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Posts posted by Christine

  1. OOC: Open to the first person that posts, after that, closed!  Sorry, just dont want to have to wait on more and more people to post!



    DAMN!  Who in the blasted light built those walls so high?  They weren't even bloody complete, and they still scared Shaylor close to visiting the Dark One.  Add on the fact that she had heard from many villages over the past two days that an army was stationed here, and Shay knew that she was just crazy enough to go there.  Derek had better be here, or else she was just going to give up.  She had been looking for him for over a year now, visiting different villages and towns and learning many things. 


    What had she learned about all of this?  Her brother was a fool.  She actually wasn't that bad with a Gladius.  She had learned well from her past lover.  There was a man out there that was now done with the family jewels.  It wasn’t really her fault he tried to grab her.  She was a good Healer.  Men were pathetic.  Yeah, that was a good basis on her thoughts from her travels. 


    Aes Sedai were pathetic too!  How could they tell her she couldn’t channel?  She gave her like half a second to stare at the gem before waving her aside.  Given the proper opportunity, Shaylor would have totally made the gem do whatever it was supposed to have done!  And she would have made an amazing Aes Sedai.


    The gate began to open and Shay stopped Cuebiyar.  Poor thing.  Her beautiful snow white mare was so tired of traveling.  This would have to be their final stop- at least for a while.  Someone came from the gate and called out, asking her business.  Well, its just like every other blasted town- stick your head in others' business. 


    Shay would have been a smart wench, but considering the weapons she could already see were enough to kill her ten times over, she kept her tongue cool and answered politely.  "My name is Shaylor, and I am seeking refuge and searching for my brother.  I carry only a gladius, which I will hand over, and I am alone."


    The hooded figure nodded and waved Shaylor over.  She climbed down from her horse, ready to feel her buttox cheeks not so numb.  Shifting the hood on her head, she set it down on her shoulders, her blonde curls setting out on the dark red.  She even shook out her white dress, trying to get the dust from it.  "One moment," she said to the figure approaching.  Pulling up her skirts slightly, she pulled down the breeches she wore under her skirts and got them off, pulling off her riding boots too. 


    "Blasted skirts are horrible for riding in," she said, folding up the pants and placed them across the saddle.  The boots went in a spare bag and she pulled on white slippers that matched her skirts.  Ah, there she was, finally feeling proper again.  She may be on the road all the time and have a film of dust settling over her beautiful skin, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t be a proper lady. "I am from Ghealden.  And you are?  Oh, and do you want my weapon?  I will hand it over if you promise to return it to me."



    Shaylor Carlisle

  2. Or... Join I guess.  I had a Private, Shaylor, who I wrote a TERRIBLE bio for and did a joining thread that never finished and was with people that no longer write. 


    Her original bio is here: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,7874.0.html


    So basically, I guess I wanna write it to be a REAL bio (ya know, 3-4 pages) and get that approved, then I guess rejoin.




    Who do I send the bio to (please dont make me look it up) or can I just repost it elsewhere since the original crap bio was approved?


    Do I just ignore my original thread or pretend it was finished?


    And where is the website for information?

  3. Mel leaned against the door, listening for any sounds from inside.  She heard nothing, not even a slight whisper, but then heard a door handle turning.  She stepped back, flipping her braid over her shoulder to rest down the middle of her back.  She tried to clear her emotions, as she saw the Aes Sedai do, and stared straight ahead as the man from earlier opened the door.  He stared at her hard, as if ready to act at any moment.  His stance, his prowl… I wish I could be a warrior as strong and powerful as him.


    “Come in, my child, before we do anything let's check something."  There is that flawless Aes Sedai face again! Mel couldn’t help but wonder if there was some workshop or school to learn just how to have an Aes Sedai face.  When I get back to my room, I am so going to spend an hour in front of that mirror practicing my ‘Aes Sedai face’. 


