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Posts posted by Arette

  1. Welcome to the White Tower, Mirli :)


    Such a wonderful flatterer you are *chuckles* We all love you already.


    If you need any help with your ideas or more people to RP with, don't hesitate to give me a buzz by PM or on Skype (lupaecainis) :) I have a Brown Sister Arette and Gray Sister Annais.

  2. Rory evaded her question but then Arette couldn't really even focus on everything that she had said just a moment ago. The headache seemed to have dulled a bit but the back of her head still throbbed. She wanted to just fall asleep and have the hands continue kneading her scalp. But her hair was clean now and sleeping in a bath tub wasn't such a great idea. It wasn't that comfortable on a long run as the water would cool and she could drown. Almost dying once today was quite enough, thank you.


    If she had been a bit more coherent, she would have realized that she was being led astray but speaking of herself felt comfortable. It would take her mind off her pain for a moment. "I joined because I had the spark inborn and I loved it here. I could learn so much and there were so many books in the library. The chores were something I wasn't doing back at home already but at least here I was liked and welcomed. Well, not liked specifically, I have never been very sociable but the Aes Sedai rather had me around than not which couldn't be said of my relatives. And then Saidar. I wanted to be able to use it more."


    "Why I am staying now? Because of knowledge still. I want more of it, all of it. But what am I really doing with it?" She sighed. "I'm not much a Servant of All. I don't really use all that information crammed in my head over the years. Sure, I teach initiates but there are many others who know the same things and could easily replace me. If I had died today... the world wouldn't have missed much." It was a disconcerting thought and one that she didn't want to have right then.


    "But now I want to get up. Then you can fetch me food and something for the headache and I will sleep." It was humiliating that she had to rely on Rory to get up from the tub like she was badly handicapped. But at least she could walk on her own once she was safely wrapped in her bathrobe again. "So how are you going to ensure that you don't feel the same way about your usefulness in years to come?"



    Feeling Melancholic

  3. ::Idiot.:: Maegan had always thought that the Gray had a tendancy to be a touch hasty, however she had not expected the woman to tackle her for the Sa'Angreal and shield her without any other help - a Red sister who everyone knew were highly skilled in shielding. However, the shocking part was not just Annais' actions but her reactions and the hiss of accusation that caused Maegan's eyes to widen. A black sister?! How in the.. How could she know of the Black Ajah? To what proof did the woman have that gave her the knowledge that they existed. None save herself knew of their existance within the Tower, and the very Black Sisters themselves. Not unless she was one herself. But how could she if Annais was accusing her of being a Black Sister? The entirety of the situation no longer made plausible sense to her. From offensive to defensive, a weave ready, Maegan formed the Spirit necessary and cut at the shielding weave pushing Annais back with a wall of Air. Winded, "How do you know, Annie..." Saidar weaving tightingly around her as a shield was ready to be placed over Annais with but one simple thought. "How do you know of the Black Ajah." Her voice raised as the shock of the entire situations put the stakes on a completely different level. "How, Annie! How?!"


    Annais' Shield was slashed apart by a razor of Spirit and Maegan knocked her back with Air. She was the stronger of the two but Maegan had the expertise of her supposed Ajah. The difference was very fine, though and while the Black focused on her defense, Annais attacked her connection to Saidar through the sa'angreal and tried to hoarde more of it to herself. Just a little bit more and she could cut the woman off so she could be questioned. Sweat was popping on her forehead, so hard she concentrated and tried to wrested the control. If only she could also manoeuvre Maegan so that Lillian could sneak on her back. She still had the knife after all. Annais knew that she kept her opponent occupied enough that she couldn't retribute with any nasty weave so she simply bullrushed Maegan and tried to position the other woman so that the door to the bedroom was out of her line of sight. "You can kill me but you won't get any answers, you vile darkfriend", she grunted.


    Not daring to release either Saidar or the sa'angreal for fear of Annais' volatile unpredictability, Maegan stood up with only the wall to her back and none beside her. She was no fool. Unfortunately Annais was, and she felt sorry for the woman. "Think, Annie. If I was a darkfriend, would I have given you the chance to explain yourself? Would I have whispered any question at all?" Maegan glared back at the woman with a look of utter disgust, Spirit poking at the shield around the room. Eavesdropping. There was no reason to break it, yet. "The Oath Rod is missing. It no longer is held within the Tower Storage Room and it was not logged out of the books. Someone," Maegan's voice dropped a small octave as the hint was far more than enough to hint at the blatantly obvious. If the woman believed her a darkfriend than her mind would only conclude but a similar thought to her own. "..has taken it. Do you, Annais Nevell, The Amyrlin Seat" The words spat out as Maegan reigned in her anger with her own words, "..have any knowledge of this?" There was a look Maegan could not read on Annie's face. She flickered from title to nickname, but some habits die hard. "I swear by the Light and the Hope of my salvation in this and the next life and upon the First Oath that I have sworn twice over that I am no darkfriend, nor Black sister. And I swear by the same Oath that I will rip you apart if you do not tell me what I want to hear."


    Annais & Maegan

  4. The insistent knock on the door startled Annais and her heart begun to race. Who could it be at this hour? It was highly unlikely that she was awakened by anyone twice during the same night. Some horrible crisis could have occurred of course and she was needed as the Amyrlin but her instincts were screaming for danger. It was splendid to have Lillian still there and the White was able to keep her faculties sharp. Annais gladly did as she was told and gave Lillian the Oath Rod. And then she was alone and expected to meet the visitor who ever it was. Light but she didn't want to open the door. She wasn't made for this. She had faced Shadowspawn in the Borderlands over the years but she hadn't been this anxious even before those battles. The idea of Black Ajah unnerved her. And what if they attacked her right away when she opened the door? She could be dead even before Lillian could come to her aid.


    She ran a hand over her face to wipe away the worry and to summon a cool facade and went to the door where the pounding continued. She stared at the woman revealed like she had seen a ghost, so surprised she was to see Mae there. The Red Sitter and her old friend couldn't be Black, she just couldn't be and Annais didn't resist as she pushed inside her and closed the door. Mae called her the Mother, she thought a bit hurt before it registered that the woman embraced Saidar and held the same sa'angreal she had used the day before.


