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Posts posted by Christine

  1. The girl curtsied deeply for a moment then rose. What in the light did this girl want? "Good morning, Aes Sedai, and may the Light shine on you this day.” This girl obviously didn’t realize yet that she was only a novice and that that was quite possibly the silliest thing a child could say. “I was just wondering when I would have the opportunity to retrieve my belongings, which the Tower so hastily took from me upon my entry into the Novice book." Did this girl already fancy herself an Aes Sedai? Who was this child’s mentor that she so casually allowed her charge to parade around the tower and act like a village fool? The girl was practically ordering for her items to be handed on a silver platter with apologies. This called for punishment…


    She leaned forward slightly, as if talking to a friend. "My seemingly enforced entry into the Novice book." And a trip to the Mistress of Novices as well… "But that is a mute point now, as I have come to see the necessity for it, and am grateful for it.” Right… someone really needed to wipe the brown off her nose- and it wasn’t because of visiting the brown ajah for their famous brownies.


    “However, my possessions are still not available for me to use. I come to you, rather than seeking out the Mistress of Novices, as it was yourself that took charge of my wagon, so you seemed the most logical person to speak with concerning its whereabouts.” Cavana began wondering if she could get away with slapping the girl some sense. No… she might get into trouble on that one… Perhaps a bit of something in her tea… Cavana had to shake her head to get the pranking novice that danced around in her head out for a moment.


    ”Do you think it would be possible for me to see my belongings at some point today?"


    “Child, you have been here almost a week, and already making demands? It is I that should be demanding of you, and not the other way around. Do you already need money, that you must sell off your cart? You cannot leave the tower, so you cannot go see these items you hold so dear. When you reach Accepted, they shall be returned to you. If you wish them given to someone outside of the tower, then tell me who and they shall be sent.”


    Cavana crossed her arms and stared at the girl for a few moments. “Fetch me tea, girl, and be quick about it. Run to the infirmary and ask for my favorite. They shall supply what I need.”


    Cavana then shut the door and returned to her bed, awaiting the silly novice to finish her task.

  2. Miryana stood up and stared at her for a moment. Skylar tried to look for somewhere to hide or shrink behind, but she was stuck before the woman that looked on her like a child. “Be welcome Skylar Rayne.” The smile that Sky was given was one to chill, and she felt her cold little hand between two warm ones. Skylar glanced around for someone to save her. Cloud was yipping in the corner at all the new sites and even ran over to the poultice that was now ready, sniffing at it. `Silly old two-leggers.` This got Skylar smiling, but Miryana seemed to think it for her.


    The old two-legger, no, older woman, led Sky to a table and patted for her to sit down. Jumping up on it she crossed her arms and legs and glared at the adult. ‘I wont give in so easy.’ This got Cloud laughing, and Skylar gave her attention back to Miryana, who hadn’t seemed to notice the connection between Cloud and Sky. “Don’t worry child I won’t bite.”


    An apprentice appeared and Miryana sent her off to fetch tea and cups. “We will see that you have a hot bath and a nice meal soon child. I am sure a good nights sleep in a proper bed will do wonders for you as well.” A bath and food… just what Skylar wanted. And real sleep in a real bed… could Cloud stay with her? She must remember to ask that. Warmth enveloped Skylar’s face as she felt two warm hands on either side of her face. What was this woman doing to her?


    The apprentice returned with tea and she finally felt Miryana let go of her. She even patted her knee… motherly. This woman was not her mother! “You seem well young one though I imagine your journey to us was not without incident.”


    Miryana pulled up a chair and thanked for the tea. “I am sure Janna has told you much about what you are going through child. If there are other questions that trouble you I would be glad to answer them for you. After we are done here I will see you have a hot meal and a bath to wash the weariness off of you.”


    This was the time to ask about Cloud. “Ma’am… will you look at Cloud? He had injured his paw, and I fixed it as best I could before we ran away, and then Janna tried to fix it, but it is still tender for him. And can he sleep in my bed? And I am only 12, so do I have to have a mom or something? And there isn’t any school or lessons or nothing, right? What do I have to do around here? Can I just stay and play? And I used to live with a wisdom, so-“


    Miryana stopped her with a glance and Skylar looked into her lap. Cloud burst up beside her, rubbing his nose against her shoe, which was falling off. It fell of there and he rubbed up against her muddy toe, trying to comfort her. She leaned down to pick him up and he plopped down onto her lap, twisting three times before nestling between her now crossed legs. “We just wanna stay together.”



    Skylar and Cloud

  3. “Ok, calm down dearie. You are going to be ok.” Cavana ran her hand slowly through the hair of the girl on the bed. With the other hand, she patted a damp cloth on her forehead and tried to cool her down. “You are in the infirmary and your fever finally broke.” It was a rare occasion when a novice was sick, and rarer still when they became so ill that their lives were on the line. Someone should have noticed previously that this poor child was ill and missing both classes and meals. Her roommates would be punished for such careless error for their future sister.


    The girl opened up her eyes fully and saw the smiling Aes Sedai above her. Through cracked lips, she tried to speak, but Cavana silenced her softly, like a mother cooing to a babe. “Drink a little water, child.” She raised a glass from the table and held it to the girls lips, letting a small amount slip into the girl’s throat. She coughed slightly and Cavana held a spair towel to wipe at any that escaped. “Try that again.”


