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Posts posted by Arette

  1. OOC: Just a note for a reader who might get confused. This RP happens many years in the future from the fresh Raising to the TG rank due to some forcing reasons.




    Thick velvet curtains were pulled closed to not disturb the sleep of the pregnant woman on the bed. No light filtered through and it was hard to tell what time of the day it was. Sahra woke up to a disturbing feeling of another presence in the room even before a soft male voice called her name. She sat up groggily and peered into the darkness to make out the form until she finally recognised the speaker. "Jaz?" She had asked to be told right away when Sana returned home from Kandor so excitement bubbled in her. "He is back. I need to get up", she uttered with hopeful certainty and begun push aside the blanket covering her and the other one she held curled against her.


    The other Tower Guard moved to part the curtains and Sahra shielded her one remaining eye from the sudden bright light. "Not him but Aran." There was a stab of disappointment but it settled quickly as she thought of her quirky grand mentor. She had asked to be notified of his come back too. As the advanced stage of pregancy prevented her from doing pretty much everything she loved, like training, she had had ample of time to fret and worry about how Aran was doing in Cairhien, especially after the news of the severity of the rebellion came. "Great. I have missed him too. And it is time to rise and shine", she declared as she stood up stark naked.


    Jaz didn't look away but remarked with amusement "You sure have a penchant for nudity." That earned him a sharp look before she snatched a blanket and wrapped it around her. This was her bloody room and she had right to be however she liked at her home. Besides, he knew about her insecurities related to her looks after her scarring. He had a bad burn on his face so he knew how it was to deal with it and he had helped her to come on terms with it. Things had been alright for last few years until the pregnancy and the issues with Sana. The one part of her that was still beautiful beside her hair had become something unfamiliar and out of her control and she couldn't train anymore. Sometimes she wondered why she had wanted it so much but such doubts were always abandoned when the baby moved. Nature had arranged it so that you just couldn't but love the unborn little punk. She laid a gentle hand on the swell of her stomach before glaring at Jaz.


    "If you don't like it, there's the door", she snapped tersely. She had started sleeping in Sana's shirt but they had gotten too small to her aggravation. She turned her back on him, pulled briskly a pair of breeches and a loose tunica on her and dropped the blanket off her shoulders. "That is not how I meant it and you know it", Jaz sighed. She merely shrugged and patted his cheek as she passed him. "I'm going to go see Aran now."


    "Just be careful, he is pretty drunk."


    Sahra gave him a withering look and snorted. "I have seen him drunk more often than you can imagine and I am a big girl who can handle herself and Aran."


    "Not this kind of drunk", Jaz said dead serious. "Something bad happened to him and he isn't talking to anyone."


    That stopped her on her track and she begun to pester him for details as he joined her side and they made their way to Aran's room. He didn't know anything for sure but his guess was that Aran had lost some close friends in Cairhien in the rebellion. It took some persuading to get rid of Jaz but finally Sahra stood alone behind Aran's door. She didn't expect him to be talking to her more than anyone. In fact, she had made the mistake of pressing him a few times over the years and the results of prying hadn't been something she wanted to repeat. No, he just needed someone and she could possibly start repaying the support he had always given her.


    She knocked the door and stepped in without waiting an answer. Sahra had been prepared to meet quite a sight but still she was taken aback. Aran had always taken good care of himself but now he looked like a bum. He was unshaven and likely stunk and there was no sign of the jolly drinking buddy in the way he stared into emptiness and took an occasional swig from his magnum bottle. "Aran", she called his name but got no reaction that he had even heard her. She didn't let it to deter her and she walked... fair enough, waddled, closer. She sat beside him on the bed. "I want to be there for you if you'll just let me. In fact, I am not going anywhere." Cautiously, she reached over and laid her hand on his shoulder.


    Sahra Covenry

    Tower Guard

  2. Sahra Covenry was the happiest woman in the world when she emerged from the office of the the Mistress of Trainees. She wanted to throw somersaults and dance happily but somehow it didn't feel appropriate now when she was almost a Tower Guard. A dream she had been pursuing for the last 4 years was finally at hand's reach. First a year of waiting to be old enough when no one had believed in her. Then finally joining and getting Sana for her mentor. The first year had been adjusting to the rigorous training and toning their relationship to simply friendship. But there had always been something more, even during the year she had been with Fior. A year that she didn't really want to think much because of the pain it had caused to Sana and her in the end. And not just mentally but it had pushed back her Raising because she had let herself to break the rules. It hadn't effected her training but it put her dedication to a question.