    Never in her life was Maegan a Black but she was behaving so strangely that Annais was starting to be really concerned. Keep your cool, woman! "Stay calm now, Mae, and put down the sa'angreal. I don't know what you think is going on but don't do anything rash. I was up because I was fretting. That's what I was doing, Mae. The Stole is starting to feel bloody heavy already", Annais confessed with a cracking voice.


    "Let go of Saidar. You are really starting to worry me."


    Maegan's frown did not change, nor did her touch with the One Power. "Answer my questions, Annais. Why are you out of bed and the room shielded?"


    Slight irritation was starting to mix into the fear diluting it. "I already told you why I am awake. And everyone else is Warding their rooms these days so why not me too. But now it is time you answer some questions. What in the Light's name is going on here?"


    "The shield, Annais," Maegan could feel her calm slipping. Mentally pushing her anger down. Would Annais really try to trick her? There was more behind the woman's eyes, but fear was one of them. Did the Black Ajah hold her already? She stared coldly at her friend as her voice did not raising from the whisper lest someone else were to hear her. "Poorly built, I can crack it in two. You are far more capable than this."


    This was it, there was no more evading. Maegan had to be one of them and Annais was going to end up six feet under if her friend could draw all the strenght from the sa'angreal. Predict this bitch, she thought grimly before she lunged for the sa'angreal and embraced the Source through it quickly filling herself to the brim and beyond. The sweetness of Saidar was edging pain and she doubted that the object of the Power buffered the overflow quite as well now when she and Maegan both pulled strenght through it. "There is a Shield for you, Black Sister!", she roared even as she tried to slam a barrier of Spirit between the darkfriend and her connection to the One Power.


    Annais & Maegan

  5. It was a shock to be shielded suddenly, but Annais words made sense and Lillian didn't hesitate as she took hold of the oath rod.  It felt wrong to unswear the oaths by which she had bound herself, even if she had constantly questioned their usefulness.  Every single one of them could be circumvented, Lillian had discovered that for herself, but that didn't change the fact that over the years the strictures that had been woven into her bones had somewhat become a part of her.  But unswearing was the easy part, swearing was the hard part as the oaths were replaced once more.  As she finished, Lillian removed her hand as she spoke clearly.  "I am not Black Ajah, I am not sworn to the shadow."  At that, Lillian sank back into her chair further, light but relieving a burden from one's shoulders only made it twice as heavy when it was reassumed.  "What would you ask of me?"


    Watching with pity as Lillian went through the same painful process than she before, Annais tried to harden herself and think that it was necessary. She would likely have to through this very same thing with many others in weeks and months to come. "Aww, I really am sorry, Lillian", she murmured and continued with a wink. "But I can't say that I am entirely sad that I will be the only one sitting gingerly tomorrow. Really, this is the least you deserve for bringing your Amyrlin bad news like this." She sobered up quickly enough by just thinking about the Black Ajah. "I don't know yet how to use you. I think that Arette and Karana utilized your abilities pretty well so I believe that I will be giving you similar kind of tasks and naturally proactiveness is appreciated. But right now all I can really think of is the Black Ajah threat and what could be done about it. Obviously Karana's solution did not work very well because so little of her Hunters are left. Please don't tell me that your deductions coincide one to one to the party they sent to Tear. I just read the Hall report about it yesterday and Sirayn was there so it matches too well. It just would be idiotic strategically."


    "I suppose that I need to start keeping the Oath Rod just like my precedessors but can I really? It is going to be as clear as telling the Black Ajah that I know about them. The ter'angreal storage room is better guarded these days but the Black Ajah could easily arrange three Sisters there on duty when they need the Rod. And then there is the security of the Rod itself. Do you know where Karana or any of the previous Amyrlins kept it?" She pawned the ter'angreal lewdly suggestively. "Sure, I could think of one really safe place and the colour is handy as all stains would fade into the background colour too." But even her sense of humour wasn't strong enough to withstand the current situation. "And can I just start bringing in Sisters one by one and testing them? And what if they were found out to be Blacks? What then?" She was almost hoping now that she never would have found out. Knowledge certainly increased pain.


    "The problem is that the Black Ajah is formless."  Lillian rubbed her forehead with one hand while the other nursed her brandy.  If she'd had a solution earlier she could have given it to Arette, but the problem was that there was no clear cut solution because the problem was obfuscated.  "We do not know their number, capability, the level of information they have access to, the superior training they may have received, whether they answer to one master or several, whether their structure is hierarchical or seperate in smaller cells.  We have no known points of contact, and any open action tips our hand that we know something."


    "One of the reasons Karana appeared to do so little is because it is impossible to fight a war against something you cannot identify.  They have the advantage, they know who we are but we don't know who they are.  But if we pressure them, we do not know how far they will go, what options they will entertain, how much damage they can do if roused.  If we start marching sisters in here one by one, if we don't keep the Oath Rod in plain sight as such, the jig is up and we forfeit any advantage we have of knowing they exist without them knowing we are aware.  Its been a problem I've been contemplating for a long time, it would take a very long time for us to work through the Tower with the Oath Rod without raising suspicion, and if they ever questioned a sister who was verified, or worse yet turned her, we would be undone.  Completely undone."


    There just didn't seem to be any good news tonight and Annais resorted to pouring herself another glass of brandy. "But still, we can't just sit on our behinds and do nothing. Of course we have to be careful and take no useless risks. Do you think that we could secure at least a few key figures? Aramina of course and some others we could trust. How about some Sitters who we think might be influental in their Ajahs if not even Ajah Heads?" She tilted her head and looked at Lillian. "I wouldn't make you to give that kind of information but what names come to your mind if you think that we can test at least a few people."


