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Posts posted by Arette

  1. If an outsider looked upon the two women riding at even pace toward the village named the Black Tower, they wouldn't have been able to read any signs of agitation or nervousness from the demeanour of the Aes Sedai and the Tower Guard holding upright the peace flag. The Gray Sister had thrown behind her hood to reveal a smooth ageless face and underneath the practiced facade her stomach was on knots like every time before an important negotiation and even more so now because of who would sit behind the other side of the table.


    Annais tried to remember everything Estel had told her of her observations and go through once again her instructions and the background information. An agent in Caemlyn had reported that there were four hundred men in the Black Tower by counting supply carts but Sirayn Simeone and the Sitters had believed that only a few of them could channel. And as a result they had sent eleven Sisters and Tower Guards there to investigate and observe. Aes Sedai were hardly the sneakiest people there were and with such a crowd it had been impossible to not spot them. Unbidden and unannounced as they had come, it was no wonder that the Asha'man had thought it was an attack although what they had thought such a small party could accomplish was beyond her. But after Dumai's Well and thousands of years of Gentling, the male channelers didn't have much love lost for the White Tower.


    She prayed from the bottom of her heart that none of Asha'men bonded to the Aes Sedai hadn't found out of the secret orders of field Gentlings that the Sisters were to perform if they encountered mad male channelers. She wondered again how many of the Sisters had actually known of the orders when the Sitters hadn't and what on earth had Sirayn Simeone been smoking the day she had decided to go against the Amnesty the Dragon had given to the Asha'men. Estel had kept her secret but if anyone in the Black Tower knew, it would make her work even more difficult than it was already when she had to balance between being reconciliatory and maintaining the Tower's dignity.


    Light, there were five hundred male channelers. She would be all alone there save for Mia Stavros and even Mia couldn't help her and even less the captured Sisters. They relied on her, the whole Tower relied on her and she had to suppress viciously her doubts that she just couldn't do it. The Sitters had trusted her and when twenty one powerful women agreed on something, you just had to believe it. And she had been on rough spots before. Novice excercises, they were good. She just had to concentrate on her breathing and feeling the wind on her face, being the wind in a corn field and river held by its banks.


    They were starting to get closer to the Black Tower and she could pick out the unfinished structure of the black wall and some buildings behind it. Such grandiose plans they had. The wall ran for eight miles and would enclose four square miles of ground. Nowhere was the wall finished yet, nowhere more than twelve or fifteen feet and none of the towers and bastions had been more than begun. Estel had told her that the ground was marked off for structures the Asha'man claimed would one day dwarf the White Tower. Typical male thinking. But for now they lived in barracks and houses scattered in between where the married men and their families lived. It had sounded so very normal and Annais had to admire the love that wouldn't turn its back even when the husband turned out to be someone who was destined to go horribly mad from channeling one day.


    There was a large gateway leading to one of the wide streets and she directed Strider toward it. She could make out two black cloaked forms, one on each side of the gate and as they neared the men, she noticed the silvery glimmer of a sword pin on their collar. It marked them Dedicated. She stopped her horse and looked down upon a sour faced older man who was chewing tabac. "I am Annais Nevell Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. I have come to speak with the M'Hael. Where can I find Dalinarius Traachenshield?"


    The man blinked a few times and exchanged a look with the other guardian. Then he spat a brownish slobber to the ground. "Dalinarius ain't the M'Hael no more", the Dedicated grunted and Annais was proud of herself for managing to not let her shock show. Maybe this was the start of their strategy to get her upset but it just couldn't be true. Leaders didn't change in few days all the sudden like that.


    "Excuse me?", she asked with an elegant arch of an eyebrow.


    "Something wrong with yer ears, Aes Sedai? I said Dalinarius. Ain't. The. M'Hael. No more. Got it?"


    Bloody flaming balls of the Dark One. This couldn't be happening. Dalinarius had been trained by the Tower Guards. He had been somewhat symphatetic toward the White Tower and Annais had been preparing her whole negotiation strategy based on what little she knew of him. And how she would have to face a total unknown who would likely have alot more negative attitude. If there even would be any negotiations. Dear Light, things were truly going to the Pit of Doom in a hand basket.


    "What happened to him?", she blurted and the man looked at her with disgust. "That ain't none of yer business, wi..."


    "Forgive Marten here", the other Dedicated chimed in giving a stern look at the other man. "He is just an unpleasent bastard. The new M'Hael Brent Enios will receive you, Annais Sedai. He has left us orders to escort you there. Marten, you will stay here and I will go."


    Relief flooded into Annais when she heard that she would at least get to speak with the new leader. Maybe there she would find out what had become of Dalinarius. If there was some kind of an internal strife in the Black Tower, there might be some way to utilize it. Or then it could endanger the negotiations completely. Brent Enios... it sounded like an Illianer name and she looked at Mia questioningly. The woman nodded and Annais was fairly certain that it was a confirmation about his nationality. It would have been good to know more but if wishes were fishes, everyone would cast nets. She did not like entering situations entirely blindly but she had been given some time to complete the talks. Now some of it would have to be spent to get to know the other party and she prayed that the negotiations would turn out favourably.


