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Posts posted by Raeyn

  1. Cari nodded when Raeyn mentioned contacts, most always knew how to contact you, friend or foe.  It was all in the signs and safe places.  Raeyn's next inquiry didn't surprise her any.  She rather expected it.  "No he's not mine by birth, but by formality he is mine now."  Cari leaned in to whisper to her friend.  "Where I was living had a run in with the Children of the Light.  His parents were killed."  Cari didn't mention that she killed them, the few who knew that the better.  It was a mercy killing after all, other wise they'd have given every one of them up.


    "He is now in my care, I promised to take care of him.  And he is the last living heir to his families traditions, it's time he learned it.  He trusts me as does his grandmother so I show him the ropes and when he's old enough he can run the place by himself.  He's a good kid, my children love him as if he was one of their own, even before things went sour.  You actually met his brother once long ago, shortly after I left you.  Talyn Rashad.  Sadly he has passed on to the Master as well."





    Raeyn nodded slowly, putting two and two together. <i>"The Rashad Ranch,"</i> she thought, taking another deep pull from her tea, <i>"I remember hearing something of that family, but I didn't know... oh Darkness.."</i>  Putting her mug down, she frowned slightly, "I recall Talyn.. I am saddened to hear of his passing.  And fills me with many questions that I wouldn't ask in such a public place..."


    She trailed off, idly dragging her finger across the tabletop.  She really did have so many questions, and no idea where to start.  The Black Sister could only guess from Cari's earlier comments that they had had some trouble with the Children of the Light, but who didn't these days?  She was happy her former Warder had found a place to call 'home', but what brought her away from it?


    Waving to the serving girl, she asked for another tea.

  2. What it says.  Get on it!


    Brown Ajah


    Raeyn's posts:


    Teaching him the Ropes (attn: Raeyn)


    A belated continuation of a retro RP between Raeyn and her former Warder, who are playing catch-up after several years apart.


    Sepia Toned - Attn: Raeyn


    Rossa wants something, but might get more than she ever expected (especially if I ever get around to responding >__<)


    Re: It's Just Not my Day! (attn: Nynaeve)


    Nynaeve Sedai has a bit of research in mind, but to what end?


    White Ajah


    Nothing to report right now.


    Cari smiled.  "The tower is a confining place.  And I've found more comforts outside of it, including that of being a mother."  Raeyn knew that most of her children were in Tar Valon or had just recently left, she didn't know of the twins yet.  "There are an additional two to the family now.  Perhaps one day you will meet them.  The twins are by far more ammenible to our way of thinking.  Though the choice is theirs and I will not force their hand either way."  Cari took a bit of the cheese she had ordered.  "Seen anything of interest in these parts?"  Cari wished that there was no news here.  She didn't need the  Children to find them or even anyone else for that matter.  The Ranch was still rebuilding their reputation.





    Raeyn's expression melted into a soft smile, "More children?  I really am happy for you, Ma.. Cari."  She took a sip of her tea, made a small appreciate noise, and continued, "And twins, at that?  That really is something.  And that they might follow in your footsteps is something, especially considering that I've heard some.. disturbing.. rumors about what path your Jeffery took."


    She eyed the cheese Cari had ordered, and took a piece herself.  Rolling it between her fingers idly, she almost missed Cari's question.  Popping it in her mouth, she chewed slowly, savouring the flavor.  "No, no... just sort of idly traveling right now, and enjoying having a bit of freedom for a bit."  The Brown Sister barked a laugh, and continued in a wry tone, "Relative freedom, at least... those that are our.. <i>friends</i> know how to contact me if need be.  And yourself?  I hardly expected to find you herding a child out in the middle of no where... is that one of the twins, or...?"


    She does these things out of spite.  It's fun!


    Owen and I are pretty sure we have our minds made up on the BT DLship, but we've got to notify those who applied first of what's going on before we post it here.  I think he said that it should all be sorted by the end of the week/start of next one, but as I'm not fully awake yet, he could've said he was running off to Mexico and setting us all on fire.*



    * - highly unlikely, but highly funny.

  5. Cari noticed that Taylor was following her down the stairs.  He didn't need to come, he also didn't need to know she'd been lying to him about many things the most major one was that she'd never been to Tar Valon prior to Talyn's death.  It wouldn't be good to reveal that now.  Maybe later after she spoke with Raeyn.  She needed his trust and he needed hers.  May as well come clean now, he was going to need more friends now than ever.  For 10 he was doing real well.


    Cari turned to Taylor.  "Go to our rooms and clean up, then come join us downstairs if you feel up to it.  I need to speak to the Mistress alone."  He nodded. "I understand friends business and all."  Cari gave him a wry smile, he was too smart for his own good.  "Something like that."  She gave him a hug and he turned to run back up the stairs.


    Raeyn had already found a quiet table away from everyone else.  "Mistress, I'm Cari, it will be a pleasure to join you."  She wasn't sure what her former Aes Sedai would call her so it was best to put it out there before she uttered the name of the person who was dead.  That was the last thing she needed was more people to recognize her.


    Cari sat down and ordered water and a bit of cheese.  She didn't drink still.  "I see you've no other with you.  I am sorry to have left you like I did.  But I am not fit to protect you like that anymore."  Cari didn't exactly look up to her Aes Sedai.  It was odd to feel this way towards the woman who she'd trusted and who had trusted her, but Cari wasn't sure how things would be now.  The proper respect and deferment was best for her status.  Cari didn't want to offend her former friend in front of everyone.  With out her feelings through the bond it was going to be a difficult conversation for Cari.





    Raeyn watched Matalina talk to her young companion while waiting for her tea to arrive. "That's not one of her children," she thought in bemusement as the boy headed back up the stairs, "I wonder what's going on here..."  She soon found out.


    "Misstress, I'm Cari, and it will be a pleasure to join you," her former Warder said as she settled in across the table.  Raeyn arched her eyebrow, but refrained from speaking, as the serving girl was arriving with her tea.  The young woman took Mata... no, Cari's order, and scampered off to the kitchen.


    "I see you've no other with you.  I am sorry to have left you like I did.  But I am not fit to protect you like that anymore."  Cari looked up; flashes of worry and and expectation flitted across her eyes.


    Raeyn picked up her tea and stared at the surface of the liquid.  A bit of steam wafted up from its rippling surface, distorting her reflection.  Sighing softly, she looked back up at her old friend, "Life changes, and so do we.  In a way, your leaving was a bit of a wake-up call for me."  She took a sip of the hot bitter liquid, and continued, "I was getting extremely annoyed with things at the Tower as they were, and decided to retire, myself."  A wry smile crossed her lips, "Not that I told too many people; I'm like to be in a spot of trouble, if any of the children attempting to run the place are strong enough to tell me off.  I gave too many years to that place, and I'd like some time to myself, to actually see things, before..."


    She trailed off, gesturing with one hand.  The Brown Sister knew that Cari would understand - she wanted some time to collect her thoughts before the return of their Master, the Great Lord himself.  Things would be plenty busy then!


    Putting her mug of tea down, she opened her mouth to speak again, but shut it at the return of the serving gal with Cari's order.

  6. Name: Rendra Harella

    Handle: Raeyn

    Group: Dreadlady!


    Reqs Done/Needed:

    Training with the Power: Done!

    Test: Done!

    Electives: Still need (x3)

    • Pointy End Bad - Planned
    • Rivalry - Planned
    • ?? - ??

    Want for next Req: Pointy End Bad (:D)

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