    Frowning as Annais mentioned some ideas, Lillian could only shake her head.  "I'm not sure.  Aramina definitely needs to be secured, she is your first and closest guard as the Keeper, you need to know you can trust her.  Beyond that, just remember that everytime you approach someone there is risk.  Every person you pick, you broaden the circle of knowledge.  The broader the circle, the easier it is for it to be pierced, for it to be betray itself.  I can't tell you who, there are some I would love to say, but I can't be certain and it is you who will have to decide it.  In fa-"


    Looking about sharply as there was an insistent knock on the door, Lillian looked to Annais as she got to her feet.  It could be innocent, but it could also be something else altogether.  "Go answer the door, I'll hide in your bedroom.  I'll be out at the first sign of trouble, but we needn't tip our hand.  Pass me the rod as well, you don't want that on you."  Quickly relieving the rod from Annais as the woman handed it over, Lillian went to the bedroom and hid behind the door there, waiting as she strained to listen, surprising herself as she realised her silence ward had extended into this room, meaning she could listen in.  Sloppiness on her part, but she was glad for it this time.  But for now, she simply waited, a hand at her dagger even as she tucked the oath rod back in her belt.


    Annais & Lillian

  6. Finally the knife came off and Lillian handed Annais the Oath Rod. Now it made horrible sense why all the previous Amyrlins had kept it to themselves. The Black Ajah had to use it to unswear Oaths and likely take new ones. They must have known too. Lillian embraced her and seemed to be more in need of comfort than her who still hadn't entirely overcome her shock. Automatically she made soothing noises and said that it was going to be alright and that Lillian needen't to worry. She nodded emphatically that she could indeed use a drink and followed Lillian's urging to get something warmer on. She put her feet into warm slippers and wrapped herself into a morning robe and made her way back grabbing eagerly the glass Lillian was pouring her with unsteady hands.


    The brandy warmed her nicely and settled the worst edge of her nerves. She hoped that Lillian's story would offer some good news too but it left her with even more questions. "Who were the Hunters and were you one? And who sent them? Have the previous Amyrlins known? They have had the Oath Rod after all. Or even worse, was one of them a Black?"


    "Previous Amyrlins..."  This was where Lillian's story was going to become more difficult to tell, but she had resolved to tell Annais everything she could to prepare her if she was in fact loyal to the Light.  "I don't know about Kathana, though she certainly gave nothing away if she did.  Karana...  When the Accepted were murdered she and Arette knew it for true.  They assembled thirteen hunters, and it took me time to figure out who they were.  If I'm right, there were thirteen, and the last with Sirayn's disappearance is Kaylan of the Green.  The rest have been killed by the Black Ajah as far as I can tell during the pursuit of them.  Lanfir and Lyanna as far as I can tell were loyal to the Light, though they had Ja'varan in their grasp.  Whether she was influencing them, I'm not sure.  Sirayn wasn't and neither was her Keeper as far as I can tell.  But its been a precarious thing."


    "As for me...  I was not a hunter, I had different duties, ones that I chose not to disclose to Lanfir Leah because of the way she betrayed the Hall, and Sirayn Simeone because she would have mishandled the information I would have given her.  I've always tried to stay beyond Ajah politics, and I had gotten along with Arette since I came to know her near the end of my time as an Accepted.  When she was made Keeper, I began to run errands for her." Ambiguous term, but there would be time to go over particulars later.  "Small things at first, but in time I took on greater tasks, and I was asked to analyse different problems and situations.  I wouldn't say I was the only one Arette asked such things of, though if there were others I never knew of them."


    Taking a sip of her brandy, Lillian was glad to see that her hand had finally stopped shaking, the brandy was doing its job.  "I kept secrets, I served the Tower in a variety of functions ranging from advisor to thinktank to diplomat to spy.  When Karana and Arette were deposed, the pair of them had effectively cut me out of what they were up to because they knew they were going to pay a heavy price for it and they didn't want me to share in it.  Since then I have been acting independently, but now you are Amyrlin I would like to offer you the same services that I once gave to Karana and Arette.  The Tower comes first beyond Ajah politics, I've been saying that since I was an Accepted and I stand by it still.  If you wish to make use of me, that is."


    Sirayn had been a Hunter, most interesting. That made the Black Ajah's hand even more likely option in her disappearance. As for Ja'varan... yes, she had heard that the 'Green' had been a close friend of Lanfir and Lyanna. And then she turned up as a Forsaken in Illian, a worrying turn of events. Annais nodded that she understood Lillian's reasoning for not approaching the previous Amyrlins although she was definately curious to hear what exactly the White had been doing then. She pursed her lips with thought and slight disapproval at hearing about Lillian's and Arette's relationship. Arette had taught her as novice and Accepted too and she had liked the woman well enough even if there had been no special connection. But power and authority had certainly changed the woman or just allowed her bad traits to surface. In Annais' opinion she had failed in her role as a Keeper when she hadn't adviced Karana against the divisive decisions she had made during the last year as an Amyrlin. But at least they had been well aware where that path was going to lead them to.


    "I would be honoured to utilize your services, Lillian. But I am afraid that tonight has peeled alot of trust from me." She fixed the White with a firm look before she Shielded her in turn and handed her the Oath Rod activating it with a tiny weave of Spirit. "I'm sorry but this is the only way to know that this isn't a clever attempt to slip a snake into my bosom."


    Annais & Lillian

  7. Hearing the answer she'd been praying she would hear, Lillian took the knife away even as Annais asked about how Lillian had made her discovery.  Sheathing her blade even as she released the shield she'd maintained, Lillian offered Annais the Oath Rod as she held herself together as best she could.  It had taken a lot commit to this, to know that she would have to kill someone she thought of as her friend if Annais had given the wrong answer.  "I believe this is yours."  It only lasted until the oath rod slipped from her fingers as Annais claimed the rod.  Hugging Annais tightly, the words tumbled from Lillian as she spoke.  "I'm so sorry.  I had to be sure, couldn't be sure, had to find out.  Too much has happened, I'm so sorry." Lillian wasn't sobbing, but she was upset about it all the same, and the words Annais spoke to reassure her were a mixed balm at best.  But, she did what was necessary.


