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Posts posted by Arette

  1. Annais' eyes widened slightly with realization as Sereth revealed that he was a learner, not a sparker. So obviously his teacher had been a channeler too. Sereth refered to him so easily as an old madman that she believed him to be still well and alive. "Weren't you alarmed when you realized that he was a channeler? Or had you known it for some time already? And why did you want to be tested? Let me guess, for the knowledge? And is your teacher an Asha'man?"


    She nodded at his words about allowing emotions when holding Saidin to be as dangerous to a male channeler as forcing Saidar was to female channelers. It sounded about right comparison. It sounded so very alien and frightening what he described. Was there any joy in the Source for men? There was ample of evidence that they couldn't choose to live without Saidin so it was still likely as addictive as Saidar. But to be addicted to something that overwhelming... poor men. "The idea of a Spring Master for balance's sake might sound good but I believe that it is as I said. The Spring is akin to Saidar and the Flame and Void to Saidin. I doubt that you would benefit anything from such master's teaching save maybe for linking." It just wasn't very likely that the Asha'man would be allowed to lead Circles even if they ever got to that stage so maybe fostering such ideas wasn't wise.


    He seemed to be observing her and she wondered why. But she was the first Aes Sedai he met and actually talked to so that could explain it. The curiousity was certainly mutual. She pursed her lips in thought as he asked her for an analogy for Saidin. "I think that the stoneslab blocking the well and the water might be a very accurate comparison." She was glad that he was relaxed enough to laugh around her and smiled slightly in response.


    Annais gave no indication that any of his theories of the White Tower's source of information were correct and he moved on to another topic thankfully quickly. His wink and words made her smile deepen. "Well, stick around then and we will see what you can learn. If there is time for lessons, I will try to find you. Although naturally you would have to have time for them too. How are the schedules for Soldiers and Dedicated here in the Black Tower? Do you have some designated routines?" His face fell a bit at her words about his chances to study in the Tower relying on how the negotiations went and she sighed too. "I do not make the decision about whether you would be Shielded or not, Sereth, so I cannot predict it. I would say that no, though. Because if we were at the point where such visits were possible, then you would be considered allies and Shielding is not something you do to an associate."


    They were almost there already. She felt a twinge of disappointment that the discussion would be over and a slight nervousness about approaching this Arath who she knew nothing about. "Time can be made if need", Annais said with a smile as he started but the actual question made her blink. Sereth certainly could throw curve balls. "I wish that I knew the answer to that but I would have to be able to Foretell. It depends on so many things, including how these negotiations go. Until they are concluded, everything is debatable. But if we got our Sisters back and if the Towers could become allied... then the Dragon Reborn's presence and the threat of the Last Battle might not be needed to back your claim for existance. So much depends on how the Battle goes and how much survives. If both the Towers make it through pretty much intact, there should be co-operation for rebuilding. A worst case scenario of course is a competition setting but I hope that it will not go to that. Only the Light knows."


    "Before we go any further, could you please tell me something of master Faringal. What exactly does his title, the Attack Leader mean? What are his duties in the Black Tower? And what is he like? How do you think he will react to an Aes Sedai appearing on his doorstep? Since you wanted to practice negotiation skills, one of the most important tasks beforehand is to determine these things and craft a strategy of approach. How would you councel me to approach him?"


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  2. The Soldier's gaze lingered on Mia and Annais was fairly certain that he measured her as a potential threat. It was understandable in the current circumstances, she supposed but Mia had been instructed firmly to harm no one unless she absolutely had to and even then reconsider. Any further incidents in the Black Tower could be spark to oil and she had gotten enough scare with what Mia had done to Brent. It had been advantageous in many ways but it shouldn't happen ever again.


    The man's reaction to her flow of questions made her frown slightly but she quickly contained her expression. She didn't like the undertone of his voice and she had been perfectly polite and asked only what was rational. But then not everyone in the Black Tower were like Sereth and Rion. Annais was reluctant to go anywhere with the man until she got some answers at least. And he spoke alot of trust but didn't offer anything of himself or his motives, not even a name. That certainly wasn't a very strong basis to build on. But he was walking on already so after sharing a look with Mia who looked disapproving, she merely shrugged and motioned the Tower Guard to follow. They would stay on sight and nothing would happen.


    After a moment he finally told her that he had been sent to escort her and it relaxed the Gray a bit. She was slighty surprised by the reaction the man described a male Tower Guard receiving. In a way another female was more dangerous as they could have tied an illusion weave on her to hide and ageless face. But even the most experienced Green wouldn't have been able to imitate the air of menace and clear expertise and unity with the weapon and the woman carrying it. Annais nodded that she had been given a tour and being told what the buildings were for.


