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Posts posted by Arette

  1. Sereth: How is this? The M'Hael told Annais that she should have someone to escort her so he could assign a Soldier for the task who could conveniently be Sereth. Then among guiding her around he could ask questions :) Annais is also pretty friendly so Sereth would be getting most of the answers he wants.


    Mat: If you don't have time to do this right now (and I know the feeling as my threadcount is pretty high too), we could always retro it later.


    Arath: Annais could approach Arath as Sereth would point him out to her as an Attack Leader. I think that she would be curious to hear what exactly an Attack Leader does and if he seems open enough, she'd ask some other questions too.


    I am currently trying to finish two big school assignments so I can post at earliest on Tuesday. I will be starting a thread for you both (Sereth and Arath) then if you don't have any objections :)

  2. And now Brent sighed when Annais moved further, obviously he thought that she was backing away because she didn't want to be close to him. Bloody man, she just couldn't read him right. Annais nodded that it had been indeed Estel who had gotten away under very strange circumstances. She hadn't been able to get a really coherent story out of the woman but she seemed to blame another Asha'man for what had happened to her Bondholder. Bloody flaming Linten. Linten Bonded to Faile of the Red Ajah. That was what Estel had repeated again and again when she had prodded the poor Sister and finally she had just let her be. Her nod was more hesitant this time when Brent asked if she knew how Estel had escaped. "I know something of it", she clarified but since he didn't seem to be willing to volunteer anything more, she didn't ask further. For now.


    She smiled in gratitude at the name Brent provided. "Thank you, Brent. I will approach this Rion then." It would be good to speak with Lavinya. Her Ajah Sister was deeply sensual but she had her wits about her so certainly she could provide Annais with some insight into things. If she would just be allowed to approach her. She was surprised and pleased when Brent chose to answer her question about his manifestation. He spoke evenly but a strong emotion shone through the words and Annais knew that somehow things had went awry. Maybe he had hurt someone or then his family had turned on him and turned him out. She wanted to comort him somehow but with his unpredictable reactions she settled for just eyeing him sadly. It was wrong that half of the world's channeling potential had to go through this. Somehow Saidin would have to be Cleansed and even if the Black Tower didn't dare to dream of it, maybe the Dragon Reborn did. It touched him too after all and he was a ta'veren. The Pattern bent around him.


    There was nothing Annais could say after that, no words of solace came and she didn't even know what had really happened. And she certainly wouldn't press. His question gave her something else to think even though it wasn't a very pleasent topic either. But Brent couldn't have known. And it was a grief she had long since come on terms with as her family had died over a century ago. "There are many versions of the songs of the Crimson Carnelion but none of the verses of his death became popular among the people. One song tells how he rescued a fair maiden kidnapped by an Aes Sedai and relates to real events. The song has few facts wrong, though: the fair maiden wasn't his love interest but his daughter, and the rescue attempt ended to him being run through by a Warder sword instead of a success." She didn't even try to hide the bleakness and forlorness of her voice with the last words. Even after all these years she did miss her father but the fierce longing had faded to a dull ache.


    "The daughter was dragged kicking and screaming to the White Tower after all the uncles and big brothers she had grown up with were handed to the authorities. She blamed herself for the whole event for trying to rob a Green Sister and hated the Tower for their concept of 'justice'. But perceptions change and even the most stubborn young women cannot outwit the Aes Sedai. The White Tower does alot of good in the world and genuinely helps people and with time I came to realize that and see myself as part of it. That and making friends among my fellow initiates." Annais shrugged. "Likely a lot longer reply than you cared to hear. But that is how I ended up in the Tower and why I stayed there."


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  3. *glares at Alyssa* She stole my line!


    See what kind of underlings I have to live with :P There is just not class and respect anymore. Sheesh, they can't even come up with their own witticisms anymore.


    Hey hussy, give me the line back! *tackles Alyssa and tickles her* ;)

  4. Annais Sedai of the Gray Ajah is staying in the Black Tower for about a week to negotiate the terms of release of the Bonded Aes Sedai after the Watchers RP.


    On the 4th day she is going to present a formal apology in front of all BTers  for the incident. But before this she is trying to interact with at least some inhabitants of the Black Tower.


    So do you want to meet an unleashed Aes Sedai? ;) *gasp* Will it be friendly or end in insults?