    Parting, Lillian gestured to the seats that were by the fireplace.  "I have a story to tell, but its a long one and you're going to want to sit down.  I need to sit down as well, and I need a drink.  Do you want a drink?  Brandy is over there?  I'll pour us some drinks while you get a gown."  Nodding to herself as she walked over to the cabinet where the brandy was while Annais went and got her gown.  By the time the drinks were poured, Annais was already in her seat.  Light, but the woman could move fast.  Lillian sat the glasses on the small table between their two seats and was surprised at Annais throwing the entire glass back in one go.  The surprise quickly gave way as Lillian mirrored the older sister before pouring them new glasses, a quick shot of brandy was called for to steady the nerves.


    Sitting down, Lillian began by addressing the question that Annais had asked earlier.  "To answer about the Black Ajah, they are real.  I don't know how many are in the Tower, no clue as to who they could be, but they are here.  Ever since the rumours of Shadar d'Mordero there has always been a suspicion amongst a few of us that it might be one of our own.  You were gone but a few years ago, an Accepted died in the vault room where our angreal are kept.  Black Ajah were responsible, thirteen fled, hunters were sent and most of the hunters were killed.  Most of those Black Sisters are still at large, and Ja'varan Durrlani who was pretending to the throne in Illian...  She wasn't just Ja'varan when she caught me, perhaps she was turned and it was done to her, but she may have been Black Ajah before she had another soul placed inside her, a Chosen named Crimsonthorne.  It is impossible to ignore anymore, which is why I had to make sure that you were not one of them.  A Black Amyrlin would have been the doom of this Tower."



    Lillian Tremina

    White Sister

  8. Annais was a deep sleeper but she was conditioned to a firm voice waking her up in novice and Accepted years and in recent times to Odelia's commands. The voice was tantalizingly familiar but she was groggy enough that she couldn't place it immediately. She did realize two other things, though: she was Shielded and a knife was pressed on her throat. She couldn't help her intuitive reaction to struggle against the block between her and Saidar but as the blade almost nicked her skin and a firm voice told her to stop, she obeyed.


    She finally placed the voice and glared angrily at the dark figure. What in Light's name had gotten into Lillian Tremina? She had been perfectly normal since returning from Illian despite her rough experiences at hands of Forsaken Serashda but had some orders been placed into her that had only now activated? She had no choice but to do as the woman told her and hope that her reign as an Amyrlin would not end after pathetic three days. Lillian was kind enough to offer her a hand and pull her up while the other hand held the dagger firmly. Even if she had had more training in hand to hand combat she wouldn't have dared to try anything. Light, she needed new locks and Wards and maybe that Warder might become topical too if she just lived through this scare.


    Lillian walked her into her sitting room and she couldn't hold her tongue anymore. "What is the meaning of this?"


    "Silence."  Now was the time they were going to discover the truth about the Amyrlin Seat.  Studying Annais carefully, it was easy for Lillian to see the anger in the woman.  The way her fists were balled, the way she held herself, but Lillian was fairly certain that the anger was also a way to hide the fear at being held at knife point.  It was either someone who had resigned themself to death or had no sense that lacked fear, and Lillian doubted that Annais fitted either of those categories.  Silent as she studied the woman, Lillian came to her decision as her free hand reached behind her back and withdrew an object from her belt.  An object that made Annais eyes widen as she realised what it was, no doubt wondering what it was doing here.  Well, she would discover that soon enough.


    It was a test, but maintaining the shield was necessary so there was little choice.  Taking the One Power, Lillian first warded the room to silence so none could pry, depending on what happened she didn't want any sound escaping either way.  Secondly, she began to channel into the object as she offered it to Annais to take hold of, the reason she had come to begin with.  "Now, this is what is going to happen.  You are going to unswear all of your oaths, all three of them.  Then, once this is done, you shall reswear each of your oaths.  You will do so immediately, no questions.  You attempt to in anyway stall, or run, or do anything other than instructed, then you will betray yourself and I won't hesitate to end your life.  Unswear and swear anew."


    Lillian's sharp command to hold her peace made Annais almost quiver with annoyance. It even drowned the fear that her friend of many years really would slit her throat before she understood what this was all about. Her eyes popped when the young White gave her the Oath Rod and she was too surprised to do anything but take the object shoved into her hands. The Rod was activated and Lillian threatened to kill her again if she betrayed herself. She might be still half-asleep but she just didn't understand what Lillian was suspecting her of. Finally she snapped out that she was unswearing the Oath to speak no word but truth and followed up with the two others. It felt like something loosened up deep inside her and she felt different all over. She was already dreading the retaking as she could remember now how sore she had been after her Raising to the Shawl. She was able to speak the Oaths clearly even though her skin tingled and tightened painfully. Light, she would need a pillow tomorrow, just like as a newling Sister.


    "I did what you wanted. Now I want an explanation." And she'd better make it good or Annais was going to have her hide.


    "Now tell me for true.  Have you sworn to the Shadow?", Lillian asked calmly and Annais understood everything in one horrible moment of clarity.


    "The Black Ajah", she breathed. "No, I am not a Black Sister. How? They are real. Oh Light", she groaned. "How did you find out for sure, Lillian?"



    Annais & Lillian

  9. Running her hand over the door before her, Lillian leaned close and rested her head against the door.  It was a good couple of minutes before she decided that there was no movement within, and she was free to produce a jimmy key from her right sleeve.  Inserting it in the keyhole, it didn't take long for her to get it open.  Not that it was an appropriate skill for an Aes Sedai to possess necessarily, but Lillian had been picking locks on and off for the past forty years or so, more than enough time for her to acquire some degree of competence in the skill.  Some would have said that she had misspent her years as an Aes Sedai, Lillian on the otherhand felt it was eminently practical.


    Especially now.


