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Posts posted by Arette

  1. Annie had been “the mistress”?  Brent had trouble seeing her settling for “the other woman”. Then again, maybe that was his bias toward mistresses in general.  His father had been faithful to his mother... in his own way.  He was a merchant, so he spent as much time away from home as at home, so, yes, he had slept with whores and tavern lightskirts while away.  His wife had known about it, too, as had Brent once he was old enough to understand these things.  However, none of those other women had lasted more than a night or two.  There was no relationship to challenge his mother’s position; “scratching the itch” really hadn’t bothered his mother, or at least, not that she let on.


    Speaking of “letting on”, concentrating on his cards was getting more and more difficult.  Brent could help but stretch and puff out his chest as Annie’s eyes swept over him. He laughed at her dare, checking his cards to give him time to come up with a dare of his own.  “While we do be on the subject of body parts then, my dare be this: you be having to touch your elbows behind your back.”


    Barely glancing back at his pair of tens, he was only mildly disappointed at his loss.


    Brent Enios


  2. At the spacious and august office at the middle height of the White Tower, the supposedly most important woman in the world sat behind her desk and cursed profusely. Annais rubbed her aching right wrist and tried if rolling it would help to the cramp caused by writing so many letters. Blood and bloody ashes but ink would soon pour out of her nose and ears and the pile of missives left to respond didn't seem to grow much smaller. She had just decided to to keep a break and go for a smoke when a knock sounded from the door. Annais rushed back to the table and slipped the cigar back to the finely inlaid wooden box on her table like a child caught stealing cookies. It was so wrong that smoking wasn't completely acceptable habit for an Aes Sedai despite Delanna puffing openly. Maybe it was just she herself who didn't find it suitable.


    Annais hastily arranged the seven striped stole on her shoulders and called Aramina to enter. It delighted her to see Mia enter the room after her Keeper as being able to deliver good news always brightened your own day too. Of course first she would engage in what Mia called meddling. Annais didn't even know why she had taken such an interest in Mia but it had happened before over the years and usually blossomed into something beautiful. The Tower Guard was proving to be a bit more challenging than people she usually started liking but challenges were fun.


    "Thank you for bringing Mia in, Aramina. You can stay too if you want to." But Aramina already knew what it was about and that it would be mainly a personal discussion and she had her own work so she returned to her own office. Annais turned to regard Mia with a smile and waggled her finger at her.


    "Good day to you too, Mia. Your manners are atrocious. You may know me as an annoying know-it-all who puts her nose into your sleeve but I was just given the right by the Hall to do that for anyone in the White Tower. So a curtsy or bow or even Tower Guard salute would have been nice."


    "Nah, I'm just kidding. Lets not waste our time. Do you want something to drink?" The way Annais eyed the brandy decanter on the desk told pretty clearly what she wanted Mia to answer. But from the look on the Tower Guard's face she clearly was wasting time. She sighed and resigned to the no. "There actually was a valid reason why I summoned you and it is not annoying you or wanting a drinking buddy."


    "Remember when I told you that I would never pry into one certain topic you didn't want to talk about? Well, I am going to have to take my word back. I am currently reviewing the case of your brother and I consider calling off his warrant. I have already spoken with Brent but I want a highly personal and biased opinion on the matter too from someone who knows Con Stavros better than anyone. Why should I do it? And why did he leave in your opinion?"


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  3. Annais tsked and eyed Brent with mocking dispproval at his arrogant expression and words. "It doesn't require much practice to be better than your dancing. But it's alright because it was just an excuse to get to pawn you. Just as I planned." She hadn't planned the effect of the kiss on her even though she had predicted that the kiss itself might come. Alright, hoped for it. But she wasn't desperate enough to crave for it. She should have just followed her plan to scratch her itch with some boy toy. But she had a sinking feeling that even that wouldn't have helped. They just needed to get the rules clear without actually talking about such mood dampening issue. Just tonight and she was on top - or at least they were both on top.


    She winked at him. "And you have no idea what kind of connections I can imagine between chop and toes. Come next Dare and I will trump you and you'll see." She looked at her cards that were absolute rubbish. She kept any disappointment carefully off her face because she had determined that Brent was the kind of player you needed to let to win a few times first. He would grow even more overly certain and arrogant then and start making mistakes. Instead she assumed a swagger that mirrored his and eyed him with a false air of certainty of victory.


