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Posts posted by Arette

  1. As Lillian was facing half away from Annais, she missed the whole brunt of her glare. Her suspicion had been right then, Lillian had known all along. The motive was a bit more unclear for both, the action itself and keeping it a secret. The latter could be justified with other concerns and the Black Ajah issue. Until the previous night Lillian hadn't been certain that Annais herself wasn't a Black Sister after all. She contained her exclamation and waited for the explanatition with an impatient tap of fingers on her desk.


    Annais agreed that Arette had been a competent Keeper, if more an accountant than a savvy politician. It had been almost luck that Sofia had come to reside with the Stavrosi and had more to do with Arette's husband, who had found his own militia, rather than her. But the Wheel weaved as the Wheel weaved. From what Annais remembered from the woman, she doubted that her relationships with the Black Tower would be very cordial indeed. The former Brown was a very traditional Aes Sedai in many senses. Maturing was always a good thing and Annais hadn't been very impressed by the stories she had heard of the woman's personal behaviour on her last year's as the Keeper.


    It certainly was a surprise that Lillian thought it a good quality for an Aes Sedai advisor to not have to worry about the Tower's interests in Illian. Annais had been an advisor to a ruler herself and certainly she had sometimes received instructions from the Amyrlin or the Sitters but mostly she had been independent. The Tower didn't send incompetent women to do its biddings and trusted the Sisters to be able to do their jobs without constant hand holding. If only Annais could be certain that Arette would represent the Tower well in Illian, she might have agreed if reluctantly. But what Lillian said promised quite the opposite.


    A piece of the puzzle was revealed when Lillian mentioned Sirayn Simeone. Lillian had detested the woman and thought that she was leading the Tower to another tragic mistake like Dumai's Well. The Watchers crisis had proved the fears quite founded. Lessening Tower's influence in Illian would have therefore meant lessening Sirayn's influence. But there was no need for that anymore, just the contrary. The Tower needed to strenghten itself more than ever and not by force but by interaction and truly helping and being a valuable ally.


    The reasons Lillian listed were all fine and good, except for the trust issue. Sofia might trust her but Annais didn't. And she couldn't without meeting the woman and hearing her views on various matters. Annais was honest enough to admit that she also didn't like the woman very much, respect her professionally maybe, but she wasn't Annais' kind of a person. But that was no reason to base decisions on and even now some Aes Sedai advisors served who Annais didn't care for much. But they performed well so personal opinions were shunted aside. The family issue was a two bladed sword. It would be a distraction and a motivation and would also create a curious conflict to her image. Never before had an Aes Sedai with a family acted in any kind of a public position.


    It was very true that yielding in this matter would create goodwill, certainly the warrants on both Stavrosi could be called off almost instantly. Still, Annais would first have a word with the Commander of the Tower Guard and hear what he had to say. And another more biased party. Though calling off Arette's exile would give her her Aes Sedai status back. It could be done as thanks for what she had done in Illian even though she would have done it anyway as it was for her home. Annais wasn't at all certain that Arette would be an advisor open to White Tower's ideas at all whether she got the position or not but she really would have to discuss with her to be able to decide.


    There it came, Arette obviously didn't get along so well with the Black Tower but enough to work with them. And it was a valid point that the woman should be brought under the Tower's influence. It might be good enough compromise if Annais would delay the decision making until she had spoken with the Queen and the former Brown in person and she still had the right to say no if it would lead to distaster.


    "Your reasoning makes sense. I was slightly put off by hearing of this only now but admittedly it has been only three days and all of them have been hectic. Just remember that you are not scheming alone anymore, Lillian. You will include me from now, yes? Are there some other plans in motion that I should be aware of? And do you intend to keep up your policy of undermining the influence of the White Tower? I can see why it was necessary with Sirayn but that was hurting the Tower on the long run. The Amyrlin may be influential but she is not the White Tower."


    "As for the matter itself, my current response is maybe. The warrants can be called off as soon as possible as the Queen requests, but I will have a word of Con's case with Brent first. I doubt that he opposes it. This will restore Arette's Aes Sedai status which is a clear amendment. I will however hold making the final decision until after the dinner with the Queen when I will have a word with Arette too. She needs to convince me herself by her views. I need to be certain that she is not going to do the Tower harm even if she wouldn't be too open to following council. And don't say anything, Lillian. I need to see it myself."


    "The other point is of course that this way they can possibly have their way but I will have my way too and I am not just giving in to their demands. It just needs to be worded prettily. Won't fool Arette and maybe not the Queen and she might not point it out to Sofia. It also subtly underlines that she needs me to give her the position and she just can't take it."


    "So what is their relationship like? Is Arette very domineering? And what is the Queen like? Is she a good player of the Game? Can she be pushed into things easily or does she have backbone?" It would be truly audacious if the whole idea came from Arette. "And you spoke of Arette's development. What do you mean by that? Do you really think that she would make a good advisor if we leave all those extra perks out and focus on just her as a person?"


