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Posts posted by Raeyn


    Cari nodded out and out of instinct reached her hand out to Raeyn's resting on the table.  She hesitated the final few inches and realized what she had been about to do.  Flirting with your Aes Sedai, how rude.  Marosa started to laugh.  No one else joined her as Cari moved her hand away from where she had intended it to go.  Cari chided herself internally and spoke what she had intended.  "Our private rooms are more secluded, if you care to join us.  I'm sure there are other things that can be done to insure such privacies as well."  Cari wasn't overly fond of the one power being used around her anymore, but it she knew it would bother her less with Raeyn.






    Raeyn sighed inwardly, but limited herself to quirking her eyebrow as Cari reached out for her hand, <i>"It shouldn't surprise me that a dominant part of her is all flirt now, but it does..."</i>.


    Nor should she have been surprised by her former Warder's invitation up to her chambers; the woman spoke truth - they would have more privacy... and Raeyn trusted her to keep whatever bit of her was feeling... flirty... in line with the child present.  "Going upstairs sounds like a fine idea, my friend," the Aes Sedai said with a smile, "Though you will forgive me for having a scheduled intrusion - I'm going to have the serving girl bring up whatever passes for dinner here for the lot of us, as I'm absolutely famished!"


    Before Cari could speak, Raeyn stood and flagged down the serving girl, "Would you please bring up dinner for three to her chambers?"  the Brown Sister said, gesturing towards Cari.  The girl read out what was available, and in short time had the order.


    Nodding towards Cari, she waited until the other woman got up, and followed her to the stairs.



    Raeyn did her best not to glare at the Yellow, bloody annoying as their lot were.  And why should she want to know anything about memory?!  Seemed more a thing for a White Sister than a Yellow, but then, Yellows were notorious for being convinced they could heal <i>anything</i> with the One Power...


    The muffled thunder, dimly heard within the Library, quite suited Raeyn's mood as she attempted to moderate her tone to some semblance of politeness, "Memory... that would be in the Eighth Depository with the other philosophies and healing books."  Her voice sharpened as she spoke; the bloody chit should've known where the few healing books were, at least!  "If you would follow me, please?" 


    The Brown Sister managed to refrain from stomping, but only just as she led the Yellow Sister through the winding maze of books.  Of course, she managed to spot both the Librarians helping other visitors as she wended deeper in, <i>"Just my bloody lucky day, this is,"</i> she grumped to herself, dodging around a cart awaiting someone to put its contents back on the shelves, <i>"But hopefully I can point her at the right thing and get back to.. oh blood and bloody ashes, what <b>WAS</b> I going to do down here?!"</i>


    In shorter time than one would think, the two Sisters had quick-stepped into the bowels of the Library.  Raeyn stalked to a set of shelves and tapped them, "This is probably what you would be looking for, then?"  She waited for the other Sister to walk over slowly to join her, and watched as the Yellow started peering at the titles.  "This <i>is</i> what you were wanting then, Nynaeve?"  The other Sister nodded absently, and Raeyn smiled malevolently at her back.  "If that will be all..."  she trailed off, turned around, and started walking away.


    ((ooc - feel free to call her back or something :D))

  3. Sari's eyes widened as the girl went even paler (if that's bloody possible!) and asked for water.  Taking a deep breath, she took the young woman by the arm and helped her get up, "Yes, you may have some water, but how about you come lay down on this nice soft bed?"


    The girl murmured under her breath, but didn't fight it as Sari put the beaten-up woman's arm around her shoulder and lead her deeper into the house.  It wasn't a big house, but she kept it sparsely furnished and maintained her children's old rooms for patients to rest in.  So it was with not too much effort that she had the peddler woman laid out on top of a coverlet before she began to lose conciousness.