    Feeling as much as hearing the lock click, Lillian quietly swung the door open and was thankful that the hinges were quiet.  Closing the door behind her and looking it again, Lillian surveyed the room carefully and ascertained it was safe.  No one inside, no wards, safe for her to continue.  It was then that an aesthetic eye turned to the surrounds and Lillian frowned in disapproval.  Heavy furniture, spartan, militaristic, it didn't seem to reflect the woman she knew at all.  No, it reflected someone else entirely, someone whom Lillian disapproved of wholeheartedly, why the quarters had not been cleaned out sooner she didn't understand but that wasn't what she was here to do.  Maybe later there could be a discourse about the painful decour, but for now Lillian walked on quiet slippers.


    Opening the door on the far side of the room, the bedroom that opened to her was veiled in darkness save for the moonlight that filtered through the open balcony.  It seemed foolish to have such a balcony, knowing what she did now at least, but Lillian was unperturbed by this as she advanced through the room slowly, aware only of the steady breathing that came from the four postered bed, Lillian frowned as she noticed that the curtains were closed.  Stopping before the curtain, Lillian slid her hand down to her belt and then froze.


    Was this the right thing to do?  A little late for second guesses, but Lillian had made her decision to do what was necessary.  Illian had taught her that things were moving too fast now to rely on others to do what had to be done, to simply hope that things would take care of themselves.  No, she had to do what was necessary because if she didn't, then others would suffer for it and she would not have it on her conscience, knowing she could have done something but did nothing.  No, this time she would not hesitate, would not simply wait and hope that people would fulfill the promise others had hoped of them.  She would make sure of it herself, or she would save her sisters from the hidden hand.


    Withdrawing a dagger from her belt, Lillian's free hand pulled the curtain open with a painful slowness.  Revealing a still form upon the bed, save for the slow rise and fall of a chest, Lillian leaned over as she grasped the one power.  Firmly shielding the woman in the bed, she placed the knife at the woman's throat with the dull edge against it and said quite firmly.  "Wake up."


    The next moment Lillian struggled even as the woman gasped, her shield buckled yet because it had been put in place before the woman was awake, it was easier to hold onto and was what made all the difference in the world.  Not wanting to allow the woman to struggle further and perhaps even break her shield and ruin everything, Lillian sharply commanded her.  "Desist!"


    Just as quickly as the woman had struggled against her shield, the woman ceased.  Not giving the woman a chance to speak, Lillian had not a single shred of the friendship she normally had for the woman in her voice as she spoke.  "Annais Nevell, you will not do anything without my express permission beforehand.  You will move when I tell you to, you will act when I tell you, you will answer when I ask you a question.  Anything less than complete compliance and I will open your throat without hesitation."


    Turning the knife about so the sharp edge now rested against Annais' throat instead of the dull edge, Lillian was terse.  "You will get up and follow me, should your throat leave this blade your life is forfeit.  Get up and follow."



    Lillian Tremina

    White Sister

  10. *huggles Nyssa happily* Now that sounds like something :) And Leon did come home and he apologized. Again.


    Andrea: We should plot about how to get Gabriel started. I'm sure that James will help too.


    Veria: A Dreadlady as a greatgrand mother is perfectly doable. That should be a fun story.


    And ack, I forgot Annais. Bad bad me.


    Annais: She really really wants the Tower/Sitters to stop being stupid and alienate their allies. Therefore they need to be brought under some semblace of control by the Law of War. She wants to forge good relationships with the Black Tower (especially its leader :P) and the Dragon Reborn. The Tower should really start preparing for the Last Battle and help the Light to win after which the world has a possibility for real peace. Annais' goals are mainly pretty lofty but she hopes for some personal happiness for herself amidst it all.

  11. Arette: Get another child but sadly this is impossible due to her age. To be able to do the right thing unhindered by her pride and temper and to stop making mistakes every so often. Peaceful and meaningful life helping as many as possible.


    Sahra: Currently she wants success and recognition in service to the White Tower. A leadership position. This doable but she just needs to do some more maturing first.


    Mina: She already got what she has wanted the most in her life so far, Leon's love. But other desire is to make a real difference in the battle of Light and Dark and serve Be'lal well.


    Iussi: His long term dream is a happy life with his family. Currently it is hampered by his wife's/Red Ajah's mad idea of maybe one day Bonding male channelers. He wants to keep Telcia safe and is willing to go even far enough to get himself un-Gentled and enrolled to BT. Once he comes to terms with his channeling, he would want to become as proficient as possible. He would want to become one of the first male Aes Sedai and see the channelers of Saidar and Saidin united one day.


    Zarine: Come to terms with her wolf side. Become a formidable Dreamwalker.

  12. Mia looked tired and she might be half and half so because of her own issues and dealing with Aran. He might not have been such a great topic after all because even though his problems were his own, they also touched people who cared about him. "It is a good thing that you know. Want to share? And sadly you are stuck with me for now. I'm sorry that I am an annoying Miss Fix It All, I just can't help it." She did it because she cared but she didn't presume that she already knew what was good for others unlike too many other 'helpers'.


    "I am not stuck with you, you just haven't aggravated me enough to merit standing up and walking out."  That much was the plain truth, and if she hadn't come to like Annais, she would have already left.  As it was, she knew the other woman wasn't quite like the other Aes Sedai, but she didn't want to talk about anything at the moment.  She'd rather that Annais just sat there quietly, but that wasn't likely to happen because as far as Mia knew, the woman didn't even know what silence was.  Then again, she was Gray Ajah, they spent so long talking that their muscle memory took over, much like the way she knew her forms instinctively she supposed.  Then again, she also didn't spend all day waving a sword at people, there was a place and time for that.  "And you are an annoying Miss Fix It All, you know that don't you?  Why can't you just leave things be?  They're fine as they are."


    Careful. Mia was very grumpy and Annais had no doubt that she would storm off if she pressed her too much. She didn't want the woman annoyed with her too. "I just admitted that I am one, didn't I? Now, have you ever heard the saying that if you can't beat them, join them? Though in this case brief diversion would be the better option. Things aren't that fine with Aran, I have gathered. Is that a topic you would be willing to talk about? Or will it pass with time and there is nothing that can be done about it? I would still like the insight so I will know at least what to avoid. And hopefully more succesfully than I have demonstrated so far."