    "Thank you Dedicated. Please lead the way." She urged her dappled mare to follow the blackcoat and reached for her saddle bags for the small box where she held her cigars. She needed a smoke badly and in a situation like this she would allow herself one. She didn't even care if it would be percieved as a sign of weakness but she had to reach her calm again. "Young man, would you offer me fire." It wouldn't be polite to channel herself here unless she was given the permission to do so and she wasn't going to use a tinder box now.


    The Dedicated stopped on his tracks and gave her an astonished look. A small flame appeared on top of his opened palm and Annais reached over and lighted her cigar. "Thank you", she murmured. Despite her mental preparations it was still frightening to see Saidin wielded so casually but she would have to get used to it. The first lungful of smoke was blissful and she was feeling much better and surer of herself by the time her small cigar was almost done with and they approached the house where the M'Hael resided.


    Annais would have expected something much grander but the furniture they passed was fairly simple and seemed to have been gathered from many different places. She tried to smooth herself by noticing small details but it would have been an understatement to say that she was nervous by the time the Dedicated knocked the door of the M'Hael's office. A deep voice called them to enter and the door revealed a stocky man sitting behind a large desk. He looked like an image of a soldier and his beard that left the upper lip bare definately confirmed his origin.


    Smiling slightly Annais inclined her head and begun the short speech she had prepared in a hurry. "Greetings M'Hael Enios and congratulations on your promotion. I am glad that you received me despite the recent changes in the Black Tower's chain of command. I am Annais Nevell of the Gray Ajah and this is Mia Stavros, the Tower Guard who delivered the earlier message. Before anything else I would like to express my sincere condolences for the losses the Black Tower suffered due to the misunderstandment caused by the party the White Tower sent. May the Light shine on their souls and the Creator shelter them on his palm." She bent her head reverently and stood silent for a moment to respect the dead.


    "The White Tower wishes for good relations with the Asha'man as we will have to fight side by side in the near future. I hope that our negotiations will be able to return some goodwill between the White and the Black Tower."


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  2. Mandatory


    •Training with the Power: Training with the Power to learn basic flows, to recognize all Five Powers, and to make the Power come when you wish. These are the things you must do before you can be safely sent to study on your own.


    The Power of the Five: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,20347.0.html (2 posts) UNFINISHED


    Optional modules


    • Rivalry (*) – Your character develops a rival, whether it be in the aspects of the One Power, popularity, or skill with a blade. RP out the beginning of this rivalry.


    Puppy Love: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,18353.0.html (12 posts) DONE


    • Social Interaction (*) – Your Acolyte, as isolated as she is likely to be, will obviously interact with other people from time to time. This is a simple interaction with another person/s sworn to the Shadow, and how your character’s personality has changed after becoming an Acolyte of the Shadow.


    Carving the evil out of me: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,18537.0.html (8 posts) DONE


    • Pointy End Bad – A basic training class with any training master, or retired soldier, you can find. This class goes over the basic aspects of many weapons, and how to use each. This class should raise you to WS 3, enough to handle a weapon with reasonable competence.


    Forging a weapon of myself: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,19920.0.html (9 posts) DONE

  3. It was a surprise to hear that the Accepted still had difficulties with opening herself to Saidar. Maybe she had been a wilder with a block. Arette would have to check from the records and maybe have a word with Darienna of what she had done about it so far. Rory's motive was spurring and some women feared failing more than anything. She would have prefered Rory to want to succeed more because that was a more lasting incentive that would stay with her for centuries. It saddened her that Rory felt that she couldn't return home without a shawl on her shoulders. Maybe it was even true as she didn't know her circumstances.


    Finally Rory listed some positive reasons for remaining in the White Tower. Most Accepted were motivated by now by desire to Serve in some particular way or in general but likely the fact that Rory didn't know where she should aspire to hampered it. And of course she might not want to let herself to dream too much and dwell on the future because she didn't want to get disappointed.


    "There is nothing wrong in wanting to see your family. One of the first things that I did when I was Raised to the shawl was to attend the wedding of my brother's eldest son. He and his children are long gone now but I still keep in touch with his descendants. The point of the Arches and washing you clean of your family isn't to cut all ties, simply to understand that you are different now, that you will outlive them and you are more committed to the White Tower than to your old life. Rare Sisters can leave their heritage entirely behind but it changes when years pass and all your beloveds are gone."


    "Then you need some other reasons to goad you and encourage you to continue than family's approval. Friends in the Tower are a good start but you need to have something inside too. A desire and flame to continue doing this. Do you think that you would have it, Rory? And for now you should harness your desire to meet the people back at home again and direct it to reaching the shawl so that you can return to them with it."