    His line of question definately was unexpected as she wouldn't have pegged this man down as someone who was interested of Healing. But sometimes you couldn't choose and if he had some Talent in the field, the Black Tower certainly would utilize him ruthlessly. "Your description of our Infirmary is correct. There is indeed a separate building for healing and tending the wounded and sick. The Yellow Ajah is one of the smaller ones because Sisters who join it usually have more than just desire to help those with ailing health. To function to their best capability as Healers, Yellow Sisters need some Talent in that area of channeling and rare women have it. Most Aes Sedai can Heal to some extent but there is a limit to it. The Yellows are usually stationed in the Tower and people from all over the world travel to us. But some Healers do journey across the world and many pair up with the Green Sisters in the Borderlands. But yes, the Tower offers Healing to anyone who asks and we even receive pets in need of such attention."


    "Is there something more specific you would like to know, Master...?" The question about his name was clear. "I will try to reply to my best ability but healing arts are not my strongest suite. And if I may ask a counter question, what fascinates you so with the topic?"


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  3. Well, there are action books and Domani action books with illustrative pictures ;) Real action is for people without imaginations.


    It is nice to hear more of you, Thomas :) I am IRL a marketing student who will get her Batchelor's Degree next December. What kind of a degree are you working to get?


    My nerdish likes beside reading and writing are historical swordplay, table top roleplaying games, boardgames, tv series like Heroes, Lost, Jericho and Battlestar Galactica, WoW and an online game named Popomundo. These activities consume pretty much all my free time :)

  4. I am one of those NaNo freaks too :P


    This year I really hope to finish my story as it is ready in my head in its entirety, I just need to get it out.


    I will be posting slowly on RPs over the month, mainly those with mentees and the BT stuff for Annais. So please be patient with me.


    I will be checking my email and I might be occasionally on IMs (Skype mainly) if you really need to catch me.

  5. Sereth didn't seem to mind speaking about his family and Annais noted the stress on the past tense. Likely men of the Black Tower were expected to leave behind titles and family ties when they joined, just the same as novices and Accepted of the White Tower. His good education definately placed him to an upper class or rich merchant background and she hoped that there would be no ill consequences for his family despite their son turning out to be a male channeler. That certainly was a change the White Tower could help with if the Sitters could be persuaded to agree about it but it was going to be a gradual and slow process to change prejudices and fears of three thousand years. And the fact remained that the Taint still existed but the Black Tower had its own way of dealing with it as Brent had told her. It was truly tragic.


    She still didn't quite comprehend why his teacher and seeking sanctuary from the Black Tower were related. Was he a male channeler too? But one of the ways the Aes Sedai maintained their mysterious facade was by never admitting that they didn't understand. A silly notion most of the time but likely useful now. His comment about Dreadlords made Annais frown. Thanks to the Taint, likely there was a greater number of male channelers serving the Shadow and the Tower had had its share of conflict with the darkfriend male channelers, Caladesh being the prime example. How he had made it to the Hall of the Tower without notice and killed the Keeper would remain a dark topic forever for the White Tower. She decided to disract herself off the unpleasent thought by returning to the previous topic. "So how did your teacher know that you could channel? How did you manifest your spark?"


    Sereth's laughter at her description of Saidar made her arch an inquiring eyebrow. It seemed from his description that he found the whole concept unbelievable and from what he told, Saidin and Saidar really were like as different as a fish and a bird. Ko'Di, the Oneness or more commonly known as the Flame and the Void in the Warder's Yard. That drew an interesting parallel as she had always thought that the Spring, the other philosophy available to the Tower Guards resembled alot the mentality you used to approach Saidar. "We call Ko'Di the Flame and the Void and there is actually another technique that is quite different that the Tower Guards can learn. It is called the Spring and instead of supressing your emotions, you embrace them. But they don't just run amok, you feed them to the flame and they become fuel to it. You draw strenght from your fears, love and anger as they all meld into one huge pyre. I have heard Spring being compared to a tempest that rages around you. But in the eye of the storm it is calm and that is the state Spring users are in. They embrace the storm and it is part of them and because they don't try to block it out, they can control it."


    "And yes, what you say about a male and female channeler linking sounds about right. It would be very difficult to balance the two extremely different approaches. For example in the Warder's Yard it is not possible to learn both, the Flame and the Void and Spring. But still somehow in the Age of Legends the channelers were able to make it work and they performed their greatest deeds with men and women linked. That is something that we need to rediscover if we want to win the Last Battle. Why you haven't heard of linking is because according to the old records men cannot link among themselves. You need female channelers to link with. But the maximum of female channelers who can link together is thirteen. After that we need to add men into the link to be able to bring in more women."