    The girl coughed a little more, smiled slightly, and whispered thank you. Cavana simply nodded her head and continued pressing the cool cloth and stroking her hair. The girl was asleep soon after, and Cavana finally left her bedside. Going to the Accepted that had brought her down, Cavana made all of her height appear enormous to the girl that was infact taller than the Sitter. “Why, dear child, did it take you a fortnight to realize she was missing classes? As her mentor, you must not only challenge her and teach her, you must also nurture and care for her. How do you expect to be an Aes Sedai that cares for all when you cant even care for a simple novice?”


    The girl seemed to shrink and the blood drained from her face. “Bring this girl’s roommates to me immediately, then report to the Mistress of Novices. She will have something to say about this, you can be sure of it.”


    The girl ran off and Cavana glanced at the sleeping child, pity on her face. To be so alone and unloved that not even your roommates or mentor noticed your absence… twas a sad thing. How many other girls were being ignored and hurt like this one? Cavana was determined to now do a check up on them all. She had to make certain that the future Aes Sedai were healthy, happy, and protected.


    Returning to her post at the entryway, Cavana made a quick note to speak with the mother about this. The Amyrlin Seat always seemed to see her side of reasoning and even if she didn’t, would surely have a suggestion to avoid instances like these occurring in the near future. The door to the infirmary opened again, and Cavana glanced up from her quill and parchment, surprised that the accepted had been so fast to find the roommates. She surely must have ran. However, it was another girl, a novice.


    Smiling up to her, she watched as the girl almost fell over from a curtsy. "Good evening Aes Sedai" She said simply, and Cavana nodded her head once before rising from her chair.


    “Hello, child, and what can I help you with?”

  4. All night. All bloody night. That was how long it had taken to calm down the frantic trainee. Poor thing. It had just been an accident, really. Two boys had been sparring, and the one had stabbed instead of slashed... the result was a piece of wood sticking through the other boy's stomach. Usually, Cavana was not pulled from her bed for a Healing, however, this case was unusual and her power and patience was demanded. And so, she finally had the boy still enough to Heal him... and he lost control. Well, she knew she would too if it had been her.


    By the time he was in bed asleep, his wound Healed, it was morning and she had duty in the afternoon. Sinking into her bed, she began getting a good few hours sleep. But of course... no one ever lets the poor First Weaver sleep. A knock was at the door. Cursed light... if it was that boy again, raising a holler, she was going to strangle him. Yanking a robe over her slender body, she went to the door and whipped it open... to find a novice before her.


    Cavana relaxed for a moment before realising who it was. Honestly... it was the lass that had thrown a fit over having her cart taken from her. The girl would get it back when she was raised to accepted. She didnt need to worry about this. "Good morning, child. What do you need?"




  5. The Stedding was... boring. Nobody ever wanted to play and have fun- they were all about work and discipline and training. Whoever heard of a family that didn’t have fun together? Janna had PROMISED they were a big happy family. Well, Skylar certainly wasn’t happy, and she was practically the baby. In fact, to all of them, she was a baby. They all seemed to think she was going to get into trouble! As if Sky would ever go looking for trouble... Oh who was she kidding- she loved getting into trouble. It was like a balanced part of every day. Well, life wasn’t so bad... except for Miryana. She was mean. Evil, even. The woman had called Skylar a child... it had almost driven her to the point of tears. So she was 12... that didn’t make her a child. And she had called her SPOILED! Evil woman...


    And so, that was why Skylar had slipped away for the day. She had a room in the barracks and in the infirmary, where she could stay in either one, but they didn’t need to know where she was all the time, and she would be far off by the time someone noticed she and Cloud were missing. It had been Cloud's idea to climb up to the top of the waterfall. Using her brain, Sky had packed a little basket of bread, cheese, milk, and a bit of sweet cake. Yummy, how she enjoyed sweet cake. She had never had it before coming to the Stedding, and would stay just to enjoy it. Cloud would probably attempt to hunt or something silly, but Skylar had a bit of ham, which was cooked, for him. Her little snuggly would have to deal with that and wait till dinnertime for real food.


    Real food... there had been a time, not so long before, when real food was what she had packed for herself. Raw meat was... insane. However, more and more, she found herself craving such items as what Cloud ate, and it was growing harder to accept. She didn’t want to turn savage like Miryana- she would much prefer to control her feelings and the changes. Her eyesight was a cool difference. Everything was clearer- especially at night. However, no one ever allowed her any fun so she couldn’t use this. Her hearing had also improved, making sneaking away from Miryana easier, and Cloud was always good to talk to. She loved her new friend.


    "Come on, Cloud. Don't make me beat you to the top!" she yelled to her friend, her feet flying through the tall grass as she ran up the hill. Cloud made a sweet little laugh as they raced closer to the water. Jumping over a branch and dodging a bush, Skylar let herself feel free in the wind as she ran in naught but a loose skirt, a thin shirt, and her undies. She didn’t have an inch of extra fabric than she needed. Her hair was flying out behind her as her hands flew back, one holding the basket, the other grasping the wind. Light, how free she felt. Cloud was right at her heals, yipping and yapping all the way.