    "Before I talk about anything else, there is just a quick little test I would like you to do.”  A test?  Oh light, Mel knew this was too good to be true.  She went from a poor farm girl to being catered on in a castle.  Now, she had to take a test.  Jaydena pulled a sparkly green gem from her pocket that was on a string.


    Ready to ask what this test was about or what this sparkly thing was, Jaydena Sedai spoke.  “I would like you to relax and empty all your thoughts. Just sit back and concentrate on the stone.”  Mel sat down on the bench beside her and stared at the stone.  Well, maybe I can practice my ‘Aes Sedai face’ early.  She thought of nothing and no one, emptying her mind of all but the gem before her. 


    A light came from the middle of the stone.  Mel jumped back, startled, and gasped.  WHAT IN THE BLASTED LIGHT? She looked up at the Aes Sedai and saw relief on her face.  RELIEF?  A light just flickered out of no where!


    “Well done, Melainia Mosagina. You can learn to be an Aes Sedai; with much practice and work you will possibly become a Sister. Now we will rest here a couple of days before we begin the trip to Tar Valon. Do you have any questions about the Tower or anything that just happened, my child?"


    Mel slowly stood up, her eyes bulging.  “It just… it… wow.”  She sat back down on the bench, her mind spinning. “Just, wait, it lit up and… wait what?  No, that isn’t right.  How is that, no.”  She put her head down in her hands.  She heard Jaydena Sedai say something, but she couldn’t even hear what was being said.


    Standing up, she went over to the wash stand.  She dipped her hands in, getting both wet, and splashed her face.  Looking in the mirror, she watched the water run down and a concerned Jaydena and Man behind her.  Turning to the woman, she wiped the running water off her face and tried to form her words a little better.


    “I don’t… That isn’t…”  Giving up, she held onto the wash stand to stay standing.  “I need to think.”  Think?  Think about what?  Whatever just happened was not natural! “I think I need to go to the bathroom,” she said, feeling nausea rumbling in her stomach.  The Aes Sedai nodded and Mel went to the door, opening it slowly, then took a few steps towards her door. 


    She opened it, her mind spinning, and felt the nausea raising higher in her stomach.  “Oh… light…” Before the nausea hit her mouth, the blood rushed from her head and she felt the world going darker – and promptly passed out.




    Sitting up on the bed, she coughed, a terrible odor under her nose.  The Aes Sedai stood above her, the man from earlier beside her, and she looked around to see she was in her bed.  Laying back on the bed, she held her hand to her forehead.  “Oh Light, what happened?  And please tell me, what is going on?”


  4. Talked with Steve last night - he is just too busy.  I love him to death, but RL is kicking him in the bootie too much.


    So, I think she does need a mentor.  She is 13.  She would have SOMEONE labled to be her "mommy" or whatever.  I can create my own if you would like (and can even write a bio if I must) or you can give me someone to watch over her.


    My Problems (2) :


    1. She is 13.  Would she be allowed to begin practicing as a wolfkin? 


    2. There is no Sages that are active atm... So, do you want me to create my own threads (not an issue at all) or do you have some backup idea that can get me taught the ways of the Sage?



    If you want me to do my own threads, I will need someone (don't care if it is you or someone else) that can tell me what I need to have in my threads / details / OOC Mentor.

  5. Handle: Christine

    Real name: Christine or Chrissy

    WT Characters Played: Christine Segreto (Retired Green Sister), Cavana Ferido Tragico (Retired Yellow Sister), Cavana Telmarain (NSW/Yellow Sitter/Retired Yellow Head), Melainia Mosagina (Novice)

    Email: gamecox5989@hotmail.com

    MSN: gamecox5989@hotmail.com

    Skype: ChristineSedai

  6. OOC: Lemme know if I need to change anything!




    Rasheta Sedai looked slightly perturbed as she repeated herself.  Mel almost wanted to shrink into her boots right there and slide out of the window.  “What is your name child?”   Mel swallowed and slowly spoke as she took a seat on the bench beside the window. “My name, Rasheta Sedai, is-“


    Interrupted by a knock at the door, Rasheta raised a hand to pause her.  Sitting back on the bench and glancing down at her hands, she leaned forward and relaxed, her elbows on her knees as the Aes Sedai went to the door and slowly opened it.  A strange woman in a beautiful green dress stood there with another Lady in a beautiful blue dress.  The strange woman in the green dress had the same ‘ageless’ face that Rasheta had. 


