I had now?”


  6. As far as punishments go, that would be up to the respective Ajah Heads to decide. Amyrlin yells at Ajah Heads, Ajah Heads yell at Aes Sedai, but in general the Heads would get to make the call about what would happen to a member of their Ajah (and therefore their responsibility).


    Yell at the Sitters, you mean; the Amyrlin Seat has no idea who is heading the Ajahs.


    Now that we're on the subject, what about adoption? Suppose an Aes Sedai's cousin died, leaving the AS as the kid's only living kin. If nothing is done, the child will most likely die without anyone to support him.


    This would probably be acceptable; it's not like a Sister is unable to hire a nursemaid to watch the child inside or outside the Tower; I'd probably suggest what Matalina (my former Warder) did with her children, and set them up with a nursemaid in rented accommodation within Tar Valon.


    We know that SOME Sisters have children, and I surmise that the Yellows would probably be permissive (don't ask me why; I just have a weird feeling about it), though that's the only Ajah that comes to mind.  We know that Cara (Owen's Sister) is the child of an Aes Sedai, but Tania was on house arrest for the most part (from what I can remember), so I cannot recall how that whole thing was handled.




    No worries; we all have random brilliant ideas or theories that turn out to be completely wrong or unworkable; I had myself half-convinced for a few days that Moiraine was a sul'dam with Tuon, when it clearly stated it was another former Sister >__<


    As staff, we were actually discussing the Salidar option recently... and the opinions (for the most part) remain the same as when we had a boatload of players back in 2001 - not enough people to really sustain the two Towers set-up.


    As for the actual 3 Oaths RP, I believe the basic premise is that you should include the testing before the Oaths, some of the night of reflection, and the Oaths themselves.  I am sure that Jaydena can add more to that, but that's my understanding as the most recent person to write the (bloody flipping horrid awful) things!

  9. If I recall correctly, death snapping the bond sends the Warder off to try and make with the revenge and the killing.  That's why I've kept it ambiguous in Mari's case; I doubt that Taeadra (her Aes Sedai) will ever find her way back to Dragonmount, but neither of us have the heart to kill her, either, so we're keeping it purposefully ambiguous :)


    Actually hon, your time away was only slightly off from *MY* time away - I left after that whole WT Drama back in 2005, and ended up coming back because I saw one of those people picking on someone still here... that didn't go so well in the end, though *chuckles*


    It is good being back though; DM somehow reminds me how to speak out and say the things that need saying, even if it is normally things no one wants to hear.  And y'know.. this IS home, and I'm glad to be back to treat it nicely and make it a happy place for EVERYONE, not just a handful that think they're better than everyone else.




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