    “Lookit that log!” she yelled, pointing at a fallen tree that was over the river. A beautiful blue lake lay underneath the waterfall, and she wished to swim in it and feel free like a fish. Pity she couldn’t swim… `Follow ` Cloud ran across the log and stood in the middle, yipping and yapping at her to follow. “Ok…” something didn’t feel right… but suddenly, Cloud was on the other side, and she had to follow. It wasn’t like she could swim across the river. Setting down her basket, Sky stepped over to the log. Testing her balance, she skipped upon the log and giggled as Cloud ran to the middle. “Come here, silly!” she giggled, her feet somehow balancing.


    “Woah!” she gasped as her foot slid. She almost fell over, but balanced herself with her arms out to both sides. “Almost lost it there-“ and with that, as Skylar tried to jump up and spin like a pretty acrobat, she slid and fell into the water. “HELP!” she screamed as the river fell into a waterfall. Only a hero could save her.



    Skylar and Cloud

  6. Dull and dreary... Skylar hated it. Everything was all cloudy and ugly and stuff like that. Her bum was always wet when they sat on the ground, and she didnt like the ickly smell of Cloud when he was wet. After the first two days, she gave up on staying dry. The only thing perhaps dry on her entire person was the basket, and that was such a pain in the you-know-where to keep from getting soaked. Her hair wouldnt stay straight and soft- just a big tangly mess, and she knew someone would make her yank a comb through it in a day or so. Her clothes were soaked through, making walking uncomfy. She was also worried of infection on Cloud's sore paw, however, he seemed to enjoy the rain and mud puddes, as well as Silver.


    Skylar had to admit, the mud puddles were fun. After giving up staying dry, she had tried to jump in a few of them, which resulted in splashing Janna with icky brown goopy stuff. After one mean look, that was the end of mud puddles. Why were grown ups always so mean? They needed to play again and dance and sing and get dirty. Dirty was fun- you didnt have to worry about ruining your clothes if you were already dirty. Silly grownups. And great, she was gonna get to live with loads of them. Fun was going out the door.


    Finally going up a trail after what seemed like AGES, Skylar saw buildings ahead. She was ready to get warm, but instead, had to follow Janna. Where were they going, what were they doing, and why couldnt she just get warm? Her toes were about to fall off from being cold and her nose felt all puffy and goopy boogies were falling out of it. She needed some warmth... and a bath. A bath would be yummy. And some tea... and cookies! Cookies were always yummy in her tummy.


    They went into some buildin and there was a woman sitting beside a fire. She was stirring some pot and Sky felt a rumbling that made her face bright pink. She was hungry! Cloud jumped up into her arms as they shook the rain off and Sky almost gagged from the yucky smell that was al over her face from the wet fur. "Miryana, this is Skylar Rayne, our newest Wanderer.” Cloud jumped when he saw the fire and dashed away from her, making her glare at him for a moment. “And this is our newest brother, Cloud.”


    Skylar looked up at the woman and did an attempted curtsy, almost falling on her face. "Pleased to meet you!" She offered her hand but instead sneezed, almost falling forwards. She whiped her hand across her nose and squinched it, trying to keep from stuff running down her face. Icky. "Can I get warm now?" Skylar turned to look at Janna, but suddenly Janna and Silver werent there. She was being left alone with this wierd woman? Eekage...



    Skylar and Cloud

  7. OOC: sorry for the long time before posting. I went on LoA for school and then heartache, then lost my muse to the heartache, then slowly began writing again, and it hurt too much to write Deneira (as the idea of her came from my muse...) so now I am back and writing again. I hope we can continue this!



    As the water began flowing around her, she felt her body wake up more and began cursing herself for starting off the morning poorly. Lyv was almost a GrandMaster and she didnt need to embarrass herself like this. Light, Lyv had been the Mistress of Trainees when Deneira had first joined and been alot of trouble back then. It was poor of her to get so little sleep the night before and now struggle before her teacher.


    As they climbed up onto the bank, Deneira fell backwards, trying to wake up her body more as they took a break. They did a few simple forms through the water, trying to practice as they got knee high. The water current fought her at first, but then the wayer seemed to help some as she moved from form to form. Keeping up with the moves Lyv was doing, she twisted and turned her body, trying to think of herself as one with the water. Lyv would do a move and Deneira would repeat it. A few times, she almost lost balance, but she stayed on her feet nontheless, and felt proud, albeit sore.


    After a few more movements, Lyv offered a spar. "Alright, lets do it..." said Deneira, trying to warm up her body a little more. She bent her body into the guard position, letting the water flow around her, ready to move into any defence that was thrown at her.



  8. Janna smiled at her and Skylar threatened to roll her eyes. Why was it that adults always smiled when she asked a question. Were they going to fault her curiousity and questions on the fact that she was young? How was she to know items that had never been presented to her? How was she supposed to know everything. Light, adults were such odd two-leggers. Even Cloud looked up from Skylar's lap and gave a little yelp of a laugh at Skylar's thoughts.