    “Thank you Lady Blake, I would be honored to stay the night here if you have room for me. Could you perhaps see to quarters for myself and my Warders if you have room.”   The smaller woman, Lady Blake, nodded and gracefully walked away.  The tall beautiful woman, the new Aes Sedai, glided slowly into the room, looking at Rasheta Sedai. “Rasheta, I have been quite worried about you, I haven't gotten a report from you in over six months. Is all well with you?”


    Well, isn’t this nice?  Let’s all ignore the girl that has zero idea as to what is going on!  No wonder some places in the land despised Aes Sedai – they seemed to all run on their own agenda!  Mel sighed to herself and heard the door shut.  Looking up, she saw the two women huddled together, talking.  Leaning back on her elbows against the window, Mel rolled her eyes.  When is someone going to explain what in the Light is going on?


    “Hello, what is your name my child?  I am Jaydena Sedai of the Green Ajah.”  This woman had a strange confidence about her that made Mel want to shiver and gasp in awe.  It was as though the woman behaved she was the queen of the world but at the same time no one of any importance.  Perhaps this is what Aes Sedai are all about?


    Raising to her feet slowly, Mel bowed low, one hand over her heart and the other on the hilt of her sword.  “My name, Jaydena Sedai, is Melainia Mosagina.  I go by simply Mel.”  Well, it was about time she got to finally say who she was! 


    Jaydena Sedai nodded to herself and stepped back to Rasheta, saying a few words.  They both looked at her for a moment, and Mel decided to speak up.  “Jaydena or Rasheta Sedai, I hate to be a bother, and I sure you both have much to attend to.  Is there any way that I can at least get a bath-” At that moment, her stomach growled. “-and a little food?”


    Jaydena Sedai nodded at Rasheta before holding her hand out to Mel.  “Come with me, my child, and we shall get you a bath and food.”  Mel picked up her bag and nodded, walking across the room and following Jaydena Sedai as she opened up the door and stepped into the hallway. 


    Looking up to Rasheta Sedai as she went to leave the room, she bowed low, hand over heart and hilt.  “It was a pleasure, Aes Sedai.  May the Light bless you.”  Rasheta nodded and watched them leave, closing the door behind them.  Well, she was interesting enough.


    The Lady from before, Lady Blake, was in the hallway.  Jaydena walked up to her, and the Lady curtsied, and beckoned them to follow.  They were lead out of the Woman’s Quarters, where a few men joined them.  Mel took one glance at a man that walked right beside her, who was staring forward with a hard face.  Mel gulped to herself and followed Jaydena Sedai, taking a few extra steps forward to be just behind the Aes Sedai.


    They were lead down another hallway that was much more empty than any the rest she had seen in this castle.  Lady Blake pulled out a key and opened a door, allowing the Aes Sedai to step inside.  “There is 3 rooms adjacent to your for your warders.  There is another to the other side-“ Lady Blake pointed to a door beside this “-for the girl.” 


    Jaydena nodded and motioned for her many men to go into the room already opened.  Lady Blake opened the other door that she had pointed out for Mel.  Jaydena thanked her then dismissed her before turning to her room.  “Well, child, you can now get that bath that you longed for.  I am not going to lock the door, however, I will know if you leave.  After you eat, come to my room.” 


    Jaydena Sedai then motioned to a nearby servant and requested two baths, one for each room, and dinner.  The servant rushed off and Jaydena Sedai turned into her room and shut the door.  Well, she is certainly an interesting woman.


