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Posts posted by Raeyn

  1. Eesh, wenchlette - trying to get my entire brownie stock with all these good technical questions *weg*


    We do know from the books that each weave past the first is harder to do, but not on what scale.  I tend to think it as being exponential, but that's just me - it's generally not something that people have really been concerned enough with to think about.


    As for strengthening a single weave - I think that would be on a linear scale.  Once again, just my opinion :)

  2. I think that would be influenced by one's skill score.  But I stick to what Suian said in The Great Hunt.  Well, some excepts of it, 'cause it's a dead-long passage.


    "I never thought swords were much use - even if you have the skill, child, there are always men who have as much, and a deal more strength - but if you want a sword..." She held up her hand - Egwene gasped, and even Nynavee's eyes bulged - and there was a sword in it.  With blade and hilt of an odd bluish white, it looked somehow... cold.  "Made from the air, child, with Air.  It's as good as most steel blades, better than most, but still not much use."  The sword became a paring knife.  There was no shrinking; it just was one thing, then the other.  "This, now, is useful."  The paring knife turned into mist, and the mist faded away.  The Amyrlin put her empty hand back in her lap.  "But either takes more effort than it is worth.  Better, easier, simply to carry a good knife with you.  You have to learn when to use your ability, as well as how, and when it's better to do things the way any other woman would.  Let a blacksmith make knives for gutting fish.  Use the One Power too often and too freely, and you can come to like it too much.  That way lies danger.  You begin to want more of it, and sooner or later you run the risk of drawing more than you've learned to handle."


    *blah blah*


    "Useful," she said at last.  "Something useful.  You wanted a sword.  Supposed a man came at me with a sword.  What would I do?  Something useful, you can be sure.  This, I think." 


    (blah blah channels Air and pins Nynaeve down)


    "Useful, wouldn't you say?  And it is nothing but Air."  The Amyrlin spoke in a conversational tone, as if they were all chatting over tea.  "Big man, with his muscles and his sword, and the sword does him as much good as the hair on his chest."




    Anyhoo, you get the idea - you *could* do it, but what's the real point? :)  Besides, if a character were to train up that way and get into a situation where they were unable to channel, they'd be gutted (literally).






    It had been a tiring week, and Rendra had a feeling that exhaustion would be the watchword for some time.


    She still felt unclean at learning that she was to be a bloody witch, and this warred with her delight in the Power - everything seemed sharper, clearer... more alive, even!  She was starting to understand the attraction of this channeling, but still...


    It was yet another day in their training, and they once again were seated before Liadin in the shade of the same tree.  In spite of herself, Rendra listened attentively to the older woman's lecture about the Power. <i>"The witches I've heard tales of made it all seem easier than this!"</i> she thought emphatically.


    Almost abruptly-seeming, Liadin channeled.  She demonstrated the Five Powers individually, to which Rendra and her classmates joined in with on the second demonstration.  The young Taraboner had a fairly easy time with Spirit, Air, and Water; these elements came very easily to her.  She found channeling Earth and Fire... not necessarily difficult, but not exactly easy either.  Both elements <i>did</i> come when she channeled them, but very weakly in comparision to the other three.  Rendra understood why - men had an easier time with Earth and Fire than women did, but that fact still annoyed her slightly.


    Liadin game them time to practice feeling each element out before suddenly channeling two elements entwined, and then rapidly channeling two more elements entwined.  "This is what I want you to use as practice until next week, make spirals, make them in different combinations, and as you go stronger practice making more at once.  Getting comfortable with drawing on the different elements, as well this would learn you which elements you find yourself stronger and weaker in."


    Rendra nodded, and let herself wander off a bit from the main group.  She found it easier to practice without the other girls distracting her, though her own thoughts did a fair enough job of that.  As she opened herself up to Saidar, she let her thoughts drift, <i>"Perhaps when they're done forcing me to learn how to use the Power, they'll let me train as an assassin like I wanted to.  I'm sure they will!"</i>  Her grip on Saidar slipped, and she grumbled an oath.  Opening herself up again, she found that Air and Spirit came easiest, so she twisted threads of those elements twine around each other.  Satisfied with that initial effort, she tried another combination, and another... and another.


    As the week progressed, she found that her initial opinion on things held - Spirit was easiest, and Air and Water almost as simple.  Fire and Earth were still harder, but they came all the same - just not as strongly.  By the end of the week, she found that her strongest combinations were ones that contained Spirit, Air and Water, though she could muster Fire and Earth to a very mild degree with any of them.  It was easier to do two or three strands at a time, but she had a feeling that it would be easier to do more complex weavings with more practice. 


    And by the end of that week, Rendra felt almost at peace with having to learn what she was learning.

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