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Posts posted by Christine

  1. OOC: Last Chance to join in people!!!  Sorry, didn't realise it was my turn to post!  I am scared of horses IRL :D


    "Your horse is welcome here. Good thinking on bringing it. You look well prepared." Shaylor smiled, glowing from his praise.  She watched as he walked off to meet the rest of the group.  There was quite a few people out here that she had never seen before, but she was ready for anything.  After a while, it seemed like the group was complete, and Rurak had them heading out towards the Mountains.  Staying towards the back with a few other Medics, she rode her horse slowly, watching everyone.


    It was all rather boring, and Rurak was yelling out orders, but Shaylor was just enjoying the nice fresh air.  Every few minutes she would fall really far back, then let her horse gallop a bit to catch back up and stretch her legs.  Light, she would have to let her horse out more often, as she was rather antsy out here.  Wait, this was far beyond normal.  Something was wrong.


    "Uhh... Rurak?" She said, calling out to the Sergeant.  His head had hardly turned back to look at her before Cuebiyar reared up, startled by something.  She tried to settle the poor beast, but it was frightened to death.  The Sergeant came running up and grabbed the reigns, trying with Shaylor to calm down the magnificent beauty.  "Something is seriously wrong," she said, hanging on and soothing at the same time.  "We should turn back."



  2. Arath disappeared as soon as she asked, and went back to his room.  Tai was no longer in the hallway, and she could only assume he had gone to bed.  As Arath came back, Michelle noted that he was now wearing breeches and had a large shirt for her.  "Anything else you need?"  She shook her head no and rose from the bed, slowly.


    Going to the closet, she looked at him for a moment before  hiding around the corner and sliding her breeches and shirt off.  Left in only her small clothes and bindings, she slid his shirt over her head, pausing for a moment to smell it.  It smelled just like him, a rich fragrance that she couldn't help but noticed.


    Stepping out of the closet, she let her hair fall down her back and went to her desk, blowing out the candles she had lit earlier.  Leaving one last one lit, she stared into Arath's eyes.  His eyes seemed to be looking her up and down, and she let a half smile go across her face.  Laying down on the bed, she pulled the blanket up, then whispered, "Good night," as she blew out the last candle.



  3. Arath stumbled for words, and she batted her eyelashes, smiling more.  Light, when was the last time she could flirt with a man and not have him stripping his clothes off in a heartbeat?  It was lovely and amazing, but she still couldnt help the feeling she felt as she looked him up and down. "I ... don't think so," he said, stammering out his words while backing up from her.  "I'm more used to swinging a hammer or a sword, not ... I don't think I'd be much help." 


    Michelle smiled, rising from where she sat, and walked to him, shifting her hips back and forth as she took his hand in hers.  He held it tight at first, then seemed to fight as she pulled him to the bed.  He came with her and sat down as she lightly nudged him to sit.  "Nonsense.  I am sure with your muscles, you could work out any kinks I have." 


    She sat down beside him, and turned her back to him, then took one of his hands in hers and placed it on the small of her back.  "Come now, don't be shy," she whispered seductively, smiling and batting her eyes at him as he looked at her in shock.



  4. Never before had she felt such pain shoot through her body.  She could feel the crack in her arm and felt pure pain throbbing all over her.  She didn’t want to move, because if the pain got any worse, she thought she would die.  Arath was over her half a second later, looking at her, and she just clenched her eyes, sobbing harder.  She heard Arath yell for something and the pain just got worse at the pure vibrations of his voice in the air.  She gasped to keep breathing, unable to think or move.


    Suddenly, a second figure was over her, and she felt a hand rest on her shoulder.  Screaming out from the pain, she felt a strange feeling… the pain was gone!  She still sobbed, from shock, and felt more tired than ever, but the pain was gone.  She didn’t know if it was Tai or Arath, but all she wanted was out of the hallway.  Her clothes were wet and her body ached, and it was time for her to just leave.


