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Posts posted by Christine

  1. Yes, I know, I have been trying all day to get on, but I am now giving up. This one is Matalina's domain, and I am about to go drop an email. Until we find out what is wrong, then just poke around here. Sorry about this, will hopefully have it up soon.



    Gaidin Staff

  2. hey there! im christine, the RP coord at the gaidin, and i can answer your questions and point you in the right direction


    1. mentor- silh is still our mistress of trainees until steve chooses a new one. she will get one to you in the next day or two, probably already has someone just hasnt let you know.


    2. you dont need a mentor to start RPing, although it is nice. leave a message here and any gaidin staffer or RPer would love to answer questions. jsut find a few people and start a thread


    3. www.mirrorsofthewheel.com/chat that is a chat that alot of us sit in. pop in anytime, we will be happy to talk, or, add me on msn: gamecox5989@hotmail.com and i can help ya out



  3. Light, what a day this would be. Deneira would have to do the bloody race. Thank the light she had sneaked out of doing this one as a trainee, but here she was a tower guard doing it a second bloody time. Light, after all of these years, she was surprised that this thing was still going on. It was slow cruel torture that she would prefer to have nothing to do with. To top it all off, she had just met Mark a week before, so she had no idea of his lessons, movement, or behaviors. Then there was the fact that she was fighting Aran, her old pranking buddy, along with Sana, an ex-teammate. Light, this was going to be interesting.


    Waking up late, she skipped over breakfast and left just as Shawn was begining to move. He looked so peaceful, she didnt have the heart to wake him up so that he could wish her good luck. A quick kiss on the cheek and a sip of wine from the night before, Deneira set out for the group. Mark had gotten up on his own, he was good about that, and she could see him ahead, picking up the biggest lathe he could find. Bloody idiot, they were going to lose if he kept this up. There was Sana, and he was- bloody fish guts, was he taking a nap too?


    Running up to them both, she kicked them in the head. "Wake up, you brats!" They both jumped up and she hugged Sana. "Light, Sana, havent seen you since I got raised," she said loudly, glaring at him. Aran looked like he was already plotting revenge and she smacked him on the head where he had just been kicked. "Watch out, or your trainee is gonna beat you one day." She laughed softly then picked up the longest but lightest lathe there was. "Well, lets get going!"

  4. Idly picking up the papers, Cavana glanced through what the girl had written and nodded at the neat penmanship. "Aye it is, which was why I was given it in punishment. Your writing is neat and clear, much better than mine. What do you think of what you have read?"


    One of the things they were taught as Novices was to emulate Aes Sedai, in particular that they shouldn't lie. On the otherhand, it was also perfectly acceptable to give an answer that was true, yet not the first thing that came to mind. At least, that was what Lillian had learned by example. "It reads well, but its very general." Lillian didn't always follow example.


    Cavana saw the girl's face almost squinch up as she fought to choose an answer. Then it came, a laugh from Cavana, as she heard almost the exact same words she had told a sister long ago. "You have spirit, novice, and I like that. It is very general, for the secrets are only for those that fight to learn them." Cavana winked at the girl and took the seat beside her. "The secrets are what make being an Aes Sedai so enjoyable, even at the worst of times. If you were told everything now, would you want to keep studying an learning? No, we must keep you guessing till the end."


    Cavana Sedai seemed alot friendlier than other Aes Sedai, and seemed to be encouraging her to be a bit more forward. Schooling her face as the Aes Sedai spoke, Lillian found she disagreed somewhat. Gamble? "By the same token, if we were told everything now, we would have finished our study quicker, and could study other topics."


    "Now see, that is where you are wrong. If you were told everything now, then you would expect for all your life to be told everything without learning how to discover and accept and study and analyse things to get your answers. To be a good aes sedai, you must use your brain. to simply tell you everything would mean the less usage of your brain, therefore you will not be used to having to use it. trust me, the secrets are also better after wondering for twenty five or however many years."


    "But what of this?" Pointing to the open page, Lillian continued calmly. "This is a comfortable description of things. What happens if you like it so much that when you're told more, you're not willing to accept it? If you're given everything at once, its much harder to ignore what isn't desireable. Besides, there would have to be more than enough to the story for people to analyse and never agree on without deliberately obscuring it."