    Oh how she would seethe and laugh internally at his satisfied look when she would be ah so disappointed for loosing after all. Her Truth would have to be something big enough that he would believe she was serious but also something that she really wouldn't mind never knowing about him. She didn't particularly look forward to talking about Milos even with no names named but she had to hook him. "My bet is; what has been your most embarrassing experience with women?"


    The cards were revealed and she let annoyance flash on her face briefly before turning to Brent. She eyed him up and down suggestively leaving her eyes emphatically on certain spot. "I obviously haven't gotten all your measures yet but I am sure that you compare just fine. As for other things, you are younger, you are not a noble, you are not married nor a father, you have similar kind of colouring but your body types are different. He is more slender and you have broader chest and shoulders, perfect to grasp during... He, ah, dances and politicks better but you... you kiss better." Brent wasn't maybe quite as skillful technically but Milos hadn't made her swoon as quickly. She watched carefully Brent's reactions and tried to read what he thought of it. The swell of ego was certainly visible during the last words but it was the truth.


    And she had spoken enough of him, Annais decided and pushed the deck to Brent to deal. Even before looking at her cards, she declared her bet. "Dare; you will kneel before me, give me a foot massage and kiss my every toe. What is yours, pretty boy?" Then she checked her cards and kept her face neutral save for a questioning and challenging eyebrow directed at him.


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  4. He was actually surprised to see her practically dazed when their lips parted.  Annie’s admission certainly wasn’t helping his swelling ego; it took a hit, though, at the words “not yet” just as he was leaning in again.  It was almost worth it to watch her back into a chair.  Annais Nevell, Am- right, no titles- who had been so sure through the entire Watchers Negotiations, constantly holding the upper hand; thrown off-balance by a simple kiss.  Brent dared not think how similar the situation might be if their positions had been reversed.


    Offered the sofa or the armchair, he naturally chose the sofa.  He dared not let his eyebrows betray his curiosity when she chose the armchair.  It seemed barely a minute with her back turned toward him was enough for her to pull herself back together.  “Not yet” echoed through his mind and a small smile pulled at his mouth; the evening’s end had, more or less, been decided but it was still a question of who would hold the upper hand.


    A mouthful of cheesecake allowed him a moment’s thought for his response.  Not that this was anything like the negotiations where he had to watch and weigh her every move and action, not that he wasn’t eyeing her every forkful, rather he was hoping to leave more than just a bland impression when tonight was over.  Brent wasn’t expecting anything to come of this, of course, but if circumstances allowed...  ‘You be thinking too much, again.’


    “Fortunate for you,” he said with a grin that was getting a little too cocksure “I do be having a good deal more practice at chop than at dancing.  That and toes do no be involved.”  Being from the Perfumed Quarters and spending most of his life around the docks and sailors, Brent had learned chop before he was ten.  Chop games persisted most evenings at the inn and had been one of the only familiar surroundings in his first years as a Soldier and Dedicated.


    The cards were dealt.  It was time for bets.  “I suppose I be betting first?  Truth; how do I be measuring up to the last man you be with?”


    Brent Enios


  5. Brent was the undoing of her. No one had ever broken her self-control practiced for a century as badly. Fair enough, she wasn't as ascetic and self-denying as most of her Sisters but this was rediculous. No matter how deprived she was, this kind of an effect just couldn't be true. The touch of their lips was short and light but a quiet moan escaped Annais and she brought her hands to his broad shoulders to steady herself. When he let her go, she didn't and stared at him for a moment a bit dazed. He was just making it worse with his suggestive words. Upper hand, she needed it now and badly. If only he had been clearly panting and red-faced. It would have put her more at ease and she could have been amused instead of just bloody needy.


    "I want it badly", she admitted huskily. "But not yet." Her voice was laced with disappointment. "Anticipation makes it all the better in the end." She took some hasty steps back to get some space and bumped into a chair. She wasn't reatreating, just err, getting closer to the dessert.