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  2. The frown of concentration on Annais Nevell's face turned into a scowl by the time she got to the end of the letter. She let out some disapproving noises and curses that alerted Aramina by her own desk through the open door. Annais waved the letter at her disgusted and Aramina picked the signet marking it as correspondence from the young queen of Illian. All the rulers she had approached had replied with satisfying alacrity but the Sisters she had sent to deliver the messages hadn't been as pleased to be reduced to glorified Traveling pidgeons. Well phaw to them too. Quickness was of essence and she had been able to deliver the decree the Black Tower had required sneakily included in the long letters she had written. It absolutely wouldn't have done if that had been the only issue she brought up.


    Aramina eyed the missive through also and she and Annais shared a look. "You should send a novice to fetch me Lillian. I want to hear from her in person what happened in Illian and get an opinion on this goat-brained bloody idea. And please get me the official report that she wrote. I need a smoke now."


    The fresh breeze on the balcony was certainly refreshing and Annais closed the glass paneled doors behind her as she didn't want her office to start smelling of cigars. The first mouthfuls were delightful as usual and she thought with a smile on Darienna. A fine club of smoking women they had in positions. Now they needed to convert Aramina too. The pleasent thought was soured by the rememberance that they would have to test Darienna too as soon as possible. It simply wouldn't do to have a Black Sister as a Mistress of Novices which was a prime opportunity to pick out the most promising novices and Accepted for their recruitment. Come next Raising when they could get the Oath Rod without suspicions and the Gray would be secured.


    She had time to scan through the report by the time Aramina brought in the White Sister. It was incredible to think that just a day ago the same woman had sent her world reeling by her revelations. Annais nodded and smiled at Lillian. "Thanks for coming. I hope that you weren't doing anything too urgent." She shaked the Illian record to her and passed the letter from the Queen for her to read. "That's the topic. Why don't you tell me what you left out of the official report. And did you know of that burning brilliant plan the Queen has for her advisor? You could have given me a bit of a warning. What do you think of it? You met the Queen, right? What was your impression of her? She is going to be stubborn about this, won't she? How much is she under her 'advisor's' thumb and why does Sofia want that woman as her advisor."


    In Annais' opinion Arette Nenatiar, well, Stavros now couldn't advice a cat out of a sack. Certainly she and Karana had been very cunning while they held their positions. Annais could see why they had wanted to keep the Dragon Reborn from the Hall but she did not approve at all their methods and the condition they had left the Tower in after the forced ending of their reign.


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  3. Mia was a persistent one and Annais should have known that she wouldn't accept the change of topic. She just didn't understand why Mia was pressing the issue as she clearly wasn't very pleased with the prospect. The only reason she could think of was that Mia didn't trust her ability to keep herself in check. "Alright, I will likely meet him again. But that doesn't change the other things that I said. I might contemplate it but I will turn the idea down every time as it would be too difficult and dangerous for both of us. I don't want it, he doesn't want it and you don't want it. So what is there to discuss?"


    Smiling slightly as Annais let a little more slip, Mia couldn't help but wonder whether the woman's resolve would hold when the pair of them were together.  They'd want to, unless it was something a good deal more genuine than a bit of interest, but that would be silly regardless.  Either way, Annais was off balance and Mia prefered it that way, because that meant that Annais was occupied with herself and not about to poke into Mia's life.  "Right...  As to what there is to discuss, he's a Stavros in all but blood, of course I want to know about this.  I'm just curious because your head is saying one thing while your heart and dreams are clearly saying something else.  That morning wasn't the only time that 'it' happened."


    It made sense that Mia was interested because she likely still saw him as the little boy she had once tended and the Illianers had strong family feelings. In the end Mia got a furious blush out of her. "That is a fat lie!" But the woman kept smirking. "Outrageous exaggeration", she spluttered. "Was I very loud?", came finally in a small voice. "No! I don't want to hear a word about it. Look, the issue here is that you obviously think that I can't follow my head. I have made some mistakes in the past but I have learned from them and I have no intention to repeat them. What makes you to think that I would have any problems what so ever to resist your precious Brent?"


    Smirking, Mia raised an eyebrow at Annais as she spoke of resisting Brent.  The other woman seemed a touch discommoded about the possibility that she might not be able to, and that was enough for Mia to run with.  "The question isn't why I think you would have problems resisting him.  The question is why do you think you'd have problems resisting him.  For someone so sure of themself, you are a touch defensive about the topic.  Perhaps a little more uncertain of yourself than you want to let on?  Hmmm?"


    "I would be able to resist him. Although that suggests temptation from his part which isn't going to come. Even if he was attracted.." and she wasn't even certain of that, it could all be her wishful thinking "..he is aware of all the reasons why it doesn't work and he wouldn't endanger his position like that. And since I am not going to make any kind of an initiative either, that is it. I am not uncertain whereas you are enjoying this way too much. Why don't we just laugh at it and leave it be."


    "Alright."  Looking at Annais knowingly, Mia wondered whether it would remain on Annais mind.  Likely, she was the sort that overthought some things far too much.  But, there were other things that had to be done, like checking on Aran.  He wouldn't need an audience for that, he didn't want any company, and Mia wasn't going to take anyone to see him in his current state.  Swinging her legs over the side of the couch as she sat up, Mia retrieved her mug from the floor as she spoke.  "At anyrate, I need to check on Aran.  Don't you have some Aes Sedai things to do?"