    "Dear child, if you are not going to accept a situation when it is brought lightly, what makes you think that bringing it all at once will better the outcome? A rose is still a rose, and the thorns still hurt." Cavana felt a headache coming on, as if this was turning into a debate.


    "Thats not what I mean." Lillian folded her hands in her lap as she continued. "What I mean is if you give someone a rose, but you don't tell them about the thorns. Then when you tell them about the thorns, they refuse to believe they are there, prefering to think only of the flower."


    "But you see, that is the beauty of knowledge and learning. You see the outside first, then come to see the inside. One must accept it as a whole. A person may not believe that a rose has thorns, but when they are stuck with one, they shall then realise."


    Lillian disagreed with that as well, but she didn't think that the conversation was going to get much further that way. Some people found it easier to ignore the thorns when they were pricked. Instead she conceded the point, bowing her head as she waited for Cavana Sedai to speak again. There was little else for her to do, and Cavana Sedai most likely had another reason to approach her.


    The girl simply bowed her head in defeat and Cavana began wishing the girl would have had some retort. It was nice to have to think again with a scholar challenging her, because so often novices wouldnt speak their mind. "What else do you think of the book?"


    What else was there about the book? That was mainly what she'd thought about it, she hadn't really given it much thought because she was copying, not analysing. "It doesn't just give information about the Yellow Ajah, it also...." Dangerous ground. "focuses on their good points in particular. There isn't really any criticism to be found in it."


    Cavana laughed as she mentioned the lack of criticism. "The book was written by the victors and the heros, not by the losers. Of course there is no criticism. Now, if you asked a brown or a red for how the Yellow Ajah was formed, you would hear all the things they did wrong. Or better yet, ask the Children of the Light or anyone else that hates Aes Sedai. Why would a woman criticise herself?"


    Self doubt would be a perfectly good reason to criticise oneself, but Lillian found herself feeling that wouldn't be received well. Instead she decided to answer in a different way. "Why not? What would be wrong with being self effacing? Surely it would be better to be the one to speak about one's faults then leaving it to someone rabid, like the Children of the Light."


    "Of course not, but would a rabble of villagers trust someone that had self doubt? No. They would want someone confident and learned. And anyways, the real story is far more boring and dull for the Yellows than what we place in that book."


    "Wouldn't being able to admit ones faults be a greater sign of confidence than hiding it? And why is the real story boring?" If one didn't ask, one couldn't find out.


    "The real story is dull and nonexciting because after all the wonder on the truth, the truth is not as good as what you expect. But of course, that is how it is with most things."


    "Why create wonder then? Why not just reveal it all to begin with?" There was a slight smile at the last, it seemed that they had returned to their original point of discussion.


    Cavana laughed at this. "Would you have studied as hard if you were already told it all?"


    That was something Lillian could answer. "I think I would be studying different topics, ones which people didn't already have the answers to."


    "But how would you ever find accomplishment in yourself if no one else has done it. It would be rare that an novice could discover somethign an aes sedai cannot."


    Lillian frowned, wasn't the accomplishment then in being the first to do so and to lead the way? "It is rare because novices aren't given all the information to begin with, they have to keep rediscovering information. If they had everything available to them like scholars outside the White Tower, perhaps novices would be quicker to discover new things."


    "And here we are, back to analysing. The information that is needed is in the library, you just need to go read and find it. The library is open to you, after all."


    "It is also a matter of time." Smiling slightly, Lillian continued. "If we are spending all our time rediscovering existing knowledge because it is obscured, then we have no time to try and find the undiscovered."


    "Child, you are a novice. There is not much to do with your time other than learn and study. It would not harm you to study more! Sisters are often busy, yet they still teach novices and accepted. Save someone the time and learn yourself. We were certainly not told as much as you are told when I was a novice."


    Bowing her head in acquiescence, Lillian decided now was the time to stop before Cavanna Sedai became irate with her. There were times to argue and there were times to be quiet, and it was now a time to still her tongue. The last thing she needed was for Cavanna Sedai to make a complaint which would then get back to her mentor. After all, she didn't know Cavanna Sedai.


    The girl bowed her head, as if in defeat, and Cavana knew the girl had realised her place again. Light... "What is your name, child? And who is your mentor? I have not seen you before."


    Exactly the question she didn't want asked. Was she going to speak to her mentor? "Lillian Tremina, my mentor is Halvie Sedai of the Green Ajah."