    That and the horrible mistake of going to see Pander Wilkes. She and Sana had both almost died that day; she because she had gone back for revenge. Only killing the monster hadn't eased her mind, not when she had found out that the monster really had had her little sister for all those years. The trail was getting cold and had ended entirely in fact to an Cairhienin inn. Eyes and Ears of Maegan Sedai had found out that a woman, who resembled her, had been brought to an inn badly beaten. Sansa had stayed out of sight, recovering, save for one fateful day when she had been propositioned by a man and she had responded by channeling.


    After that she had just vanished. Despite the Tower Guards going on missions to Cairhien and asking after her, they hadn't been able to find anyone who had seen her since. Likely she had left Cairhien as the country wasn't very welcoming of red haired people. It brought to mind too much associations of the hated Aiel. The hope of ever finding little Sansa was getting dimmer as searching for a red haired woman from everywhere in the world was like finding a needle from a haystack. It was painful to worry like that and to know that her unknown little sister had been maltreated so. Sometimes Sahra wondered why it even bothered so much. Even though she had been an orphan, she had been loved. She had family and dear people around her.


    Dear people who would today get to celebrate her Raising to the august red cloak. She wouldn't let anything to ruin the day even though she had plans for getting assigned to a mission to Cairhien and looking for herself. Casting eluding Sansa out of her mind, Sahra focused on finding her mentor. She needed a Tower Guard to vouch for her in the Ceremony and she wanted Sana to be that someone. He was the one and only she had considered because she owed the thanks for being ready to be Raised to him. He had been so patient and a great teacher over the years and it was her way of showing how much she appreciated it and him.


    He was sitting under Aran's tree and she rushed to him tackling him into a hug. "Oh Sana, it is so awesome. I will be Raised today. I can't believe it. I kind of expected it but still..." She snuggled Sana some more before springing up and grabbing his hand. "You will of course speak for me as the Tower Guard. I wouldn't have anyone else. But I need an Aes Sedai too. I am going to ask Aramina Sedai. So come on, you have to take me to her right now. Pesky silly rules about Trainees not being allowed in the Tower. But after tomorrow I can go there any time I want. Ha." She didn't exactly give him space to say no, or anything, as she kept blubbering excitedly while dragging him toward the White Tower.






    A bunch of friends and officials were all gathered to the Glade of Remembrance to witness the Raising of the one and only Sahra Covenry to the rank of Tower Guard. All save her grand mentor Aran. He had to of course be on a mission during her big day. It wasn't exactly by his choosing but that didn't stop Sahra from being miffed. Still, she had made the decision that nothing would soil her great mood today so she focused on basking in the happiness of a goal reached. She was shaken from her bliss and stupid grin by Conor poking her. With some mortification she realised that people were expecting her to start the ceremony so that everyone would get to the party part and boozing. In her honour. It would be ten kinds of awesome.


    Sahra knelt and spoke resoundly the starting words. “I come here unarmed, offering to give myself to the defence of those who serve all.”


    She would perform well as a Tower Guard. She had trained for years and she was ready now, physically and mentally. Improving herself even further would be relentless but she would serve as she was to her best ability and it would be enough.


    “Who would speak for you?” Commander Brand Ryota had a voice that carried easily to everyone present.


    “I would speak for her, she is fit”, Sana replied and Sahra fervently wished that he was proud of her. She had done things that had disappointed him and a mentee reflected upon their mentor. She never wanted to let him down again.


    “Who would trust you?”


    “I would trust her.” Sahra smiled at the voice of Aramina Sedai. She was glad that the Green Sister was there to sponsor her. It was in her opinion fitting as Aramina Sedai had been there during her mission when she had proved herself worthy and capable of acting alone when need be.


    “Who would accept you?”


    “I would.”


    “Who would witness your oath whose word is beyond question?”


    “I will.”


    “Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of defence? Defence of all Aes Sedai, the defence of the White Tower?”




    “Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of obedience? Obedience to your officers, obedience to all Aes Sedai?”




    “Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of commitment? Commitment to serving faithfully, commitment despite any adversity?”


    Her commitment had never been seriously tested; she refused to count the Fior debacle as such. And in the end she would have chosen her training if it had ever come to that. Sahra couldn't imagine what kind of adversity would make her falter in service and shake her commitment. Her gaze riveted toward Sana momentarily but there would be no threat there. Not even if there would one day be them. They both were Tower Guards and took it seriously.


