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Posts posted by Raeyn


    That will probably be the route I shall follow, since the Black Tower ADL is Arath Faringil ;)


    As it stands, you're not (very) limited in how many characters you make, so you totally can make an Asha'man AND a Warder - no one'll stop you ;)


    I think one thing a lot of us here like is seeing established family lines in the RP.  To that end, I wanted to give a head's up that my friend Quisalas should be putting through a relation of mine in the Al'Thorin line, the prima in that line being my Wisdom.  I should add that she has a sister who is Aes Sedai, but I've not written into DM yet named Allriendrae - I haven't decided what I'm going to do with her or what Ajah she'd end up going (probably Blue here; she's been White and Brown elsewhere).


    Has anyone else got a family line they want more relatives in?  It's probably going to be a bit before I write any new wetlanders (the next new character in the pipeline will be a Wise One once I've got Rendra up to snuff), but I'd love to tie in to other peoples' families some point down the road :)


    I'm sure that she'll be happy to sort out any queries that you might have when she gets back from her vacation :)  And there's always the option of dropping her an email so she has more time to ponder over responses/bounce things off other people!

  4. Perhaps we should consider as a guideline somewhere something along the lines of "Just because monkey sees someone else RP something 'neat', monkey probably shouldn't do"... because that was always the main crux of the problem.  Someone would see someone else do something, and then it would all go to pot - ESPECIALLY when it came to the White Tower and relationships :)

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