    Cavana smiled as the girl cringed. If anyone had asked who her mentor was when she had been a novice, Cavana just ran away as fast as she could before she got caught. "Well, tell your mentor that I send my greetings. It has been a long time since I have spoken with Halvie." Or any of the green ajah... perhaps she should speak with Jaydena and Sirayn. An alliance, which was always in her mind, needed to be set in place. Coming back to her thoughts, she smiled at the girl and rose from her chair. "And were you sent here for punishment or fun?"


    Lillian shook her head lightly. "Neither, Cavanna Sedai. A Brown Sister I didn't recognise said I was needed to help with the transcribing of books." Why she didn't know, but novices rarely had reasons explained to them


    Cavana stood still for a moment, ready to go yell at the Brown sisters now. They were having a novice copy her books? HER BOOKS? How dare they? Clearing her face, she said "Sounds like a punishment to me, but that is perfectly alright, however you lable it."


    While Cavana Sedai's face didn't betray anything, but the stillness before she spoke was a warning. "Perhaps."


    Cavana nodded her head, set on visiting the browns. "Then have a good day child," and turned away, leaving the girl to her writing.

  5. The woman climbed down from the wagon, looking in shock. "I'm sorry Aes Sedai," the woman’s fakeness made Cavana want to cringe. "but I've got to get my wagon somewhere overnight ready for trading tomorrow. If I've broken some law or anything else, it truly was in ignorance and I'm sure I can clear the matter up if I come by tomorrow." Cavana stared at the woman and said nothing for a moment. “Stay here, child,†She said before turning and walking towards where she had seen the last guard. It took her two minutes to find one and then led him back to the woman.


    “Take care of this cart. Put the horses in the stable and the goods somewhere in the stable. I shall worry about those in the morning.†Taking the girl by her arm, she began walking towards the tower. The woman struggled to get away, cursing at Cavana and fighting. “Child, listen. You are going to that tower and your things will be taken care of.†She kept fighting Cavana but after a while gave up.


    Back in the tower, she led the girl up to the Mistress of Novices. The only information she got of the girl was her name was Disendra, and Cavana knew from her accent and appearance she was from Tear. Landing in front of the office she had planned on, she turned the girl to face her. “Listen to me child, you have no choice in the matter. You now belong to the tower. You belonged to the tower the moment you stepped in those walls. Now grow up and accept that, for you shall be grateful in the end.â€


    Knocking on the door, she got the response she had expected, the door opened. It was often that she was up this late, doing something. “This girl I found in the streets. If she asks on her goods, I will find her in the morning and discuss what to do with them. I leave her in you hands until then.†And with that, Cavana left the girl in another’s hands.




  6. Mid night was nigh, and Cavana knew that she had a class first thing in the morning. It was a good thing that the wine tasting was over, and Cavana bid goodbye to her old friends and the new. A winery had just been opened in Tar Valon by an old friend of hers, and she had been invited, as she had once Healed the man's wife and guided them through a childbirth that almost killed her. It had been a pleasant evening and she had met a few ladies that all had questions, but of course Cavana tried to keep it all to pleasure. She even made one friend of a lady that had a sore ankle and Healed it, later discovering she was a seamstress that had amazing embroidery. After her class the next morning, she would have to stop by and request a bit of decoration for one of her dresses.


    Pulling her cloak on over her pale yellow dress, she hid her ageless Aes Sedai face behind the hood. It was not that she wanted to be unknown, but that she simply wanted to be undisturbed on her venture back to the tower. She heard voices ahead of her as she hurried her way through the city and spotted a woman with drunken men around her. Bullying would not be allowed with Cavana around. "-if I were you, I’d get off home, before one of the Aes Sedai catches you lurking around here sodden with drink.†A girl with spunk- that was exactly what caught Cavana's attention, but it was the faint sense of another woman that could channel that held her msot of all.


    "Young men, I suggest you let this woman alone," she said clearly, coming to stand beside the woman. Flashing the hand that held her ring at the woman to let her know who she was, Cavana turned back to the men. "She is quite right on what an Aes Sedai would do... she might pick you up with Air..." with that Cavana lifted the group slowly off the ground. "Or, she might create fire..." and with that, Cavana struggled to create a line of fire between the women and the boys. "Or, she might just be kind enough to let you go..." With that, Cavana put out the fire and let the boys down. "But of course, there is the worst, and that is turn you into the Tower Guards for harassing a woman and attempting to make the streets of Tar Valon dangerous." Using Spirit, she magnified her voice and said, "NOW GO!"