    Just post below with some idea of how you would like it to go and I shall start a thread for us. Or you can be super sweet and start it too :)

  5. Bren't body language told of nervousness, jerking slightly under Annais' hand and licking his lips. Why was he so anxious around her? Maybe because that kind of a behaviour wasn't expected from an Aes Sedai. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable so she carefully edged herself a bit further from him. She listened intently as he explained her rights in the Black Tower and it definately gladdened her that she would be allowed to move freely even if it was with escort. She wondered if the comment about staying in sight was for her benefit or to keep a better eye on her. He seemed angry suddenly and his casual tone when he explained what could happen to Annais almost made a hand rise unbidden to her throat.


    Now it was her turn to lick her lips ever so slightly. She had never Bonded a Warder and the thought of being at the other end of a Bond was unsettling. Not so much because the other was a male channeler even though that was a concern too. No, it was more because she would be utterly helpless and and have no control what so ever. How Estel had described the Bond it was somehow fundamentally different than the Warder Bond. Disobeying simply wasn't an option, it was as if the Compulsion was on all the time. Vile creation and she wondered if that effect was purposefully there.


    She managed to compose herself enough to speak normally. "I appreciate the freedom and naturally I will not enter anyone's home unbidden." Maybe some of the civilians would be interested of speaking with her too. It would be good to know how they viewed things even if they weren't in control here. "What kind of escort do you suggest? And I will keep at sight", she managed to keep any sarcasm out of her tone. "Do you think that there would be someone who might be open to speak with me? Anyone I should avoid? I wouldn't like to repeat the experience with the Dedicated at the gate. Though such people will likely avoid me themselves. And as for the Bondholders, who would be the most approachable of them? I do know the names but Estel did not know much of them all."


    And Light, he had been channeling for years already. It was worrying as even if he tried to use Saidin as little as possible, the Taint accumulated slowly with every time be embraced the Source. "How did you manifest the spark if I may ask? Did it take you a long time to come to term with it?"


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  6. Despite the strange company, after talking about the prejudice and fear towards the Black Tower and what it stood for, the brief graze of her hand against his without flinching was more welcome than he dared admit to himself.  How long had it been since anyone except his brothers had dared talk to him this; informal, amiably, as if his black coat didn't define him?  Light... too bloody long if a little understanding and a brief touch could affect him so strongly.  Absently he wondered whether some of his brothers' habits of taking off the coat and going to Caemlyn might not be such a bad idea.


    "I do no think the Black Tower do ever be daring to be getting their hopes up that there actually be a cure for the doom that do be hanging over us.  It do already be too much to be hoping that we do be seeing the Last Battle and actually be accomplishing something that we do be proud of before we be wasting away slowly.  Hope do be a fragile and dangerous thing to a dying man and so you do be finding yourself hoping for the small things because you do no be daring to  be dreaming of anything bigger.  So no, we do no have any plan to Heal the Taint."  Brent winced when he realised just how much he had said, babbling on like some old lady with only her cats to talk to.  He chuckled.  "I do be apologizing for the way I do be rambling on.  I think that do be enough brandy for me." Either that or he was starved for decent conversation.


    "As for the apology, do tomorrow be sounding too early?  Or would you be liking a few more days?"


    Brent's words were heart-breaking and it was true that false hope could be more damaging than beneficial. Still there had to be some glimmer of optimism and dreams for better even if it was for smaller things and Annais found herself wondering what Brent hoped for himself. This time she did lay her hand on his shoulder and let it rest there for a moment. "The Asha'man will stand with the Dragon Reborn and the White Tower in the Last Battle and make the world proud. And there is no need to apologize." She was ashamed for her brief thought about who would be watching the M'Hael and making the decision for him if he would start manifesting the signs.


    "Well, you don't need to. Apology... yes. I mean no, maybe not as soon as tomorrow. I would like to know a little better who I am talking to first. How freely can I move in the Black Tower? I suppose that not many if any Asha'man would wish to speak with me but do you mind if I try? Is there anything that I shouldn't do beyond normal conduct? And will you let me to meet the Sisters?" She suspected that that would be allowed only after the apology but you had to always try.


    "And Brent... how long have you channeled?" Annais stood close enough to him that he could see the worry in her eyes. She kept it away from her face and no matter what his answer would be, she wouldn't be afraid of him. Maybe there could be fear for him but she couldn't bring herself to believe that he would harm anyone even if the worst happened. It was likely a stupid thought, you had to just remember what Lews Therin Telamon had done to every single person he had loved, but she wouldn't dismiss it. If she would start seeing him as a possible threat, she couldn't finish the negotiations.