    Alright and nothing else. Flawless victory. Well, not that flawless since she doubted that Mia believed her entirely but she was at least willing to let the subject drop. The mention of Aran made Annais frown with worry. Nothing she could do there but pray that Rosheen and Aramina would return soon. "If there is any way I can help him, please let me know. I'm not going to intrude unless I have good faith that it would actually do some good. And yes, there are things to do. Like the party. I... well, I invited him first but only because I came across him first. If you would be interested to come, I will keep my promise." It wasn't picking sides. Mia was the other party thing so she was supposed to be there.


    Mia shook her head as she stood.  "You've already asked him, and I'm not going to give him more cause to whine and complain, or to say that I turn people against him when he does a fine job of that on his own.  Besides, when I'm not busy I'm sleeping and when I'm not sleeping I'm busy.  I'd fall asleep within half an hour of being there."  Smiling, Mia left the mug on a nearby table and made her way to the door as she called over her shoulder.  "Stay out of trouble."


    Mia's comments about whining made Annais to roll her eyes but as she spoke on, the Gray grinned with the associations from the previous discussion. "You stay out of trouble too, Mia", she replied the call. Bah, such a good retort wasted as the woman walked away. She really needed to relax. Usually getting laid helped and if nanny Mimi had someone to sleep with, she wouldn't have so much time to meddle into other people's affairs. Sheesh. Not that Annais was particularly annoyed with Mia as her motives were good. It was just very embarrassing. It had been a while since she had played the match maker, Annais thought and rubbed her hands together in anticipation. She just needed some more information. She scanned with interest some of the older men as she walked out of the Yards but quickly her thoughts were back on the party.

  4. Annais only now noticed how Sorna had sagged a bit during her long and likely dull monologue. She blamed herself for her inattention. It had been alot at once but at least she had stayed focused and listened to it all. She nodded with approval at the summary of most important rules Sorna gave. "You put it well into a nutshell. Why do you think that politeness is enforced so hard? Any theories? And as for why I mentioned the novices leaving without permission twice..." Annais grimaced "The reason might be that I tried to run away myself as a novice and I can assure that it is an unpleasent experience to be brought back to the flock. I don't want anyone else to go through it because it is such a waste of energy. You only cause yourself needless suffering. Many people think that they can control things and events by fighting them but we all can learn a lesson from how Saidar is embraced. To control Saidar, you need to surrender completely. Don't push it, don't fight it, but let yourself to flow with it. This works especially with things you just can't avoid and the White Tower definately counts as such."


    She chuckled. "Now you could of course ask how you can tell apart things that you can't change and things you really should change but no one knows the answer to that question reliably. Some wisdom comes with years... and by working hard as you said. I am sure that you will meet the high expectations well."


    "And that was a very good question, Sorna. The White Tower has become quite isolated from the world, a fact that worries many Sisters. At least those who actually go out in the world, like me, and have to deal with the consequences of it. There are all kind of fears, false ideas and suspicions toward the Aes Sedai even though most people have never even seen one. It has been a slow process over few milleniums but by now the Tower has a very inwardly turned culture that affects how many Sisters see their duty of Serving All. The Tower expects that the people come to us for Healing, testing and advice instead of us going to where they and their every day troubles are. You will hear of this topic many times over the years. And again no one has any one clear solution for how to change it. And there are also many who don't even want to change it for various reasons. One of their reasonings is that if the Tower holds itself aloof, it retains certain mystery and dignity and people will respect us more. I myself believe that people would truly respect us more and fear us less if we were more available. That is the philosophy by which I Serve but every Sister has their own."


    "My channeling ability pretty much determined that I would need to become to train to the White Tower. But I fought it because of the circumstances of my recruitment. My father was killed by a Warder and I blamed the Tower for the death of the rest of my family too." Annais spoke steadily but she was reluctant to share the full story yet. "That is why I tried to run away, because I didn't want to have anything to do with the Tower. But with time I realised that the Tower does alot of good work in the world and that I could and should be part of it. Otherwise I would waste my Creator given ability to channel. I was lucky enough to get to travel with my mentor as an Accepted and it really showed me what a difference Aes Sedai can make."


    "I am traveling alot myself so I might be gone sometimes for months or even more. I will make sure that you will be taught by other good instructors and that you will have someone else to talk to then. Also pidgeons fly between the Tower and all parts of the world so we can correspond." Annais smiled "But don't worry, I am not going anywhere any time soon. Not until you get well adjusted to the life here."


    "Any other questions?"