    The boys went running and the woman beside her looked scared. "Not you, you stay." She let go of the power and set her hood back on her shoulders. "You need to come with me to the tower- now."






    OOC: sorry it took so long, ,there ya go

  7. Sighing, Cavana rubbed her eyes slightly as she walked up the stairs, a tight package of books under her arms. She was going to have to put a stop to their books being lent out to novices and accepted. Yet another four books had been borrowed from their herb department, and after being missing for a month, Cavana had gone to the library to find them there. If the girls wanted to use their books, then they had to come to the infirmary and stay there while they worked. Furthermore, how had the Brown Ajah not noticed the Yellow Flame on the spine of every book that belonged to the Yellow Ajah? It was as though the browns had gone a step further than being thoughtless and were completely rude against Cavana and her sisters. She would have to have a word with Shaneevae about the thoughtless behavior of her sisters, even though they were expected by others to be such. Simply not returning a yellow's book would not be stood for.


    Stepping into the library, Cavana began making her way among the tables, she got to the first shelf and ignored it, knowing these books were all about the history of the yellows, as known by others. The next shelf held antidotes to common illnesses. She got to the third and saw books on battle wounds and the such. It was the fourth shelf she needed- herbs, their uses, their harms, and how to take care of them. Resting the books on the shelves as they belong, she situated them till they sat up properly, all aligned with the other books. Patting them, Cavana turned around and saw a novice bent over at one of the tables. How had she not noticed the girl before? Light, she was becoming a brown, as much as she despised them.


    Stepping up behind the girl, Cavana looked over her shoulder to see neat, orderly writing as the girl copied, word for word, from one paper to another. It was from the history section, about how the ajah had been formed, and Cavana smiled. Ages before, generations before Cavana had been born, the Yellow Ajah had been formed by a group of sisters that had all had a passion for healing. They had all become wisdoms or healers after the fright, and when ajahs were formed, they all discovered their passion for healing and herbs and the such. Brave women they had been, to still practice Healing when Aes Sedai were dispised. It was through this disguise that sisters were still hidden today in the most hated Aes Sedai places.


    'The sisters found one common bond between them...' was the sentence the girl was on before the page would be flipped, and Cavana finished it for the girl. "Spirit. Spirit and the use of such bonded these sisters together in their passion, their weapon, their care, and their trade. For through the use of spirit and the ability to Heal others, they found themselves." The girl looked up at her in shock and Cavana smiled, pointing at the book she was copying from. "I am surprised no one has recopied it before, as that you are copying from is one of my first chores for the Yellow Ajah."



    Cavana ~ First Weaver

  8. "My plans? Well, I'm not entriely sure yet, aside from continuing to serve and protect the citizens of the Tower. What I do know is that I want any plans I make to include you. Well, that's not entirely true. I want you to be the center part of all of my plans. Where that will lead us is up to you but I'll spend the rest of my life trying to convince you we're perfect for each other." Her heart stopped in her throat and she wanted to kiss him and tell him that he was her true love. Wait, true love? Deneira didnt believe in true love. Yes, she believed in love, but what made it true and untrue? But he was the one for her. But the only one? For all eternity? That was too deep for her.


    He jumped up from behind her and she shivered slightly with the loss of him. He offered her a hand and she took it, jumping up. "Have I ever told you that one of the things I like most about you is that you're good with a blade? It's wonderful to know I don't have to worry about you when we're apart. I mean, you're almost as good as me." She laughed at his wink and ran to their saddle bags. Grabbing her scimitar, she pulled it from her belt where it had been resting then grabbed his sword, tossing it to him. "Almost? Darling, I do believe that I am better!"


    He laughed at her and caught the sword, brandishing it before him. Walking towards him, she assumed guard stance, holding it for a moment. "When do we decide the victor?" Shawn laughed and assumed the same position. "When I decide to kiss you," he said back, then came at her with a basic move. She ducked it easily and caught his sword with her weapon easily as she turned, her body taking over as it moved from one form to another. Almost as if they were dancing, her entire body was centered on their battle and their moves. After a while, her body seemed to weaken slightly and she paused. His blade almost nicked her and she slipped from the void. Their blades locked as he noticed her slipping out, and he too left it.