    Brent & Annais

  7. It was touching how clearly chagrined Brent was and there was just something about blushing men that appealed to Annais. The smile on her lips waned a bit and almost turned into a cringe when Brent told quite expectedly that he wanted the apology to be public. Light, it would be truly horrible because there really was no way to present the events in a way that was merciful toward the White Tower unless she used such flowery tongue that no one understood anything. And that would defeat the whole purpose of the apology. She should be just greatful if she didn't get thrown with objects but surely the Asha'man required better discipline from their own. "I see. That isn't so very unreasonable request. How soon could you arrange such a congregation? I would like some time to word it just right. Rhetorics may seem frivolous but they leave quite lasting effects to people's minds."


    She could just stand there and listen symphatetically as Brent described what the Asha'man faced when they went among the people to gather more followers. What they did sounded quite efficient and not much different than the novice gathering parties the Tower sometimes sent out. There were dangers for channelers of both genders if they were not found and better the male channelers in the Black Tower under some surveillance than possibly going mad in some random village. Maybe the White Tower could help changing some of the attitudes and make recruitment for them easier. However, many Sitters would resent such an idea as it would make the Black Tower even stronger and more powerful in the long run. Light, they already had half the numbers the White Tower did. But they needed every help against the Shadow and surely the Sitters couldn't be that short-sighted.


    Having to be constantly on your guard and watchful around your fellows had to difficult. It would make anyone paranoid. It was a heavy burden for a one man to make decisions over the life and death of the Asha'man and from Brent's crest-fallen reaction, Annais gauged that maybe he had already had to make such a call. Or then he had lost someone close or just greatly dreaded it. Poisoning was a murder but it was kindness also and she doubted that the Asha'man had ever even considered simply removing Saidin from the poor men. The madness and effects of the Taint would still remain after all. Annais pretended to go for another fill even though she certainly craved for a drink after such topics. It was also an excuse to get close to him as she took the bottle off his hands. Touch, even as brief and impersonal as passing a bottle could be helpful and they had only just met so she wouldn't dare to go for anything further for solace. She gulped down her drink in silence.


    "The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills and some of what it forces upon us is bloody unfair. Have you ever made any plans for a more permanent solution on how to Heal the Taint?" The White Tower had tried that by studying the captured male channelers before the Dragon's Amnesty had been given but Annais doubted that the Tower's well intentioned plan would get much thanks from Brent. It hadn't really produced much either, except for a rift between the Ajahs thanks to the way the Law had been passed by Karana Majin and because of the Iussi Dyfelle debacle. And to think that they had even had held Caladesh for a day before his mysterious escape. If only he had been dealt with immediately and Lyanna wouldn't be dead and Lanfir hadn't Burnt herself out. Not a very delightful topic indeed.


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  8. Brent failed to hide his blush.  How had he missed her question?  'Bloody fool, you do be distracted by quarrels you no be likely to be resolving in your lifetime and really, do it be be so long since you be around women that your wits do be running away with your tongue?  She be Aes Sedai, you do no be her type.'  "Fortune prick me, I do be sorry Annie, I uh... did be missing your question.  I do be wanting the apology presented by a representative of the White Tower in front of the entire gathered congregation of Asha'man and Aes Sedai already here.  The Asha'man do be wanting some explanation for the entire fiasco and probably their hate do be subsiding somewhat if the White Tower do be accepting part of the blame for the deaths of their brothers."


    "I do be well aware that the people's opinion of us do no be changing anytime soon.  I do be going to towns and cities with the recruitment parties sometimes and I do be feeling their glares and hatred for my kind even if my kind had never before affected them except in their childhood stories." The M'Hael sighed and rubbed his temples.  It was a shame really, every man with this unwanted power for the past three thousand years had had to deal with becoming an instant outcast and scapegoat- and that was if he was lucky.  The tales of what villages had done to young men before they sought the safety of the Black Tower were heartbreaking; families excommunicating sons; wives taking children from their fathers, never to be seen again and even mobs massacring defenceless families for the sin of bearing a "monster" into the world.  Brent was a little biased, but he couldn't understand why nobody could see that "his kind" wanted this no more, and usually less, than everyone else.