    “Yes.” Her voice was as firm as it had been with the previous pledges.


    “Then give your oath now.”


    This was it. She would be a Tower Guard finally.


    “I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to defend the White Tower and all who call it home.”


    “I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to serve faithfully for as long as the White Tower requires me.”


    “I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to fight the shadow and uphold the light until my dying day.”


    “We welcome you to the Tower Guard, you that were known once as of.” Sahra didn't even try to keep her smile at check when Aramina laid the red cloak on her shoulders and fastened the clasp. She managed to resist the temptation of making some flourished movement to make the cloak flare and waited eagerly for the next part.


    “We welcome you as of the Tower Guard, our sister in arms. Rise and stand as one among many.” Sahra got on her feet and turned to Sana who was holding out the dagger for her. Their eyes locked for a moment and hers reflected all the respect, affection and gratitude she felt for him. She took the weapon and faced the Commander again.


    “You came to us unarmed, and as our mark of trust we place this steel in your hand. May you keep it as a symbol of the trust that has been placed in you, and may it serve you well.”


    “Spare a moment for those who have come before you and to who you have become, as shall those who follow you.”


    It was done and Sahra nodded respectfully to the Commander and Aramina Sedai. Kneeling again, she focused on the large stone slab that symbolized the Tower Guards of the past. She tried to summon a properly reverent and serious mind state but the first Tower Guard of the yore who came to her mind was Willard Tavec after whom Tavec's Tower was named. There certainly wasn't anything reverent in the keg hidden in his Tower and Sahra burst into laughter. It earned her a few looks but it was a good epiphany. Pompousness wasn't for her and the Tower Guards in general, and in her opinion the best way to honour those, who had paved the way for her, was to go to a tavern and have some serious fun.


    Sahra Covenry

    Tower Guard.


    It hadn't really been Annais' intention to have them tousling the bed again or maybe the sofa or the carpet this time. She had just wanted to give him a proper goodbye kiss as it was the last one they would ever share - or at least in a while, a treacherous voice whispered in her mind. The kiss just turned alot more heated than she had expected and so did they. Finally it was Brent, who had the willpower to pull away. She wanted to say something really witty for him to remember her well but all that came out was a disappointed 'mpfh'.


    Get yourself back to check, woman, she scolded herself. If you are going to moon after him like that at the goodbye ceremony, everyone and their sister will know just what the two of them had been up to. And that would threaten not only her position as the Amyrlin, but also her reputation as a negotiator too. Everyone would assume that she had slept with Brent in the Black Tower and that had aided in her talks with him. She missed him already. Sighing deeply, she walked to prepare herself a brew of viciously strong tea.


    The door banged open and Annais dropped the pot on her toes in shock. Her heart nearly stopped when she imagined one of the Sitters barging in. Oh they would just love it, having caught her red-handed. The sight of Mia was a small relief but a hundred times more embarrassing because she had assured the woman not long ago that this would never happen. What was she doing here anyway? Had she suspected that Annais and Brent couldn't keep in their clothes?


    She made a half-hearted effort for decency by grabbing a chair and holding it in front of her but Mia wasn't interested of her. Instead the enraged Tower Guard headed to her desk where lay the original copy of the cigar box in her office. Annais cried out in protest when the woman picked it up and strode toward the balcony. "No! Not that. Please." The box had been a gift from Natalie and it was one of her dearest memorabilia. It didn't even occur to her that she could have stopped Mia with the One Power until it was too late and the box was gone forever.


    The first angry words made her flinch and she felt even worse with every new uttering. The last sentence had the most impact and she rushed blindly to her bedroom. A silk robe was at its ordinary place and she fastened it around herself with surprisingly steady hands. At least the woman hadn't followed her so she got a moment to draw some deep calming breaths and try to recompose herself.


    She wasn't accountable to Mia but because she had a connection to Brent and her opinion meant something to Annais, there was an apology to be made. "I am sorry for not being honest to you and myself, Mia. I really hoped that this wouldn't happen but now I wouldn't take it back. And I am not sorry about it. I am glad to have been with him this once because that is all we are going to get."