    Next thing she knew, Arath was cradling her in his arms.  She felt herself gently touch the bed, and she rolled away from him, not wanting to see him at all.  Why wouldn’t he just leave her in peace?  She felt him squeeze her shoulder after a while, and speak. "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to scare you.  You need to rest.  And you'll probably be starving in the morning.  I ..."  The tears began to fall again.  How had life gotten this bad that here she was, in a strange house, scared of her only friend?


    "I hope you'll consider staying.  I won't stop you if you really want to leave ... but I hope you don't."   She sniffed up the tears, then slowly rolled over, noting that her clothes were wet from the water on the floor.  He looked heart broken, and as their eyes met, she couldn’t help but smile. “You really want me to stay,” she whispered, which received a nod from him.  “Okay,” she replied.  “But do you have any dry clothes?  These were the last I had and they are wet…” 


    Then she noticed his attire.  He was practically in his small clothes.  No wonder he had been so warm when she was being cradled to him.  She glanced up and down real quick and felt her cheeks burning before looking out in the hallway to see Tai shirtless, cleaning up the water.  He also received a quick look up and down.  Maybe she could really stay here with men that looked like this.



  5. OOC: Brining along my Horse so we can get Rurak back to the tower fast!



    Shaylor looked in the mirror, one last time, before deciding she looked perfect.  Her breeches fit perfectly around her hips and the boots were not as big and bulky as her old ones had been.  The shirt she wore was loose on her figure and she felt comfortable and not so naked as she had at first.  Grabbing her sword and placing it on her waist, she eyed her new bow and arrows.  Since Rurak would be there, it would probably be best if she took them along.


    Making sure that her hair was back in a perfect long braid, she grabbed the Bow and Quiver, along with the medic bag that Cameron had given her, and set out towards the stables.  Since she was taking the medic bag with her, she had decided it would be a good idea to take Cubiyar with her.  And besides, her darling horse did need a good walk outside of the walls.


    Finding that her heart was Saddled and ready, she placed the Quiver of arrows, Bow, and Medic bag all on the horse and walked her slowly to the front gates.  There was Rurak, standing at ease, waiting for the others.  He had a slight smile as she walked up, and Shaylor nodded her head, half in respect, half in greeting.  Donning a smile, she said, "Good Morning, Rurak.  I hope you don't mind, but I decided my horse could use a nice walk and I am hoping to pick some herbs while we are out of the walls.  I cant exactly carry that back, so having her saddlebags will be useful."



  6. "I don't really know.  The Soldiers and Dedicateds, the lower ranks, have to do all of their own chores with the power, including washing their clothes.  I kind of just stayed in the habit."  Their eyes met for a moment, and it seemed as though Arath wouldn't continue with his words.  Light, it hadn't been that long since she had last seen him.  Surely by now he had found himself  a woman or something.  "I know some of the married women refuse to let their husbands use the power on their clothes, so there must be something."  


    She sighed.  More than anything, she hated washing laundry, but that would have to be something she got used to.  "Sorry.  I can't really help with that.  While you were in your bath though, I did find out where you can get some new clothes.  Tomorrow morning you can go and get whatever you need." She felt her skin inflame as his eyes trailed down her body.  She picked at the food a little, slightly surprised at his improved cooking, but noting that he could deal with some of her cooking.


    "If you don't like whatever is available here we can always just go somewhere else.  It's not like it takes me long to get anywhere."   A purse that jingled landed beside her, and she looked at it in shock.  She couldn't take all this money from him, he had already done so much. "I'll be busy in the morning, but you can poke around and if you find anything you need, go ahead and get it."


    Arath looked away from her, and she took the moment to look him over.  He was alot bigger than when she had last seen him, but not in a bad way.  He was muscular, and she started thinking about being back in his arms.  She had to look away as her eyes glanced up and down and ate a few more bites of food before taking the coins and going to the chest at the foot of her bed.  Arath stood right beside it in the doorway, and she sighed, holding up the purse.