    Walking into her room, Mel took one glance around in shock.  The room was amazing.  There was a gorgeous wash table with mirror.  A desk was beside that, and then a beautiful large bed against the wall.  A chest rested against the food of the bed.  Then against the other wall was a large wardrobe and a few hooks, perhaps for weapons or cloaks.  There was a window with a beautiful view and then a large wooden bench.


    Mel walked up to the bench and set her bag upon it.  She took her weapon off her and set it on the hook.  She kicked off her boots and set them on the bench.  The door opened and servants came inside, carrying a huge metal tub.  Mel was about to protest as she saw bucked of hot water being carried inside.  Oh Light… A hot bath?  I haven’t had one since… I don’t remember!  


    She opened up her bag and pulled out the few items inside.  She had a few books from her brother as well as her mother’s dagger.  She had no idea what the book said but irregardless, they were important to her family.  She then pulled out the cloak inside and unrolled it slowly.  Inside was her father’s medals from his fight against the Blight.  She set those beside the books and dagger on the desk.


    Next in her pack was a change of pants and shirt, as well as a few change of undergarments and socks.  She shook the dirt out of them and laid them on the bed.  Last but not least was her few feminine items.  They had belonged to her mother.  There was a hairbrush with soft bristles, a few simple hair ribbons, and two soft handkerchiefs with her family’s emblem embroidered on the edge.  These she placed on the edge of the desk beside the wash stand.


    Looking back at the bath, she saw it was full and that the servants were gone.  She slipped off her shirt and breeches, noting the dirt as it fell to the floor.  She then slipped her socks off and set the items in a pile in the corner.  They should almost be destroyed instead of being salvaged.  She then slid her underwear and bindings off.  Standing before the mirror naked, she sighed at her feminine curves.  Oh Light, why wasn’t I born a male?


    Sliding slowly into the bathtub, she relaxed, slowly sliding the rag provided over her body.  Taking the soap that was also provided to her lathered it up and rubbed her body clean, from head to toe.  She finished with a jar of oil, which she poured into her hair and let the dirt run out of it.  Soaking for a few more minutes, she slipped out of the tub and grabbed the huge towel that was sitting on the chest and wrapped herself up tight.


    Looking at herself in the mirror, she used the brush to slowly get the tangles out of her crazy mane.  There was a comb provided at the wash stand and she worked out tangle after tangle, wincing as she pulled it through.  Going to the bed, she pulled on her only change of clothes, omitting socks, and then used the towel to wring more of the drip out of her hair. 


    A knock came at the door and she opened it, seeing a servant with a tray.  He set it on the desk as others came in and removed the tub.  As soon as the door was shut again, Mel pounced upon the food.  She gulped down the cheese, fruit and bread, barely breaking to take a few sips of the water and wine.  It took no time at all before the food was all gone. 


    As soon as she finished, she glanced in the mirror one last time before pulling her hair back into a single braid down her back.  Leaving her feet bare, she opened her door and went to the door beside hers.  Knocking once, she said, “Jaydena Sedai, are you ready for me?”   Oh Light, I wonder what will happen now…



    Mel Mosagina




  7. mmk well where I was hoping to go before was have her get a bath and food into her (poor starving child) and then ask about the WT (which then gets her tested).


    Any chance I can still go like that?  Like she sees the new Aes Sedai walk in and her stomach growls, and she asks for a bath and food and they decide to let her to let her do that?  if i get the go ahead, then imma rock with it!

  8. Since I am currently sitting around, waiting for something to do, I have decided to have a little fun!


    Skylar is trouble - She is 12 and bored!  That in of itself should interest you!


    Basically, what I am thinking is this.  She can pull pranks, start singing, dance, be annoying, tag around behind someone, or just have someone play dress up with her.


    Anyone interested?  If I get no responses within the next few days I'll just start a thread of her causing trouble and anyone can join in!