  4. Music playing: Dueling Banjos (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esl2NNOtHQE)




    The apparition who walked the streets of Perfumed Quarters with determination gathered some odd looks but Iussi Dyfelle didn't even notice them. A colourful pirate was maybe the kindest way to describe his appearance. Today he wore modestly tight brown leather pants, black over the knee boots, a bright azure billowy sleeved shirt with a purple vest and crimson sash tied aroud his waist. Under the scarf he had tucked two curved knives and a short sword rested in its sheath on his left hip. The tasteful whole was crowned by another crimson scarf tied around his head that was covered by a black wide brimmed hat with a long peacock plume. And last but not least, the purple of the vest matched nicely with the black eye and split lip that he sported.


    He couldn't remember when he had last felt this cozy in any clothes even if his mood otherwise wasn't the best. Maybe he had dressed like this as a quiet protest and to soothe his mind a bit. Telcia liked him to wear black and red or other bit more sombre and toned down combinations and on normal occasions he let her to dress him. But deep down within him lived a little tinker who loved colours and now when his wife had in a way sent him away from their home, he had let that side to emerge briefly. Not that Telcia had actually told him to do this. But another visit from that Red Sister and some discussions they had had afterwards had left Iussi worried. And even though this was completely idiotic and it likely wouldn't even work anyway, he had made a promise and he would try to keep it and keep his wife safe until he drew his last breath.


    But to do that he needed assistance from another man who had sworn to protect Telcia. He would just have to find a way to explain it so that he wouldn't tell too much but still enough that Con would help. For all he knew, Con could try to speak with Telcia and try to talk her out of it but her mind really was set this time and it was only made worse by the fact that the other Reds seemed to be involved in it somehow. No matter how Telcia had been supposed to be retired and devoted to her family, burn her. But once an Aes Sedai, always an Aes Sedai. It wasn't that easy to shake off almost two centuries of training and duty and his wife had made his choice. Now he would just have to live with it and try to make himself as useful as possible.


    He was nearing the place in the warehouse district where Con had been preparing himself before his wedding. He and his men had built fine and easily defended barracks but he wondered how cozy and home his wife and children found them. Thankfully he wouldn't have to associate very much with Arette as Telcia had agreed that she would weave a Gateway back home for him to the rendervouz spot so he could return to Ebou Dar for the late evenings and the nights to spend time with his family. And bloody right he would. He was already missing to be able to be with Jelane and Jamal when ever he pleased and there had been some other commitments too to his faction.


    The guards at the gates were alert and stopped him asking for his business but they seemed to remember him from the wedding and let him pass. How lovely that he was such an unforgettable figure. Walking across the training ground he spotted the man he was looking for watching a young man and a woman spar. Hmm, so the Militia accepted women too. A wise move as it doubled the potential number of recruits and from what he remembered back from the Warder's Yard, the female Trainees and Tower Guards had been always more motivated and well, simply more kick ass than the men.


    "Howdy Con", Iussi called a jolly greeting at his back. He grinned and waved in a coy lady-like way as Con spun around to face him. "My my, you certainly look prosperous. Marriage seems to suit you well, just watch out for developing a belly. Men of your age are in that danger zone. Oh, but forgive me how directly I am speaking to you. I forgot that you are a man of a title now, your lordship." His smirk only deepened at the dark look he got but he quickly controlled himself and sobered up and lifted his hands as an appeasing gesture.


    "Peace. Now that the mandatory part of putting my foot to my mouth is done with... well, I hardly came here to taunt you. Seriously, it is good to see you alive and well. Telcia told me of the battle you had to free Illian of the secret influence. My condolences for your losses. Tai Shar Ilian as they say up in the north." He quieted for a moment to respect the dead. "You have done good work here and I saw alot of your men patrolling on my way. Any title is more than deserved." With Con's opinions of nobles it was a nice irony from the Wheel. But likely his wife could handle most of the dealings more than aptly. Just like Telcia had taken over the merchant house of their family. It freed him and Con to do what they could do the best. Though in Iussi's case he wasn't sure how well he had been doing. But at least he had had fun so far, he thought and touched lightly the swollen skin of his right eye. Politics in Ebou Dar were something unlike nowhere else, racing and dueling.


    "Now I'm sure that you are curious why am I here. Sheesh, show some patience Con." The incorrigible grin was back. "No, Telcia didn't kick me out and no, the beautifications to my face are not her handiwork even though I am sure that she was tempted. She wouldn't Heal me at least. But aaanyway, remember back the days when you were my Commander? I was a bit troublesome from time to time." An understatment. "But when I really had to do something or learn something, I did it and did not shirk from the duty. For the sake of old days I would ask a favour from you. Could you teach me how to utilize the Flame and the Void?"