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  4. Brent was clearly disappointed but he knew her argument by himself too. And it was his safety that Annais worried feared for. The Hall might not like what she was doing but the worst that they would do was try and get her to use it as a leverage against Brent. And it would be bloody horrible to be reporting of her relationship to the Sitters but they could be careful. No! It wasn't an option. The Black Tower wasn't as forgiving as the White Tower and Linten was a frightening psychopath.


    The sight of his fit naked form was enough to wake up Annais more and she was following intently the ripple of his muscles under the olive toned skin as he searched for his smallclothes. His comment that was meant to be taken lightly... well, she could do that but it was too close to being back to their positions. "I am not your mother, Brent, unless you have some fantasies that I am not aware of", she retorted in an amused voice.


    The trail of clothes lead Brent to the sitting room and out of her sight which meant that Annais had to abandon the warmth and comfort of her bed. With a groan she kicked off her blanket and reached for the comfortable large shawl that lay on the chair beside the bed. Wrapping it around her, she was at least semi proper. The shawl revealed some cleavage and displayed nicely her legs, a body part Annais liked the most, but it covered all the strategical spots. The effect seemed to be the desired one as Brent's attention was divided between her and getting dressed.


    She grinned when he buttoned his cloak like a drunkard. "Here, let me help you." As she reached to unfasten the lopsided buttons, she hadn't taken into account how the shawl would slip. "Whoops. I think that you will have to help me stay decent. Or do you even want me to?" She knew that she didn't, not until he was out of the room. It wasn't truly over until that. Never mind the buttons. She kissed him again.


    Annais Nevell

    Not letting him off the hook just yet

  5. There was no need for complaints in neither Brent's eagerness nor skill. The kiss that started as a cozy 'goodmorning honey' smooch begun to gather ardour. Annais could feel exactly how happy he was to be sharing a bed with her, and the arousing knowledge and feelings were better and much more pleasurable wake up than a mug of stark tea. But it couldn't last and they didn't have the time for it now. That was the only thing she regretted. This really would be a one time only experience but she didn't want it to be. And that was a problem. From his faked laughter, he wasn't too enthusiastic about the prospect either. Still, there was nothing neither one of them could do about it.


    "So?", she repeated with confusion before it dawned to her. Of course, he was trying to ask about the future. Only they didn't have a future together except as leaders of two factions with an alliance. "We can't anymore, Brent." Her voice was thick with regret. "It would be too dangerous for you. You deposed Dalinarius for being too pro-White Tower and I doubt that he actually literally slept with the 'enemy'. Linten would have a field day if he found out. So we... we will meet. Professionally that is. I like you very much so it will be nice. But we... we just can't. Not like this."


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  6. Some people were gifted with awesome sleeping talents and not even the loudest noises could disturb their sleep. Annais was certainly one of those blessed few and if she was asked, she wanted to wake up as late as possible every day. Sadly she had made the mistake of hiring an early morning bird maid who was of the opinion that all proper Aes Sedai should be up and doing what ever it was that Aes Sedai did well before midday. It had become a morning ritual that Lia pulled the blankets off her and shook her awake. Annais then moaned and complained, got to sleep a bit longer and then ate breakfast while her maid worked on perfecting the elaborate curl coiffures that had become her trade mark.


    Annie's first reaction to being shaken was to curl tighter into the bed and snuggle against the wonderfully warm body beside her. "No, not yet, you cruel thing", she murmured her protests groggily. "There is still time. Sleep..." This morning there was something different about it, though, something that penetrated even her sleep foggy brain. She still had her blankets, Lia wouldn't kiss her on the cheek and no one was supposed be sharing her bed.


    Her eyes flew open and she blinked in the faint light until she could make out the face she had been dreaming of for weeks. It felt natural that Brent was there. Annais laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him making faint 'mmmm' noises against his shoulder that expressed how comfortable she was feeling. He had said something. Her tired mind processed it for a few minutes until the meaning impacted on her. He was leaving, he had to go. She didn't want him to go but that was bad somehow too.


    She clung to him. "Yes, it's not safe for you. Brent, I..." The last night was coming back to her and with it a satisfied glow. "Mmm... wonderful. A stalemate, yes? Kiss me."


    Annais Nevell

    Not a morning person

  7. Welcome back :)


    And a hint for you: that blackmailing thing is so yesterday. The current rage is doing... favours.


    If you ever need something related to BT, Aiel, Wolfkin and Band of the Red Hand... ok, anything, come to me. I like pretty boys and pretty girls, whips, leather and... hmm, alot of things ;)


    And Ken loves me. Don't you Kendra?

