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Posts posted by Raeyn


    Welcome to the mental house!  We're always glad to see new faces here and about :)


    I'm... still bemused... that I ended up so heavily invested in the RP side of the site.  I had never done anything like this before when I joined in 2000, and disparaged of the idea prior (the few months I was on another WoT site before finding DM).


    Somehow, I find this story-writing to be a lot of fun, and it's pretty addictive for me to watch other people create, and sometimes join in.


    Also, yay wife and kids, and yay hopefully being able to buy the rest of the books!  The main storyline is currently progressing from book nine to book ten here, but that (for the most part) doesn't affect the average player doing their thing.

  2. Now, is this just needing staff approval, or staff approval on top of whatever the Ajah heads say?


    I mean.. seriously.. if someone wants to be a channeler and have babies, there's plenty of openings amongst Eqwina's Wise Ones, and it's a route I might take myself once I get my current ducks in a row :D


    As a new day dawned over Tar Valon, Lillith had to stop herself from yawning yet again.  In spite of herself, she had dozed off a couple of times.  She stood up and began pacing again; it would be very bad form to be asleep when they came for her!


    She was still reeling from the test, and feeling about as solid as mist; Lillith was unable to remember a time in her life she felt as emotionally drained as she did right then.  Her mother had died when she was too young to comprehend what was happening, but the loss of a family member was the closest emotionally traumatic experience she could figure out.  <i>”But you're not really losing anything in the oval ter'angreal... more like a crash course on yourself and life,”</i> Lillith thought to herself as she rubbed her eyes and resumed her pacing, <i>“Perhaps it's more that individuals shouldn't have so many self-revelations thrust upon them in one day.”</i>


    She was shocked out of her review by a knock sounding through the door; three firm raps, and no more.  Taking a deep breath, the Domani woman gave herself a quick once-over in the mirror, and forced herself to proceed sedately to the door.  Outside waited a Sister from each Ajah, who formed a circle around her as she exited her room into the hallway.


    The proceeded silently, down into the bowels of the Tower.  Lillith forced herself to maintain a calm demeanor; she kept her breathing even, her hands were clasped loosely before her, and her face a mask of calm.  Her mind was unnaturally still... until she remembered where exactly they were going.


    Taking a deep breath, Lillith couldn't help but stare slightly at the open door, knowing... that bloody ter'angreal was in there, and that she'd have to pass through it once again.


    <b>”Who comes here?”</b> a voice demanded loudly from within the chamber.


    Taking another deep breath, Lillith replied, “Lillith Izmorova.”


    <b>”For what reason do you come?”</b> the voice demanded.


    Feeling on firmer footing as the ceremonial lines continued, Lillith called out, “To swear the three Oaths and thereby claim the Shawl of an Aes Sedai.”


    <b>”By what right do you claim this burden?”</b>


    “By right of having made the passage, submitting myself to the will of the White Tower... <i>for better or worse...</i>”


    <b>“Then enter, if you dare, and bind yourself to the White Tower,”</b> the voice intoned with a note of finality.


    Steeling herself, Lillith entered the room.  Keeping herself moving at an unhurried pace, she did her best to ignore the ter'angreal and focus past it.  And so she did, her eyes focused on Karana Sedai, by the grace of the light, the Amyrlin Seat.  Lillith felt a flash of... comfort... surge through her as she approached and knelt before the older Domani, but she kept herself from smiling at what was about to happen.


    All of Lillith's attention remained on Karana as the Amyrlin took the Oath Rod from her Keeper, laid it into Lillith's upraised hands, and channeled a small thread of Spirit into it.  She closed her hands around the Rod, took another deep breath, and began to speak, “Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will speak no word that is not true.”


    “Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will make no weapon for one man to kill another.”


    “Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will never use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn, or in the last extreme of defending my life or of my Warder, or another Sister.”


    Ouch!  Talk about a pain in the rear, this!


    “It is half-done, and the White Tower is graven on your bones.”  Karana did smile then, and continued, “Rise now, Aes Sedai, and choose your Ajah, and all will be done that may be done under the Light.”


    Rising as smoothly as she could (for one who felt tied inside a sack, that is), Lillith curtsied and kissed the Amyrlin's ring.  Turning, she walked slowly towards the cluster of White Sisters.  She didn't notice the rest of the Aes Sedai as they began to leave, so intent on her walk towards the aforementioned... towards, she hoped, her new 'family'.

  4. I had been musing on the subject of punishments, and you can thank Arette for that.  Not that the Arette character was exiled for the child and marriage (at least, I cannot recall... I really need to go re-read her bio... I think that was our mock-up of the Suian/Leane situation), but that's something I could see being an option... albeit a severe one.  Guardians and collectors of knowledge shouldn't have the time to go canoodling and having babies to clean up after - sort of how the modern-day late-20s doctorate student/college instructor seems to forgo childbirth in pursuit of their 'career'*.


    * - Further idea on the subject comes from my friend Sharleen's life, who is too busy progressing her career to pass on her excellent genes.  We've had a few polite arguments on the subject.


  5. Yup, her name is Saerythra Al'Thorin, and she's the Wisdom of Four Kings.  If you find it, I'd be amazed - I've been hitting up every past incarnation of Freelanders sites trying to figure out where I could've put it.

  6. Sure thing, hon :)  I just don't want to go around issuing any 'edicts' like that to my Ajah and then finding that you feel completely different.  The only one that I am going to insist on 150% is my 'rule' that any Sister serving in a public capacity will present a tidy appearance, and keep her head out of the clouds (unless needed to befuddle people she is dealing with for the upper hand :D).


    So, today I was surfing through old Brown bios to pick out my second NSW Sitter (re-using Nephi's character with her blessing), and the third one I had found seemed to insinuate that the character was pregnant.


    Now, I know everyone knows by now that I have a pretty frowny stance on fornicating Sisters, and it's been an unspoken thing in my Ajah that I'm intolerant of it and its byproducts out of my members. 


    We know from the books (New Spring) that the Blues have rules against their members marrying and having children, but I don't know if any of the Ajahs here at DM have set up any real internal rules (outside of the Greens and their handful of 'secret' ones! *giggles*).  Should the Ajah heads here have that sort of thing set up, and to what limit?  I know that some people want their characters to marry and have kids and such, but should the Ajah heads have the yay or nay on that, or should it be on the DL level?



    If any of this makes sense.. I'm just trying to get my head 'round things to set up and codified for my Brownies this time around :)


    (Yus, copy and pasted from the RP comm board for the most part - got company, yo!  ;D)


    Well, our Kura has been eaten alive by real life, and has asked to step down as FL DL.  We've okay'd this, and all agreed on the most logical replacement.


    Hrm.. I wonder who that could be?


    Well.. no real surprise, it's WINTER MIST!


    So anyways, congrats to Lara (and big thanks for being willing to step up and help!), and make sure to send your love to Kura for stepping in when he did to try and help out in our time of need :)


    And seriously - send your love to Kura.  He's a good guy <3

  9. Well, our Kura has been eaten alive by real life, and has asked to step down as FL DL.  We've okay'd this, and all agreed on the most logical replacement.


    Hrm.. I wonder who that could be?


    Well.. no real surprise, it's WINTER MIST!


    So anyways, congrats to Lara (and big thanks for being willing to step up and help!), and make sure to send your love to Kura for stepping in when he did to try and help out in our time of need :)


    [radio edit] Slight translation of first paragraph (as requested) - Kura's life took a turn for the busy.  We hope to he finds time again sooner rather than later to play with us all again.



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