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  5. Maegan's genuine smile that lit her whole face and eyes was returned in a kind. She wasn't angry anymore and Annais was more than happy. She didn't have the energy to start patching friendships and relationships after such an revelation. She was still reeling from it all but she would have to recover as the next day she needed to present an unfaltering facade again. And not just to the women of the White Tower but the the Asha'man too. But it would last only a few days. Then they would be gone for now, all of them, including Brent. And she most definately didn't want to think on him now. Not when she was afraid to be alone. She would lean on Mae just like always before. Men came and went but friends always stayed. And her and Brent's history was barely one step when compared to the path she and Mae had already walked together. Mae was much better comfort indeed. Unless she embarrassed herself again like she had with Mia. Mae wouldn't understand, not after her captivity in the Black Tower. Annais was glad of the darkness that hid the colour on her cheeks.


    Praise from her friend was always welcome even when she wasn't certain how well she had really dealt with it all. She accepted gladly the glass the Red offered to her and chuckled quietly at the ease she found the brandy. Annais' weak spot for good spirits wasn't exactly a secret and she always had a stash available. "Cheers", she called quietly as she threw down the amber liquid. It was such perfect medicine for anxiousness and warmed one from inside.


    She was quite shocked to hear Mae say that they would be friends even if she had been a Black. But when she thought of it, she would have done the same for Mae, tried to bring her back to Light even though something would have been deeply damaged in her trust to the other woman. Even more astounding was Mae's confession of the trouble in her Ajah. If only Annais could make things easier for Mae but she had no power over the Red Ajah. But the Red Ajah was supposed to want to help the male channelers. Or so at least most of its Sisters wished to be seen despite their image to the rest of the world as man haters. If the Reds were so resentful, how badly had the other Ajahs reacted? Her chest constricted with worry. She would need to find out. But what could she do about it? If someone decided to do something stupid, it might endanger what had been achieved with the Black Tower so far.


    "I am sorry to hear that", she said quietly. "It is wrong of your Sisters to blame you for all of it. You were sent to the Black Tower by the Hall." Which Mae admittedly was part of herself. "And a lesser consensus of the Hall accepted the decree, not just you. Ten Sitters share the 'blame' beside you. And your Sisters have no right to threaten you with Stilling", her voice was unyielding steel. "Only the Hall can decide that and the day they deem you a traitor, the Shayol Ghul freezes. You should assign those bitches a private penance." It would give much personal satisfaction but ruin the situation even further. She sighed. "Not my advice as a Gray Sister but an outraged friend speaking."


    "And you have no need to apologize, of course you needed facts and to see the proof before your eyes. I demanded the same from Lillian and I don't think that Aramina will settle for our word either. But I am sure that Lillian handles it. And is is nonsense that Lillian hates you. She understands, Mae. We are allies, all four of us. And you and Lillian know each others from way before this and that will carry your through it."


    She fell silent for a moment and they both sat there, brooding at their empty glasses. Finally Annais broke the silence. "I am so glad that you stayed, Mae. It would have been awful to be alone and I am happy that it is you here with me. Are you afraid? I am deathly frightened and I don't want to be alone. Will you stay over?" A sudden vivid image bloomed in her mind and she begun snickering. "Oh Mae, imagine if someone saw you emerging from my room the next morning. Such rumours it would start. 'The Amyrlin has a pillow friend.' 'I knew it all along.' 'Oh that shameless Red, trying to curry favours with doing such favours.' or 'Damn that Mother, so that is how she secured the Red Ajah votes for her.' Are you sure that your reputation could take that, my dear?", Annais teased.


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  6. Rory left to bring the things Arette had asked for and she wished that the kitchen would have something particularly delicious today. Although any food would be good as her body craved for nourishment: cookies had been just first aid. She made her way slowly and feebly to her bed and almost collapsed on the soft mattress. It embraced her warmly and she felt like she sunk into it. The headache was subsiding agonizingly slowly but she still managed to doze off enough that Rory's return startled her. The sudden movement almost made her whimper as she felt like a knife had been struck to the back of her head.


    With Rory's help she sat up and crumbled bread into the fairly liquid soup. It was good for drinking and just the right temperature as it had cooled on the way. Arette ate with good appetite the wet mash the bread had made into the bottom of the bowl and drank the berry soup in a glass that was good for patients too. It was unlikely that Laras had had such food prepared just in case so maybe Rory had been wise enough to choose the right kind of dishes. Or told enough to the kitchen people.


    Too much thinking. She decided to forego the medicine as she suspected that she would get sleep even without it. "Rory, could you please read to me. Choose the most boring looking book you can find and try to drone. I should fall asleep soon and you can leave then. You have been good assistance today." And no, she wasn't trying to be ironic. Rory had been helpful even though it was the least she could do after putting her into such state. But still it was polite to thank. "And don't worry, things will work out for you. You just need to try." Not much of an encouraging talk but something good would have to come from this stupid thing too instead of Tower loosing a potential Sister. It might be alot of work and take some years but the Tower had patience and time and so did Darienna.


    Like an obedient Accepted, Rory did what she was asked to and Arette let the crooning voice and dull text to carry her to the dream world where there was pain no longer.



    Brown sister

  7. I actually don't like the idea that Wolfkin can instantly sniff out darkfriends. I think that it makes them too strong in comparison to SG. Warders can sense Shadowspawn but their meter doesn't say a thing about DFs. Neither should the Wolfkin's.