    "As for how Sisters link, it actually resembles a bit how you use an angreal. You stand at the edge of embracing Saidar and the woman who will lead the link embraces the Source through you. She is in control of the amount of Saidar coming through you and others in the Circle and she directs the weaves of you all. My teachers used the metaphor of a well and a coin to describe how linking works. Saidar is the coin at the bottom of well that you reach and the other channeler - or angreal - is the water you reach through to grab the shiny thing."


    As they came accross a pair of black coated men, a Soldier and a Dedicated, Annais had to school herself to not take a step back from the way they glared at her. It was a valuable reminder that Aes Sedai were not the most popular people around here and that she would better be careful. Even if everyone knew that she had a diplomatical immunity, someone might decide that they just didn't give a damn. She bit her lip when Sereth released a breath and revealed that the men had been quite ready to blast her. "No, I did not feel anything. It seems that it only works for the male channelers. The White Tower has studied the matter and we already knew about the goosebump effect." And better not say anything further about the issue as it was quite recent and only the Dragon's Amnesty had ended that line of experimentation. She noticed the darkening of his look and wondered what he was thinking.


    Her smile was openly amused at Sereth's assessment of her skills. There were about two hundred Gray Sisters in the White Tower but she had been sent here so the Sitters did have faith in her abilities. She certainly was more hopeful herself too now when she had Brent and things had went well. Obviously her personality and strategy had been suitable for this particular mission. She chuckled at his question. "Dear boy, you would have me impart you a trade learned over many decades in but mere minutes. I can try to give some pointers but zealots certainly are the most difficult of all negotiation partners. The main thing is to not stoop to their level and get entangled into their fervour. Logic does not always help but keeping your cool and being rational and argumenting clearly is always good. And leading them by questions to make statements and to come to conclusions that are desireable to you. But that is something to be careful with. If zealots start feeling their views too threatened or that you are manipulating them, they will simply stop listening to you or any sense what so ever. Sometimes force is needed as a leverage but usually from an authority that they respect if not fear. I suppose that your M'Hael is such a figure here and manages to keep the most radical people in check - for now at least."


    Annais smiled encouragingly as Sereth outlined his dream, to be able to learn in Tar Valon. "I hope that you one day could study in the White Tower but the current political situation between the Towers needs to stabilize first. Until we get our Sisters back, there isn't much hope of peaceful visits to Tar Valon for the Asha'man. If the negotiations go well, then the possibility will be there. You just need to convice your M'Hael or who ever decides of such matters that your studies would somehow benefit the whole Black Tower. Argument well the advantages your learning would bring and I doubt that there would be any issues from the Black Tower. I would imagine that the topics such as linking and more information about the White Tower and the Aes Sedai in general would be useful."


    "Was that at all the kind of an answer you were looking for?"


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  6. So, we're not going to get to the point where sisters bond asha'man as they do in the books?


    In the future we likely will. But we are not at that point yet. The Towers are only now actually starting to have peaceful communications.


    I hope that AS Bonding Asha'man might be possible in 6 months of RL time but I am not the DL of the BT or the WT and it is mainly up to them. As the GL of the BT I can of course try to smooth things out and it is a goal Annais works toward ICly... well, not specifically Bondings but they will be one possible consequence of the better relationships.


    And nothing stops you from RPing with Covai meanwhile and making him and Shan close enough friends that they genuinely want to Bond each others.

  7. The Asha'man should definately come to the WT to release the Bonds :) If for no other reason, then for the cool RP chances with Sisters and BTers *grins*


    Also it is better from Tower PoV that the BT comes to them than that they have to go to the BT.


    So is anyone keeping the bond?


    No one has expressed interest in keeping the Bond but any Sister who does not want to be released would become someone who is not trusted in the White Tower anymore. Because the Compulsion effect is constantly on in the Asha'man Bond, there is no telling which of the Bonded Sister's deeds are ordered by their Bondholder and which they do out of their own will.

  8. Well, well, this new lady turned out to be quite entertaining company. Sahra stiffled her snicker at the parody the woman made of Lord Killarven's hunting stories. She hadn't heard them herself but they certainly sounded silly. Why anyone would confess publicly that such an embarrassing incident had occurred to them was beyond her. The Lord likely wasn't very bright. She arched her eyebrows surprised at the suggestion that the lady had made an offense and shook her head. Just the opposite in fact, she was being set at ease slightly but she tried to fight the feeling. The same had happened with Pander Wilke too and it had ended with her and Sana both almost getting killed. Still, she symphatised with the overly eager suitors although they were nothing like the worst men she had met.