    He was almost surprised when she dared bring up the topic of the Taint.  For the most part, people stepped lightly or altogether avoided the topic to their faces while whispering behind their backs.  Brent found himself almost admiring her courage and bluntness.  "The Taint do always be a concern.  Each of us do be watching each other, and be dreading tell-tale symptoms.  Any suspicions do be reported immediately to the M'Hael," Light, he was thankful he hadn't had to deal with anything of that nature yet "who do be determining whether or not the man do be mad.  If yes, a poison be added to his evening drink and he do be going to bed and never be waking up."  The Illianer hastily poured himself another glass of brandy, keeping his face downturned to hide obvious pain.  He could remember, clear as glass, when his mentor as a Soldier began acting out-of-sorts.  One day, Pater began prattling about Lews Therin and by the next morning, the man was found lifeless in his bed.  Unfortunately, it was a fact of life for every man in the close-knit, well... maybe not quite, Farm.


    Brent Enios


  9. Brent's words almost made Annais sigh in frustration. Hadn't he been listening to her at all? Or then he had just heard what he had wanted to hear. He seemed quite fixed on the topic of Age of Legends and the male Aes Sedai. She could understand why but it was a dangerous one. It certainly was at the root of everything as the White Tower didn't see the Black Tower as a formidable power that needed special handling. No, instead the Sitters expected that the world still was like it had always been and things went as they planned. In the old days Aes Sedai could have been sent to any nation without any notification but the Black Tower wasn't just any country and the Dragon Reborn certainly forced the Sisters to watch carefully how stepped in the countries sworn to him.


    The biggest problem was that she didn't have the authority to deal with the issue. The Amyrlin with the Hall's council decided on the external politics of the White Tower, not a single ambassador. So somehow Annais would have to get the Sisters back without them getting too deeply embroiled into the issue. "I was addressing the option you presented. I asked you a question about it which you did not acknowledge. So I shall ask again. What kind of an apology did you have in mind? How would it be delivered?"


    "And no, it is not too much to hope that Age of Legends could be reached again. I just fear that that one day may be quite far away. The largest obstacle is attitudes of both the Aes Sedai and the people of the world and change resistance. Attitudes gathered over three thousand years do not change with a snap of a fingers. Not even when the Dragon Reborn and his Pattern shifting ta'veren powers are doing the snapping. It takes time and patient management to change something that fundamental. Sadly we don't have the luxury of time but press too hard and the biases spring up dozen-fold stronger." It was difficult to speak calmly as the topic was so frustrating. No matter how symphatetic she was personally, she had to represent the Tower and make him understand what majority of the Sisters felt like.


    "What you ask may seem to you like a small thing but you can't really expect anyone to happily give away three thousand years of priviledge and power just like that. Especially when the party you should share them with is someone you have tried to protect the world from until just few years back. The Tower has kept the Dragon's Amnesty but how most Aes Sedai percieve the male channelers is still the same. But honestly, most Sisters have never met a male channeler - for example I hadn't until now. And if they have, it has usually been a poor wretch already badly taken by the Taint. One way to help the White Tower to see you as people and not as menacing boogie men would be to actually have peaceful interactions. And to assure the White Tower that the Taint is not an issue."


    "You do have some way of dealing with it, yes? More accurate information instead of having to rely on rumours and wild guesses inspired by fears is usually a good way to assuage worries. Could you be kind enough to shed some light into this matter."


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  10. The Gray Sister recieved both sneer and snort for her saracsm that the "world was not the Aes Sedai's playing ground."  Despite her sense of humour and informality... and charm, Brent admitted guiltily, she had as much of the usual Aes Sedai arrogance as any of the other Sisters.  This was not saying that Brent thought his ego any smaller, which he did, but she seemed to think him the more arrogant of the pair.  The M'Hael couldn't help but chuckle.  Surely he wasn't that narcissistic.


    In all honesty, Brent had never actually heard of any intelligence missions into Tar Valon or the Tower itself.  No doubt Dalinar had some Eyes and Ears there from his time as a Warder, but by that same position, he kept a certain amount of respect for the White Tower.  That respect had led to his downfall, the Illianer wondered how these negotiations would be going if it were his predecessor at this desk instead.  Would the man have rolled over like an obedient dog and let the Aes Sedai run roughshod over the Farm?  That was the impression Linten and he had sent out when they had begun plotting this immediately following the Watchers fiasco.  In fact, it was one of the determining factors in the deposing of Dalinar.