    "Thats easy, just don't talk to him." It came out a lot sharper than intended, something that Mia regretted but it was a mixed feeling.  While it was in Annais' nature to asking questions, Mia preferred to let time work and to let things sort themselves out.  She'd spent long enough prodding and questioning to learn that people didn't change unless they wanted to.  But, now she was simply letting her anger get the better of her.  Lifting the mug and draining it before setting it down again, she massaged her forehead with one hand as she spoke.  "He isn't talking to anyone.  He went to Cairhien on leave for his family, he came back after the uprising and was in need of healing, he'd had numerous bones broken and he kept rebreaking them the entire way back to make sure he could get them healed here properly.  I'm hoping Rosheen returns soon, maybe she can get through to him."


    Not talking to him was the obvious solution but it wasn't the way Annais operated. But then in the little time she had spent with Aran, she had come to realize that he was a deeply private person. He seemed to be comforting others alot but if he had any worries or sorrows, no one got to see them except maybe Aramina and selected few others. But Ara was still in Kandor and Annais didn't believe that Aramina was a very good comforter. Sadly she didn't know the woman anymore. Ara could have changed alot over the years and people often discovered entirely new sides of themselves with their partners. She winced at the part about rebreaking the bones and her instinct said that this had to do with his family in Cairhien. Likely some of them had died in the uprising. Grief over lost beloved ones definately wasn't something talking helped to, not at this early stage. "Lets hope that they all return safely and quickly from Kandor. Someone else who is there might also be able to help him."


    "Now as for this other thing, when you once knew a person who did a disappearing trick on you, what pissed you off the most about it?"


    Annais & Mia

  13. It was good thing Jatasha was literate or otherwise she would have found herself receiving lessons in reading and writing too. Arette held adamantly that they were important skills everyone should learn and even though even some of her relatives were doubtful of their usefulness and necessity, most children of the family got some kind of tutoring currently. Arette was surprised to hear that Jatasha's mother had been a Tuatha'an and she wondered how she had ended up living with a man from Perfumed Quarters. Tinkers rarely entered large cities after all.


    "Excellent, reading and writing are important skills. And I am sure that your handwriting is beautiful. If mine is any good, it is because of alot of practice. I used to be a Brown Sister and the Brown Ajah is all about gaining and preserving knowledge. Books are marvelous things. And for my last ten years in the Tower I was essentially a glorified clerk and accountant." In her opinion Keeper's job was mainly that and it was the only part of the work she had excelled at.


    "Your mother would be proud to know that you have honed your skills and otherwise too, Jatasha." An idea crossed her mind and she wondered if Jatasha had received any teaching in it. Con would surely appreciate it even if the lessons would likely be awkward and embarrassing. "Did she ever teach you how to dance tiganza? I... well, I might be perhaps interested in it." She hid her slight chagrin to helping Cina exit the table after she had said her thank you. Of course she could always ask Telcia to teach her but that was pretty much stillborn idea because she did never want to compare herself to her friend in matters like that again. "But about teaching, if you train in the mornings with Con, maybe you could attend your young pupils for few hours in the afternoons."



  14. Eyeing appreciatively the bottle that Brent fished from the interiors of his desk, Annais waited for him to pour the liquid to three glasses. This time he didn't use Saidin to float them but acted like a gentleman and handed the glasses in person. Their hands touched briefly and Annais smiled at the M'Hael in thanks. His slight jab made her chuckle and she tossed her head arrogantly. "I was drinking robust men under the table before you were born, Brennie." She rolled the brandy on her glass and inhaled deeply the slightly oaky scent. It was stronger than the one she usually consumed but she wasn't too worried. With a well practiced move she tossed the drink down her throat. It left a wonderful trail of fire and Brent's question cheered her up even more. She could almost forget for a moment that they were on the opposite sides of negotiations and that tough talks would be ahead. Bonding with opponent was important and they had got a pretty fine start.


    "I don't actually know where I was born at, my father and his men were moving sort out of necessity. They were bandits", she confessed with a proud grin. "You might have heard songs and stories of the Crimson Carnelion."


    "But if we get back on the earlier topic, we have established that the Tower sent here Sisters based on a plan that wasn't maybe entirely well thought out." An understatement. "You got scared and decided that attack was the best defense and then Bonded our Sisters. And now you are very very mad" Light, no pun intended "because of the instrusion and the loss of your brothers. But the White Tower lost Sisters and Tower Guards too and our casualties were greater."


    "I don't know if you are aware of what the Aes Sedai compare Bonding a Warder forcibly to: a rape. Only in this case it won't end until the person at control decides so. And what is done to your mind is much more intimate and violating than anything that can be done to your body." She faced Brent seemingly calmly even though the idea of being at the other end of such Bond creeped Annais out completely.


    "Both sides suffered losses due to the misunderstanding. Yes, we trespassed your grounds without permission but you trespassed the minds of our Sisters by forcibly Bonding them, a much graver thing than simple breach of borders. For the sake of the goodwill between the Towers, the White Tower asks you to release our Sisters from their Bonds and return them to us."


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  15. It was clear that Brent's opinion of the cleverness of the cream of the cream of the Tower, the Hall of Sitters, was even lower than Annais' from the way he glared at her. She returned the gaze unwaveringly. Some things just couldn't be dressed prettily no matter what kind of diplomatical babbling she tried to do. "Intrusion to your home, if I may correct you, M'Hael Enios. Not invasion. The party was not here with hostile intentions."


    She was about to comment how the losses of the White Tower had been greater as they had lost all the Tower Guards sent and essentially four Sisters as Muirenn had been Stilled, a thought that chilled her. Also the forcible Bonds were an utter violation and she was going to make it clear. She was about to open her mouth when Brent replied her question about his origin which drew an unexpected reaction from Mia.