    "I... umm... why don't you sit down", she motioned toward the sofa and arm chairs. She had a good hunch of where he would sit and she knew where she wanted to sit. But she wouldn't. A shame that she didn't have the cleavage to really make an impression when she leaned toward him. "I will serve the dessert." Everything was well organized before hand so all she had to do was to push a small service cart beside the table at the seating area and unload the tea cups and the tea pot kept warm with Keeping weave and uncover a cheese cake covered with berries. It was a welcomed distraction and she was able to cut pieces of the cake with a steady hand.


    She seated herself to the arm chair nearest to the sofa and felt confident enough to grin at Brent. "Would you like to play something? I was thinking chop as you said that you can play it. The betting makes it very interesting but it shouldn't be anything too ordinary for us two. Truths and Dares maybe. Do you dare?" She took the first bite of the cake and placed it to her mouth sensuously slowly savouring every bit.


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  6. Brent hadn’t heard the song before, but he had a few like it which had similar rhythms.  It had been ages since he’d danced.  Honestly, he couldn’t remember the last time, but it would have been some decade past and back in the Perfumed Quarters—not that he’d been known for particularly nimble feet.  However, a steady job, a good pair of shoulders and an early crop of whiskers counted for more in the Perfumed Quarters than a pretty, penniless face; and had earned him his fair share of willing partners.  Soldiering, especially the exaggerated and romanticised stories that went with it, had earned him at least a little experience, no matter how much had gone to rust in ten years of being out-of-use.


    He could try telling himself that ingrained reflex saved Annie’s toes, but that was ego talking—Annie saved her own toes.  Not that she was much help for remembering where his feet were supposed to be going.  She was more of a distraction and her face when he barely missed stepping on her feet wasn’t helping.  Truthfully, very little was going in favour of remembering which foot was going which way.  Between her body pressed up against his and the sensuality of the song, his mind was definitely elsewhere.


    Backwards, backwards, backwards, turn.  Promenade, promenade, turn, turn.  Backwards, spin.  Repeat with variations.


    By the time the song had ended, she was left breathless and they were both flushed.  He hadn’t let go yet.  Her comment gave him the two seconds he needed to weigh his options and come to a quick decision.  What was a little risk?


    He kissed her.  Not long and relatively lightly compared to what was raging through him.


    When he broke it, Brent let her go.  “I didn’t figure you wanted releasing yet.”


    Brent Enios

    M'Hael of the Black Tower

  7. Bren't brandy chucking skills were pretty impressive as there wasn't even a sign of a flinch or cough despite drowning three glasses in rapid succession. And it was hardly the only thing Annais admired in him. There were alot of fine body parts all the way from head to toes and he had an endearing personality even if he was a bit negative from time to time. Too many good qualities for it to be safe. And he had that elusive something that made Annais salivate. She had actually been able to identify parts of it and they were the same qualities Milos had to her slight annoyance. Cockiness and the subtle knowledge that no matter how she talked and acted and was an Aes Sedai, she couldn't really dominate him. Not that she really wanted to and with time it would cause her to loose her respect for him. Still it was quite infuriating from time to time because she was used to being in control and he was harmful for her balance.


    His warning of dosing him too liberally with brandy was met with a throaty laughter. Her throat constricted lightly when he took her hand and placed his lips on it. Such a small touch shouldn't have made her so aware of him. When he pulled her against him, her eyes darkened and her lips parted slightly as she regarded his face. All she would have to do was lean a bit forward and she could kiss him like she had imagined so many times. His closeness definately caused reactions in her and she had to clear her throat to be able to speak. They would do this right because this was the only time. He would have to do some pursuing and no matter how she wanted it, it couldn't be too easy.


    Annie disentangled her hand gently, all the time conscious that his hand never left her waist, and began to clap a rhytm. "This is the beat you should follow. I will prepare my voice, hum an intro and then we'll start." She did quickly some basic excercises to warm her voice and the concentration on one of her favourite activities allowed her to not be so bloody aware of Brent for a moment. She begun with passion and intensity, clearly enjoying what she was doing. It wasn't hard for her to coordinate her feet and sing at the same time and she moved gracefully with Bren't lead, even covering some of his mistakes and keeping him from stepping on her toes.


    Love is a rebellious bird

    that nobody can tame,

    and you call him quite in vain

    if it suits him not to come.

