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Everything posted by nsmallw

  1. I also was struck by the writers ignoring Loial being stabbed in EP 8 of season 1 and him magically all healed. I think they are just trying to move forward much like how mat is a different actor and they didn't bother to try and explain why. At least that's my theory.
  2. I really enjoyed this episode. I am happy they've improved over season one. But I just was woken up with an odd thought. Perrin is writing a letter to Egwene and Nynaeve...a letter? I didn't know the Westlands had a postal service lol. However did he get the letter from Arad Doman to Tar Valon? It just seems sloppy writing to me . I really hope they either explain the process or stop doing it. Am I being ridiculous about this ? I'd love to know if anyone was confused as me about this. Thanks,otherwise a good starting episode.
  3. I really enjoy your take on the show, EH. Are you going to give your review of season two episodes?
  4. What about episode eight when Lan needed Nynaeve to give him Moiraine's "tell". I've never liked that or that Lan seemed particularly under-used.
  5. Mat and Nyneave had the least of the main cast. I can see it more in Nyneave's case since she was absent in an entire episode but I'm always surprised that Mat has the least. That means he needs much larger time in season two.
  6. I'd say that Verin had already begun her redemptive arc when we meet her. By joining the Black Ajah, I'm sure she's had to do despicable things, so her entire quest to "out" the Black Ajah is her redemptive arc.
  7. In the clip with Alanna teaching the novices, Nynaeve states that, "No one should have that kind of power" or something similar and it struck me that that's the exact view of Whitecloaks! and in fact Valda said something similar to Egwene when she and Perrin were captured. I wonder if after that scene, Egwene tells Nynaeve about Valda. It think that would make for a powerful moment and maybe help Nynaeve
  8. You say season 5. I'm nervous we won't even get a season 4
  9. That's because she IS obstinate and full of pride at this point in the show.
  10. RE: damane collars and the lack of a leash. Perhaps the lack of a leash is an indication that in the show there isn't a need for a leash because the damane are happy in their situation? Certainly in the books, there weren't any damane that didn't freak out initially after being "freed" from the control of the a'dam and crying out to the suldam for "protection". Also after some time of being free they are basically, "de-programmed by Aes Sedai, to become independant individuals.
  11. I loved Ingtar and his redemptive arc in The Great Hunt. I hope the show does it justice
  12. Yep, I checked. I believe 3 new episode writers for season two(according to Collider-Updated today) Rafe, Katherine McKenna and Dave Hill return from season one. That's two short but Id guess as before Rafe will have written two episodes as in season one. We'll see in 8 days 😄
  13. Ugh the writing was the big thing for me about season one. So much hoping the new writers do a better job
  14. Gratuitous naked scenes ? Lol. RJ was no GRRM. Even where there was nudity, it was never exploitive and all of the actual sex acts were all "off screen" . I remember people getting all up tight with all the nudity and sex in GOT, they shouldn't have that issue with WOT TV show
  15. About Moiraine telling the rest of the EF 5 that Rand is "dead". I am interested in seeing how that plays out in season two. Will she even see any of them to tell? Personally, I hope she doesn't tell them Rand's dead. I'd prefer her to them the truth.
  16. If I was able to ask the actors a question it would be, "What part(s) of the season have you personally seen ? If not do you plan on watching it when it releases? I've heard that many actors don't watch the shows they act in, and I'm curious about the WOT cast.
  17. I'm re-reading The Dragon Reborn and reading Mat's first chapters after his healing from the dagger. I was taken by how different his character seemed to me. How his luck seemed to burst into being that one night he began exploring Tar Valon. It seemed out of the blue and I wondered if it was an just an aspect of his Ta'veren nature coming to fore Does anyone else have thoughts on this ?
  18. I can't recall but is Elyas seen in any other promotional stills, videos etc aside from when Perrin and the group find the Myrddraal pinned to the door? I wonder if he just joins the group temporarily because the wolves tell him about Perrin and he's only travelling with them a short time to get Perrin on the wolfbrother track.
  19. I think she looks older because of her tattoos but then that's just my impression. As someone without tattoos, I'm probably biased.
  20. Well, if they are going to explore, "the humanity of Trollocs" anything is possible LOL.
  21. Someone please give me reasons why Galad and Gawyn are necessary at all. I mean do we need the Whitecloaks semi-redemption arc ? If not, then why is Galad needed. Do we need Gawyn at all ? I think if you take him out of the series entirely, there's nothing that is lost. He literally does nothing of importance.
  22. True, he's given it up internally and the scene in COT is his physical act to reflect that internal choice. Further, he also is accepting leadership and acknowledging that he is a leader and embracing his destiny.
  23. Yes, thanks for using that GOT example showing how it can be done well.
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