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Posts posted by Raeyn

  1. Might be something fun to do with an NSW or some such, that is, if we're working under the assumption that someone'll take extreme notice of the eyes, and that they're likely to get scooped up by the White Tower.. dunnae :)

  2. Awe, bless!


    I take that if you're considering making a male channeler and haven't decided, you're not really sold on doing another BT or CotS bio... you could always make him a Freelander mercenary or something that happens to have some rough control of the Power, or something like that.


    And I dig on the idea of mute, but that does make dialog sort of hard to write out, doesn't it?  At least, it would prove an interesting challenge!  You could always RP the text out as thoughts in italics, and have the actual character gesturing to try and get the point across :)


    Or perhaps have a Courtesan's Ball, but extend it to the rest of the Dark side.  It could be held by some Courtesan who has a bit of a sadistic side and is curious to see what fighting and killings'll break out under the thin veneer of civility or some such :D


    Oh wait.. that's most of 'em, isn't it? ;)

  4. Awe, Jade! *hugs*


    I think what she means is basically what Elgee said - since you've done all the training requirements to get to Aes Sedai at least once, you're welcome to play any characters you make on any level.  If you wanted to play Eadon as a Novice again, it's totally fine - just shove a retro tag in the subject line or something.  If you wanted to take your Novice and have her be a full Sister, you just have to do those base requirements for second/third characters, and you can still play her at any level.


    The only 'sticking' point, per se, is deciding what age your character is going to be in the main timeline.  If you want her to possibly be a Sitter, she needs to be at least.. erm.. 100, I think?  But if you felt like playing her as a brand-new Sister, you totally have the option :)

  5. Hee, I already let him know I know nothing about it (having only bothered to pay attention to Namandar, and only 'cause I got to kill a Green), but yeah.. pestering Taya would've been my next suggestion.


    Eadon, you were around for that, weren't you?


    *chuckles* Patience my pets, patience :)  Some staffers are faster than others, and as long as they respond in a reasonable amount of time (read - a couple of days), then us above 'em are quite happy in general.


    Could be that Miss Joce is having a busy time with work or school or some such; if she doesn't get back to you in 3 or 4 days, then is the time to start getting worried!



  7. Since you've already gone through all the training once on Eadon, you don't have to do it again on your Novice, if you don't want to.  If you wanted to bump her straight up to Aes Sedai, you do have a few reqs to do (see my thread for Lillith Izmorova on the N&A Req board under the Secret Whisper Hole), but they're not.. erm.. too bad, and you can have her Aes Sedai right off :)


  8. So, that's the opinion for the Reds, Greens, Browns, and Yellows... any thoughts on what the Whites, Grays, and Blues would say on this matter?


    Though my White isn't a Sitter (and probably never will be, unless she breaks down a lot of personal walls.. and, y'know, lost her apathy to politics!), I think she'd find it sort of illogical to let a Red be put into power considering the whole WT/BT negotiations that are underway.


    Do we have any Grays or Blues that are able to cash in opinions?  Even if they aren't Sitters and don't want to be, it might be useful to get their take from their Ajah's perspective on how we're going to work this.


    That is, unless, I'm overthinking things *weg*

  9. Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that I have multiple EzBoard accounts; I'll see about logging in on her and seeing if I can track anything down.  Unlikely; as you said, some hacker managed to destroy most of our data on the EzBoards, so :)

  10. Yeah, we should take that sort of thing into consideration too.  Nothing is stopping a Sister who is preggers from hopping ship for the better part of a year for 'research' in order to go spawn without getting caught.  Now, I'm of two minds for this when it comes to Ajahs where Sisters aren't to be with the spawning - should it be more of a "good show, where'd you stash the kid!", or "Grrr, I have my suspicions, and when I find out, you'll be hoeing, ho!"


    Could always flip a coin *weg*

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