    Nothing helps, neither threat nor prayer.

    One man talks well, the other's mum;

    it's the other one that I prefer.

    He's silent but I like his looks.

    Love! Love! Love! Love!


    Love is a Tinker's child,

    it has never, ever, known a law;

    love me not, then I love you;

    if I love you, you'd best beware!


    The bird you thought you had caught

    beat its wings and flew away ...

    love stays away, you wait and wait;

    when least expected, there it is!

    All around you, swift, so swift,

    it comes, it goes, and then returns ...

    you think you hold it fast, it flees

    you think you're free, it holds you fast.

    Love! Love! Love! Love!


    Love is a Tinker's child,

    it has never, ever, known a law;

    love me not, then I love you;

    if I love you, you'd best beware!


    The music and the movements blended into one and Annais was breathless and caught up in the mood and theme when the dance was over. She had sung to him even if the lyrics didn't really reflect her feelings. But the heat was there and the rhytm had been perfect for the moment. "Oh Brent, that was wonderful. You are wonderful", she breathed. He was still holding her and she felt a nervous flutter in her belly... and so much more but she couldn't give any attention to it. "You should... shouldn't you release me?"


    Annais Nevell

    Head Bitch of the World's Largest Phallo Symbol

  8. He was highly amused that she planned on singing, particularly since her motives involved making sure the two of them were alone.  His own views on that matter were perhaps best communicated by his wide grin when she mentioned, perfectly innocently, the word “stiff”.  It was hardly the first time Brent had thought about this, but he had decided it unlikely and especially impossible upon hearing of her promotion.  Now that it seemed she really wanted their offices forgotten, he was more than happy to oblige-- so happy, in fact, he was positively beaming!


    Throwing back the three glasses in quick succession, he rolled the last glass across the back of his hand.  He’d learned the trick first in the Perfumed Quarters and his habit of keeping a bottle of brandy close-to-hand had helped him perfect it.  It’d been far too long since he’d had the chance to show off a few bar tricks.  Of course, after recent promotions, this was really not the time for such a realisation.  ‘You do be thinking too much, Brent.  This do NO be the time to be over-thinking.’


    “You do be needing to be careful how much of that excellent brandy you do be giving my poor legs, Annie, else they will no be able to stand.”  His grin illumined vague pronouns so there would be no question as to which leg he was referring.  Not that clarification seemed necessary.


    Pushing back his chair, he took her hand as he stood.  With an overdramatic bow, Brent kissed her hand.  “You did already be claiming the top, I need to save myself at least a little male dignity and lead.” he smirked, wrapping an arm around her waist.  “Maestro?”


    Brent Enios

    Supreme Bastard of the Megalomaniac Project

  9. http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/warders/?page_id=17


    7-8 A Road of Their Own (a few weeks later)*

    In order to complete this requirement you are required to write an essay of at least 200 words stating your in-character reasons for choosing your discipline and your path. Since paths are optional, when you decide not to follow a path you must indicate why you did not choose one. We need to know what your philosophy is on life and your role as a fighter. Also include your philosophy (Void/Spring), primary, secondary and tertiary weapons for record keeping. Please send your essay to warders.mot@gmail.com


    Note: Sending to the Division Leader is used in case the Mistress of Trainees is on leave of absence. Always send to both to be on the safe side.


    Do remember: You can always ask for help from either the Mistress of Trainees (warders.mot@gaidin.org) or on the different OOC boards for other division members to help you.


    * RP must be approved by Mistress of Trainees.

    ** RP must be approved by Mistress of Trainees and the Division Leader of all other Divisions involved.


    Bah, and I am blind. You listed the right address there too but I noticed only  the wrong old one.

  10. I just tried to email to warders.mot [at] gaidin.org and got a Failure Delivery. I suppose that it has to do with the fact that the domain does not anymore.


    It would be nice to know what the new email address is as the website still lists the old email address for Trainee requirements.


    And while you are at it, please get Sahra raised :P I have been waiting for 8 days now and I am starting to get a tad impatient.