    That way only the Darkfriend's actions could reveal them. Or a wolf. So yes, you would always have that deus ex machine way to expose a DF but I would like this Division to be able to interact with SGers in other terms than outright violence and opposition.


    This is my opinion as the Group Leader of the People of the Dragon as I want to see RPs between WK and other Divisions, all Divisions, fostering :)

  8. The characters will remember what happened in the ter'angreal so therefore it does affect the character somehow even if it wasn't real :) But of course I could join you guys with another character, maybe a male NPC. I will have to see  if I have the time closer to when you start.


    I think that it would be good if there was some way how the male channelers don't snatch up poor you right away. Having the Tower be black intead of White would be nice and a nasty surprise and if the library was open to everyone in the world, it wouldn't be so strange to have weird women around there.

  9. Are there some kind of expressions or words that irk you? Do you avoid some kind of expressions?


    I can be a bit anal retentive about proper spelling and mispelling of two particular WoT related words always annoys me :P Mainly because it is so very common. The words are Caemlyn instead of Camelyn and Amyrlin instead of Amrylin.


    Also I try to stick to historical expressions whenever possible if a viable alternative exists and another expression wouldn't be especially juicy or funny. Like for example it annoys me to see people write "Are you OK?" when they could say instead "Are you alright?" which would be far more true to the setting.


    My last one is shortening Aes Sedai to just Sedai. There is an important distinction. Aes Sedai is a servant of all and Sedai is just mere servant and no self-respecting Sister wants to be called that ;)


    So what are your pet peeves?

  10. For over a century anyone, who had cared to, could have been certain that if they needed Arette Nenatiar for something, she could be found from her quarters or the Library. That state of matters was about to change, and the thanks or the blame for that could be laid on the shoulders of an Accepted. Arette still wasn't certain how to feel about the whole thing. The only thing that she was certain of was that almost dying disturbed a normally perfectly peaceful and content life. She had begun to question the value of such life and the value of herself. After merciless self-reflection she had come to the conclusion that if she really was dead, the world wouldn't have lost much. Also the list of people, who would have genuinely grieved for her, was sadly short.


    Lists were useful tools and she quite enjoyed making them. They helped you to organize your thoughts and prioritize things. Lists also made sure that she didn't forget things like she was prone to when she got submerged into an interesting topic. Friendships and cultivating them was another field she had been neglecting and it had gotten added as the second top most item on her to do list. It was stupid that she even had to write things like that down, things that most people handled as naturally as fish breathed water, but that was how she worked.


    More important was that she had come to realise her inattention in the first place and had decided to do something about it. That was why she was in the White Ajah quarters today, standing behind a familiar door. Her other hand was poised to knock and the other one held a plate of cookies and pastries. She hadn't been able to remember what kind of bakeries Lillian liked the best, sweet or salty, so she had secured both. But she would find out that and other things today and remember them from now on. Maybe she would even make a literal note of it, she thought with a sardonic smile directed at herself.


    The door opened and she greeted the younger Sister with a friendly beam. "Welcome back to the White Tower. I hope that your travels have went well. Er... these are for you." Arette handed Lillian the plate. "A welcome gift of a sort. Can I come in?"


    Arette Nenatiar

    Brown sister

  11. The reaction was a bit unexpected but then not as Brent had just taken a sip of his wine. Annais was glad that she had managed to catch him off guard and she was prepared to pat his back if such help would be needed. But he seemed to recover on his own. He really should be careful with his wine if he would drink at that phase. Annais poured him another glass of the fine white.


    His rebuke made her just grin but the final reprimand stiffled the smile more than a bit. Quite a pour of cold water. Light, the Sitters would be outraged if they found out. Although the more scheming ones might even encourage her and demad to get all the bloody details so they could see how well she had him hooked. The thought gave her unpleasent shivers. One way or another, if she did anything and anyone caught on them, she would be at their mercy and Brent's position would also be compromised. "Just half thinking?" She smiled at him genuinely but she couldn't quite reach the playful tone again. "What would constitute as a full fledged flirting in your opinion then?"


    "I asked before but you didn't answer then. How did you like the tour to Tar Valon today? If it is a boring topic, you should think up a better one. I'm just curious as to how your day has been. And your time in the White Tower. Has it been what you expected?" Yes, it almost bordered work and their roles but at least it wouldn't lead them to uncertain paths. Besides, Mia would have her hide if she did anything with Brent.



    Titles are good for hiding behind them

  12. Annais was glad that Aramina had already left by the time Brent planted a kiss on her hand. It was rediculous how electric such a little touch felt, especially since he didn't seem to be as affected. Not that she let her pleased smile to slip. The smile turned into a hearty chuckle at his greeting. "As long as you know who your mommy is, Sonny." He had been really good about formality so far when they had been in public, calling her Mother and not slipping with more familiar Annais or, Light forbid, Annie. That would have raised some eyebrows.


    She beamed at the praise. "Thank you, I try my best. This is the least a gracious hostess can do. Lets hope that it tastes as good but I am sure that it will." She waited for him to pour the wine but he seemed be just looking at her. And then came the delicious blush again. Time to direct thoughts back to safe waters and topics.


