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Posts posted by Raeyn


    Taking the weekend off from the world; I'm totally wiped out lately and need the break :D  Will still be checking the boards/emails/PMs, but will not be logging onto MSN or any other messengers.  So if you have reason to need me on MSN, get it done this week, postpone it until the following week, or forever hold your peace ;)




    Lillith reviewed her notes on the new Novice as Larindhra puttered around the office preparing tea.  At least, she was pretending to review the notes; her eyes obliquely followed the older woman.  <i>"She seems a bit agitated,"</i> the young White thought to herself, <i>"I do hope she'll explain why."</i>


    She was forced out of her reverie as Lari drew up a chair and poured the tea.  Nodding her thanks, Lillith took the proffered cup and joined the Mistress of Novices in a few sips.


    <b>"So, what did you make of that?  I must confess I lost my temper a bit; we Borderlanders are quite... serious about our traditions and heritage.  Jerinia wearing the red ki'sain when not entitled to... well, that put my back up a bit."</b>  The older sister smiled, and continued, <b>"Not exactly proper Aes Sedai behavior on my part, I suppose, but then I've always been of the opinion that we all have our faults.  As long as we recognize them and work on them, that's what counts."</b>


    Lillith smiled into her tea, <i>"That's an understandable reason for agitation... and her logic is sounder than anything I would have ever expected out of a Red.  Still...</i>


    She looked up, "We do indeed have our faults, but I think that most people prefer to ignore them... <i>Or can't banish the bloody things; oh, these walls...</i>  I'd say you have a bit of a White streak in you, Larindhra, but then, most do... and wouldn't dare admit to such."  Shaking her head, Lillith turned her eyes to her teacup again, "As for pride, one could say it's the glue that binds a nation together."


    The White Sister shook herself again, and carefully set her tea aside.  She picked up her notes and held them towards Larindhra, "Anyways, on this... impetuous child... I am thinking that she is one of those with an over-romanticized view of the White Tower, and that she's in for a stiff dose of reality!"  A small chuckle escaped Lillith's lips, "And as for this lying business of hers, I think that we can count on your Shevara to straighten her out, if she's even only a fraction as fierce as her reputation makes her out to be... I take it that this assignation was a-purpose?"


    And you know, the answer totally could've been somewhere and I totally missed it, but...


    How do we handle Warders who lose their Sisters, whether through the Aes Sedai's own misadventure or natural death?  Does the Warder remain a Warder, or do they get 'demoted' back to Tower Guard?




    I'm going to hasten to add a thought here - if you are having troubles emailing everyone and getting email, consider setting up an email account for Dragonmounty things, whether it be a nice Yahoo or Gmail account :)

  5. Brown Ajah


    Posts for Raeyn:


    It's Just Not my Day! (attn: Nynaeve)


    Nurit says she'll respond soon.  So yay!


    Sepia Toned - Attn: Raeyn


    A chance thought can lead to amazing things, as our heroines are soon to find out



    Posts for Cara:


    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow


    Arms training for Cara with her Warder/love, Liitha.





    White Ajah


    Posts for Lillith:


    Enter the Storm (Jerinia's intro - attn: MoN)


    A new Novice comes to town, and plants an idea in Lillith's head.  Yup.



  6. Mari blinked at Thera's tirade and let out a soft whistle.  The other woman was grumbling into the table now; her whole body spoke of wanting to stab something.  Raising her hand, she waved over one of the serving girls, "A round of stout ale, if you would?"  The girl murmured an acknowledgment and departed, and Thera raised her head a few inches off of the table.


    "I figured you could use a stiff drink," Mariasha smiled apologetically, "But... y'know... might relax you a bit and keep you from stabbing someone."  The other woman grumbled something incoherent, but sat up the rest of the way.


    Eying her near-empty bowl, Mari pushed it aside and leaned closer to Thera.  "Condescending men, you say?" she smiled softly, and dropped her eyes to the table.  Mari considered for a minute, and spoke again, "Have I ever told you why I came to be a Warder?"  Thera eyed her quizzically.  "It's not the normal reason, I assure you."  Thera grunted non-commitally before speaking, "Umm... why then?"


    Mariasha leaned back in her chair and stared at the ceiling, "My father was trying to marry me off in spite of what I wanted for myself in life, so I ran away from home and ended up here... how's that for condescending?"  She laughed, dropping her eyes back to Thera and letting a wry smile play across her lips, "But that's in the past, and I'm my own woman now," she sneezed suddenly and grumbled, "Even if I'm probably coming down with a cold from falling into the blood river."


    At that moment, the serving girl returned with the beer.  Mari fumbled a few coppers onto the table and grabbed one of the mugs.  Taking a healthy swig, Mariasha grinned again, "Besides, our problems aren't so bad that a pint or two can't sort them out!"

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