    Iussi Dyfelle

    Former Tower Guard

  5. The tub filled at steady pace and Arette curled her toes at the coolness of the stone floor. Her headache kept her from focusing on regulating her breath properly and for the first time in years she was aware of the temperature of her surroundings from her bodily reactions. It felt a bit strange but it was another reminder that she was indeed alive as if her bounding head wasn't enough. But she really had sworn off of slippers for maybe until the rest of her life.


    Rory explained why she didn't get along with the other Accepted and Arette couldn't help but think that she was exaggerating. Maybe those who had been Accepted while she was novice had kept such appearances but she had certainly seen her share of young women in the banded hem who prefered more hands on studies of tavern culture than topics that the Sisters guided them to. Likely the politickers and schemers were the most visible of all Accepted beside women like Rory as those submerged to their studies were usually quite the wall flowers just like she had been.


    She agreed with Rory's assesment of herself as non-optimal for teaching. But she could learn and students certainly taught their teachers a lesson or two of patience. Maybe the girl had some maturing up to do until she was ready for the shawl but the slight self-pitying note on her voice was quite irksome. They hadn't trained and groomed her for over ten years for nothing. Rory could still be reformed and made into a proper Aes Sedai and Darienna would surely see to it. The slight praise at the Browns made her smile but it was a bit difficult to imagine Rory in their halls. Her initial gut feeling would place the Accepted among the Greens and even if there had always been some tension, even rivarly between the two Ajahs, no Brown begrudged the Greens for their ascendants as they were made of quite different wood than the more academically inclined Brown aspirants.


    They stood there in silence for a while until the water level was high enough. Arette didn't want Rory to witness her awkward climb into the tub so she sent her to fetch the cookies from her secret stash. The warm water felt heavenly and she was resisting the temptation to just let herself fall asleep. She munched the offered cookie like a starved woman and reached for another one as Rory begun to lather her long hair. "I want you to tell yourself... mmm...." Maybe a Yellow Ajah would come to question too, Arette decided when Rory briskly applied her fingers to her scalp. The throbbing at the back of her head eased a bit and she let herself to float for a while.


    But se had been about to ask something and it was important even though sleep felt even more tempting. "Why did you want to become an Aes Sedai in the first place, Rory? There must have been some reason you passed your Arches even if you came here originally reluctantly. I want you to convince yourself and me of that reason now. Because the Tower won't let you go despite this and despite anything so you would better accept it and embrace the fact."



    Tired pep-talker

  6. Shan's plea that she would take Cara's words seriously made Annais purse her lips together in surprise. She always tried to listen and keep an open mind but this had to be something very serious to get her old friend to make such an remark. The younger Brown's start explained something. Aes Sedai always stepped warily around one another if there was potential for conflict of interests and in this Annais didn't have any idea who Cara might be speaking about. Therefore she simply waited for Cara to continue and enlighten her.


    It was a fairly long story even though Cara tried to keep it brief. When she got to the part about the Green Sister, Annais nodded to acknowledge that she recognised the name. She had encountered the Green a few times over the years at the Borderlands and even though there had been mutual respect, their relationship had remained mainly professional. It definately gave her a start that Phinn had claimed her to have sent her on a mission. The Green had been gone from the Tower for the entirety of the short time she had held the Stole. Maybe she had just meant that one of the previous Amyrlins had send her and Cara had misinterpreted. Annais would have to dig the records and the private notes of her precedessors again to find out if the reason for sending Phinn had been written down.


    Cara paused and Annais gave her a patient look that asked her to speak on. Her fists balled and nails dug into her palms when Cara mentioned Phinn getting captured. It meant Dreadlords for no one else could hold an Aes Sedai and she wondered if the Black Ajah had had a hand in it too. Or Light, even worse, was Phinn a Black Sister herself? The option of being turned was stomach twisting too although you would think that they would have sent the Green back more normal seeming to arose no suspicion. Her mien grimmed at the mention of Phinn blaming her - or just the Amyrlin?


    "I take your word for it, Daughter." And likely the Warder's opinion wouldn't differ much from that of their Aes Sedai's anyway. "Thank you for this warning. Are you certain that Phinnavear said that exactly I had sent her? Or did she simply say that the Amyrlin Seat had sent her? You have spent more time with the Sister since her... captivity than anyone else. If you would have to, what would you guess are her intentions now? And did she tell you anything more of these darkfriends and how she got away?"


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  7. Hera just was ignorant of the true state of povertry in the Perfumed Quarters. Most of the people who took up undesireable professions had lost their jobs and possibility for earning their livelihood in honest means. Certainly in some families it passed along the generations as they had never seen any other possible way of living but it was difficult to intervene in a way that was actually productive. And everyone had their own families to look after first even though the community as a whole was important. She and Con would work hard to create all kind of opportunities for the people in the Perfumed Quarters but sometimes people would have to change to be able to utilize them and that was the hardest thing of all.