    "Oh I am thinking all kind of crafty and cunning things like twisting on on such knots around my finger that you can never break free. I can start by getting you addicted to the secret indegrients in the food. Just kidding." She raised her wine glass. "I propose a toast to us and world dominion. Just as long as I get to be on top in our relationship", she added with a wink.


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  13. Shoar kicking himself when Annais mentioned the banishment was pretty telling and she frowned darkly when he tried to cover his slip. He was lying to her. She tried to help him and he wouldn't tell her everything. But then it was hardly the first time some unpleasent things had surfaced totally unexpectedly in negotiations even after parties had assured her that Annais had all the details.


    His should haves were all things that she agreed with so she nodded slightly with every sentence. "With that kind of attitude you certainly would muck it up. You should have confidence in your intention at least. If you don't have faith in yourself, the no one else will have faith in you either. You should let me to speak with Mia first, to hear her side of the story. I can then give you better advice about what does she think to be the biggest issue."


    She allowed herself to be lead to the tree and sat down beside him wishing that her dress didn't get grass-stained. Still, just a little One Power and it could be mended. "All I would ask from you in return is honesty. If you don't want to speak about the banishment, then say so. But don't insult my intelligence by trying to lie to my face."


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  14. Sahra noticed the chivalrous gesture of leaving the chair empty for her, and at some other time she might have scoffed such thing, but she decided to not be foolishly prideful as her arms were still hurting from the trek on crutches the night before. She nodded as she seated herself to acknowledge that the bedsheets had been her falling indeed. Her brows puckered and she grazed Sana with a glare when decided to bring up her and Fior. Not bedsheets but blanket and clothing, she could have said. That and many other nasty retorts popped into her mind. But this time she could be the smart one and managed to hold her tongue.


    Quarreling about the matter wouldn't do either of them much good and since she had decided that waiting on Sana would bring just misery to them both, they would better get over it. She accepted the attempt to change topic.


    "I will wait. I suppose that my tour to Cairhien will have to wait for some other year." Likely when she was a Tower Guard. It was still at least a year away, a time that seemed like an eternity, Sahra decided with a pout. But there wasn't really anyone else but herself to blame. "If you want to stay for a few more days, then we should do that. Although Karli cannot accompany you." She couldn't entirely keep the slightly satisfied note out of her voice. "She told me that she has some duties, work to do." It was very tempting to ask what it was that the woman did, but she wouldn't. The topic was something that she didn't want to discuss any more than Sana wanted to bring up Fior. "I am sure that you can charm yourself some other company, though", she said sweetly and swore that she wouldn't be leaving her bloody room as she had no desire to witness him doing it again.


    "Just let me know when you want to leave. I'm going to go and get some breakfast now." She pushed herself up with some effort and after a moment decided that she didn't really want the conversation to end like that. "I would enjoy having you there with me. Peace?" If he came with her, he might even carry her down. And hopefully not in as embarrassing way as Karli had. Or then she could appear all assertive and make her own way down slowly but surely. It was a dilemma. If he even came.



    Trying to mend it

  15. Yup yup, I think that your comparison of Ajahs and what Paths could be is very apt, Ata. Companies and Paths should both be factors that help to create character identity and something bigger than the character which can define them to some extent.

  16. It has been too long time indeed. I will add you to my MSN as I don't use ICQ at all anymore. I really should come to Sweden again to meet my god mother and you. It has been too long from that too.


    And ooh, you were studying in Japan! :) That is really cool. Which degree are you working for now?

  17. The abrupt and curt 'no' surprised Iussi and for a moment he just blinked. Certainly he could get another teacher but Con had been the first one he had thought of for various reasons. Mainly because he was a good and throughout teacher who demanded alot from his students. And of course because he was someone Telcia trusted implicitly and who had sworn to protect her not much diffrently from a Warder. But that card could not be used as Con would disapprove Telcia's plans and the whole thing if he knew that the White Tower was involved. Bloody burning Red Sisters and their mad schemes.


    "I interpret that as 'maybe if further explanation is given'. I am a Spring man and it suits me very well. I had difficulties relating with the Flame and the Void and after so many years of resorting to the Spring, I have alot to unlearn. You are likely familiar with the theory that Spring is akin to embracing Saidar and Flame and the Void is a good technique for controlling Saidin. That was my problem, block when the Sisters tried to make me help them with their studies. I promised to assist them to my best ability but I was afraid. Shit scared in fact. So I broke my promise since I didn't really struggle to break through the block. I just couldn't."


    Iussi sighed deeply. "I know that this is a difficult topic to you as you fought so hard against the whole thing. I appreciate your efforts, yours and Telcia's, and what I want to do now likely goes against it all, makes it naught. But it needs to be done and I need to try again and for real this time. That is why I came to you."