  9. Due to Real Life going crazy, the Aes Sedai that was bringing my novice, Mel, to the tower, is unable to continue the thread.  So, I was hoping to get another Aes Sedai to do the thread with me.  I just want to start over fresh and get this going!  She needs to be at the tower already!!!


    (<----- Has the Itch to write.)


    I don't care who it is or why you are there, I just need to get from Point A (Shienar) to Point B (Tar Valon).  So, Anyone up for it?

  10. oh i know that but I mean when there were different boards.  One link was the Org, one link was the DM RP site, then one link was DP RP OOC.  And we would lose any or all of them for like weeks at a time and have to survive on the WT site?


    That was when we then had to transfer the WT site because we crashed it...


    *Strokes Cane* I feel old

  11. Running her fingers over Clouds now slightly dry fur, she looked up at the chuckling Sage.  “No one is going to try and separate you and Cloud dear, you two can spend as much time as you like together.”  Giggling, Sky jumped up and twirled with Cloud in her arms.  `Dizzy.` Double-vision appeared in her mind and she giggled, kissing Cloud on the nose, who could not handle the twirl like she could.


    Miryana walked over and gently took Cloud’s paw while she held him.  It only took her a moment before she knew just what to do!  “I am going to give you a salve to put on his injury three times a day.”  Hmmm, what would she put in it?  Already, Sky was anxious to learn more.  Miryana walked to a medicine cupboard and took down a vial.  It was a pretty thing, a soft red with a crystal top.  It was beautiful!  `Sparkly`


    `OUCH!` The woman was rubbing some of the salve onto Cloud’s paw and Skylar hugged him tight as he winced up against her, burying his little nose into her chest.  “Remember it is very important you keep this on his injury.”  Miryana returned to her chair and Sky sat down in hers, letting Cloud lay curled up against her like he was a baby doll.  He was still in a little pain, holding his paw on her chest and resting his face in the crook of her elbow.


    “As for no school or lessons well I am afraid that is incorrect child.”  `No Play!`  Cloud seemed unhappy as he saw this, but still licked her ear to make her feel better.  “You will be taught in the ways of the Wolfkin and your lessons well teach you to use your new gifts.  You say you studied with a wisdom before the change.  Do you still wish to follow that path and study with me?  Also you can choose where you stay.  The barracks or I can find you a unused room here in the infirmary if it makes you feel more at ease.”


    “You mean, study under you to be a Healer?”  Miryana nodded.  “That would be wonderful!  I would love to!  Wouldn’t we Cloud?” she asked the puppy as he yapped a happy glee.  Giggling, she petted him gently as her tummy began to rumble.  How long had it been since she had tasted meat?  She was so hungry for anything, but expecially a piece of nice tender meat. 


    “Ma’am, I hate to be a bother, but can we eat?  We are soooo hungry!  I don’t think we have eaten in days!”  Miryana chuckled and nodded, going to a cabinet and bringing out a cup and a bowl.  She poured what smelled like milk into the cup and then water into the bowl.  Handing both to Sky, she then went to the pot over top of the fireplace with a big bowl and filled it halfway full.  Then, she went to another cupboard and pulled out what smelled like rabbit.


    At this moment, Sky got a little nervous.  The red, bloody meat worried her.  She almost rather have that than the soup.  What was wrong with her?  Cloud perked up and got anxious, hungry for meat, and Sky set him on the table gently, and pushed the bowl of water towards him.  He licked at it a few times then dug into the meat as it was placed before him.


    Miryana could see the anxious look in Sky’s face.  “Do not worry child, it is the Howling.  Take the bowl I have for you and enjoy the meat – it is not cooked too much.  And drink all your milk – it will make you strong.”   Nodding, Sky drank all her milk and enjoyed every last bite of the soup.  Cloud also made fast work of his meat and water.


