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Posts posted by Raeyn


    Rendra glowered.  And pouted.  And glowered a bit more.


    She'd been doing a fair amount of glowering and glaring since she found out that she could channel. <i>”I never asked for this,”</i> Rendra pouted silently, glaring at the girls talking to each other around her, <i>”I don't want to be a witch, I just wanted to learn to kill...”</i>


    Her train of thought died off as she noticed everyone moving towards a woman leaning against a nearby tree.  Rendra slowly followed along, dragging her feet every step of the short trek.  The woman introduced herself as Liadin, and proceeded to babble about stations and service – boring stuff that didn't really mean anything to a hawker's daughter... though this Liadin woman did have a fearsome glare she turned on all her students to drive her blah blah words home.


    Before her thoughts could drift back to useless pouting, Liadin gestured to them to sit down, “Since we already know that you can channel, we can skip that part of the training and move right onto the actual work."  The older woman joined them on the ground and continued, “I want you to close your eyes.  Now, leaving your eyes closed, I want you to picture a rosebud in your mind.  Nothing else, just the rosebud.  Imagine every detail, everything about it, picture it as if you were looking at it right here, right now."  Closing her eyes, Rendra snorted softly to herself, <i>“I'm no bloody rose... except maybe to... no, can't think about Aldric, I </i>can't<i>!”</i>


    And yet somehow, her thoughts drifting to the dread Aldric relit a small fire in her heart, <i>“If I have to learn to be a with for now, I will... for him... I don't have to like it though.”</i>


    <i>Picture the rosebud...</i>


    She let her mind remember a rose that Aldric and her brother had stolen and given her a year or two back – it was red, tightly curled, and very fragrant.


    <i>”Imagine every detail, everything about it, picture it as if you were looking at it right here, right now. “</i>


    In her mind, she could always remember her treasure in that rosebud.  She had put it on the window ledge in a glass of water, and looked at it every day, studying the texture of the petals, the veins in the leaves...


    <i>”Imagine sunlight shining upon the rose, warming it, giving life, inviting it to open up.”</i>


    Rendra could remember how nice it was to spend the few spare moments she had while at home curled up in the warm rays of the sunlight, watching her flower.  She herself could envision it, out here in the great outdoors with the sunshine on her shoulder.  But all too soon, it had withered and died.. like all good things.  Her mind flashed to when she had found the first fallen petal, and the sense of warmth she had felt creeping up on her dropped away with the mental image.


    <i>”Allow the rosebud to open at its own pace.  Do not try to rush it, just let it happen.  Don't worry if you do not succeed the first time, the second time, the fifth time, or even the tenth time.  This will become easier with time. </i>


    She sighed, and started again.  And again.  And again until she was able to feel a dribble of the Power suffuse her being.  In her shock, she immediately lost control, but it was a start.



  2. Adept to Dreadlady :


    Graduation:: The Forging of a Dreadlady... Done!



    Module #1:Meeting the Family (Shadowspawn Class): 3/3 posts (finito! <3)



    Module #2:To gain an Edge ((ATTN: Raeyn)): 4/3 posts (finito! <3)



    Module #3:Do you know how to control your senses?: 3/3 posts Class still in progress




    Module #4:: OOC Work Credit - NSW Bio submission (Pending Approval)




    Acolyte to Adept:


    Intro to Saidar: finito! <3



    Labyrinthy thingie: finito! <3



    Module #1: Basic Swordsmanship for Dreadies: finito! <3



    Module #2: Reading/Writing Class for Dreadies (OPEN): finito! <3



    Module #3: Once More With Feeling - Advanced WS Training for Dreads 3/3 posts completed; thread still ongoing




  3. A gentle rain was falling on Tar Valon.


    Of course, the wind itself wasn't so gentle, so the rain was getting rudely dashed against the windows.


    "Bloody noise," Raeyn grumbled to herself as the glass rattled in its casements.  The Brown Sister sighed and laid the book she had been trying to read on the side table before leaning back in her long chair and lacing her fingers together over her stomach.


    "Is a woman not permitted a few hours of peace, quiet, and solitude these days?" she muttered, letting her attention focus briefly upon a raindrop being blown across the window.  Shaking her head, Raeyn levered herself out of the chair, smoothing her dark copper silk gown down as she stood.  Picking up a hand mirror, she patted a few loose strands into place, only just remembering to put the mirror down before heading out the door.


    The thick walls of the Tower muffled the howling wind, and the bare corridors of the Brown Quarters over the Library always brought Raeyn a sense of calm... and a mental reminder that she should spend more tine in her chambers within the Tower.  "I am a Sitter again, and that does mean I have to deal with the other Ajahs... again... bloody Ajah won't let me retire until I'm three days in the grave."  She shook the thought from her head, took a deep breath, and entered the Library proper.


    The Library was always a comforting sight for the Brown Sister, and one that spelled 'home' for her better than any other place.  She started to let her mind relax and organize her thoughts, when suddenly someone tapped her on the arm.


    "Yes?" Raeyn said icily as she turned around to see who had interrupted her thoughts.



  4. Not sure if anyone ever issued me scores; I'll email in the bio to the appropriate email :)  It was approved ages ago, and I've not changed it, so it should be good to go for straight archiving!  Unless you see something you'd prefer me to change, natch <3

  5. "Thank you, ma'am." He cut short the realization that she hadn't given her name yet. Perhaps that's the way things were here. "It would be my honor to see the Mistress of Trainees.", young Toromin said, looking quite formal.