    "You do no be addressing the option I do be presenting.  The Black Tower do be asking for a formal apology from the White Tower for invading our territory.  We do both be wanting an alliance, perhaps union do be too strong but do it be too much to hope that one day we do be able to return to an Age of Legends-like state?  You do no be needing to be reminding me about what faces each man here every day.  There do no be male Aes Sedai any more, but there do be Asha'man, who do be no different except that they do no be recognised as equals by the female Aes Sedai.  We do no be asking much, Annie, just equality.  There do be no way that an alliance be working if the Aes Sedai do be continuing to be treating us as a lower class of being.  And I do no see our talks going any further until the White Tower be be admitting that they were wrong to be invading the Farm."


    Brent Enios


  11. Annais wanted badly to comment Brent's implacable announcement about Asha'man not being bullied little brothers but it was best to keep her silence as much as possible. And likely telling him that the White Tower was not a misbehaving wench who could be bent over a knee wasn't such a great idea, she thought with an internal smile. Placidity was plastered on face and she listened patiently as the M'Hael rambled on.


    Yes, it would have been far too easy to just give the Asha'man money and be done with it. The demand for formal apology alerted her. Light, she had dreaded this. The Tower did not apologize, at least not formally and officially. The Sitters had never told her that she couldn't do it as they assumed that she knew it at heart. But the Black Tower did have a right to demand it and it would be necessary to forward the negotiations. Such small words but they conceded alot of the Tower's position and dignity.


    "Golly goodness, the whole world isn't our playing ground anymore? That kind of realization would put alot of Sisters on a tantrum. I mean, if we did that kind of things of course. Now, what kind of an apology did you have in mind?"


    "Still, can you look me in the eye and say that none of your men have ever been to Tar Valon or even the Tower Grounds itself and snooped around a bit? I'm sure that you have taken off your fancy black coats and been very sneaky but you have done the same too. You just didn't do it en masse and be silly enough to get caught. It is reasonable that we shouldn't come and do unexpected visits but it should work vice versa too. I'm certain that we could come to an agreement of where the inviolatible borders of the Towers go."


    "And I would be careful to use word union, Brennie. Concordance and alliance are definately desireable but union has a bit too strong connotations. And what you mean by priviledges and sharing them? The Age of Legends was certainly an ideal and it would be good to work toward a world where things are like they were then. But in this Age there is one unfortunate reason why there are no male Aes Sedai... It doesn't really pertain to these particular negotiations, but for a longer term alliance the White Tower should know how you are dealing with this issue."


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  12. "I do no need to be reminded of our impending doom.  And I do have no wish to be completely isolating the Black Tower from the White, however, I will no be standing around and letting Asha'man bullied around like underfoot little brothers."  Brent crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows, the image of inflexibility.  One moment friendly laughter and the next she was chastising him like... well... a five year-old.  Chagrined, he glanced over at Mia who appeared to be watching the talks with avid interest.


    Monetary compensation?  Did she think the White Tower could buy their Sisters back?  Despite her talk of hostages, there was far more at stake here than ransom money and financial gain.  For the first time since the Breaking, male channellers stood on equal footing with Aes Sedai- or at least had the potential to equalise the gap.  The White Tower's backing won kings' crowns, it could shatter the public misconceptions about male channellers if they could just get them to admit that Asha'man were not, in fact, monsters.  And if the Towers stood united and equal...  The return of the Age of Legends, just in time for Tarmon Gai'don!


    "You can no be simply buying your sisters back.  We do no be common thieves that do be kidnapping at will for profit.  Your Aes Sedai did be invading our territory and the first thing I would like to be seeing is a formal apology.  The White Tower must be admitting that they did be wrong for coming to the Black Tower unannounced as if they did be having every right in the world to be doing so.  If you do be wanting us to be respecting the minds of your Sisters, you do be having to respect the Black Tower's lands."


    "I do be wanting a union between our Towers as much as you.  It would indeed be benefitting the Black Tower more than the White but for any alliance to be working, we must be standing on equal ground.  Aes Sedai supremacy is over and it do be time for you to share your priviledges as they did be in the Age of Legends."


    Brent Enios


  13. Aha, Brent just revealed something that the White Tower could offer. Of course the Sitters had seemed to think that the Tower wouldn't have to give anything and compromise but it should have been obvious that the Black Tower wouldn't just comply and be all apologetic when Annais shook her finger at them. Likely they would have to pay Queen's ransom for every Sister but money was just money and more could be obtained with time. Sitters would likely scold her for not negotiating better but as long as she brought the Sisters back, she would consider it a success. As long as the Tower wouldn't have to cut the yearly allowances of the Sisters, she doubted that there would be any serious repercussions. She remembered that Arette had tried to push for that as a Keeper and everyone had opposed it. No one wanted to give up their luxurious life style even though they could have gotten along with much less. Bah.