  11. Politeness certainly became engraved to your bones in the White Tower until it was an instinct and even in aggravating situations, Aes Sedai should always keep their cool and be civil and show good example. So the rule served a purpose. Sorna's yawn gave Annais a start and she realized that she had been a very inconsiderate hostess and mentor. She had seen to Sorna get fed but she hadn't thought that the young woman had traveled all day and was likely exhausted after her trip. But she would reply her question first.


    "You are quite correct that there are two halves of the One Power, Saidar and Saidin. But they really are quite separate entities even though they work together to keep the Wheel of Time running. It is like you and your brother doing team work and him getting sick from exposure. That doesn't mean that you get infected too, as there are diseases in the world that spread only in special contact." Was it a bad thing that she thought immediately sexually transmitting diseases. "Only Saidin got exposed to the touch of the Dark One because only male channelers participated in the strike to Shayol Ghul and the sealing of the Dark One. It has been speculated that if the female channelers had been there too, Saidar would be Tainted too. I think that it is a very likely turn of events and therefore it was lucky for the whole world that Latra Posae Decume, an influential female channeler in the Age of Legends, opposed Lews Therin Telamon's plan. He was the original Dragon."


    "But now we'll shelve the rest of the questions for tomorrow and I will show you your room. I recommend that you get good rest today as your first day as a novice will start in earnest tomorrow soon after the first light. Come on then."


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister


    OOC: I think that this pretty much concludes this thread unless you want to write the description of Sorna arriving to her room. I will PM you about your next plans for Sorna :)

  12. It was quite obvious that Brent's good mood had been restored and it gladdened Annais. The poor man didn't have much chances to enjoy his life and with his tendency to mope, he likely passed most such opportunities. She wanted him to remember his last night in the White Tower well and with pleasure as it could help in the future dealings. And naturally she wanted him to rememeber her well too. She had no idea when they would meet again if they even would. Being the Amyrlin meant that she could not leave Tar Valon without the Hall's permission and the Sitters likely would never allow her to go to Black Tower. And since Brent couldn't come to the White Tower save on official business, the meetings would be rare. It was a shame as she rarely met people she clicked so well with instantly but this evening would make a nice memory.


    She arched an eyebrow and tsked when he tried her. Leaning over the table slightly, she shook her finger at him. "You don't want to provocate me so, Brent." She replied his question of her intent with a slight shrug and a mysterious smile. The smiled widened when he looked around beseechingly at the mention of dancing.


    "Phaw, I don't intend to bring in any third wheels here as Gleemen are horrible gossips and such presence would force us to be all formal and stiff. Besides, I can be my own Gleeman. If I wasn't an Aes Sedai, I could have made a prosperous career as a traveling singer." She snorted at his dubious look. "You'll see soon enough. And I really want to hear you sing to me sooner or later tonight. You have such a pleasent voice that your singing will sound good too. If you need the brandy to give you the courage, then so be it. We haven't even gotten started with spirits yet but why wait until dessert." Annais stood gracefully and walked to a small sidetable where her teaset and crystal decanters and finely crafted glasses laid. She set one decanter and five glasses on a small silver tray and carried them back to the dinner table where Brent was still enjoying his dinner.


    She begun to pour the amber liquid with apple scent to the five glasses and passed him three. "I hope that you are enjoying your food. Just leave little hunger for later as you will love the dessert. And here, three glasses for you. Apple brandy to smooth your voice and to ease your steps. One drink for each leg", she grinned before lifting one of the glasses to her lips. Her eyes were smoky as she regarded him over her rim. "Cheers, Brent." She threw the drink back and let it and the excitement warm her. Things were was heading quickly off the course and she was speeding them instead of acting all wisely like she had decided. Just this once. It was wrong in so many ways but nothing had made her feel as alive in a long time.


    "And don't you worry about dancing. We just need to get adjusted to being pressed so closely against each others and learn to coordinate our movements. If you don't feel confident enough to lead yet, you can entrust yourself to my capable hands. I am very good. Are you ready to start then?"