    Full to the brim, she looked around.  “Can we both get a bath in the morning.  I am so-” Sky yawned, worn out.  Miryana nodded and picked up the basked that Sky had brought with her.  Picking up cloud in her arms, Sky followed as she led her through an infirmary and down into a hallway.


    Miryana pointed to a door at the end of the hallway.  “My room is there.  If you need me at all, I shall be in there.”   Sky nodded, and Miryana led her into a small but comfortable room.  It looked far too grown up for her though.  There were desks and shelves and wardrobes.  There was also a large window that almost looked like a door.  Almost knowing her thoughts, Miryana told her that should Cloud need out during the night, he could easily push his way in and out without disturbing Sky.


    Nodding, Sky looked around for a moment, then glanced at the bed.  Without even letting Miryana leave, Sky pulled off the slippers on her feet and threw the cloak she wore on her back on the floor.  She rung her hair out from what was still dripping and then unbuttoned the dress, with the help of the Sage, and kicked that onto the floor too.  Her slip and under-things then followed and she crawled under the blankets, still dirty, and Cloud jumped up and cuddled on top of the blankets.


    She passed out, tired and worn from the trip.  Miryana picked up the dirty things off the floor and gently folded them, setting them on the desk chair.  She shut the door gently, and Sky was left to sleep, in peace and at home.


    OOC: Don’t really know where Steve (Andular) is these days so I decided to kind of finish this thread up on my own.


  12. LOL I have a blast with her.  Glance through some of the posts.  I havent gone through the full howling with her yet, but oh wow... she is a blast.


    And she is a total sweetheart too.  Should definitly make for some fun around the group.  Thats why I need a "big brother."  Someone thatll take care of her and keep her out of trouble and be her hero.


    That WAS Asfaloth... until he quit writing.  And I was brought here by Allisa, who has quit writing.  And her mentor was Andular, who is too busy with work to talk to me anymore...


    So, anyways, yeah!

  13. How much more of an idiot could that man be?  He took one glance at her, called her a baby, and then turned her away!  Honestly, how could he take one look and “know” she couldn’t be a Blade Master?  She could do some serious damage with her sword, and would have gladly shown it, if he hadn’t of shut the door so fast.  What was she to do now?  She had no family, no friends, and no one to rely on.  ’Well, I guess I can try the women’s quarters,’ she thought to herself.  ‘After all, they surely won’t turn away a young girl.’


    Picking up her one bag and moving her sword around her belt, Melainia Mosagina began walking towards the tower that the Captain had pointed out.  Her steps were much slower now than they had been walking to his office, and her boots seemed to almost drag the ground as she began dreading walking inside.  Would she have to wear a dress?  Would she have to curtsy and bathe? 


    ‘Mat would have never treated me like this.  He would have allowed me to join the Guard and taught me to be an amazing Blade Master.  Oh Light, keep you and bless you, my fallen brother.  May the Mother’s last embrace welcome you home.’


    She had reached her destination.  Sighing to herself, she resituated her bag on her back, and decided that this was the time for a new start.  Perhaps being with the women wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all.  Shienarien women were not weak in the slightest.  After all, a woman’s rights are whatever she says they are.  At least, in Shienar. ‘Pity that captain didn’t believe in that.’


    Walking up through the doorway to look for someone that knew what was going on, she passed two women that were knitting on either side of the doorway.  They looked up at her in shock then both stood in unison, blocking her from entering. 


    “No man goes in the woman’s quarters unless invited, especially not armed.”  Startled, Mel jumped back and tumbled backward, landing on her rump.  Groaning as she hit, her cap fell off and her hair tumbled out of the loose bun it had been in.  Two guards came rushing up to assist the women, looking for the intruder. 


    Trying to think of some excuse or way out of whatever trouble she had gotten into, Mel stumbled over words, praying to the light she did not spend her night in some jail cell.  What a twist of events this would be.  All she wanted was a home – was that so much for a girl to ask for?