    "If your resources are strained, maybe you could consider trading the Sisters to pure money or sources of income. Ransoming hostages is quite common practice after all. And as you pointed out, the White Tower has had three thousand years of experience on how to accumulate wealth. We could help you establish a plan on how to secure your finances in the future." And of course that would allow the Aes Sedai to have intimate knowledge on what Black Tower based their sources on which made it simple to the Tower to keep an eye on them.


    "And the Sisters could hardly plot and scheme when Shielded and guarded constantly by Asha'man. If the tables were turned that would be the position our prisoners would be in." She was certain that the Sisters weren't allowed to meet each others but likely the blackcoats had Compelled them to try not to harm their Bondholders and the Black Tower in general in any way. But still ways could be found around it and if she was allowed to speak with the captives, she could get valuable insight on the internal workings of the Asha'man.


    She openly shook her head at Brent's description of Asha'man. "I have never had a Warder myself, Brennie, but I have spoken with Sisters and Warders. It is very difficult to keep anything from your Bonded one so any doubt and weakness your Asha'man who are Bonded feel is felt by the Aes Sedai at the other end of the leash. And leash it is indeed, not much different than the a'dam Seanchan use to keep their damane in control. Your interest in how you appear to the outside rather than doing the right thing, or indeed the wisest thing is mirroring that of the White Tower." Or maybe it was a male thing. Annais had yet to meet a man who admitted easily that they had made a mistake and corrected their path accordingly. Such stupid stubborness.


    "You accuse us of arrogance but in just few years it seems to me that you have been able to copy our worst mannerisms that it has taken us three thousand years to develop and you have truly made them your own. That is pot calling kettle black at its best. And be careful what you threaten us with, Brennie. Have you ever heard what happened in Shadar Logoth? They decided to start fighting the Shadow by using its own methods and eventually perished, consumed by an entirely new evil. If we forget what is decent and good and start adopting methods like Compulsion from the enemy then we are not really that much different."


    She noticed Brent's silence about the matter of Dalinar and decided to not press it quite yet. She would observe and gather information and when she knew more, the would lift the cat on the table. For all she knew, the show at the gate could show the division lines in the Black Tower, Marten and the polite Dedicated on the other sides. But which side Brent belonged to then? Certainly Dalinarius had had some symphaties for the White Tower but he could have changed. He had ordered the Bondings after all.


    "Some small concessions may have to be made and I have already offered you the possibility of a monetary compensation. But these negotiations are not a single event, they are key to our future dealings. Use the stick too hard and the stick will be broken or decided to be ignored and then you have nothing except severed relations and the displeasure of the Dragon Reborn." She eyed the M'Hael steadily. It would be painful but the White Tower could choose to simply leave the Sisters there. To secure that Black Tower got no information from them other unfortunate measures would have to be taken. That would definately go against all morals but if things got desperate.... But they wouldn't, not even though there was one Sitter captured, her dear Mae. "The Last Battle is coming and the Light needs all the nations and channelers united under one banner. No one wants to endanger that goal."


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  14. "Numbers aren't the Black Tower's problem.  Resources and funds are.  The White Tower had had three thousand years to establish itself; incomes, facilities, things that the Black Tower, being a matter of years old, is sadly lacking.  The Dragon Reborn can only allow us so much funding and simply keeping up with the numbers we have and the facilities we have is taxing our limited coffers.  Where do you suggest we keep some half-dozen Aes Sedai?  In a barracks?  Where each can plot and scheme against us cramped in small quarters?  Not exactly my ideal form of detainment."


    "As to the releasing of the Bonds, put yourself in our shoes.  You suddenly have a half-dozen very angry Asha'man one your hands, complete with arrogance, tempers and the best-educated minds in the world.  Would you dare show doubt and weakness that can be exploited by your captives?  Or would your pride force you to stick to the course whether or not it is the best?" The day Brent heard an Aes Sedai apologise or admit she had been wrong was the day he seriously began to doubt his sanity.