    Annais could just watch Mia walk to the man and bare his arm and then strike it quite forcibly. Shaved eyebrows, eh? The M'Hael had been a rascal in his youth it seemed and cogs were running on her head as she thought on how to best utilize the unexpected connection between the two Illianers. Mia seemed to definately have some hold over the man from the looks of him but hitting him was too much. Hmm, and he didn't want to have it known that he had a connection to a Tower Guard. A possible leverage beside the effect Mia had on him. And Con Stavros in Illian, the Con. They have received reports of a man named that finding a militia in the Perfumed Quarters but the name was not exactly uncommon among the family. So they had not been certain even though it was more than likely as common fishers didn't have qualifications to become leaders of their own guard.


    But it was time to get back to business. She just now had the choice of setting the future tone of the discussions and Mia had done her a favour by broadening her opportunities. "I am always touched by old friends meeting after years apart but if you can keep your excitement at bay for a tad longer, we have negotiations of some importance going on here", Annais spoke on a voice laced with amusement. "If you later feel like you might want a third person present when you sort this out, my professional services as a certified Gray Sister are at your disposal, Brennie and Mimi. Oh and since we seem to be on nick name basis now, why don't you call me Annie. Annie and Brennie, why they even rhyme. Surely it is a good omen for the talks."


    "Say what, do you have something stronger than water here, Brennie? I think that we all could use a drink now."


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  16. The M'Hael had certainly seemed relaxed when Annais and Mia arrived with his boots on the table and all. It could have been all act of course but what you displayed outwards sent important messages. She noted that he did not stand and it gave her some inkling on what kind of negotiation strategy he would have. The same than most men, especially when they were between a rock and a hard place like this new M'Hael likely was between all kind of demands. She really would have to find out more of what was going on in the Black Tower. Maybe she would be allowed to speak with her Sisters. Enios' response on Mia's name was most interesting even though he tried to hide it well and Annais looked at her companion with wonderment. She was gazing intently upon the M'Hael. This was another thing she had no control and knowledge of and it irritated her. But she would find out soon enough.


    "Thank you for your welcome." She forced herself to relax at the display of Saidin in front of her and accepted the glass with a hand she forced to steadiness. She sipped politely to show that she wasn't afraid and accepted the friendly gesture but since the wine was best quality, she drank some more with a pleased smile. "Disaster would be one way to put it but misunderstanding is very desricptive as both sides interpreted each others' intentions wrongly", Annais said mildly. "And condolences cannot bring back the dead but they are a good starting point."


    She was certain that the Sisters had explained time and again why they had been sent here but it was a reasonable request. "The party was sent here to observe and gather information." A completely idiotic plan to start with as Aes Sedai were not sneakers, especially not with such a large party, and they were strategically far too valuable to be risked on foolish missions like this. Why the Green Sitters had not torpedoed the plan in the Hall was beyond her, they should have known better. But then maybe they were outnumbered by clueless Sitters who had no idea of how intelligence missions worked. "The Sisters should have informed the Black Tower of their arrival beforehand and with your consent the knowledge they seeked would have surely been gotten much better. But the White Tower is not... accustomed to asking for permissions. The world is changing however and the White Tower needs to adjust to that. The Black Tower and the relations with the Asha'man is definately one of those things."


    Mia nudged Annais and she turned to look at the woman with a slight annoyed frown. This would better be important. The Tower Guard worded 'Illian' and 'where is he from' and because of the strange behaviour of them both when it came to each others, Annais decided to take up the gamble. "If I may ask you to humour me, M'Hael Enios, could you please tell me whereabouts from Illian are you?


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  17. Shoar's revelation had certainly put the whole situation into a new light and with the circumstances surrounding it, Annais could see why he was reluctant to tell of the real reason behind his leaving even now. But Kathana was long since dead and the women who might have known then likely were no longer in the power or wouldn't see Shoar as a threat anymore. Or so she at least wanted to believe. The whole thing made her fume. Likely the Amyrlin had had a very good reason for her deed but there was something mysterious about case Nimue. She was tempted to delve deeper into it but she would do so with caution. She had no desire to poke hornet's nets hid under the ground and she was no use to anyone if she got herself into the bad books of influental women.


    But there was something that she could do right here and now and that she was most qualified for. And that was acting as the middle man between Mia and Shoar and hearing her side of the story. And of course learning what her current feelings about him and the possibility of speaking with him and hearing him out were. Only Mia proved to be an elusive quarry. After her chat with Shoar when she went to look for her, she heard that Mia had exited the Yards. When she had inquired where she had went to, it had taken some time to find someone who actually knew. Mia had went to take care of a friend who was drinking and Annais had gathered that he wasn't quite alright and being drunk in middle of the day told its own story. Sassy Waters was named as a place the person might frequent and likely Mia would have went there too. And if it wasn't the right place, the people there might be able to guide her forward.


    The place was ran by a family who had lived in Tar Valon for a long time but which hadn't lost their Illianer roots. The accent was still thick and the place felt more genuinely as if they really were in the south than many rooms of Illianer Sisters Annais had seen. She was glad to hear that she wouldn't have to hunt through all the taverns in the town as Mia had been here and escorted her soaked friend back to the Yards. They had went across each others then. She got the name of the friend even and it certainly sounded a bell. Aran had been able to hold his licquer but he had never drunk on the purpose of getting wasted like he now seemed to have done. And it didn't seem to be the first time. Ah well, she added another case to sort out to her mental check list but she couldn't do anything to it now. Maybe Mia would know more once her own issues would get dealt with first.


    On the way back to the Yards Annais managed to keep irritation at bay by suggesting herself that the day was quite beautiful and that walk did her good. Helping out people she liked was important but running around and chasing them down was unnecessary waste of time. This time Mia could be found easily enough from the commonroom of her company. She would likely appreciate straightforwardness as she knew why Annais had come to speak to her and Annais would get at it. But first she could satisfy her curiousity about Aran - assuming that Mia would tell her.