    "The Tower has a way to Heal Stilling, to undo it completely. They might be able to do it for male channelers too or at least find a way. You saw what the men of the Black Tower are capable of here in Illian. Every person who can hold a weapon will be valuable in the battle to come but it can't be denied that a channeler is worth many soldiers. And I could maybe be that." Telcia went far enough to call him a male Aes Sedai who had been robbed the potential but that was far fetched as long as the Taint existed. Iussi had little hope that it could ever be lifted but if he had ever understood what duty meant, it was this. Duty to his wife who couldn't be reasoned out of stupid plans because she was stubborn like a mule and backed up by her former Ajah Sisters. And duty to his children and the world.


    "I don't know if that was enough so I won't ramble on. If you need clarifications, you will ask for them." Or then not if the 'no' was an indication of his talkativeness.


    Iussi Dyfelle

    Half-unwilling Learner

  18. Jocelyn, Jocelyn, why did the name sound so familiar? Annais hadn't actually met the woman but she had heard of her. She was married to Rion, the Bondholder of Lavinya. And more than just married, Rion had Bonded her and from what she had read between the lines, Jocelyn did not appreciate another female being present in her house and the mind of her husband. But hopefully Lavinya and all the Sisters would be gone from the woman's life soon enough, at least in the conditions they were currently under. "You certainly got me curious now. I would really like to hear what you could say that could make me to give you lesson at gallows dance. Unless that was just exaggeration like males are prone to", she added with a grin.


    "I think that you would find ladies too stiff-backed and boring for your taste, matey, but experience certainly is preferable to ardour of youth by those who have it themselves." She soured a bit at the mention of Far Madding and Aes Sedai as there indeed had been Sisters in the city once. All three had died quite gruesomely as their patients had escaped the establishment, all of them Gentled men. A dangerous topic to speak in the Black Tower.


    "Why don't we go through a few dances then. Hum or whistle a tune and take the lead." That was the reason why many Sisters didn't like to dance. They didn't want to submit any control even for a moment. But it was their loss.


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  19. Annais raised her eyebrow at his comment of blowing things up. He certainly would better not do anything like that and joking about the matter... well, Saidin being used around her was still a bit disconcerting factor. Her residence was comprised of two simple rooms that hardly compared to the fineries of the White Tower's guest quarters but then the whole Black Tower was still in stages of being built. When their palace structure was ready, she had no doubt that it would give the White Tower a run for their money. "Come on in then." She didn't get the chance to comment on his offer to make them breakfast as Mia spoke up. Annais turned to smile at her.


    "Phaw, sounds to me like someone just wants to get their own task delegated to someone else. Which is also negotiating as is your offer to do the breakfast, Sereth. It comes close to bribery or as it is said more nicely, giving incentives for the desired behaviour. Also a very clever incentive as in this case it is something that you very muuh want to give. Too bad that your stomach betrayed you or we would have been suitably awed by your generous offer."


    "But go ahead and cook for us then. Surely you can't be worse than Mia." Annais pretended a grimace with heavy overexaggeration.


    "Watching your words and not letting yourself to get hindered by emotions are a good start. I would be careful with the intimidation strategy, though and especially so when the threat is Saidin. It might gain you the goal you pursue now but bite you and the whole Black Tower in the ankle later. Certainly that person never wants to deal with you again and they will tell to all their friends what villains you and all Asha'man are. You must always remember that you represent your organization and behave accordingly. Currently I believe that the Black Tower wants to present itself as a helper and protector of the world, not a fearsome brute. And so should you act too."


    "How do you think that the White Tower wants itself to be seen and how would that affect the conduct of an Aes Sedai negotiator? And could you think of some other examples of the organizations of the world? Like for example the Children of the Light or Domani merchant. Or a Tinker."


    "Also ponder the question of why the strongest party does not always win. What kind of things can cause this phenomenon? And how exactly is it determined which is the stronger party?"


    Annais Nevell

    Socratic teacher

  20. Ahem, didn't I just speak up? :) And I am new folks raised under the new system.


    I don't think that it is a good idea to remove the Paths completely because they offer good ideas and examples for people on what the Paths could be like. Building blocks if you like.


    It definately would be nice if everyone could craft their own paths and philosophies but some kind of guidelines and ideas should be provided by the Division.


    The Divisions exist here to help new members to RP and concepts to flesh out their characters more are always helpful even when people have the freedom to use them or not.

  21. Hmm... likely Kirsta would have been Aes Sedaisly disapproving of the fact that the Tower was given ultimatums but as a Blue she would also understand the realities of politics.


    The White Tower cannot afford to loose 10 more Sisters and the only way to make them fully functional is to get them out of the Bond. Also no matter how the Aes Sedai dislike the fact, the Asha'man are not as small and scattered force as the Tower thought so acknowledging them could be seen as a big sister giving a little brother a pat if it is presented in the right way. And as the Amyrlin Kirsta likely would have done exactly so.


    What kind of impacts continuation of Tower's imperialistic politics would have had... likely some Sitters would have supported the status quo of Tower's power but more realistic ones would admit that the world has changed around them and chosen an Amyrlin who reflects that.


    Those were just my thoughts. How would such opinions affect one way or another?