    "Oh no, you speak just fine, my lady. Men can be dimwitted from time to time and it seems to me that some of these young noble lordlings have never even heard the word 'no' before. Spoiled little brats. They wouldn't last a day in the... in the military, say"


    Sahra snorted at the rediculous wooing strategy. A carriage ride for ten minutes had to be the worst pick up line she had ever heard. The plea to sit down and chat... well, it could be harmless but she was suspicious nonetheless. Stll, she forced herself to smile in a friendly manner and nod toward the bench beside her. She remained standing and instinctively assumed a better stance with her legs slightly apart and left foot first. Her hands came to rest lightly over her hipbones as she watched the woman approach.


    They were only few steps away when the 'lady' pulled the dagger off her sleeve and aimed it at Sahra's chest. She brought up her left hand to block her opponent's wrist and snaked her arm around his to a lock. The assassin responded by bringing his right hand to his left wrist for more power and shifted her weight to trap Sahra's arm into a counter lock instead. But the bait wasn't going to let it end there and stepped in, breaking her opponent's stance, and pushed her right shoulder with her right hand. The false lady stumbled down and Sahra kept the dagger secure by holding the assassin's arm looped to hers. She proceeded to disarm the killer but the woman kicked Sahra's feet from under her and sent her rolling on the ground a few times to make distance before she leaped back to her feet.


    The two faced each others off tensely, both stepping warily and Sahra was shocked when the assassin spoke in a deep male voice. "Where is the real lady?" He tried to use her surprise by lunging another attack from the reverse side but this time she was fast enough to catch him to another lock. Capturing his right wrist with her right palm, Sahra brought her left hand to his elbow and twisted his dagger arm behind his back. She held the arm pinned and wrested the dagger stabbing the assassin on his right shoulder a few times and pummeling his temple with the pommel of the weapon. The man slid on ground unconscious and she ripped the hem of his dress to get ropes and tie him down while she would fetch Sana and the Sisters. They would want him alive for questioning and find out who was the snake's head behind the murder plot. As Sahra dragged the captive hired dagger to the bushes, she shook her head at the unlikeliness of the whole thing. His female impersonation had been quite flawless.


    Sahra Covenry

    Tower Trainee

  9. It was done, Aramina's innocence had been proven. Annais knew that she should have now been all reconciliatory and explain to her why it had been done and how she hadn't really believed that her Keeper was one of them. But she just couldn't. She didn't want to deal with anything anymore right then. She wanted her bed and the small comfort of sleep and maybe a friendly presence there to bring her safety. And that someone was not Aramina. Lillian's words offered her an escape and she eyed the White greatfully. "Yes, that sounds like a good idea Lillian. Go ahead and speak with Aramina in private. And good luck", she added wryly as she knew how tough nut the Green could be. She was back at her shell just as deeply as she had been with Natalie except that now she wasn't just passive but she lashed out. What would come of this?


    "Thank you for everything." And not, she thought quietly. Knowledge had certainly brought alot of pain and worry in this case but ignorance would be far more dangerous. She had no words for Aramina as she would likely say something that she would regret and the didn't woman spare her even a glance as she exited with Lillian behind her.


    Annais let out the deep sigh that she had been holding and slumped down on the sofa. She brought her fingers to the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. "That went really well, didn't it, Mae? Splendid work, Annais. You just managed to alienate your Keeper. Do you think that Lillian will be able to talk some sense to her? Light, I feel like I don't even know the whole woman anymore. For some time I thought that I did and now this. You heard what she said to me."


    Opening her eyes, Annais turned to look intently at Maegan. "But you're not angry at me anymore, are you? Please say that you aren't. I could really use a friend tonight. I'm afraid to go to sleep again."


    Annais Nevell

    The Amyrlin Seat

  10. Watching as Aramina took her oaths, Lillian could feel a squeeze around her heart.  Aramina never had any reason to expect this, and she had hated the fact that Aramina had forced her to restrain her older sister, but she'd recognised what the woman was about to do, even if she hadn't been thinking clearly about it.  In worried Lillian though, she had seen Aramina time and time again with her calm composure, something that was more and more absent as Aramina retook each of her oaths.  There would be a reckoning after this, Lillian was sure of it as she knew that Aramina would not take this lightly, but Lillian was sure that it was nothing that couldn't be fixed.  Well, she hoped that it could be.


    She didn't even notice the Oath Rod slipping from Aramina's hand as she gave her final oath.  Closing the distance between the pair of them even as Annais caught the rod with a weave of air, Lillian simply threw her arms around her sister and held her tight, even though Aramina didn't respond.  "I'm sorry, I couldn't believe you were but we had to be certain, too much depends on it."


    No response from Aramina, and as Lillian broke away from her friend she could tell that the woman was angry underneath, her walls were up now.  Whatever Aramina was going to say to her, it wasn't going to be nice and Lillian wasn't sure if having an audience for such an exchange could even be called remotely wise.  Looking to Annais, Lillian's voice was subdued as she spoke.  "Perhaps it would be best if you were to speak to Maegan while I inform Aramina in turn about the recent developments along with the older history?"