    "Arath... You have done enough, but I can't say no to new dresses."   She bent down in front of him, her buttox in the air for him to view while she slid the coins in the chest.  She held the position for a moment before slowly rising. As she stood back up, she took a step back, resting herself against his body.  He held for half a second before he seemed to jump back in shock, and she had to stiffle a giggle.  Ok, maybe he hadn't found a woman if he was reacting so to her touches all of a sudden.  Sitting down on the bed, she had her back to him and pulled her long dark hair over her shoulder. 


    "You have done so much for me already, but my back is aching and I don't know if I could sleep tonight, the way it hurts.  Is there any chance you will rub the knots out of it?"   She looked at him for a moment, using a sweet smile to try and encourage him.



  7. OOC: Boo to short posts!




    "Cleaner?  I should hope so with the amount of water you slung around the bath room."  Michelle feigned a pout and Arath grinned back at her.  This was most definitly just like old times, where she would be sarcastic and he would rebut with just as much sarcasm.  It made her feel all warm and welcome inside.  "Yes.  You are much cleaner."  She smiled, brushing back their hair that had fallen to her face. 


    "Umm ... here.  I hope you like this.  My cooking has improved quite a bit in the last few years, but it's still not one of my best skills."   Arath was holding a plate out for her and she noticed that his eyes were trailing down her body.  She felt her cheeks warm, although this wasnt the first, nor last time, a man would look at her curves.  The thing was, this was Arath, her friend, her comfort; he wasn't some man that fantasized about her!


    She took the plate from him, thanking him quietly, feeling as though her clothes were practically not even there anymore.  Sitting on the bed, she left the door open, as if welcoming him inside.  "You know, I am going to need to wash some clothes tomorrow, as all of mine are dirty.  I can wash yours as well while I am at it.  Is there anyone around here that does things like that, and house cleaning as well, or is it a do-it-yourself kind of deal?"



  8. Michelle heard a chuckle escape his lips and she felt her cheeks enflame, not from embarrassment, but from anger.  Light, if only she had a sword, she would run him through and prove that she was not to be messed with.  “Wherever you hail from, you can go back and flaming leave me alone.”   Her eyes bulged, and she was ready to strike him with all her strength when she heard Arath speak up.  She cooled her hand to hear his words first, as they could be more punishment than her hand on the idiot.


    "Tai, I want to see you first thing in the morning in my office." The boy looked heartbroken, and he left the room, head held down.  A victory smile slid across her face and the red disappeared as she turned to Arath, the door closing behind Tai.  Then the eruption began.


    "And you ... blood and ashes!  I know you're upset but ... light!  You're lucky Tai didn't incinerate you on the spot!  It's well within his abilities to do just that." Michelle felt all the color drain from her face as Arath began to yell at her, and she felt more like a mouse than a woman.  She shrunk back against the door, eyes locked on him, scared now more than ever.  Arath had never yelled at her like that before, and she was thoroughly shaken.


    "I'm sorry I didn't warn you about him earlier, but you kind of ended up here rather suddenly, and I hadn't seen him all day.  And I didn't expect you to be patrolling the hallways at night either."  His voice was now much calmer, and she felt a tear run down her cheek.  How could she explain to him that living in the poor house like she had made her nervous of ANYTHING that went bump in the night?  And the way he was acting now, she felt more like an intruder than ever.


    Her arms slid up to cross her chest and she felt a tear roll down her cheek. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, looking down at the floor, ashamed.  She had had no right to yell at someone that lived in a house she was a guest in.  Arath stepped closer, and she feared that he would hug her or worse, punish her with his power again.  Instead, he just stood there, and she looked up, brushing the tears from her face.


    “Arath…” she looked for the right words, nervous of hurting him.  “You scare me.  Your… power, or whatever it is.  You used it on me, and then you yell at me, and you speak of how that boy could kill me…”   She turned to the door, upset, opening it after a few pulls at the door.  Had he used his power again on her?  Even after what she just said?