    Mariasha suppressed another grin - had she ever been this formal with the Tower Gaurds and Warders when she was in training?  "T'would by my honor, young Toromin, to lead you to Thera."  She gave a half-bow and gestured for him to follow.


    "I probably should introduce myself," she started, maneuvering around a handful of petitioners heading away from the Tower, "My name is Mariasha, Mariasha Gaidin to you if anyone is looking."  She nodded to another passing Warder before continuing, "and you might have noticed, if you weren't staring too hard at your friend the Accepted that I too am a woman."  She smiled to take any possible sting out of the teasing, "Although there are more men than women training here, there are quite a few of us female sorts who chose this path for our lives.  My teacher was a woman, and probably one of the toughest Warders there ever was around these parts.  Not to say that she was especially strong, but she knew what she was about."  Her right hand slid momentarily to caress the scabbard hanging on that side, unaware of the sadness that clouded her face.


    All too soon they were in front of Thera's door.  Mariasha knocked and turned to Toro while waiting for Thera to answer, "If you have any questions or need someone to vent at - training is hard, and sometimes we all need someone to talk to, feel free to come pester me, okay?  And don't worry - everything should be fine."  She winked, and the door opened. Mariasha saluted Thera, fist to heart, and gestured towards Toromin, "Hey Thera, you've got some fresh meat.  Gentle on him, I think he's had an odd day."


    Mariasha's smile turned into a wide grin as the flustered young man before her spoke, "My name is Toromin Doanshar. I've studied the Aes Sedai and learned about their place in the world. I believe we would be much worse off without them, but I know there are people... and non-people... trying to hurt them." Where was I going with this again? Now I can't remember the rest... well, nothing for it, then. "I've come to Tar Valon to become a Warder, to protect the Aes Sedai from their enemies, and the enemies of the Light.".


    She stretched her arms over her head for a moment before crossing them against her chest, "So then, new to town, and just a random encounter on the way here, it was."  She tapped her lip and eyed the young man mock-sternly, "I'll say my initial word of warning should be sufficient for now - careful when it comes to the girls in training in the Tower... but I won't report that little kiss I saw to either the Mistress of Novices or the Mistress of Trainees."  The relief on his face was palpable, though his eyes widened a fraction at mention of a yet another person who might have a switch with his name on it for a simple kiss!


    Mariasha continued, "Now, if you want, I can take you to Thera, the Mistress of Trainees, and she can get you set up for the evening... though I'd recommend getting the blushing in line."  She flashed a wicked smile, "I'm sure the girl was pretty, but Thera is pretty good at sniffing out reasons to take a switch to those in her care!  She is a firm believer in rules, and keeping people in line."  She winked, and bit down a giggle.  "Really," Mariasha thought to herself, "I'm getting a bit too old to giggle at every little thing!!"

  7. (OOC - hope you don't mind me butting in!  I don't think the bio is up anywhere proper, but Mari is about 5'7", reddish-brown hair (long), which she keeps pulled back.  Trousers and blouse sort, seeing how she's a Warder sort!)


    Standing outside the Tower Gates, Mariasha stared off into the streets - it was always nice to watch people from all lands mingling.  North or West, East or South, all came to Tar Valon on business, and it made for a nice distraction... one doesn't expect to lose their Sister, but though it had been some time since Taeadra Sedai had vanished from the Tower and from her mind, she still found herself awash with sadness and an urge for revenge.. but on what?  No, not worth thinking about, not on such a nice morning with such a nice meal...


    She sighed to herself and adjusted one of the daggers poking herself in the side, when an Accepted and a young man came dashing up to the gate.  "Light!", she thought to herself in wry amusement, "That girl looks like she's been rolling in the mud... I wonder if she even has permission to be out, as oddly as she is acting... though that could be for the boy with her."  Mari watched them talk for a moment, but before she could consider stepping out of her corner on the side of the gates, the Accepted had already dashed through, leaving a confused young man staring out after her.


    Shrugging to herself, Mariasha walked up behind the young man, a bemused smile on her face.  "I'm guessing you're either very new to this town, or either very foolish - it's not a good idea to be seen talking to women who are training in the White Tower.  If that sort of thing gets back to the Mistress of Novices, she's as likely to track you down for a few licks as she is to give them to that girlchild as well."


    The young man jumped in surprise, so intent he was in staring through the gate at the other woman's fleeing figure.  "Sorry to scare you," she chuckled, "I just don't like seeing people make fools of themselves... what brings you out this way?"




    Mariasha Valnar

    Path of Water

    Missing her Missing Aes Sedai

  8. Announcement Board

    Child Board: WT Structure and Outlines

    The Great Hall

    Child Boards:  White Ajah, Brown Ajah, Black Ajah, Secret Whisper Hole (+CB)

    Main WT RP Staff Board

    The Hall of the Tower


    (aka, the lot I'm supposed to see based on Ajahs I'm in, position within the Tower, and position as Assistant Supreme Overlord *weg*)




    I'm cold, and my shoulder and neck are protesting for some unknown reason :/


    I'm working on getting various bios updated and rolling out again.. I need to touch base with you tomorrow or somesuch and get Rendra back online for Dreadlady training :)

  10. Heya Arae and Kara :)  I think that because Jade is shuffling some of the boards around right now (or having Matalina do it, 'cause she's awesome), some of the view privvies might be off.  Or something else.  Regardless, glad to see you guys back in action!

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