    The comment about taxes earned Hera a soft snort. As one of their perks and priviledges nobles were exempt from taxes and had in fact the right to levy taxes from their own subjects. The only ones the Queen taxed were the people of her own estates and the people of city of Illian. It didn't leave her with too large funds to operate with and in many countries powerful nobles had been able to coerce control over the ruler by lending them money. But being indebted to a powerful rival had still been preferable option to loaning from the Tower. The system was hardly equal and it tied the ruler's hands when it came to large investments. And even if there was money and goodwill, the change became real only when people's attitudes altered.


    "The nobles pretty much have washed their hands of the Perfumed Quarters. How many of the Lords and Ladies do you think would be delighted if the Queen told them that they have to pull their load for their country and actually pay for some of the infrastructure changes here. But I'm sure that we will have many discussions about this topic. How about your own people? What are your duties and priviledges toward them? Do you actually know how to manage your own estates or do you have stewards for it?"


    Arette Stavros


  8. The Wheel weaved as the Wheel willed and everyone would encounter trials and tribulations during the course of their life. Usually they taught lessons that you needed to learn. And even though you likely wasn't thankful when the event occurred, later you might be when you looked back and saw how you had changed and hopefully for the better. Jatasha's life hadn't been the happiest and it certainly felt unfair and wrong that anyone had had to go through what she had but it was past now and she would have a happier future in front on her if she just gave Carnhain and her the chance.


    Her next words openly surprised Arette and she frowned in thought. Con would never have expected any payment for teaching, in fact she was certain that he had told Jastasha as much. But even if the people of the Perfumed Quarters didn't have much, they had their prides. One manifestation of that was that many parents whose children she and Helena had taught had insisted on giving them some kind of a favour in return. It would have been impolite to refuse even if the families really would have needed the resources more themselves. So seemed to be the case here too.


    "Well, I could always use help with the house. My kinswomen do chores together on each others' houses but I have been more a taker than a giver lately." She sighed with frustration that there just wasn't enough time to do everything that she wanted. All things seemed equally important so too often she had to see where she could make the biggest difference and it was the family who lost. "But if you have some other skills, please tell me and I will gladly utilize them. For example can you read and write? We really need more teachers."



  9. *laughs* Sometimes jokes make wonderful stories. Where is An'drea from? It would be interesting if she found out about the distant relationship out only later in her life, maybe when she was already an Aes Sedai.


    Annais certainly doesn't bother digging genealogies up much as her mother abandoned her when she was a baby. But she wouldn't mind claiming up a relative who was a fellow initiate/Sister :)


    Melianna: That is a deal then! *smiles* What would you like to learn? I am alright with teaching anything so choose something that would interest Tigara.

  10. Annais doesn't really know the father's side of the family and she might be a bit old for third cousins with any of the TGs but if you want to be distantly related to her through her mother (a Murandian minor noble lady), that is fine :)


    And Melianna, we can always plan forward if you're interested *smiles* What kind of a relationship would you like Melianna to have with Annais? When I get my post count down a bit, I would like her to teach something one-on-one or give chores or something like that. Would you be interested?

  11. This sounds like an interesting idea :) I know that you would like the players to brainstorm together but do you have some kind of a concept in mind? For example is the Dragon involved or is the cleansing done in some alternative way? Will Choedan Kal and Shadar Logoth be used or do you have some totally new idea for how it could be done instead?


    I think that it would be easier for people to get ideas for characters and get excited if they knew a bit what would be expected. It's easier to build when you have something to build on.

  12. It was such a wonderful day. Oh there was trouble with some of the Sitters as usual and the Eyes and Ears didn't seem to be sending anything but worrying or even outright bad news. But Annais Nevell, the Amyrlin Seat and Flame of Tar Valon and so on as her fancy titles went, had sent Sisters to deal with the most acute situations and scheduled appointments with the Sitters and with patience and alot of smoothing out everything would work well again - for a while until something new came up.


    Despite it all she found it hard to keep her feet still and she kicked happily under the table humming a tune. She was going out for a dinner tonight. It wasn't a date, not officially at least but she had decided that they had known each others for long enough time that, if she felt like it, tonight she might share a pillow with him. It was of course completely idiotic because there were alot of reasons why it wouldn't work. She had been through this already with Milos and she wasn't even certain that she didn't still love him in some level. Nonetheless, the prospect of nookie had her excited. It had been so long from the last time and she was only a human after all.


    Annais was entertaining hopeful dreams that nothing would change and they could just remain good friends until he Bonded like he eventually would and then anything else wouldn't be even possible anymore. But but... if they did this, they would need to have a serious discussion about the implications and rules of how it would work. Maybe the next morning after they had... Suddenly it became impossible to keep her bottom on the chair anymore and she discarded the reports she had been browsing through. Waltzing merrily around her office as if she was dancing with someone, she sung off the top of her lungs and varied the scale of her voice from high-pitched to low for her own amusement.