    Lillian Tremina

    Sister of the White Ajah

  11. Foreswear and retake the Oaths, Annais would have wanted to specify but it wouldn't have made any difference because when Aramina's ire was once aroused, words were just oil to the flames or like a small pail of water and as useless. She was stunned speechless by the personal insult flung by Aramina. So this was what her Keeper really thought of her. It could have been prompted by her calling precious Natalie's memory to question, but if Aramina wasn't a Black Sister like she expected, she could not lie and she had revealed her true opinion. It might be deserved but Aramina had been pretending bloody well over the past weeks then. Had she really become so manipulative and cold over the years that she could do something like that?


    Her eyebrows tried to climb off her forehead when Aramina suggested that she was maybe trying to get an Oath of fealthy from the woman. Now SHE was accused of manipulation? No, of treason against the very Tower. She was the Amyrlin Seat but she served the Tower, nothing more and nothing less. And if Aramina was such a stone-blind fool that she did not see that as her motive behind this all, then she had badly misjudged her choice of a Keeper.


    When Aramina was ready, Annais triggered the Oath Rod with a slight Spirit weave. She was relieved that Aramina submitted to unswearing and took the Oaths. But something was left missing, she never denied her allegiance to the Shadow.


    "Thank you, Aramina." The response was automatic and held no warmth as Annais was still bleeding from the hurt her 'friend' had caused with her stab. "But that was only half of it. Are you still loyal to the Light? Tell me that you are not a darkfriend and a Black Sister."


    Aramina's eyes never left Lillian's as she spoke the words.  "I have always been loyal to the Light."


    Annais & Aramina

  12. Annais' gaze rested intently on Aramina as she watched the slight signs of internal struggle under the smooth Aes Sedai mask. It bothered her that there was any issue and debate at all. But then Maegan had opposed the treatment too and they had first had to prove their innocence to her. She was so tired of this, weary to the bone from worry and all the channeling and her own rude awakening. She might regret it later but she was cranky and not wanting to play it nice anymore. Stuff pleasentries for once. "I am your Amyrlin Seat and I have every right to ask this from my Keeper of the Chronicles and any Aes Sedai I bloody please. Until tonight I trusted you as my friend and partner but my faith in the Sisters in general has been shaken to its root. Now I don't trust anyone anymore unless I have seen her retake the Oaths before my very eyes, not even Shan or Nat were she still alive."


    "Lillian and Maegan went through this tonight and I went through it twice. Twice, Aramina. So take that Rod and stop being an idiot."


    “Excuse me Mother.  I was not aware that the stole gave you the right to ask me to foreswear my oaths to the Tower.  Perhaps I should not be surprised from someone who’s friendship is as easily won as it is lost.”  If she had been in her right mind she would have said no such thing, but her fear and concern for the Order had fallen quickly behind her anger of the slander against Natalie.  If another had said it, it might have been forgiven, but Annais had been there.  Annais should have mourned as she did, she should have lost herself for her friend, but she hadn’t.  Easy come, easy go, that was the type of friend Annais had been before, and the woman she was now.  Aramina felt in no need to placate a woman of such shallow passions.


    “Perhaps I should reswear them and just add one on the end for you.  Isn’t that what you want?  Our little secret, just between friends?” she asked with a smile that was as shallow as the woman she spoke to.  “I am sworn to the Tower, not to you Mother.” The name was a sneer, no longer the title she had always respected and revered. “And if you expect less of me than you are not half the woman your predecessors were.” 


    Light, she would have given her life for Sirayn.  She had given the woman her life many times over, her soul.  She would have done anything because to her Sirayn Sedai had been the Tower.  To have her loyalty called into question by a former friend who had no idea of the depths she would crawl for her loyalty was beyond sanity.  The woman was mad.  They had a mad Amyrlin and she knew in the depths of her heart that she was no better tonight. 


    “You want me to reswear oaths on the Rod?”  She picked the Oath Rod up in her hand and a hundred things came to mind.  Of the Sisters in the room though, only one had ever trained with Aramina and only one saw the stance she adapted as offensive.  Her hand was suddenly bound by air.  She tried to move but found her arms bound as well. 


    She closed her eyes against the betrayal that she had refused to think on yet.  “Let go Lillian.” She said in a quiet voice. “I will do no harm.” It was more than she was able to take really.  Sirayn was gone. Aran didn’t want her.  Annais thought her a Darkfriend.  And now Lillian was binding her against her will.  She had nothing left and had no idea where to turn. 