    Kissing him softly, her grip on the hilt weakened and she stopped pushing her hands against his. The kiss was slow and sentual, just for him. After a few moments, she let her weapon fall to the ground and she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him harder. Their bodies crushed together and she pulled away for a moment to whisper and giggle, "I guess the battle is over..."

  9. The woman caught the shirt and Adawyn turned back to Rion, about to caress his cheek. What felt like a stampede of horses hit her cheek and she felt hands around her neck. Oh no this slut didnt! Adawyn grabbed her hair and pulled it hard before she got a good punch in, her hand aching all of a sudden. Her hands were clawing at the woman and she tried to kick her, fighting for her life. Suddenly, she was left alone again and Adawyn watched as she was pulled back. Light, it was an invisible force! About to attack the woman, she felt herself get pulled back and heard Rion yell, "STOP IT!"


    Adawyn stared at the unknown woman and didnt even bother fighting the hold on her, she just spoke to Rion. "This brat started the fight, I did nothing wrong. I demand you set me free before this whore tries to touch me again." Glaring at Covai, she saw he was still in his own little world. "I want my room, away from this slut, now!" Glaring at Rion, she now struggled slightly. "Let me go! I want touch your precious mistress!"

  10. He grinned and practically ran to get beside her. â€Well, with an invitation like that, who could resist? Certainly not me." She smiled as he laid down and his arms wrapped around her. They cuddled for a while, and Deneira sighed happily. It was amazing to just lay in his arms and smile. No girl could be luckier than she. Shawn was so amazing and wonderful- sweet in every way. He was so full of surprises and love. She could have laid with him, under the sky and on the ground, just wrapped in his arms forever. She knew that her death would be one by a blade but she had hoped for something painless. Now had a new hope that she would die in his arms, dieing as she had lived, loving him.


    She thought about the future and of her dreams. Was she ready to marry? The night certainly thought she was. She knew that deep down in her heart, however, that she was still unsure. She remembered Darion and Leawen, how she had been in love and then broken. She remembered different lovers and different friends, all that she had felt something special with, and all that had hurt her. Aye, this was different with Shawn, she could feel it all around her. Even a trivial task seemed special with him. But was she truly in love with him? Could she spend the rest of her life with him?


    "I want to know you. I want to know what drives you. Tell me of your dreams, your desires. What are your goals? Any plans for the future?" Laughing, Deneira turned over and kissed him softly. “What brings about these sudden questions?†He shrugged and she sat up, leaving him beside her and his arms still wrapped around her waist. “I think we should eat before thinking into the future.†He looked a little sad and she ran her fingers over his short hair and back to his cheek. â€Please, Dene, I want to know all about you.†She turned slightly red and nodded, whispering, “Of course…â€


    Reaching into the basket of food they had brought, she took out the container of water that they had. Reaching in to pull out two cups, she poured them both some then took a sip of hers. He twisted on the blanket to rest his head on her lap and she rested back on one of her elbows, the other hand holding his tightly. “Let’s see… what drives me. Well, I guess that I should tell you everything. I used to live on a farm in Salidar, but trollocs killed my family. I still have nightmares, don’t ask me how I lived. I guess what drives me is my want to spite the trollocs and the blight, to prove that I can do something, and that I did make something of myself. I don’t really have much to live for, just the constant battle against the blight, and too often I have seen good men die because of their battle against it.†She sighed and thought of her father… light, she missed them all terribly.


    “My dreams are nothing special, and my desire is to be happy. My only goal is to not fail at what I try and to always do my best. I try to be honest and nice, even if it gets me into trouble. I want to have fun, and to be happy. No plans for the future, I just live in the moment.†Deneira almost bit her tongue at the lie. She did have plans for the future, but how to say it properly. “I mean, yes, I have wishes for the future, and they-“ light, this was hard. “I wish to be with you. You make me so happy Shawn, and I love you so much. That is my basic plan for the future… to stay with you.†He nodded his head and she bent down to kiss his lips softly. He sat up and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her onto his lap. She rested her head on his shoulder, shaking at what she had just said. What if she had said too much? “What are your plans?â€

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