    I feel pretty

    Oh so pretty

    I feel pretty and witty and gay

    And I pity

    Any girl who isn't me today

    I feel charming

    Oh so charming

    It's alarming how charming I feel

    And so pretty

    That I hardly can believe I'm real

    See the pretty girl in that mirror there?

    Who can that attractive girl be?

    Such a pretty face

    Such a pretty dress

    Such a pretty smile

    Such a pretty me!

    I feel stunning

    And entrancing

    Feel like running

    And dancing for joy

    For I'm loved

    By a pretty wonderful boy


    Knock knock. Slightly breathless Annais quickly tugged at her dress and smoothed out few invisible wrinkles until she was presentable. "Come in", she called sounding perfectly unperturbed. It was Aramina naturally and she had with her two Brown Sisters and a Warder. Annais smiled warmly at Shaneevae, one of her oldest friends, and some of it transfered over to the younger Brown who she knew only in passing. Cara Ramsey, the daughter of her fellow Gray Sister, Tania. Aramina looked calm like always but there was an amused twinkle in her eyes.


    "Mother, I have to congratulate you again on your beautiful voice", her Keeper said wryly and Annais realized that she had forgotten her privacy Wards. The second time this week. Blast it, this was her office and she did here what ever she bloody pleased. Meh, but she had to be all dignified now so she would try to remember the next time. It could have been a pole-arsed Sitter like Adrai instead of these two after all. That also meant that she couldn't laugh out loud like she would have if it had been just Ara and Shan.


    "Ahem. Erm... Daughters, what brings you to my office today? Sit, sit." She motioned toward the cozy arm chairs in front of her grand desk.


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  13. *grins* The children of Con and Arette are about 3 years old so she got exiled around that time and Con was still the Commander then. But with so many Commanders you have had in between, it is totally understandable that you want to give them all a bit longer reign than just few months or even one year each.


    Just an insight on how me and James are RPing our timeline if anyone cares. Also Arette's timeline has had an impact on the official Tower Timeline so the Warder and WT timelines might not be compatible due to this.


    But I am sure that we can all merrily just ignore these snags :)

  14. Something she wanted to say?  Oh there were a good number of things she wanted to say, but she had better hold her tongue.  She hadn't gotten to where she was without a brain and she knew how to keep her peace.  She would do what she had to, but there was no doubting she would get what she wanted in the end.


    Tomorrow she might rebel a little less against her captor, and in a few days seem contrite about her previous actions.  The woman had already given her a little insight into the mind of her husband and she would be able to use it. 


    "No Lady Stavros.  You have made yourself quite clear." She said, not trying to keep the anger from her voice.  "Are we to be your slaves then, My Lady?" she said.  "Shall I scrub your boots My Lady?"


    Ignoring the angry tone, Arette was glad that Hera could demonstrate at least that much self-control that she didn't let all the steam out. It was a good start. She smiled placidly. "You can both call me Arette and I will call you Hera and Basileia. Or children when you do behave like ones. You are not my slaves or even my servants but my students. If you are slave to something, Hera, it is your pride but I will try to help you to master it. And no, your first task is not to scrub my boots because you might ruin a perfectly good pair. We will start with something more simple like cleaning and helping me to prepare dinner by chopping things. When I don't have other chores for you, you will keep company to my daughters." Light help them if they did something stupid around Rana and Cina. But one of the three men would always be present to supervise if she wasn't there.


    "Now why do you think that I am going to make you do some physical work? I give you a hint. Because I am evil is not the right answer."


    She wanted to make an angry retort, but stopped.  "Physical work?  I do be supposing you think to be educating us in the ways of commoners."  Her father had tried to explain to her the virtue of the common man.  He had been a noble, but he had also been a bit too soft when it came to them.  Her mother had been the strong one in the family and had been the only one Hera listened to.  Her father simply enough had been too problematic for the family, always thinking with his heart and not his head.


    Hera's tone was still condescending but at least the words were polite. "That is right. Common people don't have servants to do chores for them and if they work outside home, it is usually some kind of physical labour. And every country relies on the work they do like farming and fishing. I doubt that you have ever had to do any work yourself so now you will get a glimpse on what it is like. The Tower uses the same technique for the novices. Every Aes Sedai has spent their first ten or so years in the Tower scrubbing pots and sweeping floors from time to time."


    It supposedly made you more humble but most novices didn't really grasp what it was all about and were perfectly happy to leave it all behind when they became Accepted and Aes Sedai. Likely Hera would spend the short time in their house loathing the chores so that was more for Basileia's benefit. Arette would think of other things for Hera that would open her eyes to the truths in Perfumed Quarters. "Tell me, Hera. How do you percieve your role as a noble? What are your obligations or is it just about the priviledges?"


    She knew the correct answer even if it wasn't the one that was real.  The Aes Sedai who would be a Lady thought to make her understand her role in the world, but it was one she knew well already.  "Our obligation do be to the people beneath us." She said with a polite smile.  "It do be our responsibility to make certain they do be cared for and well treated."


