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Posts posted by Elgee

  1. 5 hours ago, Sir_Charrid said:

    I think, had I not bought all 6, I would have stopped at Eye of the World for many of the reasons this reviewer gives. Many of the people I have leant Eye of the World to have told me they won't be carrying on, some didn't make it half way through that book.


    I actually got hooked right from the beginning, because I could relate to the characters. I come from a farm and farming community. The people seemed conservative, sober and hard-working just like the community in which I grew up. This could be why I hated the first episode of the TV series - they turned the Emonds Fielders into people I could NOT relate to. No farmer I've ever known hangs out in taverns getting drunk. Maybe it's a British thing? They do love their pub culture ... LoL

  2. 2 hours ago, Hayl3y said:

    Such a great idea ! Happy holidays all ❤️


    I'm bringing that traditional belgian xmas cake  - la bûche (= the log)  XD


    Noël 2019] Les 25 meilleures bûches goûtées et approuvées - L'Express Styles


    Wow! That looks amazing ?

  3. 21 hours ago, Leland said:

    Oh man msn back in the days...so much fun. After school, dial up. (Lived in the boonies had dial up way past when all my friends had dsl). Good times.


    Yes! We had the best chats on MSN. So much fun!

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