    “I am going to go back to Caemlyn.  I am a stranger here and you have a new successful life here.  You don’t need me hanging around-“ and with that, she stepped on the water that had run down the hallway from the bucket earlier, and she slid face first, landing on her arm with a crack.  She cried out, her arm throbbing, and she rolled onto her back, clutching her left arm to her chest.  Whether from embarrassment, anger, fear, or pure pain, the tears now rolled freely down her face.


    Michelle Linwood



    OOC: for being so fussy, you are now Hot Pink Tai.  QUIT BEING FUSSY! ;)

  9. I have a BT Civie, Michelle, who is in need of some female friends!  She is stuck living in a house with a crazy almost-Ashie (Tai) and her old friend that is now Attack Leader (Arath) and needs some fun in her life!


    A little background on the BT:

    The BT has lots of men running around with swords and power and they are a little crazy but still fun.  You can have a BT Civie if you don't wanna RP going mad (Or fail at RPing men like I do).  Your civie has to have a reason to be there, like family, friend, or spouse. Your BT-friend can have died so you dont need a partner to start up the RP, or you can have someone already with a BTer help you with a reason to be there!


    The Fun about being a Civie:

    You get to run around, have fun, cause trouble, work, have a WS, and get to watch lots of hot men go crazy!  And, you get to RP with me!


    Now, please remember, 3 characters per div so if you already have a BTer, make another!  I am welcome to all the fun possible (and Michelle needs friends)!


    So yeah, BT, lets go baby!  CIVIES FTW!!!!!!!!!

    Christine (Michelle Linwood)

  10. You know, I always wanted to make a novice that failed her Arches, but I think that the WT already wants to kill me for my insane characters, and this one I think would have Jayd rolling in her bed at night, muttering my name and the words "dammit" and "drowning"... or something like that!


    Welcome to the WT!  As I suck at writing men, I have a BT Civie... she is Arath's friend from Pre - Tower, and hates Tai (Who scared her in the middle of the night) and will work at the Inn some, so if you ever wanna do an RP or something, let me know, always around!


    And any questions, you can poke Arath on msn :D  (Or Me, but I am not an Ashie)



    All ya'll need to show up!  It'll be lotsa fun!  There will be blood and gore and someone gets to die, and then there will be crying, and then he gets slapped for being a baby, and lotsa fun! 


    So yeah, be there! I'll bring brownies and beer!

  12. A flame arrow appeared before Arath, and if she had been less scared of the madman, she would have been freaked out even more of that.  She looked over the edge of the bed in fear and awe as she watched Arath ready to protect her and his home.  As the man walked inside, he stood there in shock.  Suddenly, Michelle felt she couldn’t move.  Oh my blasted light, what is wrong with me?  She fought the bonds around her, unable to see anything, having a feeling it was Arath.


    Arath calmly walked between the two of them, and Michelle watched, still struggling against the unseen hand that held her down.  "Michelle, this is Tai'Dashan, my student.  He might look dirty and crazy, but he will NOT, harm you.  Tai, Michelle here is an old friend of mine, and my guest.  She's much tougher than she looks, so for your own safety, try not to scare her anymore."


    A STUDENT?  She was scared half to death because of his student?  Arath was getting an earful for this one; he could have so easily avoided any problems by telling her about him.  She felt the bonds fall from her and she jumped up, wiping the dust from the floor off her hands and knees before crossing her arms over her chest, feeling a little naked in her soft light pants and thin shirt. 


    "Honest mistake. Middle of the night, strange person in your home... tends to put you off. Sorry."   She nodded, a little angry, noticing how the water was running down his hair and face.  “Well, at least I started you on getting that bath.  How about you try and finish that?”  Arath turned and glared at her, and she glared back.


