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Posts posted by Raeyn


    Eqwina is usually pretty quick, so I don't know - might try sending it again, just to be on the safe side ;)


    On the other hand, she might have had work stuff come up, and that would've impeded getting the bio pushed through.  Either way, I'm sure she'll get on it as soon as she is able to.


    <i>”A woman's work is never done,”</i> Raeyn mused to herself.  She sad in one of the Library's backrooms, studying a stack of reports and chewing idly on the back of her pen.  She had been drafting various letters concerning Ajah and personal matters, and was perversely glad to have the chance for even that!


    Raeyn's 'pleasure' at being able to handle her own affairs stemmed directly from the Brown Sister's frustration with the Hall of the Tower.  With the recent chain of disappearing or dying Amyrlins, it fell on the Hall to manage the affairs of the Tower and Tar Valon.  <i>”It would help if the Hall would quit putting flighty young Sisters bent on foolhardy adventures up for the Amyrlin Seat... We need someone with sense as Amyrlin; perhaps a Red Sister.”</i>


    Sighing softly, Raeyn bent her head back over her work and continued to write.




    Some time later, Raeyn carefully tucked her letters into a stiff folder.  As she began to gather her things, the Brown Sister thought on her plans for the day, <i>”I shall run all of this back upstairs.  I'll seal everything and weave the normal traps, and then take them to my normal courier, Seth.  Perhaps I'll even have a nice meal in town before I come back!”</i>  Smiling, she smoothed down her dark brown velvet skirts one-handedly, and exited the small room.


    Raeyn's smile widened slightly when she saw one of the Sisters on duty.  Sada was one of the newer Brown Sitters in the Hall, and was still very enthusiastic about it all, in spite of getting stuck on some of the most thankless tasks.  Waving, Raeyn walked up to the counter, put down her burdens, and turned to the delicate Taraboner woman.


    Before Raeyn could say anything, the other Sister on duty butted in.  “Raeyn,” she started, gesturing across the room, “There is a Blue Sister... Rossa, I think she said her name was... looking for the texts on Keepings.  I sent her to where they should be here in the Library, but I just remembered when I saw you – don't you have them at current?”


    She bit back an oath and replied, “Yes Maia, I do.  I've been doing some research on the matter, and it's still ongoing... and I had things that I needed to do today, at that.”


    At this point, Raeyn noticed the aforementioned Blue Sister approaching.  Suppressing a resigned sigh, she waited as the other woman walked up to the counter.


    *chuckles softly* Down boy ;)


    As I used to tell my troops (and still tell the occasional listener) - respect me for my knowledge base.  Respect me for working for you, but watch that worshippy stuff; it's unnerving! ;)

  4. Lulzirony; the second I attempt to locate the Little Book of Novices on the WT site, the site crashes.




    Let's hope that's temporary.


    [radio edit] Righto, it was!


    Now, Jeh... I couldn't tell you when I got my Welcome letter.  I can tell you that my Newbie Quiz was approved and my access to the WT Org/Div granted on January 19th, 2001... and I only bloody remember that because it was my little sister's *thinks* 15th birthday :)  I know I was raised to full Aes Sedai on like.. April 2nd, 2001, but I only remember that because the actual DM boards were down, and I got postponed for a week or so while we were waiting for them to get back up.. and not hard to remember the day after April Fools!


    As it were, not everyone else is going to be able to remember that, or the requirements they took (which were different back then), and those records are probably LONG gone.  There is an off-chance that Sabine Ross (who is still sort of on DM) still has them from her tenure as MoN, but that would only cover from sometime in 2000 to sometime in... 2001.  The MoNster after that was Jules, and I've been wondering where he was for years (rumor places him in London now; a comm Blue is working on finding him :D), and I seriously doubt he has any records, as he's been gone from DM for years and years.  And if Sabine had any, it would only be because she never tossed them off her hard drive; the old MoNster page on 100megsfree is long gone :(

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