    When the binding was released, Aramina turned away from Annais and stared at Lillian.  Looking her in the eyes, she unswore the oaths that had bound her for over a hundred years.  Without waiting a breath, she repeated the words.  "Under the light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will speak no word that is not true."


    Lillian didn’t flinch away but Aramina’s gaze continued to hold steady into the woman she had worked closest with over her entire career.  "Under the light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will make no weapon for one man to kill another.”


    The final oath and Aramina felt the heat of eyes on her back but she didn’t turn.  The others she would learn to forgive, but Lillian was different.  Lillian had grieved as she had, even if they had taken different paths afterwards.  Lillian had been her closest advisor and the only Sister she had ever turned to, outside of Sirayn Sedai.  Lillian had been the closest thing to a friend Aramina had had among her Sister’s since Natalie’s death.  "Under the light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow that I will never use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn, or in the last extreme of defending my life, or that of my warder, or another sister."


    She dropped the rod then, not caring if someone caught their precious or not.


    Annais & Aramina

  13. She was barely in the door before Annais began talking and her whole world began to spin out of control.  Suddenly shielded, in a room full of women she would have thought to be friends, she had to force herself to stillness at the mention of the eighth Ajah.  The Black Sisters.  The Ajah no sister would dare name as truth, though Annais had done just that. 


    The next part felt like she had been punched and she stepped back as if to ward herself from the blow.  Unswear all oaths she had taken?  The Creator protect her, they knew about the Order!  Annais’s implication of an eighth Ajah made her head swim.  They thought Sirayn and the Order were Black?  She took a deep breath.  Of course they did.  What else would they think if someone had talked about the Order?  Her thoughts turned to two people and she couldn’t help the tears that sprung to her eyes at the thought of a second betrayal at his hands.  Light, she let him blind her so badly that even when he rejected her she had to make the leap to another.  All the same, it was the Blue Sister that caught the heat in her heart. 


    If they knew about the forkroot, why did they need to do this?  We’re they looking for the location?  We’re they Black themselves and wished to use the stash for their own?  Light, she had trusted Annais, even handing over the hated leash to the woman when she had been released from it’s prison. 


    She stopped her thoughts.  No.  Lillian was not a Black Sister.  She held to that because it was the only thing that made sense.  Nothing they could have done would have made her believe it of Lillian.  She had watched the girl become and young woman and eventually turn into the Aes Sedai she was now. She had watched grief tear her apart and watched the woman pull herself back together.  But… if the Black Ajah had turned to her then?  If they had known what Aramina knew about the Arches now…


    Blood and bloody ashes!  She was thinking herself into circles all the while the three women in the room continued to stare at her like she was growing horns and about to dance a jig naked.  The oaths she would have to reswear were no more hindrance than always, but the idea of unswearing and reswearing bothered her.  She remembered the feeling of her oaths the day she had been refused by her Ajah.  She remembered the heaviness of it.  Almost as much as she remembered the hope she had felt when Sirayn had asked her to join the Order.  Perhaps the others had counted Sirayn out, but Aramina hadn’t and she didn’t want to undo the oaths that had made her a part of the Order that had set her feet in motion for the past 100 years.


    “By what right do you ask this of me?” She demanded of Annais.  “I have given no cause for doubt which makes me question your own motives.  You call me into your chambers in the middle of the night and shield me without warning or question.  You do not have this right and I will not give my consent.”


    Aramina sur Dulciena

    Keeper of the Chronicles

  14. Annais and Maegan were waiting nervously for Aramina's arrival but they tried to appear casual to their best ability. They sat around a table in a comfortable sofa and the sa'angreal was between them tucked behind a few pillows. The plan was that while Annais spoke to Ara, Mae would Shield her with little extra help from the object of the Power. She was a Red after all so she was much more proficient and faster and quick reactions were needed against an experienced Battle Sister. And if things somehow went awry, there was still Lillian to cover their backs.


    So now all they needed was the Keeper. Annais hated to think that her friend was compromised but there was the very real possibility that she hadn't told Annais quite everything about what had happened to her in Kandor. She could have been Turned and left for the Black Ajah to pick up. So she had to be sure, they all had to be. Lillian had been told to knock before entering so they had a fair warning. The soft rap almost made the Amyrlin jump like a little rabbit. It wasn't hard to hide the nervousness behind a facade of severity as she was genuinely worried.


    "Aramina, thank you for coming. Please sit. I have received some alerting news..." That was Maegan's cue and a Shield sprung around the Keeper "... regarding the eight Ajah. Don't make any fuss or we will be forced to jump into conclusions." She set the Oath Rod on the table and pushed it toward Aramina. "Unswear all the Oaths you have ever taken and retake the Three Oaths."