    She stomped around the end of the bed, ready to slap him again, before she decided against it.  If this was his student, then she didn’t need to totally embarrass him.  “Gee, thanks for filling me in.  Arath, next time I think someone is breaking in, I will sleep and let them steal everything.”


    Turning to go towards the room, she turned and went to slap his face.  He grabbed her wrist, holding tight, and she jerked her hand back.  “If you were going to scare me to death, you should have left me in that hell hole.”   The dirty Tai was standing in the doorway, and she twisted to stare at him, hands on her hips.  “You are just lucky I didn’t have a real weapon.”


    Michelle Linwood


  13. Shaylor had never felt so free and happy but still very useful.  Sergeant Irei had put her to work immediately, and Shaylor already felt her hands would fall off from the constant scrubbing and work she had begun to endure.  However, after a week, she had been told that she must also train with a weapon, and upon showing off her Gladius, was told she could also pick up a ranged weapon.  Well, that was no choice at all, it would be a Short Bow, or something like that.  Maybe she could spend time with Rurak again…


    She had scribbled him a note, an unofficial one, stating that she was supposed to pick up a secondary weapon and if he would teach her archery.  The sword training was set up by the Sergeant and she had yet to meet her teacher, but was excited none-the-less to begin in those lessons.  However, for now, spending time with Rurak would be pleasurable enough.


    Pulling back her hair with a ribbon, allowing the curls to flow down her back, she smiled at herself in the mirror, making sure that her clothes were perfect.  The training clothes that she had been provided with were simple brown breeches, a tan loose shirt, and proper fitting bindings.  Along with her boots, she felt perfectly set.


    Heading off towards the Archery Yard, she got lost a few times, having to ask for directions.  She nodded at everyone, trying to show respect, and used her “sirs” and “ma’ams.”  Eventually, she made it to the Archery Yard and saw him standing by himself.  He had a bow with him, the one he had carried the first day, which he was using to shoot arrows into a target that was some distance from him.  The arrows were across his back and she saw a second bow leaning against a fence, which she guessed was for her. 


    Walking up behind him, she waited till after he let loose an arrow before tapping him on the shoulder.  “Hello there stranger,” she said as he whipped around, jumping back.  Shaylor giggled to herself, and he straightened himself up, as if nothing had happened.  “Do I call you Rurak or Sergeant, sir?”



  14. “Forgiveness, child. My name is Larindhra Reyne, and yes, I am an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah.” Did she really just apologise? Mel saw a long red fringe coming off the shawl that Larindhra Sedai was holding up.  “Though most Sisters do not usually wear their shawls in the Tower, except on formal occasions, it is a useful way to figure out which Ajah one belongs to. The fringe will indicate the Ajah.”   Why were Ajahs colors?  And what is each Ajah for? Melainia had so many questions in her mind, she didn’t know where to start.


    Larindhra Sedai was up again, reaching into a closet.  “Your mentor will be Jasmyne Ceres, Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah.” What in the blasted light is a mentor for? And what does Aes Sedai mean anyways? So many different names and words  and customs that these strange Aes Sedai used, it was like another language or culture.  “Put these on, then I will show you to your new room.”   And with that, two white somethings were placed into her hands.


    Looking down at them, Melainia rose slowly, sliding her bag and sword off and setting them on the chair.  She set the one bulk in the seat, and held the other up from a sleeve.  A dress.  A bloody dress?  Who in the…  The Aes Sedai was staring at her, expectedly, and Mel slipped off her shirt, then her boots and breeches.  Standing in just her undergarments, she pulled the dress on, awkwardly looking for where her arms went.


    After a few minutes, she figured it out, looking down at it.  Not able to help herself, she started laughing before pulling it back over her head.  Already in the process of putting her pants on, she then balled the dress up.  “This just won’t-“ the Aes Sedai had an eyebrow raised, and Mel cut off short on her words. 