    “You, my child, are a Wolfkin. And like me you have a gift, though it took me many years to see it as such.” A gift. Wasn't that always what things were? Skylar had to roll her eyes at this one. When Sky had gotten her monthly just a fortnight before leaving, Alex had called it a gift, a blessing, and a sign of womanhood. A gift? More like a torture. She hurt in areas deep inside and she didnt like the dizzy feeling. And anyways, how could anyone, expeccially someone of her size, bleed that much without dieing? It defeated all the past knowledge she had gained on common medicine. A gift? Ha! There was worse to come and Janna shouldn't sugar coat anything.


    Sky accepted the cup of tea she was handed and sniffed at it lightly before taking a sip. Ouch! It burned her tongue! Sky made a face and shriveled up her nose at the burning on her tongue and the odd tasting mixture. `Try?` Sky placed the tea cup in front of Cloud, who simply burrowed his face in the corner of her inner knee and avoided the mixture. What was the woman trying to do- poison them?


    “I was only sixteen when the Howling came to me. Many try to fight the gift as I did, thinking something must be wrong with them. I was even called…a Darkfriend.” Sixteen? Only sixteen? Light, Sky was only thirteen. Well, not only thirteen. She was a whole thirteen and a half- and the half DOES matter. What was so wrong with being young? After all, it was better than being old and around.. fourty? Fifty? How old was this Janna anyways? 'Old...' Sky had to cover her mouth wth both hands to hide the laugh as she heard Cloud speak to her.


    “I ran….as so many of us do. Ran into the wild to survive or starve. If not for my precious Windracer I would never have lived.” Janna looked about to cry and Skylar felt bad for the smile. Perhaps the woman wasn't SO bad. She could be worse, after all. And at least she hadn't been forced to clean or anything icky like that. “He’s gone now, but he taught me that wolves can sometimes be more nurturing than two legged’s, more accepting.” Two legged... that phrase was appearing far too often for Sky's taste. Of course, if the tea hadn't been too hot, perhaps her taste wouldn;t have been BURNED a few minutes before. Silly old two legger...


    Skylar looked up and saw golden eyes looking at her. Well, those were wierd... pretty but wierd. Who had golden eyes? It was bizarre and not right by nature. “Windracer led me to the Stedding, where many of our kind are gathered. We…help one another. And it is safe there, Skylar. We can teach you how to use your gifts, nurture them. And one with your healing knowledge would be more than welcome.”


    Go somewhere? With her? Skylar didn't know about that. What if they turned out to be thieves or murderers or worse? Skylar was doing just fine on her own and didn't need anyone's help. “Will you come with me to meet them?”


    Skylar looked down at Cloud who was peering up at her. `Should we?` 'Caution...' "I don't know. Your story is touching at all, but I just found freedom. Cloud and I are perfectly fine on our own. However, traveling with someone else would be alot safer, so... Perhaps we can travel there, and then I decide if I stay? I don't even know if I am a.. wolfkin, you called me?"


    'You are!' Skylar saw a picture of herself in her mind's eye, golden eyes now attached to what she had last seen. She picked up the tea cup and stared at her reflection in the metal. Her eyes were yellow and she stared in shock. Was she really one of them?


    Janna looked at her, waiting, and she nodded slowly. "I will go with you."


    ooc: its ok :D

  9. Kedyn, the man that had run up to Miria, offered his spare hand out to take hers and she took it lightly, trying to keep from laughing at Kedyn's grin and Miria's embarrassment. "Kedyn Alastair, I'm a scout here at the Band. I'm assuming you're here to join up then, whether with the Band or at some shop in the city." Join up? Light help her- that was not something she would be able to handle. Well, she was able to wield a weapon and could protect herself some, but not enough to be in the... what had he called it... the Band?


    "Unfortunately you're stuck with Miria at least, as much as I'd like to drag her back and have her all to myself we wouldn't get much done today." Shaylor had to turn around and bury her face in her hands for a moment to keep from laughing outright at Miria. While Kedyn was already taken, she knew that the two of them would have a good deal of fun together, whether it be making fun of Miria (in a playful way) or making up more horrid puns and cliches.


    "You can have her if you wish, but if I got horribly lost, someone would have your head." Shaylor had to bend over double at this, laughing so hard she knew her face was going red from lack of air.


    "It is a pleasure to meet you, Kedyn, so perhaps the two of you could explain more about the Band to me and explain this whole joining process. Just, fill me in on the details before we get to this Mehrin fellow."


    ooc: Estel's character is next, gotta go play tag with her to ask if she will post. you two can post introducing the character or wait for her- whatever works

  10. "Hello there," said the strange woman. She had one arm close against herself and the other was offered out to Skylar. Sky looked at the shivering Cloud in her arms and decded a quick nod would be best. Cloud wasnt scared, whoever she was. He actually seemed comforted by the fact this woman was here. "My name is Janna Telenvar, and this must be Cloud."


    Friends. Cloud wiggled his tail and licked Skylar's hand, and she just snuggled him closer.


    "He's hurt! Let's get to a dry place, I have medicines to tend his wound." Janna began walking after her muddy wolfpup, and Skylar grabbed her things and began following the woman.


    `I understand. Safe.` This woman was obviously like her- house else could she have found them and be in the company of a wolfpup? But what was she was the question.