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  15. Shaking her head in annoyance, Lillian clicked the fingers of her right hand at the woman.  "I've come from the Amyrlin, we need to go and attend to her immediately.  No."  Lillian held up her hand as Aramina's expression changed.  "She is fine, nothing has happened, but I am to take you to her immediately.  There are some things that you need to be made aware of, and no I cannot speak of it until we are in her quarters.  Annais and Maegan are waiting for us, and the sooner we are there then the sooner we can get things sorted.  Come on."  Lillian turned to the door she had just come through and, unlocking it, opened it for Aramina to step through.


    Something strange was happening but Aramina didn't question Lillian.  The younger Aes Sedai had always had an impulsive way about her and she had come to trust it over the years.  She didn't like surprises though and no matter  how secretive Lillian wanted to be, Aramina frowned at her for it.  She contemplating finding a way to put a permanent bind on the woman's fingers so she couldn't snap them again but shook her head at her own folly.  It was just the suddenness of Lillian's arrival and the supposed need for speed and secrecy that was making her temper flare lightly.  She wondered how many people realized she had a rather nasty temper underneath her proper demeanor, and realized probably only one and he had no use for her currently.  The thought sobered her, along with concern for what he was doing.  Instead she finished the braid as she was walking out the door. 


    Turning to her companion, she smiled politely again.  "I had forgotten how fond you are of these games.  It's been quite a long time since you had me rushing to Cairhein for trying to corrupt my Agents."


    "Those were better days." Frowning as the fact that Aramina just made a joke of what had occurred sunk in, Lillian turned to the older woman with a quizzical expression.  "I never thought you'd make a joke of it, considering how badly you took it at the time.  You are Aramina sur Dulciena aren't you?"  A half smile on her lips, it wasn't entirely a joke.  The woman had changed, hopefully it was a good sign rather than a bad one.  Maybe if she'd been able to make the time to talk to Aramina since her return from Illian, she'd know better, but there had never been the opportunity.  Too much to do, too little time to do it in, and Aramina had been busy herself.  "It is no game this time I'm afraid, you will understand once we are there."


    Aramina knew she had puzzled Lillian, but it wasn't the time of place.  They both had things to discuss and from the look of things, she hadn't been the only one to have adventures that needed to be told.  Aramina needed to talk to Lillian soon though, to let the woman know that she wanted more than the cold facade that she had always kept, to find a way to bridge the gap that Aramina had always kept between them.  "I am Aramina, but perhaps the Aramina you didn't know." She said, knowing her response was cryptic at best.  "There is much to discuss, you and I, when we have the time.  Presuming there is time after our secret midnight rendevous with the Amyrlin." Ominious, the thought that whatever was happening would take their feet on different paths, but it had happened before and she knew would happen again.  Aramina was bound to the Tower now, without reprieve.  Lillian was a woman bound to walk to the world.  Two sides of the same coin that had taken different paths.


    Nodding at Aramina's words, Lillian didn't speak further as there was nothing left to say.  Instead, she led the way to the Amyrlin's quarters as she kept an eye out for any others that might have ventured into this section of the Tower.  Thankfully there was no one, perhaps the Creator smiled upon them after all.  Either way, they were at the door to the Amyrlin's quarters and after knocking once she immediately let herself in.  Holding the door open for Aramina once more, she closed and locked it after her and stood behind the woman as she looked to both Annais and Maegan who were seated.  "There was no one else in the halls, so we are still unseen as far as I know.  Annais, if you would?"


    Lillian & Aramina

  16. It was one of the ruder awakenings of her life.  At least Lillian hadn't intruded further into Aramina's quarters yet though.  The room said little about it's occupant, except that she had a good eye and a delicate taste in artifacts from across the world.  To anyone that knew Aramina Sedai, they knew that her room was like everything else the woman did, simply a facade that told the story she wanted it to.  Little told the secret of who she was.  Two small frames that had once adorned her mantle now sat on her desk, still partially hidden by a vase of wild flowers that were help by the One Power to retain their beauty.  A third frame had joined it's ranks though she was certain the man whos portrait she kept close by would little care for the fact that she kept it still, nor that she had ever had it made to begin with. 


    Her wards hadn't gone off to awake her because Lillian had been set long ago to be able to enter but the woman had enough sense by now to know better than suggest Aramina leave her rooms in a robe. Even before her elevation to Keeper she wouldn't have done so.  Nothing could be so urgent as that.  The Last Battle would not have been so urgent as that to Aramina. 


    Dress already on, she came out of her rooms to find Lillian waiting for her.  She shook her head and gave a small smile to the only woman that had been even close to friend since her days as an Accepted.  Things had changed for her though, since her trip to Kandor.  She felt her Warder stirring through the bond and sent reassurances to her through it, at least she hoped it was reassuring.  There was no telling what Rosheen would think of her up at this hour but she knew the woman wouldn't appreciate being woken up herself at this time.  She was touchy about Aramina's safety though and she could little blame her Warder.  Their time in Kandor, while bringing them together, had not been fun. 