    Pulling the dress back over her head, she left her breeches on, at least happy she couldn’t feel her bare thighs rubbing together.  The Aes Sedai had turned around to grab something, and Mel pulled her boots on. This is so coming off as soon as possible. She balled up her shirt and stuffed it in her bag, and grabbed her other dress and sword.  “What now?”


    Melainia Mosagina

    %&#@^*@ DRESS!


  15. Standing before this strange man, she watched as the bucket went rolling and the water splashed him.  Ok, that idea kind of failed. Note to self – get a weapon and learn how to properly use it.   The man turned to look at her in shock, and she watched anger go across his face.  This really wasn’t a good idea.


    Next thing she knew, a sword was pointed at her.  "Get out. Get out while you still live."  Staring at him for half a second, she screamed for Arath.  Grabbing the door handle, she pushed it in, falling to the floor as she rushed into it.  Arath was sitting up, and she scrambled to the other side of the bed, away from the door.  “Some madman is out there!”


    Michelle Linwood

  16. Rolling over in the bed, Michelle couldn’t sleep.  Her first real night here, and she just couldn’t get comfortable.  Even with real food in her and a clean body, she just didn’t feel right.  Maybe it was the fact she was freezing because this blanket couldn’t keep anyone warm.  Or maybe it was the fact that the mattress was practically a sack of hay.  Or even worse, maybe it was the fact that she had no idea where her future lay.  Irregardless, she couldn’t sleep.


    Rising from her bed, she went over to the desk, finding the flint and candles she had gotten earlier.  Getting a candle going, she set one on either side of her desk.  Searching around, she found the two cookbooks that she had brought with her.  Opening one up, she shifted around until she found her papers, stuffed in the back.  She was working on trying to remember an amazing pie crust recipe.


    Glancing at where she left off, she searched for a quill and ink.  Light, did Arath provide her with nothing?  Sighing, she slammed the book shut, annoyed.  Her head fell into her hands, and she brushed the hair back from her face, sighing.  What was she going to do with herself?  She felt an absolute mess and totally out of place here.  Maybe this was all a mistake…


    Hearing a noise down below, she heard the door open and close.  Rising from her chair, she looked around for something to arm herself with.  Light, all she had was the bucket of water that Arath had left her earlier.  Going over to the door to her room, she heard someone walking up the stairs.  Opening the door, she stood beside the opening, ready to pounce.  Hearing the footsteps stop, she peaked outside of the door.


    A cloaked man stood at the top of the stairs, and as he turned his back towards her, she took two steps out, flinging the bucket full of water at the man.  “GO AWAY!” she screamed, bucket and water flying everywhere.


    Michelle Linwood

  17. "Of course I have soap.  Maybe not a wide selection of fragrances to choose from, but I have some.  Shampoo as well."   Michelle blushed slightly as he laughed at her.  She hadn’t thought it was that embarrassing of a question – not all men bathed!  All of a sudden, there was a gateway before them, and Arath stepped through, pulling her in after him.  She shivered, letting her cloak slide off as they stood in an empty room.


    "This is my travelling room.  The edges of these gateways are very sharp, so it's better to not have anything around them.”   She nodded, following him as he led her through his office and into the kitchen, then over to the bathing room.  "You should have everything you need in here.  Soap, shampoo, washcloths ... all on that shelf.  Towels in the cupboard.  Oh yes.  The tub."


    Next thing she knew, the huge tub was being filled.  The days of lugging buckets around for a bath were gone, and now she could twist a little knob to get water poured into the bath.  She watched him amazement, giggling over it.  This was going to be so much fun and absolutely amazing! "Anything else I can do for you?" The tub had steam rising from it as he worked his wonders again, and she touched it lightly, smiling as the heat enveloped her finger.


    “Thank you,” she said, smiling.  “You have been wonderful for everything today.  I think the only thing I need now is just maybe… some food?  For after the bath, I mean.”   He nodded, then left the room, leaving her to the steaming water.  Slipping out of her dress, she folded that and the cloak on the bench.  Next went her slippers, then her shift.  Searching around the shelf, she found a comb.  Sitting down on the bench, she began brushing out her hair.