    Annais Nevell

    A woman and really feeling like one

  13. Basically the idea is to think up cool and humorous titles for your characters that describe them well.


    Here are few that me and Andrea came up with:


    Annais: Mistress Wanton (although I protest this :P 10 men and women over 110 years is not bad at all even if it is more than Shaneevae's body count)


    Maegan: Little Red Priding Hood and Miss Artificial Intellegence

  14. Yes, that means Sofia if you want to play her. Her part isn't really necessary but I'll be happy to RP it out with you :)


    Basically after Laurel and Annais' Raising, Annais approaches every ruler with a letter where she:


    1) informs them of her Raising to the Amyrlin Seat and some of her policies (BT gets a mention where they are listed as allies) and


    2) invites the ruler in question to a private dinner with her in the White Tower and


    3) broaches the topic of AS advisor of Illian asking that Sofia retakes the advisor her father had (whose faith is still a bit uncertain, ie. what Jav did to her, killed or Compelled) or accepts another one.


    What James and I have assumed is that Sofia would ask for is calling off the warrants on Con and Arette. Also Sofia would inform Annais that she already knows who she would like to be her AS advisor and that is Arette.


    For various reasons Annais is not quite willing to instantly grant the Queen her wish and this would be one of the things that would be discussed with her over the dinner. The other would of course be Illian's Dragonsworn status and what it means for the country.


    But yeah, that is pretty much all that we have planned. The rest depends on you and your interest to NPC the character :)

  15. The Amyrlin's RPs:


    - Retro stuff where relationships are built to close friends (Aramina & Shan)


    - Black Tower negotiations (I need to write next the public apology for the BT)


    - At plans: If everyone gives me a summary about what their Sitters say regarding the deal with the BT, I will make a post of it that concludes the whole thing. Everyone can then post reactions or retro how the meeting went for them.


    - The Oath Rod RP and finding out about the Black Ajah.


    - Getting into trouble with Brent (in the future this should lead Annais to big trouble. I don't want the whole Hall to find out but specific individuals could who can then blackmail her)


    - RPing with the rulers of the world. Since only 3 rulers are semi-played, I focus on just them. Be'lal represents Arad Doman and I will soon send the RP for you to approve, Andrea. Illian's Queen is asking that the warrants on Con and Arette Stavros are called off which Annais will acceded to. Sammael is posing as the king of Shienar so I will contact the player soon and him if he has interest to play.


    - Phinnaver's return to the Tower. She will attack Annais and kill one Sister (resulting in much angst from Annais' part) and Annais will try to fix the Arches with Maegan's help so that they can be used to Heal Phinn's mental issues. If this works, the Arches will also be used on Estel :P

  16. Annie could sense Brent's mood changing too and she regretted it. But they couldn't return to the previous flirtatious mode as it was far too dangerous and could lead to things. Maybe some kind of a middle way could be found. She certainly hadn't excpected such melancholy from him, usually people answered such question politely and said that they had had a fine day even if they hadn't. Though of course she appreciated the honesty more. But that wasn't the kind of a mood she wanted to see him in. She was sad for him and the Black Tower but she wasn't going to let it to spoil their dinner and the last time in a long time when they could be alone. "Brooding Brent. I didn't know that you were such a pessimist." She voiced the last word as if it was the most horrible thing in the world that could be imagined.


    "And a bullshitting pessimist of all things. You could hire Ogiers too and I believe that they would come. They protected the male channelers during the Breaking and despite their usual placidness, they can be fierce warriors with much bravery. Male channelers don't scare them. And comparing yourself to the sun when you are currently a bonfire is totally unproductive. You have the potential to be the sun one day if you have the balls to dream big and go for it. I saw a plenty of people in Black Tower who were totally willing to live there. They were relatives and had a close bond on the man who manifested but when you take the time to cultivate more such relationships, you could get people to move to you. I wonder if you have ever met a merchant really worth their salt. If you gave them good enough incentives, they would go to do trade in the Pit of Doom. Greed and good profits is what drives most of them and if you can sell yourself well enough, they will flock to you."


    "But with that kind of 'oh woe is me' attitude you aren't going to achieve anything except a spanking from me. Or maybe that is what you were after all along." Annais winked at him.


    "Now, if we want to have a pleasent evening, I think that a few rules need to be established. If you pout and sulk again, I will smack your pretty bottom. Certain words need to also be banned, such as the White Tower, Black Tower, Amyrlin Seat, M'Hael and channeling and channelers. If you absolutely must mention them for some obscene reason, you can at least do it in a humorous way. My suggestions would be 'World's Largest Phallos Symbol', 'Megalomaniac Project', 'Head Bitch', 'Supreme Bastard', 'feeding the addiction' and 'arrogant wool-heads'."