    They reached the cave in quick time, and it was already warm. Setting the basket down, Skylar fell to the cave floor and pulled out a clean cloth from her basket and began whiping at Cloud's injured paw. She wanted it clean before she began trying to wrap it again. The puppy dashed out the cave. "What..." began Skylar, but Cloud could read her thoughts and told her, Silver, Fire.


    Nodding, she didnt look up at Janna and instead tried to wipe off Cloud as best she could. She even used half her water on Cloud. He was as clean as best she could get, and with his big puppy eyes, he asked her if it was time to go to an inn now so he could be clean. She laughed and hugged Cloud tight, enjoying his spirit when she knew he was in pain.



    As if on cue, Janna handed Skylar a poultice for the wound. "This should soothe his ache, and be nasty enough tasting that he won't lick it off."


    Skylar sniffed at it lightly and smiled at the mix. "Sunburst root and mardroot? Interesting. I would have used five-finger and sunburst root. Well, and a pinch of aloe for the taste. Where are you from that you use mardroot?" Skylar began applying it to the wound, her fingers gentle as she coated it on there thick, making certain his wound was covered.


    "The borderlands... how do you know what these herbs are?" Janna seemed surprised that Skylar knew so much.


    "Oh, I just know this and that. I was adopted by a wisdom, and grew up there. I know enough about herbs to get me by, however, when Cloud and I first came into contact, we were just trying to get away." Not to mention the headaches, the change in her senses, and the need for meat she had had. How did she tell Alex she was a wolf?


    Before Janna could ask about her studies, Skylar asked, "What am I? How can I talk to Cloud? And how did you find me?"

  11. The woman nodded in response. "You can keep your weapon, I doubt you would be foolish enough to try and use it with this many soldiers surrounding you."


    Shaylor laughed softly, taking Cuebiyar by the reins and leading him behind her. They approached the gates and she handed her beautiful horse to the groom standing there. "Be careful with her," she whispered to the boy and ran her fingers over her 'hearts' thick hair.


    "My name is Miria, I am originally from Andor. I will take you to see Mehrin, the commander, and he will be able to help you." Shaylor caught the woman glancing at her and returned the smile. "Of course, if there is anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask."


    Shaylor gave a quick nod then looked up at the walls, still unfiinished, and people around her. "Where are they all from?" she asked quickly, her glance returning to Miria.


    Miria shrugged. "From all over. Some are like you and I and sought refuge, others just tend to flock to an army. Everyone has their own story."

    Shaylor nodded, understanding. She had come to escape her father and the life she was being placed into... and of course, the marriage that had been forced upon her. The ring that had been given to her was on a chain arouund her neck and hidden behind her dress. She had tried to pawn it in one town, but the metal itself was worth more than the man had been willing to offer for the entire ensemble. She would find someone to take it, eventually. Well, hopefully her marriage wasn't still legal.


    "So, who is this Mehrin fellow? You said he was the Commander, but what exactly is he commanding? Infact, what is this entire place?"


    Miria continued walking as she began speaking on a brief history of who they were and how they had come about. Many details were left out, but that was understandable, considering that Shaylor had just arrived and might not even be staying. She listened intently, finding that perhaps she herself could stay for a whle and join. Certainly, not in battle, but she could join as a medic. She did know some about healing from Mardon and the rest from Steve. Light she missed her brother...


    A gorgeous man came running up to him, a smile on his face, and Shaylor admired him until she saw the smile on Miria's face. Perhaps he was already taken- Ok, yes he was. The two of them were now kissing passionately, and Shaylor glanced away for a moment, a pain in her chest. She hadnt kissed anyone like that since the night before Mardon was killed. She had never loved him, of course, but it still hurt to know her lover was dead.


    When he pulled away, Shaylor got a good look at the man. He was rather tall and had pretty brown hair. His eyes seemed to pierce into her and the muscles were beautiful. Miria had good taste. In fact, the woman looked rather smug, a grin on her face as she looked at the man Shay assumed to be her lover.


    "You have good taste," commented Shaylor to Miria, who just laughed and blushed.


    Offering her hand to the man, she said, "Shaylor Tamora Carlisle from Ghealden. Miria was showing me to the Commander- I am here looking for my brother. However if you two have other pressing matters, I am certain I can find my way alone..."


    Shaylor laughed again, noting the blush on both their cheeks and laughed harder inside at her choice of words, which she hadn't noted till then. "And you are?"

  12. LOL! NARGY! *hugs and smooches the furry pink trolloc*


    *stares back at the crowd* what, havent you seen a girl kiss a trolloc before? *giggles* visit Chat and you will see lots of trolloc loving!


    sorry darlin, i dont RP an SG and i highly doubt i would be good at it, or else i would appear

  13. Character's name: Nightwatch (bare with me)


    Age: 18


    Place of Origin: Suspected to be either Shienar or Arafel (a parent from both)


    Hair Color: Black


    Eye Color: Blue


    Height: 5’8


    Weight: 80kg (176.3lbs)


    Brief History:


    -Born to a Shienarian soldier father and Arafellian mother

    -Lived between Fal Moran and Shol Arbela, a family estate in each

    -16 years of age, 18 when joining the warders

    -was traveling from Shol Arbela to Fal Moran with his family, where the bio takes place.