    As soon as all the knots were out, she braided it back, loosely, and began looking through the soaps.  Finding a shampoo that smelled amazing, and a soap that matched, she grabbed a washcloth and sunk into the tub, leaving her braid laying over the edge.  Soaking for a while, she began at her toes, cleaning every part of her body.  As the dirt washed away, so did the pain of all the years.  Reaching her hair, she let out the braid and poured shampoo into it, rinsing it over and over.


    Eventually satisfied that she was completely clean, Michelle stepped out of the tub, getting water everywhere, and grabbed a huge fluffy towel.  Wrapping herself up in it tight, she tossed her hair in another towel.  Grabbing the clothes she had set aside, she peaked out of the door.  She had completely forgotten about clothes, and didn’t know where Arath was.  Tiptoeing around, she didn’t see him anywhere, and ran up the stairs.  Going to her door, she opened it and dashed inside, slamming the door behind her.


    Tossing her clothes in the huge closet, she sighed, knowing that she needed to clean all of her clothes.  Looking inside of the chest, she pulled out her other dress, sighing as she could see the dirt and stains on it.  The apron got tossed along with it into the closet.  Pulling out her breeches and shirt, she slipped on one pants leg, then the other, letting it sit on her waist.  Light, they had fit when she had bought them a few months before, but now, she was so skinny, they wanted to fall down.


    Next went her bindings, and then her shirt.  The sleeves were short, and she glanced down at herself, sighing.  Pulling out the boots, she shuddered, not wanting to put the heavy things on.  Leaving them back in the closet, she went to the desk and grabbed her brush.  Combining that with the towel, she eventually got her hair almost completely dry and brushed out.  She tied it back with a ribbon and put her items back in the drawer.


    Hearing a knock at the door, she went to it, opening the door to see Arath standing there.  He had a plate in his hands with food on it.  Smiling, she twirled for him, joking. “Do I look cleaner?” she said, giggling.


    Melainia Mosagina

  18. "Yes, yes.  I'll help you get anything you want.  And we can get it from wherever you want to.  And yes, I can teach you how to use a sword.  You'll get bruised from it, but if it's what you want ... I'll do it."   Michelle giggled, excited.  Arath laughed with her, and she smiled, watching the two men continue fighting.  After a while, one slipped and fell, and both of them continued laughing as they walked away.


    The light was starting to disappear and she felt it get colder.  Shivering, she made a mental note to wear her breeches and real boots from now on – she was absolutely freezing!  She clung a little tighter to his arm as they walked towards a large building ahead.


    "I'm not sure what’s available right now, but if you want we can go see if there is any furniture available.  All of the Asha'man had lives and jobs before they came here, and many of them continue what they did before, as much as they can anyway.  A few of them I know were talented carpenters ..."  


    Thinking about it for a moment, she looked around.  It was growing darker, and as much as she would love to go find a chair and mirror for her room, she knew she would be fine.  After all, a mirror was pointless as long as she looked a wreck, and she could easily move the chest around to be used as a seat at the desk.


    As for fabric, since Arath hadn’t mentioned it, she realized that things like silk and lace were most likely not widely available.  Well, he had said Caemlyn was a day from there, so perhaps one day he would let her borrow a horse or something and ride to Caemlyn for a few days for fabric.  She didn’t need new clothes for the time being, and it was frivolous of her to ask.


    “Let’s go back to your house.  I totally want a hot bath.  However you warmed up that water earlier, you should totally do it again.  I could use a good cleaning.”   Stopping for a moment, she stared at him.  He was a man – he probably didn’t even have soap!  “Arath, do you have soap?  Or like… shampoo?  Or anything like that?  I don’t have anything at all like that, as it all disappeared in my apartment.”


    Michelle Linwood


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