    "Hey there again. You left kind of abruptly. Not that I can blame you now when I know more of the situation. But I heard just one side and I would like to hear yours too or do you still maintain that you don't know who I am talking about? And well, of course you had another good reason to leave too", she stated with a frown. "I also know the friend you went to pick up and this is not at all like him. Do you know what is wrong with him?" It was always good to give people an optional topic in case they didn't want to speak about the real issue right away. But she wouldn't let Mia to keep avoiding it endlessly.


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  18. Blood and bloody ashes, being a noble wasn't at all fun anymore in Sahra's opinion. The charm had started to fade quickly under the watchful eye of the two Aes Sedai who demanded that she controlled her behaviour all the time. She was supposed to act and speak all collected and not express much emotions or anything. Light, the noble men and women were so boring that sometimes it wasn't hard to be calm as she was at the verge of dozing off. They spoke of frivolous topics like clothes, dances, hawking and who had done what and she didn't know half the people they nattered about. Likely they considered her as boring as she didn't have much to contribute to their 'discussions'. But she really tried, it was just like they didn't speak the same language. Everything was so very veiled and flowery that she felt like a blunt country bumpkin every time she opened her mouth. So she didn't very much.


    The only times she came alive were when she was dancing or riding even though she tried to guard being too energetic. It felt so good to be able to do something physical and even though she would have prefered livelier and wilder dances, the rapid and complex steps gave her pleasure. What galled her the most was that she was unable to excercise. She was afraid that she would grow lax and out of practice and that she wouldn't be much use even on the mission soon. And she missed Sana. Of course they spent alot of time together daily as he posed as her bodyguard but she was supposed to be all lady-like and proper around him. No chatting and joking with a servant. She wasn't a happy Sahra indeed.


    She wanted the bloody assassin to make their move already so that she could finish the mission with honour and get back to Tar Valon where she belonged. This really wasn't her world. Even the beautiful garden and fresh night air weren't able to shake her out of her funk. She wanted a moment alone to compose herself and suppress her own personality and don the mask of lady Teresia Talvaen again. And there was always the slight hope that the trap would spring now; they tried to give the assassin opportunities to catch her alone without arousing too much suspicion.


    The lighting in the garden wasn't the best even though there were lanterns scattered here and there and Sahra thought that she saw movement in the shadows. A figure stepped into the spotlight and she realised with disappointment that it was just one of the noble ladies. Of course the assassin could be a woman too and she flexed her hands slightly to make sure that her weapons were at their place in the wide sleeves. Her recollection of faces and names wasn't the best and she didn't remember meeting this particular noble before. As she made her way toward Sahra, she thought that there was something weird about her but she couldn't quite place it. She was wary, though, as her instincts had warned her before that something was wrong and she hadn't listened that time. She tried to appear relaxed and at ease to the outside.


    "It is a beautiful night, isn't it? How have you liked the party so far? To me Lord Killarven has seemed a most gracious host."


    Sahra Covenry

    Pretending to be a lady

  19. Phinnavear's lack of knowledge Traveling helped to place the time when she had left. The miraculous rediscovery of a lost weave was quite recent event after all. Now when any place in the world was just one step away the old traveling times on horseback or by ship seemed Ages long. Annais would have to investigate a bit on the matter from the records and gather all possible information on this particular case. But first she would speak in person with the Green.


    Cara's throat seemed to need some moistening and she doubted that it was a result of nervousnes. Quietly Annais embraced the Source and condensed water from the humidity of the air to one of the crystal brandy glasses on her desk. When it was full she floated it to Cara and settled to listen once again. It was good that Cara hadn't pressured Phinn as they really needed to get to the bottom of this. And an Aes Sedai with frayed sanity loose on the world was not something the Tower needed. And Phinn knew now how to Travel so with their luck she could go and get herself captured by the Seanchan. It was a constant nightmare of hers since her discussion with one of the Forsaken.


    It definately was a possibility that Phinn was simply traumatized even if Cara in the end dismissed it. Annais was definately weary of anything that related to the Darkfriends and Light knew that she had cause to be paranoid. She couldn't know anymore who to trust in the Tower save for the handful of women she had tested herself. And even they could have been compromised since that.


    "You have done well by making sure that Phinnavear returned to the Tower, Daughter. Now we just need to find out what happened to her and what are her intentions. As it is customary that a Sister reports to the Amyrlin when she returns to the Tower, I would ask you to retrieve Phinn to me, Daughter. I believe that she might be comforted slightly by seeing a familiar face."


    Cara understood the dismissal but when Shaneevae stood also, Annais motioned her to sit down. "If you would wait with me until Phinn arrives, Daughter. It has been a while since we last talked." When the door closed behind the younger Brown, Annais let out the laughter that had been bubbling inside her despite the serious concern. "Oh Shan, that was just hilarious", she managed between hearty chuckles and walked over to hug her friend. "How have you been? Being a Sitter definately keeps one busy but have you had time for your own studies and more importantly, fun?" Annais winked. "You and I should really go to terrorize Tar Valon one of these days."


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat


    OOC: I thought that Annais and Shan could chat for a bit while Phinn and Jade have their conversation :)

  20. Shoar's suggestion of being a talented actor made Annais smile with amusement. Not very likely. He could be stone-faced when he wanted to but she found it hard to imagine that he could pull off roles. She understood that it was hard to find the right words or any words when you were facing someone you hadn't spoken to in thirteen years and had left. Sometimes little help and practice could get them out and it didn't lessen their meaningfulness or the genuine feeling behind them.


    It seemed that Shoar wanted to play time when he gave an errand to some Trainee but Annais waited to see if he had anything more to say. She was glad that he agreed with her of the necessity of the apology but first she would have to work Mia a bit to make her at least listen it. Any forgivance was up to the woman then but at least discussions had been opened and maybe they could work it out. Or then Mia really wouldn't want to ever see Shoar again. It would be a shame but she couldn't really blame her.


    She almost rolled her eyes at Shoar's melodramatic words about banishment. She hadn't expected him to be such a drama queen. Sheesh, it had been him who had left and chosen to go. No one had kicked him out. But it was good to sort out that kind of feelings before he went to speak with Mia. "What would you say to Mia? And banishment?"



    Gray Sister

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