    "Any objections? And would you like to dance?"


    Annais Nevell

    The Amyrlin Seat

  17. Annais agreed with Lillian's assesment of the situation. In the end she would agree with the nomination but she still wanted to know what kind of a cat was in the sack she was being sold. She was still pondering on the difference of the distinction of being the Amyrlin Seat or the Amyrlin Seat being her when Lillian elaborated what she meant. She would have listed the same strenghts as Lillian did and she accepted the rebuke. She had been trying to think too much like an Aes Sedai or the Amyrlin instead of seeing what was the most practical thing.


    "Fair enough. I don't really see it as a conflict as the Queen and I both want the best of Illian. But she is a stranger and I do not know this new Arette either. Even though I trust your judgement, I want to make my own too. I need to be certain that I am making a good decision. I admit, I would still make the same decision even if it was a bad one, but at least I will know it and can prepare for it."


    "I think that the Hall has had a change of heart lately. They chose me over Kirsta after all. And they accepted the treaty with the Black Tower which is a start. So in that sense we can thank Sirayn, I suppose. She sent the Watchers which was a mistake but something reasonably good came out of it. Of course not everyone in the Hall are very happy about it and the feeling of the Black Tower forcing their hand has not made them amenable toward the Asha'man."


    "How exactly are you trying to achieve that goal in Far Madding? And what kind of attitude are you trying to generate toward the White Tower? We have never been very popular there and the ending of the rehabilitation center wasn't a very good one even though it was some years ago."


    Annais wasn't certain if it was a good or bad sign that Arette hadn't wanted the position. Good thing because it meant that she didn't have wrong kind of ambitions but bad motivation wise. But then one of the rare things Annais had respected in Arette was her mork moral. If she took a job, she did it to her best ability. The downside was that she had an tendency to overdo duties and risk getting very stressed which was only added by having a family in the equation too. But she would address the issue when they met.


    Arette and Karana likely would receive certain kind of sympathy from the people of the Dragon as they had been deposed for protecting him and rumours placed Karana as an advisor of the Dragon. It was very true that any Sister coming from the White Tower would be viewed with some suspicion so even a bad Aes Sedai advisor was better than none. It was certainly good that Sofia's integrity as the ruler had been supported rather than undermined. Annais wasn't certain if the old Arette would have done so but she liked what she heard. It was a sensible advice to not try to play with words and get too enwrapped with the Game and it was what Annais usually did when she didn't try to be too clever and act like she was assumed to.


    Lillian was likely a bit biased when describing Arette but then ability to make friends spoke always good of the person. More good traits. It would be interesting to meet the woman. Light, it had been over ten years since they last had. She would have to try to rely on her own impressions and not the hearsay and opinions of others that had coloured her view - that and the decisions of the woman.


    "That is a pretty indepht but nicely short analysis and good advice that I will follow. Thank yo... What about Brent Enios?" Where had that come from all the sudden? Did Lillian know something? Not that there was anything to know except some silly dreams and Mia wouldn't have talked about them. Annais eyed the White with apprehension until she realised that there was absolutely no reason to worry. She also knew what had happened and the relief burst as laughter. "Ooh, that is just priceless. I meant Brand Ryota, Lillian. The names are quite similar so I just mixed them up." Light, she had to be more careful in the future or her blubbering tongue would land her into really deep trouble. Not that there would be any trouble. Tonight was just a dinner and nothing more. Maybe she should use a chaperone, like Aramina or Lia. No way! That was a ridiculous notion. She was a grown woman and Aes Sedai of all things.


    "I will meet him later today. Brand, that is", Annais defined further. "Well, Brent too. I mean, M'Hael Enios." A change of topic and quickly. "Bah. But the Stavrosi matter. That is pretty much done deal, I think. I was asking about the Far Madding and your plans there. And are you satisfied with my answer about myself as the Amyrlin? I certainly aim for using my real strenghts in the position, not just acting like I am supposed to."


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

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