    Arette applauded at the well performed act. It was obvious that Hera for some reason tried to give her the answers she expected Arette wanted to hear. But such behaviour hampered her learning, it bordered almost lying and that was intolerable from mentees. "That would be the 'right' answer but it is not the right answer for you because you don't really believe in it. Why don't you? Is that how your parents brought you up to believe or is it your own conclusion? Out with it. And from now on you will tell me what you really think instead of being politically correct."


    "What I believe do be that commoners take care of themselves.  They do no want nobility and they do no think they be needing it.  I be of no mind to change their opinion." She said.  If the Lady wanted to know her true feelings then far be it from her to sugar coat them anymore.


    "And how well do you think that the commoners have been taking care of themselves so far? For example what do you know of the situation in the Perfumed Quarters before and after the Militia was found? Why don't they want the nobility? And is there really nothing you feel like you could do for the commoners?"


    "There do be things you can do, and there be things that be impossible.  The Perfumed Quarters may be safer now, but they do no be entirely safe, no matter what you do be telling people.  If it do be me, I say they do be too lentient on the criminals and be letting them get away with too much.  If it be me, I do be saying hang the thieves and prostitutes and there be no more trouble do they?  But, they do no want the Nobility and it may be the good for them."  She hated this sort of thing.  She hated being questioned about her beliefs and about a people that were less than common.


    Hera's response made Arette frown deeply with displeasure but this was the kind of honesty she had demanded. And they would be getting nowhere if she got angry. Instead she would have to make Hera to question her own beliefs and come to her own conclusions. "Likely no place can be made entirely safe but that should still be the goal. And do you believe that most of the people in the Perfumed Quarters are criminals? Most of them are actually peaceful if poor fishers and dock workers and housewives. There are thieves and prostitutes too but have you ever thought why they take up those trades? Are they really just greedy and wanton or might there be some other reasons too? And how about that poorness? And the shabby conditions of the Quarters? Is there nothing to be done to it and whose responsibility would it be?"


    "This do be the Queen's work." Hera said immediately.  "But I do no say every person in the Quarters be a thief.  I be saying that they be too lenient on those that do be caught.  If they be harder on them then there be fewer looking to ply a trade in it.  And what be a prostitute, but an unmarried girl?  That do be something her family be looking into.  If she be from a good family as you say most of these people be, then they do be looking out for her.  But that be the problem.  They do no all be good families and caring for one another.  So you be getting prostitutes and thieves.  They do be travelling the same paths and making this area unsafe."


    She didn't think the Lady was enjoying this discussion so she took a deep breath.  "I do no say the Nobles be washing their hands of it.  But I do be thinking it be a work of the Queens to take on such a large task.  She do take taxes from us all to pay for such things and it be her responsibility to be sure that this sort of thing no be happening.  The Queen be new to the throne and I no be doubting you be telling her the same thing, but it do take time, even for a Queen to be making an impact like this."


    Arette & Hera

  15. Jatasha's praise made Arette shrug wryly as she did not feel so very wise even after all her years. If she had learned anything, it had been through many mistakes more than anything. But some people just had to climb to trees bottom first and she seemed to be one of them. She let Jatasha finish again, hiding her smile at the way the young woman looked and sounded like when she spoke of Carnhain. She certainly was head over heels and from what little Arette had heard, he seemed to be treating her well as he ought to. She could certainly understand why the man hadn't been happy to hear that Jatasha had been in the fight, she wasn't happy about it either because the woman simply wasn't skilled enough with her weapons yet to keep herself safe against a trained opponent. But there was no use for her to bring the matter up again as she certainly knew it now. And she was learning so it would be a different situation when the next occasion rose.


    "There's no reason to apologize. That is just how you ought be feeling and behaving like in this situation." She was about to reply Jatasha's comment about courage when Rana who had been squirming on her seat for a while now pushed her chair back and was about to leave the table. It was a sign to Cina that lunch was over even though she still had food left.


    "Stop it there, Rana and you too, Cina. You both need to thank for the food. And Cina, you should first finish your plate."


    "Thank you", Rana piped and from the way she was standing, she had to obviously go.


    "You are welcome, sweetie. Do you need any help?", Arette asked and Rana shot her an indigant look before dashing off. "I no be a baby, Mama. I be doing it myself."


    She sighed wistfully at how fast the children grew and scooped up Cina giving her a kiss to her forehead before she planted her back to her seat. "You are going to always be my baby, Cina. Even when you are as big as Jatasha here." The girl thought it for a moment before she decided that it was a funny mental image and giggled. "Now eat everything. If you eat well, you might one day be so big girl that even your father can't lift you up." That would have to be quite a giant from the ease Con sometimes flung her over his shoulder, Arette thought with a smile at the pleasent memories.