    Thoughts of Duram came to mind and Aramina looked away from Lillian, unable for a moment to meet the Aes Sedai's eyes.  They had worked together for years but it was her time as an Accepted that made Aramina look away now.  The memory of a very young woman standing before a ter'angreal and trying to make it work to help someone come out.  A memory of Duram telling her if she'd just done what she could, she might have been able to make it happen.


    Pulling her hair over her shoulder, she began working the long auburn locks into a braid.  It was without thought and she looked up after a moment to her old aquaintance and new found friend.  "What business do we have this late Lillian?" She asked, trying to keep all emotion from her voice.  "I wasn't aware that we had set a meeting?  Or do you need to speak to the Amyrlin and wished a proper arrival?"  her last comment was accompanied with a grin though to take the formality of her tone away.


    Aramina sur Dulciena

    Keeper of the Chronicles

  17. Slipping out of the Amyrlin's quarters, Lillian was sure to take a great deal of care as she made her way towards the Keeper's quarters.  It seemed that the halls were empty, but she made sure to be careful nevertheless.  The thought of that sa'angreal being used and practically announcing that someone was doing some powerful weaving had been plainly ridiculous.  It was about as subtle as a hammer to the face, or a kick to the crotch, and the attitude that Maegan had shown after that had just irked Lillian even more.  As much as she loved her friend, there were was the odd occasion where Lillian wanted to slap her.  But then, Maegan wasn't used to this sort of thing whereas Lillian was, unless Maegan lived a double life and Lillian very much doubted it.


    Standing before the door to Aramina's new quarters, Lillian was fairly sure of how she wanted to proceed.  It was strange though, after so many years of going to see Aramina in the Green Ajah quarters, to now find her here where she used to meet Arette Sedai.  It was also strange that she was going to be bringing a woman she had trusted for years to now be tested by the Oath Rod to see whether she had betrayed the Tower for the Shadow.  In fact, it was downright unsettling, but it was something that needed to be done.  As much as she trusted Aramina, they needed certainty before they proceeded forward.  She just hoped that Aramina would understand after everything was said and done.


    Knocking sharply on the door, she repeated the knock when she didn't get an answer.  A call to wait a moment told Lillian that Aramina was awake now at least, if she hadn't been before.  Knowing Aramina, she'd be going through her clothes to find something to throw on and Lillian didn't have the patience for it.  It only took a moment to get the door open, and shutting the door behind her and locking it, Lillian called in the direction of Aramina's bedroom.  "There's no time for prettying yourself up, just throw a robe on and get out here.  We have a job to do and we can't wait, quickly now.  Don't make me come in there."



    Lillian Tremina

    Sister of the White Ajah

  18. Dear Light, going through the unswearing and reswearing twice the same day hurt like a bitch. Annais' skin felt tight like an overly tuned string that was ready to burst out any moment. She winced as she changed position and the fabric of the sofa chafed like she was on blisters. Maegan insisted that Lillian retook the Oaths too which was just plain silly and Annais frowned and shook her head carefully. "What Lillian said. I am not a darkfriend nor a Black Sister and as you saw me just take the Oath against lying, I assure you that neither is Lillian. I saw with my very two eyes her going through this same process and speaking the words. You will just have to be satisfied with that, Mae, because there is no way around it."


    She nodded that Lillian had a point about Aramina. But which one of them should fetch her? She chew her lower lip in thought as she pondered the possibilities. "I think that you should go, Lillian. Like you said, Ara trusts you more and you have proved your skills at sneaking already. I am sure that you will manage to get there and back without anyone noticing." Both women settled for that and they discussed briefly the strategy of how to deal with Aramina before Lillian dashed off. Then there was nothing left to do but wait.


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  19. Most unlikely couple to find happiness together: Con & Arette


    Most insecure 200+ years old: Arette


    Worst dresser of Randland: Iussi


    Most tormented lovebirds: Mina & Leon


    They actually let you to lead men in battle?! *boggles*: Sahra far far in the future :P In her dreams at least


    Most laid back Amyrlin ever: Annais


    Could also be 'Most laid Amyrlin ever' *winks at Brent* But alas, I think that some Green Amyrlin holds that record :P




    Largest sword, smallest woman: Cairma


    The ultimate Mommy & Daddy: Nyssa & Michael (6 biological children + 1 adopted is really something else :P)


    or alternatively 'Mother and Father of all Darkfriends'


    Oh Woe Is Me Award: Shoar


    Most Unexpected Man to Settle Down: Ursana (read and find out ;) )

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