    Waking up in a dazed state, the man lifted his head and looked around, black. A campfire blazed some fifteen feet away from where he lay on the cool grass, a slight chill breeze ruffled his hair. He picked himself up, still disoriented. Looking around the campfire, he saw the remnants of a fight that took place some time ago, maybe a few hours, a day or two at the most. How long had he been unconscious, where was he, what happened here? These questions ran through his head as it throbbed in pain, but the question he was the most concerned about was WHO was he?


    After 20 minutes of sitting my the flickering, almost extinguished flame, still with no answers to his questions and feeling better, but still in pain, he stumbled to his feet and had another look around. He was wearing a dark blue high collared coat with a black silk undershirt and long black pants. He wore black leather boots and gloves. His hair was tied back in two long braids with broken bells at then end of them. He was pale of skin with black hair. His dress and appearance confused him, who was he where did it all come from? On one side of the collar on his coat was a white heart with a swooping black hawk in the middle, on the other was a pin of two interwoven red and white roses. “What do these mean?†he asked himself. Upon examining where he woke up, he found two long swords, possibly those to fill the empty sheathes crossing his back.


    It was time for him to move, he knew not where he was, nor who he was, but there must be someone who knows. He picked up the two long swords and sheathed them, along with a third, slightly damaged katana that he hung on his waist. There was a large two handed long sword laying a few feet from the fire, but the man did not have the energy to carry it with him, he rested it against a large oak and began trudging through the woods, following the moon, not knowing what direction he traveled. A few minutes in, he heard a rustle from his right, he hid out of site. The sound of slow lumbering hooves came closer and closer. Not knowing what lurk in the darkness, he stayed out of sight. A large black figure emerged from the trees, a load snort was heard and he saw two piercing eyes spear into him. Coming out from hiding, the man stroked the large steed on its neck as is brayed and nuzzled him. He horse was saddled, but no rider could be found. It walked with a limp, having injured its ankle previously. Grabbing the reigns, the man walked the horse along with him slowly. After a few hours of walking, the two rested and waited until dawn.


    With the sun rising, he realized he had been traveling east, and the end of the woods was near.


    “Halt, who goes there?†A deep voice called out from behind him. A cloaked man came forward out of the shadows. “Who are you boy?†He asked, “And what were you doing alone in the woods? You must only be fifteen or sixteen. Come; tell me while we head to my camp.â€


    The boy followed what looked to be a soldier on horseback as he explained what had happened the previous night.


    “We have had no reports, nor heard anything out of the ordinary last night, but, by the look of you and your steed, I will believe what you say.â€


    “Oh, this isn’t my horse,†The boy began, “I found him in the woods.â€


    “Look at him and look how he reacts to you. That is a steed of Shienar, and you son, are most definitely his rider.â€


    The two came upon an opening where a small camp site was set up, several other armored men sat around laughing, whilst others patrolled the camp.


    “Now, where are you from? By the looks of you and how you are adorned, I would assume you are from Shienar, but with your hair and swords, I would say from Arafel. But your face explains you are from both.†The man let forth a bellowing laugh. Another man came and took the two horses away.


    “Honestly sir, I am not sure where I am from. I am not even sure who I am!†The boy responded.


    “Hmm, well that is a bit tough then isn’t it. Well I will explain to you who we are. We are the Kernnunos, freelance warriors. We are monitoring these woods for the king of Shienar for any strange doings, but affiliated with none but to those against the darkness.â€


    Night was coming soon, torches around the camp blazed brightly.


    “So, new recruit,†The man, who seemed to be the captain of the band or warriors, called out, “We are a little short as some men have gone west for the night, do you mind being the nightwatch?â€


    “Sure, I guess†The boy responded.


    Nights turned to days and days back into nights and soon days and nights turned into months. The boy was now known to the men as simply “Nightwatch†having no name; just this title and soon, it became his name.


    The men taught Nightwatch how to fight, although the men were not professionally trained, the tutoring was a bit unorthodox. His main tutor was a man of Shienar and taught him the customs of his people.


    After two years of traveling with the men and being taught about the land, basic swordsmanship and the times of old they rode through the gates of Tar Valon.


    “Well, I think this is your stop, Nightwatch.†The captain began, “It has been good to have you travel with us, but you are destined for bigger and better things. We will soon be old men, but you are only 18. I have been training you for this, the White Tower is where I wish for you to continue your training, become great like the rest of us wanted to be, but remember us when you make it and become a great warrior.†With that, he handed Nightwatch a royal blue scale mail tunic and a long black brigandine. “These have served me well over the years and have saved me, may they do they same for you. Peace favor your sword.†With that, Nightwatch raised his hand to his chest and saluted as the men rode out of Tar Valon and left Nightwatch there to achieve what he could.

  14. "Oh, it is so cold..." whispered Skylar, her body soaked through as she held Cloud in her arms. "I need a room, somewhere... I am sorry Cloud." Cloud looked up at her, sadness and disappointment in his eyes. "I'm just so wet and dirty..." Kissing the top of Cloud's head, she giggled as he licked her cheak, trying to clean her. "Thank you, Cloud, now only a billion lillion licks to go!" she laughed harder, her arms snuggling Cloud for a moment before she set him down. "Go run for a moment, then we should find the road..." In the dark, rainy night, Sky was having a hard time see, even though on any other night she would be fine. She tried to smell for any two-leggers, wait, humans, but could smell none.