    "Sorry about that, Jatasha. Where were we? Ah, the topic of courage. Do you know what is the basis of that? Self-confidence and believing in yourself and that you are worth his love. And you are, Jatasha. You are just as good for him as he is for you if you just let yourself to be. I know what I am talking about because as happy as Con and I are now, it wasn't always so. I didn't have much faith in myself and therefore our relationship so when it really came to test, I failed miserably and we were parted for some time. I really hope that when your test comes, you won't falter like I did."



    Hoping that others can learn from her mistakes

  16. Walking to the palace and back would have been more preferable option to Arette but Con's new title and her own position required some maintenance and behaving like the nobility was expected to act. The carriage was also safer than walking the streets even if she usually was accompanied by her trio of protectors and especially today when Light only knew what kind of a fuss Hera would kick up. Basileia was quiet and subdued and the slight smiles Arette directed at her didn't seem to solace her much. Hera on the other hand was pure insolence, looking her down upon her nose for the whole ride and openly wrinkling her nose in disgust as they got closer to the Perfumed Quarters and the dock and the smell got stronger. She had grand plans for how to clean the canals with the One Power but five channelers had not been enough and her skin crawled at the possibility of linking with the Asha'man. They could bring only four men in anyway as the number of women had to be greater if the old writings about linking held true. But even that might not be enough with Saidin so alien and men not as strong with Water as women.


    It wasn't a worry of today. They arrived to the barracks and even Basileia appeared taken back by their home. It certainly wasn't a manor and 7 rooms was smaller than some apartments in the palace. Still, it suited them just fine and these two ladylings would learn to not sneer at it. Hera begun her tirade of protests as was expected. Arette listened patiently through all of it and in the end she laughed just because it would annoy the woman. She wasn't really amused at all so the short chuckle sounded hollow.


    "Dead in a barrack of over hundred men? Such illusions and ignorant fears you have of the Perfumed Quarters, child. My husband has been working to make the streets safe and they have never been more so than now. But you will learn what it is really like here and other things. I don't think that you have ever met someone who you haven't been able to bully by your position or wrap around your finger by little charm and womanly wiles. None of that works here so that is a good lesson."


    "You also have an overly inflated view of your importance. The Queen will not miss you and she won't mind me borrowing you because I will return you back more useful. The Queen lived with us for months so she knows what I am talking about. I had to warm her bottom a few times too so don't think that I stay my hand with you if you need to be taught the hard way."


    "As for suitability of our home, my husband and his men built this house themselves and Con loves this place. If you want to be truly idiotic, go ahead and make the mistake of snide comments when he is present. I'm sure that you will try to be all honey and milk around him but you can not help your true colours shining through sooner or later. He hates snotty nobles."


    "Now, was there something else that you wanted to say, child?"


    Arette Stavros

    The incarnation of humbleness

  17. Bah, youngsters. They were always surprised when someone noticed their feelings that they had tried to be discreet about, Arette thought with amusement. But love and cough were almost impossible to hide and since they were both the Wisdom's trade, she had become somewhat keen at noticing the signals of warm emotions and sickness. She tapped her lip thoughtfully as she listened to Jatasha's stammering explanation and wondered what she should say. Encouragement was always safe and since she had gotten involved already by prying, she had to say something.


    "I'm sure that you have an inkling and I think that that frightens you. The possibility that it might actually work and then not when he finds out about... well. But he cares for you and I believe that he cares enough to not get stuck to it. And you shouldn't worry so much about what to say. Everyone is nervous at first around that special person and stepping lightly because you don't want to make mistakes and give a bad picture of yourself and reveal what you really are like. It will pass with time as you get to know each others better and glimpse more and more the real yous... and when you encounter your first crisis and get through it... and then the next one. That is when you and your will to make it work are really tested."


    She cleared her throat with embarrasment when she thought back at how many snags she and Con had to have worked through and mainly because of her deeds and issues. "You just have to have faith. When it is the right one, they won't give up on you even if you behave idiotically sometimes... or even often." Sigh. Like her. "And even if you manage to do something really outragous and alienate them like I did, they can still be won back." But admittedly she and Con had been together for years by then even if they had been apart for almost as many. And the fact that they had children had been an incentive that would have forced them to work out things somehow sooner or later.


    Well, that hadn't been as encouraging as she had intended it to be. "And with those strong silent soldier types, actions often count more than words", she added with a wink and from the look on Jatasha's face she could deduce that they hadn't waited for the wedlock either. Although from what little she had seen from Carnhain, he certainly wasn't quiet and very considerate in what it came to his words. So likely he and Jatasha would have some spectacular arguments ahead of them but the making up was always sweet even if she appreciated quarrels never occuring in the first place. "Still, I think that the most important thing is honesty to yourself and him. If you really want the relationship to become something that weathers anything, you need to give of yourself fully no matter how scary it is. The rewards are worth every risk."



    Knows very well the do not's of a relationship

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