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Posts posted by Arette

  1. A reaction to her touch had been expected but nothing of this kind. The tone alone was enough to get Sahra whip her hand back. Aran had never spoken to her like this before. He has been disgusted with her in the past but this intense displeasure was frightening. But he wasn't himself and she was no coward who abandoned a friend in need that easily. "Alright alright, no touching. No talking either, I guess. But I am staying."


    There had to be something, anything that she could do. She wondered when he had last eaten. He didn't seem to be caring much about his own well being or anything really, except the bottle. She tried to not stare at him and felt more useless than ever in her life. The feeling was only increased when he sprung to his feet and simply walked out of the door.


    Calling him to stop would be futile so she didn't even bother. Instead she stood up with some effort, disgusted at the loss of agility. The baby obviously didn't like it and protested by flailing with both, its little arms and legs. This one would make a fine little soldier some day with a nasty temper. The bruising of Sahra's organs and sides forced her to stop for a moment to catch her breath and by the time she made it to the door, Aran wasn't at sight in the corridor anymore.


    Persistently she duck-walked to the Yard and was in time to glimpse his form walking through the gate and heading into the city. She might find him, as he likely would go to some tavern and drink himself under table there, but she would try again the next day. She was becoming more and more aware of her voracious hunger. She ate like a cow and likely looked like one too but still she craved food every few hours. The baby was growing which was good but she was afraid that if it got any larger, it wouldn't fit out, not without ripping her. Of course there would be Yellow Sisters to Heal her afterwards but Sahra didn't want to think the pain that came before it. She had been to battles and been scared before them but it was nothing when compared to the fear that gripped her when she thought of the upcoming birth. No, she wouldn't think it now. Everything would be well and Sana would be with them and the baby needed food now. They both did.


    With a resigned sigh, Sahra headed to the dining hall. Maybe Jaz would be there. She really wanted to apologize her grumpy behaviour. Or then Conor as she could use some cheering up.


    Sahra Covenry

    Tower Guard

  2. Mia's angry and mocking tone as she mimicked Annais' poor explanation made her wince. People were not often angry at her and she was at loss how to deal with it. Especially since it was deserved. She loved peace more than anything and it was painful to be chewed out. But still a rebellious streak in her did not want to make amends this time and grovel and apologize. She had wanted it and she had taken what she wanted. She wasn't sorry for it but the payback was painful. Mia would keep the secret but at the cost of loosing any respect she might have had toward Annais.


    Their affair coming out would give the perfect excuse for those opposing the Towers working together to make things difficult. The Sitters would also loose respect for her and they would think that they had her under their thumb. The worst thing was that Annie wouldn't be deposed, instead they would try to use the affair to make her get concessions from Brent. If she succeeded, his precarious position would be endangered even further. They could never find out. And the Asha'man even less because his life would be in real danger then.


    That subdued any prideful and willful objections. She had risked his life. Of course he had been a most willing accomplice but none of it would have happened if she had stayed firm. She had made the initiative and even though Brent might have pursued her, she could have stopped it. It was her fault. Her gaze dropped to her toes with shame but she looked up with alarm when Mia accused her of tying herself to Brent. That was not true! They might wish and dream... alright, even moon but it didn't change the harsh reality that there was no future for them. Any time she would start faltering, all she would have to do was think Mia and her accusations, and she could control it.


    Mia begun to stride out but she couldn't leave yet. Not until they had worked this out. Although it might be better if the Illianer cooled down a bit first. When she asked urgently where she other woman was going, she got a reply that caused another wince of guilt. Light! Natalie's box. She hadn't thought of it as this debacle had been in the forefront on her mind and it felt like a betrayal of her memory. As Mia closed the door behind her with a crash, Annais rushed to her balcony and peered down over the railing. She embraced Saidar but the ground was too far away even for her One Power enchanted sight. She gave up with frustration and tried to reconcile herself with the fact that the box was in pieces and Mia likely couldn't find them all. Her fault also.


    But the Tower Guard would be coming back and Annais needed to be decently clad by then. She would have to wear something high necked and extremely decent and luckily she had some Andoran dresses in her warderobe. The buttons were a problem and she almost popped her shoulder off its socket as she struggled to close the top and lowermost buttons. The middle ones gaped but she just govered her back with another sizeable shawl. Wearing the same shawl in which Mia had caught her would likely just agitate the woman further and she wanted to avoid any provocation. She wondered briefly where her maid was as usually Lia would be already here waking her up. But this morning her mysterious absence was just a good thing. Annais didn't need a second person to lecture at her.


    She was dry washing her hands nervously in her high backed chair by the time Mia finally got back and thrust her the pieces and a pile of cigars. Annais dropped the cigars to the floor as they weren't important and gave the Tower Guard a steady look that was spoiled only by her chewing her lower lip. "Thank you for retrieving it." Of course, it was the least Mia could do as she had been the one who threw it out, but Annais was fairly certain that she had kept the sarcasm out of her voice. "What is going to happen now?" She bent her head over the broken box and started to see which pieces fit together.


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  3. Welcome to the Wolfkin :)


    Beside repeating the excellent advice of having fun, I highly recommend you to have more than one RP thread running at the same time. It sometimes take a while for people to reply and that way you make sure that you usually have at least one post to do daily or bi-daily or so.


    Of course sometimes you have to reply all your threads on the same day which can be a bit hectic :P So keep the number manageable.

  4. Suan is in the north and needs to 1) Get to Illian 2) Deal with a few rogue MC's 3) Convince the council that it's time to be more active in the world and support the Illiander Queen after a plee for help with the invading Seanchan


    I think that you got your countries mixed :) Seanchan attack Altara, not Illian. But if Suan wants to come to Illian, it would be nice to have her and Arette meet.


    Princess Sofia is currently locked in a closet while her Palace is under attack. We have many RP's to sort out with her still. Namely her crowning and appointing Arette her Aes Sedai Advisor. Setting up a meeting with the new Amyrlin Seat.


    I'm looking forward to that RP :) Although making Arette the AS Advisor needs to wait until they have met the Amyrlin. Annais wants to stamp her approval on it and to do that, she needs to speak with Arette first. Which will be assumed as I do not like to RP with myself.

  5. Arette is currently in Illian and the PCs she can interact with are mainly just Con and Brandeis. There is also Queen Sofia played by Andrea and some other PCs whose players are MIA.


    The RPs I have in works for her:


    Getting Marden Veniso arrested right after the Laurel Battle and finding out that horrible things were done under her nose when she was the Keeper. Leads to a huge guilt trip.


    Run into Emelia who goes into another burning rampage and rebuilding with help of a scholarly Dreadlord.


    Taking a snotty Lady who wants to seduce Con under her wing and bringing her home with hope that such idiocy can be shamed and educated out of her.


    For Iussi:


    He is currently residing in Altara with his wife and kids. But he has approached Con to teach him something as he will get his channeling ability back and go to Black Tower.


    He doesn't have contacts to any current PCs because he has been on hold for few years. So if someone wants to RP with a guy with a weird sense of humour and amazing ability to put his foot to his mouth all the time, I would be delighted :)

  6. I'm a bit uncertain how exactly to go about starting an RP, or joining one.


    Usually people work out some kind of an RP plan or idea of what is going to happen between their characters through PMs or by conversing in IM. Then when there is a plan, you just start posting and go with the flow :) Sometimes the characters can surprise you and behave unexpectedly and the plan changes midway but that's fun too.


    That is how I do it at least.

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