  22. Mia's words caused Annais to draw a deep breath but she stifled it from becoming a full fledged sigh. She hadn't expected it to be easy or a quick process but this case was definately a challenge. And she had promised Mia that she would not bring Shoar to her unless she wanted to and in her opinion it restricted her from encouraging him to do it either. And in the current circumstances it wouldn't be wise. Mia would have to get used to seeing him around and he would have to first convince her professionally and gain some respect in that arena until anything else could be thought of. She could at least give Shoar a nut shell version of what was the issue as Mia hadn't forbidden that. It would be interesting to hear how their relationship had worked in his opinion. Had they argued about him not trusting Mia or was it a conclusion in retrospect?


    Annais certainly personally agreed that in the future the Tower would need soldiers and an army instead of warriors trained as bodyguards. Shoar would have to learn too - at least until he Bonded. Some people were just made for that role and Warders had their purpose... a purpose Annais had never quite embraced herself but then she had her painful memories of Warders.


    Then came a surprise that was like being doused in ice cold water, so unexpected and unpleasent the topic was. She had been caught off guard and Mia mentioning his name was enough to make spots of red bloom on her cheeks. Blushing like a bloody virgin, burn her. Where had this come from all the sudden? Had she actually said his name? Brand, Brent. They were similar enough that the slip was perfectly explainable. Or would be if Mia hadn't caught her one morning. Still, this kind of underhanded tactics were called distraction. And she could play the game too... if she just got a word out.


    She opened her mouth a few times to start speaking and closed it again, giving Mia a frown. "At my age any man who is of any use in bed is cradle snatching. Or well, hundred year olds still have tongues but they are not very aesthetic. And you are basing awfully lot of assumptions on one little confusion with words. And one little dream", she admitted grudingly. "But mind you, I haven't been with anyone in a year so he is not the only man who has had a lead role in my dreams." One of the others was a persona non grata to Mia and another one from many months back was loved by her Keeper. And she was no man-stealing hussy even though she had made an exception once. In that case the man had been quite willing victim, had even made the initiative. Absurdly, she now lamented that thinking Milos didn't give her such shivers anymore.


    "There might be some chemistry from my side and I appreciate him as a person as much as you can appreciate someone you have only met a week ago. But that is all there is and will be. I might not even be meeting him ever again." Which was unlikely as the Hall tended to use tools that they had found useful for similar tasks. If they just decided to accept the terms the Black Tower demanded. The Hall might as well decline and send Annais to till soil in a retreat. "Don't worry nanny Mimi, bad evil Aes Sedai will not seduce your golden baby boy." It would be like assisting in the suicide of her career.


    "Now when we are so nicely in the heart-to-heart girl talk, when was the last time you got laid?"


    Annais Nevell

    Is not a Foreteller

  23. Thankfully Annais’ small confessions had been enough to make Mia feel comfortable enough to speak. She didn’t have any huge secrets save maybe employing an assassin but that she wasn’t ready to share with Mia yet. She listened carefully what Mia said and tried not to even think any arguments until the Tower Guard was done as she wanted to be certain that she had understood everything right.


    It was good that Shoar had resisted at first starting an affair with his Trainee but it seemed that in retrospect Mia had come to the conclusion that the relationship hadn’t worked so well. Maybe he had been unable to shed the mentor’s role and had been overprotective which would annoy any capable woman.


    Annais tried to keep at mind why Shoar had left even though his choice of not telling Mia had been again wrapping her in cotton and not giving her the choice. But if she wanted to make any advance here, she couldn’t make judgements. She didn’t quite understand the cowardice comment and Mia explained for her benefit. Sleeping powders. Definitely not what you expected from the average soldier and it was a bit damnable that Shoar would resort to them in a situation like that. It could have been an instinct from the time in the Blight.


    Mia’s final words summed it up very well and bitterness of more than ten years couldn’t be easily wiped away. But then people with even older feuds had been able to come to terms so it was possible. “You have every right to your bitterness and I will not make the mistake of bringing you to Shoar’s presence again unless you so wish. I did not do so intentionally as I was not aware of the situation.”


    “Regardless, could you please listen to what I have to say.” A rhetoric question and Annais spoke on. “Your issue has many layers and was building even before he left but you should know one fact about his departure that might change your view slightly despite your negative opinion of him. Or then not. But you should at least know of it.”


    “He didn’t leave by his own will, he was banished by the Amyrlin as he was digging too deep into the death of his Aes Sedai. That is why he didn’t want to take you with you. Certainly you can accuse him of not giving you the chance to choose and for trying to coddle and overprotect you but desire to keep you from the mess was his motive.” Of course Shoar could have included Mia in his investigations of Nimue’s death in the first place so this could be a symptom of a larger issue.


    “I won’t comment on whether he is such a low life as you depict him and completely without chance for redemption. But I need to point out one thing. You know Shoar much more intimately and better than Brent but he accepted Shoar back. That means that as a Tower Guard you might have to work with him and guard his back and trust him to guard yours. If that is an issue, then the matter becomes something more than personal.”


    “Could you work with Shoar if you had to? And if he decided to try and apologize you, how would you react?”

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