    Cloud was dancing on his wobbly paws, his body becoming that of a rabbit as he skipped around the forest floor. Giggling, Skylar joined in, her body moving with the sound of the rain and trying to keep up with Cloud. He was excited and wanted to play, and who was Skylar to try and stop him?


    Play! Play! please? Skylar stopped where she was dancing and wrapped her arms over her chest.


    `Hmmmm.... No!` The stern look on her face disappeared in a laugh as Cloud ran around in a circle, half chasing his tail, half hiding his nose under his own body. `Dance!`


    Skylar twirled, her arms open to the air above her, and she felt Cloud jumping around happily at her feet. Setting down the basket she held, she danced in the rain, her cloak twirling and swirling. Her feet moved around quickly and she felt herself going dizzy and weary after a few more turns. Falling down to the ground, Skylar giggled as Cloud raced to her, licking her nose over and over, wanting her back up to dance more.


    "We need to go, Cloud. We really should. Two-leggers cant just walk around..." Light! what was wrong with her? "I mean, humans can't just walk around in the rain and be fine. I need a warm bed!" said Skylar before a sneeze escaped her. Cloud looked as if to laugh, a happy bark coming from him, and Skylar jumped up, rubbing her nose. "See?" she asked Cloud, and laughed as he ran ahead.


    Chimes... Silver... Chimes? Silver? Then Skylar saw them. A woman and a wolfpup. Either this was a very good friend, or a very bad enemy. "Cloud?!" `Cloud, here` Cloud came racing back, and immediately, Skylar's fears were put to rest. Friends.


    Nodding her head once, Skylar collected up her things and allowed Cloud to jump up in her arms, his paw tired and sore after only being on it a few days since the accident. The woman seemed relieved to be finding her, and Skylar attempted a curtsy with Cloud in her arms and the basket resting there. "Hello..."


    Skylar Rain


    a pair o' younguns


    OOC: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y270/gamecox5989/pictures%20for%20siggis/cloud.jpg


    thats what they look like

  15. Slipping into the infirmary, Elizabeth saw Nynaeve. “I will be right with you, Elizabeth. Just take a seat and I can glance at those scars. And then we need to discuss your chore.†Elizabeth sighed and nodded, wishing that the Aes Sedai had forgotten. Light, how could anyone forget? It wasn’t just every day that a girl went running around the tower in naught but a sheet and was screaming about knives and rape. It is an even worse affair when she ends up in the arms of a Tower Guard and refuses to apologise, even when the consequences are harsh for not following a command. Thank the light that Nynaeve Sedai had taken her under tow and was giving her a punishment that would fit the crime. Even better, her three weeks, a whole thirty days, working in the kitchens had been cut down to one because of Elizabeth’s fear of the knives. Aye, she would have to serve her chore here in the infirmary as well, but at least there was no men wielding knives.


    Taking a seat at the area she was pointed to, Elizabeth pulled her hair down from the tie she had been forced to wear it in and hid behind the stringy curls that she called her hair. A few women walked by, all Aes Sedai, and she saw two of them walk up the stairs. One was Lwena Sedai, a very old Sister of the Yellows, and the other was Cavana Sedai, a Sitter for the Yellow Ajah. The two had their heads together and Elizabeth tried to listen in to their conversation. As they walked up the stairs, Cavana turned around and said, “Child, if you wish to spy on Aes Sedai, you may wish to find your hands busy so that it is thought your mind is busy too.â€


    In shock, Elizabeth nodded her head and Lwena Sedai smiled at her before going up the stairs more and glancing back to Cavana, wondering if she would follow. Cavana nodded to her sister then walked back down the stairs to the girl. “You are Nynaeve’s girl, are you not?†Elizabeth assumed it was a light way to put what she had done, and she nodded her head, whispering, “Yes, Aes Sedai.†Cavana Sedai nodded her head and rested her fingers under the girls chin and turned her face to look up at her. Elizabeth tried to pull away but knew better and closed her eyes, afraid to feel the cold threads of Healing again. “The scars on your skin will heal child, but you must remember to let your heart heal as well…†Elizabeth opened up her eyes in surprise and saw Cavana Sedai walking up the stairs already. Secretly wondering more about the woman, she rose from her chair and went as if to follow, but stopped and turned around at the last minute, ready to return to her chair.


    A girl walked up and bumped into Elizabeth, and a small scream left Elizabeth’s mouth. She saw it was just another novice, but she flinched away just the same, then noticing she was on the floor. Had the girl pushed her that hard? Had Elizabeth been that far in her thoughts? Well, no matter, she should take the girls hand and probably try to listen to what the girl had to say. Taking her hand, Elizabeth heard a gasp and tried to make certain her scar wasnt visible. Of course, it was. “Oh my poor girl.†Oh light, not more pity. “How on earth did that happen to you?â€


    Looking for anyway out, Elizabeth tried to pull away from the novice and found the grip on wrist to be strong. â€Elizabeth? I’m ready for you.†Elizabeth thanked the light for Nynaeve Sedai and looked at the novice apologetically. “Excuse me, the Aes Sedai calls,†she whispered softly, then ran to the Aes Sedai, ready to hide behind her from the energetic girl. “Ok, let’s go,†she whispered, her body hidden behind Nynaeve’s back.