    The M'Hael snorted as Annais went ahead and proved Aes Sedai arrogance.  "Whatever you may say, Aes Sedai, as long as the Black Tower holds your Sisters, we hold the upper hand.  We can still kill them at our convenience and Compulsion can make a person do the worst things." Not entirely hollow threats.  One of the Aes Sedai had already escaped under suspicious circumstances that ended with a Severed Asha'man missing a hand and a very disgruntled Attack Leader whose sanity had been called into question a year back already.  Not to mention the rumours of what Linten was doing with his "playthings".  "We hold the bargaining chip and yet you act as if you can ultimately walk away with it without paying the price."


    Brent winced as the topic of Daliar was brought up.  That was certain to put things on edge.  The succession process wasn't entirely clean and tidy and neither was the deposing process.  There was no way on earth he was about to admit to the political undercurrents in the Black Tower when she could so easily use them to her own means.  And so, he used the best tactic there was for such questions: he ingored it.


    Brent Enios


  15. Bren't warning made Annais grin. "I could say the same to you. I am certain that you would be gentleman enough to not take an advantage of me in such a situation but maybe I wouldn't be as cavalier back." She stiffled her smile when he blushed. You would have thought that he didn't have much experience in bantering with women even though he engaged the game with ease. Most charming. But as fun as it was, she had work to do. Occasionally she could reward herself in such way... and use it to try and throw him off balance.


    No, she couldn't really blame the patrol. Any Sisters who would have caught Asha'men snooping around Tower grounds would have likely sounded the alarm too and tried to capture them. But then it wasn't that difficult to slip in in disguise as the Tower received visitors and petitioners almost daily and Tar Valon was a metropolitan city. And yes, it was best to leave Dumai's Well unmentioned. What in the Light's name had the Sitters been thinking that time too? Kidnapping the Dragon Reborn had to be the worst idea ever. The 'we lost more' card wasn't very reliable as he could always resort to reply 'you shouldn't have been here in the first place' or 'you shouldn't have come unannounced'. Which were both very true. She cursed the Hall's idiocy again as her hand wasn't very strong to start with thanks to their bad calls.


    Oh yes, it was easy to hide behind your precedessor's decisions but she wasn't going to let him evade the responsibility of the situation now. "Bonding may be preferable to killing but much better would be to simply be Shielded and held a prisoner. That way you would have kept the Sisters also from gaining inside information about the Black Tower. You have resources enough that you could have done it. With five hundred channelers even if many of them would be still learning you could easily spare few Asha'man to guard each Sister and the others could do their normal thing."


    "In the heat of battle the Bonding may have seemed like a good plan but afterwards it is a very bad option and the Bonding can be reversed as easily as it was made. What is your long term plan with those Sisters? Surely you didn't think you could just keep them and make use of them. They may be Compelled, forced to obey but I wouldn't turn my back to such 'allies'. They could work as a leverage but if you are not very careful, they become more hinderance than any use. Certainly they do nothing to improve the relationships with the White Tower. Stick never works very well when dealing with anyone, especially Aes Sedai."


    "And let us speak of your precedessor. What exactly happened to Dalinarius Traachenshield?"


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  16. As Annais accepted the glass and brandy, Brent began to realise why the White Towr had sent her to handle this.  She was incredibly disarming.  He had come to the table prepared to bully and threaten his way through the negotiations but instead found himself laughing and drinking.  Not to mention he hadn't expected to be discussing his childhood, former babysitter or no.  Annais could have simply reigned Mia in and instead let the Tower Guard reminisce.  It would be most difficult to push his own plans and demands forward while she sat there smiling and cracking jokes.


    When the Gray Sister immediately swigged back the glass, the M'Hael couldn't help the reflexive raising of his eyebrows.  "You do be needing to be careful Annie.  Drinking robust men under the table or no, too much and these negotiations be becoming uncontrollable."  The mental image of this Aes Sedai drunk left Brent chuckling into the dregs of his own glass.  Unbidden, other thoughts surfaced which heated the Illianer's cheeks.  Hastily pouring himself another glass of brandy, he was almost relieved when the conversation turned back to the negotiations.  Disarming indeed.


    "Can you be blaming the reaction of the patrol though?  One moment they do be riding along peacefully and the next they do be having Aes Sedai on their hands with a Red in the lead?  What conclusion did you be expecting us to reach?  You can no be saying we did be overreacting when the last time we did be seeing each other was at Dumai's Wells and let us no be getting into that fiasco.  We did both be losing sisters and brothers.  Let us no be turning this into tit for tat; "I did be losing more sisters than you did be losing brothers".