    The girl had had the right of it though, and was in need of water.  The Wisdom went back into the main room to fetch the pitcher and a mug, and sat herself next to the patient.  "Child," she said softly, laying a hand on her shoulder, "Here is your water..."  She trailed off, realizing that the girl had most definitely passed out.  Sighing, Sari put the cup down and once again to go to the kitchen to prepare what she needed to treat her unexpected surprise.




    <i>"Altercation, she says.  Minor, she says.  Hrmph!"</i> Sari thought to herself as she worked on her unconcious patient.  The Wisdom had been working on her for some time, all while trying to coax some water down the poor child's throat.  Besides the numerous cuts, bruises, and the fever to attend to, there was at least one broken rib.  The girl had moaned at being moved, but the plaster had to be set to keep those ribs from shifting!


    Satisfied with her work, Sari allowed herself a moment to get a tea for herself before returning to watch the patient.  She had already prepared a mug with the appropriate herbs for when the girl woke up, and had the pitcher on hand.




    Some time later, the girl started to come to.  She touched the wet rag on her forehead hesitantly, and weakly turned her head towards the Wisdom.  Sari smiled and rose, "Well child, I dislike treating people without even getting their name, but you'll mend with some rest.  I am going to go put the kettle on, and will be back shortly."


    "I am looking for texts on Keeping Weaves and was informed you could help me.  Would you know of such pieces?"


    Blast, blasted, and blood and bloody buttered onions.


    Eying the Librarians and her folder, Raeyn stifled a sigh and turned her attention on the Blue Sister, "Hello... Rossa, isn't it?"  The other woman nodded, and Raeyn continued, "I actually happen to have them up in my chambers, as I was doing some research on the matter myself... <i>not that she bloody needs to know about it!</i>  I'm loathe to let them out of my possession right now, as this is very important work..."


    The Sister, barely a girl, really, appeared the soul of serenity to non-initiates of the Tower, but Raeyn had been an Aes Sedai long before this child had been born, if not her mother's mother!  The Blue's eyes tightened slightly; her hands curled very slightly before relaxing back onto the counter.  Yes, the child was had a muley streak, but then, didn't most Blues?


    "I understand you must be busy, Raeyn," the child started, her eyes narrowing slightly, "But if at all possible, I have a great need in this."


    <i>"Great,"</i> Raeyn thought as she ostentatiously reached for her folder, <i>"Bloody Blues when you don't need them are always pests with their </i>need, need, need<i> and causes... I might as well let her have access to the material in the <b>vague</b> hope of getting anything done today!</i>


    "If your.. need.. is so great, Sister, then you may accompany me back to my chambers to peruse the materials avaiable," Raeyn spoke, keeping her voice pleasant and kindly, "Follow me, please."


    Not checking to see if the Blue Sister was following, Raeyn glided towards the back exit to the Library.



    The back way quickly lead the two Aes Sedai up to the Brown quarters above the Library, and Raeyn's chambers within.  Opening the door, Raeyn smiled and motioned the younger Sister into the room before shutting the door behind them.  She tossed the folder on the nearest table and headed over to the corner where the books on Keepings and other weaves were laid out.  Gesturing to one of the many stools in the room, Raeyn lowered herself into one of her few comfortable work chairs, "Pull up a stool Rossa, and let us see what we can figure out for your.. research, I would surmise?"


    While that is VERY true, for the most part the rule of thumb seems to be that if you want to use someone elses' last name for your own here, you'll get permission/join their family.  Not that this is superior or worse to anything else, it just seems to be how things have been done.


    In this case, Quis wanted to tie in to at least one of my characters, and couldn't see herself going Brown the first time through :)


    Righto, where is your picture hosted?  If it's on photobucket, it should be as simple as taking the img code and tossing it into the siggy block thingie :D


    So therefore, this:




    would show up as this:



    If you want, shoot me a pm and I'll try to fix it for you :)


    I think that we shall see the Black Tower sorted out in short order; the boys are already getting that stuff sorted (thankfully).


    And I can totally understand the 'one character at a time' approach; for the most part, there is a spacing of a year+ between each character I've made :)

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