  16. OOC: this is part two. In this section, Elizabeth will be running into the novices. All of the novices that signed up, take on these roles as I post them- you can write in your own thing that Elizabeth might not have noticed. Oh, and my lovely Nynaeve will be posting as well. :D



    "It would be wise of you not to meddle in Aes Sedai business, boy." That was the woman. Her voice was soothing- Elizabeth could feel the calm words from across the room. "Yes, that is it... get rid of them," whispered Elizabeth. "We have a right to know." Elizabeth winced and her fingers dug into her arm as she hid, waiting for her chance to run. "A right? You have the duty to guard the Tower. Instead you are here, wasting my time and abandoning your post. What happens in the infirmary is Aes Sedai business. Leave me now!" And that was her que. Elizabeth stood, ready to walk out, and she heard a voice again. Her body froze and her eyes grew. "We protect and serve Aes Sedai."


    The men were gone, and the woman had disappeared. Now was the time. Now was when she had to go. Perhaps she could find a way out, or at least, somewhere to hide. She knew the men had gone out the door, so she couldn't exit that way, so her only option was up. The blanket she wore, she wrapped tighter, and looked around, seeing no one. Slipping out the doorway, she saw an empty desk and heard someone open a door on the floor above. That must be where the Aes Sedai had gone. Well, she couldn't go that way either. This meant she had to leave the infirmary.


    As she took a step, she felt something cold running down her leg. Looking at her feet, she saw a small puddle of blood and realized that her arm was bleeding and that it was dripping onto her leg and foot. Trying to dry it with the sheet, she ignored the pathway she was leaving behind and ducked out the doorway. Up a short flight of stairs, she turned a corner and saw a set of closed doors. They must be classrooms- or torture chambers. Well, one of these must be good to hide in. She ran up to a random door and slowly opened it, looking inside to see a bed. Good, somewhere to slip in. Elizabeth closed the door behind her and walked to the bed, glancing in the mirror to see blood running down her face. When had she opened that wound? She looked at her hand and saw the blood under her nails… she had torn at her own skin.


    You will always be mine...Elizabeth looked up in the mirror and her body froze as she saw him. His eyes. They were staring at her in the mirror. She could feel his grimy fingers in her hair, his lips on the back of her neck, and his body pressing against hers. ...Always have been, always will be... "No..." she whispered, and tried to push him away from her. The sheet slipped slowly, and rested just over one arm, her body now bare. ...Those scars are mine. That blood is mine. You are mine. I will haunt you for all eternity... "NO!" she yelled, and heard a scream. Looking at the bed, a girl sat up, and Elizabeth turned around in shock and ran towards the door. Edwyn was behind her- she could feel him there. Why must you run when you know you want me? "GO AWAY!" she yelled, tears revived on her face.


    Girls were in the hallway from hearing the screams, and a few just stared in shock. There was a girl that walked up and tried to touch Elizabeth, but she wouldn't allow it and stumbled trying to get away. "You can't have me!" she yelled, trying to avoid the touch. ...I already do... "No..." she whispered, her fingers pulling at her hair. "AES SEDAI" she heard, and Elizabeth looked up to see two novices running, yelling for Aes Sedai. "Not the witches! They will not have me too!" Pushing herself off the ground, she ran as hard as she could, girls moving out of her way. "No one can have me!"


    She ran up another set of stairs and saw it empty. Falling to the ground on her knees, she began weeping, afraid of whom she would find here. All was quiet, so for the moment she was safe. Her hands were on the floor, semi holding her up. Hair was streaming down her face and sticking to the blood on her cheeks and arms. "You will not touch me..." she whispered, and she shivered slightly, feeling a breeze around her. Yes, I will... He was in her mind. She could feel it. Images appeared before her eyes, and she couldn't move as she saw images of the past. She remembered this. It was the first time he had come to her drunk. It was the first time he brutally raped her.


    He was holding her down, his hands in her hair, and his hips pushing her to the bed. The stench on his breath was enough to make her gag, and she tried to keep her lips from his as he ran his tongue over her neck. "Don't touch me! Edwyn, that hurts! Please!" Why wouldn't he listen? He was always gentle. Aye, it wasn't that good, and rather uncomfortable, but nothing like this. He was taking her again, but no longer was he gentle- his body was harder and faster and more brutal. She could feel him slapping her and grabbing her, and she put her hands above her face, trying to block him. "Please!" she yelled at him, and he took her wrist and held them behind her back as she cried from the pain. "You are mine, brat. Deal with that you little whore." What? What had happened to him? He took her and threw her on the floor as he had finished, and she felt a kick in her side as his boot made a bruise to her pale complexion. "We are going to-"


    "ENOUGH!" she yelled, and pushed the memory from her. "I have to get out..." and she pushed herself up off the ground, running again to the nearest place to hide.




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