    Out of no where, a strange woman appeared.  The crowds seemed to part as she walked forward.  She was about Mel’s height, but had a glow about her from her very tan skin and the stunning green eyes.  The black hair shaped her face and Mel could not help but think that this woman was beautiful.  Her dress was light and elegant, and the grace she took with each step was like a form of dance.  'Surely, this has to be a Queen!'


    The woman bent down slightly, and as Mel lowered her eyes in respect, she felt a soft hand touch her chin and lift it gently to stare the woman in the eyes.  Mel took another moment to look at the woman, seeing an ageless beauty in her.  It was as though time had stopped for this woman and she seemed to last forever – like a doll.  Who was this strange woman?  Mel flinched away, almost startled at her own thoughts.


    The woman rose and beckoned a man to her, whispering to him something about getting her things ready.  Ready?  “Hello, my child.  I do not know who you are nor what you were looking for, but I do have what you need."  What she needed?  Oh please, what she needed was for people to take her seriously.  What she needed was for people to quit treating her like a child.  And what she needed was her brother back.


    “You are coming with me to Tar Valon.  I am Rasheta Sedai.  We leave at dawn.  Now come with me." The woman then turned and began walking down the hallway, and the guards picked Mel up and pushed her towards the Sedai.


    Wait, a Sedai, as in Aes Sedai.  And Tar Valon as in the White Tower?  What did an Aes Sedai want with her?  She had heard of these revered women.  They could take control of some power and fight for the light.  Mat had spoken of these women with such respect that Mel had even begun to respect them.  But who was she to say that Mel was going with her? 


    Following the woman, she felt a glare from everyone around her as they stare at her sword.  Mel took her cap and pushed it down into her bag as she walked and then tried to push her hair back up into the bun, slowly following.  “Come here, child,” the woman said as she reached a doorway.  Mel could not help but move faster, although she resented the ‘child.’  


    Stepping into the room, she saw one of the most beautiful sights to ever reach her eyes.  A beautiful elegant bed was at the center of the room.  A fine wardrobe was to one side and a wash stand to the other.  There were pictures and tapestries on the wall, and fine rugs on the floor.  A desk was to one side, piled with papers and books, and there was a fireplace with a nice fire warming the room.  Mel almost didn’t want to touch anything, even the carpets, because she was afraid to ruin them.


    Rasheta Sedai closed the door behind her and walked to her desk, shifting through some papers for a moment, and Mel set down her bag near the door.  Walking to the window, she took a look outside to see a beautiful view.  ‘Who would have guessed that such beautiful things like this existed?’ she had to ask herself.  Glancing at the wash stand, for a short moment she longed to wash the caked on dirt from her face, arms, and feet.  Her boots suddenly felt ten times heavier and she wanted to strip off her pants and shirt for something clean and soft.


    Glancing back out the window, she could not help but look out at the horizon, thinking of her brother.  Whatever this woman would ask of her, she would make Mat proud.  ‘Light keep us both.’  The woman spoke, and Mel could hear the woman’s voice, but could not make out the words as she was still in her own world.  Turning quickly to face the woman, she lowered her eyes, speaking.  “I am sorry, Aes Sedai.  I did not hear what you asked.”



    Melainia "Mel" Mosagina

  14. Hi!  I used to play a Wolfkin, Skylar Rain (And Cloud) and I would like to bring her back.  I dont really know if anyone I RPd with is still around.  Gonna link my bio and 3 threads (one of which is finished) then I guess I need to find out if my mentor is still around and what I need to do to get back into the groove!


    Biography: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,7938.msg229887.html

    Pick Up (completed): http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,8020.0.html

    Meeting Mentor (completed) : http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,10442.0.html

    Fun Thread: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,11020.0.html



    So, I guess I need the following:

    1. Instructions on what I need to do to become "active"

    2. A Mentor

    3. A "big brother/sister" figure.  She is only 13 so needs some family.



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