    "In the case of the Bonding, I did not be the one to sanction it.  However, I think you do be agreeing that Bonding do be a better alternative to killing?  The Black Tower do no have the facilities available that the White Tower do have access to and so how else should we be expected to be controlling our captives?  In the heat of the battle, Bonding did be seeming the best plan."


    Brent Enios


  17. A breath of relief whooshed out of Annais when Maegan unswore and swore after some hesitation and then declared herself a Lightfriend. She almost felt sorry for what she had had to do but she and Lillian had went through the very same tonight. And Mae had scared her to death by barging in like that with the strongest sa'angreal they had. She nursed the statue to her breast. But she would have to say something now and appease her friend. She had heard the acridness of Mae's tone and she knew that if she didn't pick the right words, the Red wouldn't be convinced of her and Lillian's innocence.


    She released the Shield and the ropes of Air and returned the golden framed eyeglasses to Maegan's nose gently tapping the tip slightly with her forefinger, a familiar and friendly gesture from over a century back. "I won't apologize you, Mae, because you know that this was necessary. I really was on the edge when you arrived because... because Lillian had just put me through the same. And then me her. I am not a Black Sister and neither is Lilli. And it is still giving me shivers to even think on that, that some of our Sisters could be betraying the Light and the Tower like that." Her voice gathered heat toward the end.


    "We'll tell you soon how Lillian knew but first we need to hear how you know. You were not one of the original Hunters or were you?" Annais' opinion of Karana would increase slightly if the woman had been wise enough to recruit some secret Hunters no one knew about.


    Annais Nevell

    The Amyrlin Seat

  18. Jatasha stammered and looked apprehensive enough that for a moment Arette thought that she would refuse. But finally she seemed to make her decision and accepted. "Excellent then. And of course it is only for as long as you ar able. That is how long you are training with Con too after all. I will come with you for the first time tomorrow and introduce you to everyone. There are eight younger nieces and nephews who are learning the basics currently so you can attend them. I will be helping few of the older ones with their assignments." She laughed. "It can be really confusing in the beginning. The Stavrosi like to name children after relatives so there will be a few kids with same names. There are for example four little Cons in the family currently." The thought of a little boy they would never have that could have been named after someone sombered her for a moment.


    And Jatasha had evaded her question about tiganza. Maybe it was for the best as it would be awfully awkward. And she wouldn't likely be a graceful dancer anyway and Jatasha's help was needed more with the children. "But you know, I have been dominating the conversation so far. Old habits die hard. Is there something you would like to discuss?" If not, Arette didn't really mind taking the reign but it was polite to let the other woman direct the talk if she wanted to.



  19. Light but it was hard to keep herself on check and avoid revealing Lillian who was sneaking behind Maegan with a large tome as her weapon. But then struggling for control over the sa'angreal physically and countering Maegan's weaves and trying to slid her own Shield on the 'Red' kept Annais busy enough. When had she last sweated? She was drenched enough that she feared that her hands might slip from the statue. But the scuffle was over soon enough as the heavy volume connected the back of Maegan's head and she collapsed on the ground unconscious. Annais took no risks hoewever and secured a Shield between the woman and Saidar.


    Clutching the sa'angreal tightly to her chest Annais staggered to a chair and slumped down. What a night and it wasn't even over yet. They had to question Maegan and secure her and despite her oath that she wasn't a Black, Annais still couldn't be certain. There was no way to know until Maegan had been exposed to the Oath Rod. And if she was a Black... surely their channeling had alerted the darker Sisters already and Light knew what they would do. The surprise would be ruined and any slight advantage lost.


    Lillian tossed the Rod to her and she was able to snatch it from the air. Such disrespect toward the venerable ter'angreal but then she had done worse by thinking of sticking it to dark and damp places. The naughty thought almost brought a smile on her lips but it faded as Lillian remided her of the urgency of the situation. The sa'angreal gave Annais enough oomph that she could wrap the 'Red' on binds of Air, Heal her and still maintain the Shield. Maegan's spectacles had dropped and as the Healing stirred her, Annais brought her iron gray eyes close to the blinking brown ones as she wanted her 'friend' to see her clearly. She sticked the Oath Rod to Maegan's immobile hands and triggered it with tiniest flow of Spirit.


    "You swore by the strongest Oath that you are not Black but that is not good enough. Darkfriends have been known to say it in vain before. You will Unswear all your Oaths now and retake the real Three Oaths. And then you can tell me again how you are not Black if you are still able."


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

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