  8. Brent was good, really good. His hands were big and slightly callused but still gentle and her every nerve was tuned to him. Annais was more aware than ever of every touch and press on her skin. He worked the tautness off her muscles but filled her with entirely different kind of a tension. She wanted him so badly that it wasn't healthy. She was very much afraid that she might want to keep him for his hands, sense of humour and the whole mouth-wetting package, but that was a concern for another day.


    When his lips begun to nuzzle her neck, she closed her eyes in pleasure and leaned even closer. Kisses and even little nips, and she expressed her approval by deep sighs. He worked his way to her earlobe and she couldn't take it anymore. She turned and pushed him back by laying a hand on his chest. His heartbeat was racing as much as hers, she realized with a wave of self-satisfaction. Propping herself on his lap, she murmured "My turn".


    Annais brought her face close enough that their breaths mingled but when he tried to kiss her, she pulled away slightly with a playful smile. "Hasty, are we. We will take it slowly, very slowly. When I am done with you, you will be begging." She had the patience for it but she wasn't certain if she had the self-control if he'd change the rules. Not the first time at least. She wished that he wasn't ticklish as she would start with feathers and warm and cold breaths. Keeping was such a handy thing for having ice all around the year.


    Gazing intently to him with her own desire-darkened gray eyes, she barely touched his face with her fingertips as she followed the light nap of his skin. Every inch of his face she caressed until she finally joined their lips. Tender at first but gradually growing in passion, the kiss was a promise of what would come. They both breathed raggedly when they finally parted and she begun to unbutton his somber black coat. Gone was the slow teasing now and she used her teeth and nails lightly on his broad chest before she lead him to the bedroom in a trail of shed clothes.

  9. Mia stole her cigar and that was a grave sin that was rewarded by a glare. Annais didn't lower to trying to get it back as Mia had much better reflexes than her and she would just look stupid. And she had more cigars in her box, she just throughoutly disapproved such thievery. Aes Sedai didn't get wrinkles, in fact, her skin felt still painfully tight after the Oath Rod session last night despite Mae's Healing. But still she unconsciously lifted her hand to her forehead and smoothed out the furrow between her brows. The threat about talking to Lia and allying with her actually got a small gasp out of Annais. She really did not need another domineering woman in her life and she was the one who was supposed to be doing the telling, not them.


    The thank you put her on slightly better mood and she had the decency to feel a bit ashamed by trying to use her brother like that to get Mia to talk. It had been too early and completely wrong method even if she could have gotten away with it. She nodded in assurance that it wouldn't happen again but the frown was back when she got hit in the head by the envelopes like a naughty little girl. She could see the fun in it but it was a symptom of an attitude that was unacceptable.


    "Return my cigar", she called after Mia firmly. Her answer would better be a joke. Annais had no intention to quit smoking despite Lia's nagging and Mia was not allowed to join the club. Scowling at the closed door, she took another cigar and headed to the balcony. At least one issue in her agenda for today was done and despite that controlled face, she was certain that Mia was happy as had been her goal.


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  10. Challenges were fun but the rejection part wasn't. It was stupid how much such little thing stole of her energy that had been built upon a fragile shell blocking the fact that Annais hadn't gotten much sleep last night. Not to mention the maddeningly disturbing revelations that were new stones to her burden. And then making up with Aramina this morning and all these letters from the rulers and speaking with the Commander and deliberately not thinking Brent and their dinner. It had been difficult to resist the temptation of not going to see him in private during the days he had been in Tar Valon already. She leaned her chin on her fist and sighed tiredly.


    "Yes, actually. Because you are no fun, I am tempted to send you to fetch my slippers and carry out some other as unimportant tasks. But that would be just petty and I will kick your ass with something much fancier when I have time to come up with something. Fine, I admit. I had decided already. The Commander gave me all the information I needed." She reached for her ink bottle and scibbled her signature to the bottom of the decree that had been waiting just that. "There. Happy now?"


    "You get to play the messenger girl. You can take the call off of the warrant to the Commander. It's for both, him and your sister-in-law. They are coming here with the new Queen of Illian in few days. Just mentioning it because I am nice like that." She pushed three envelopes toward Mia. "And when you are done with Brand, you can take those to Gennie of the Green Ajah. She got Raised just few months ago so you should recognise her: the fresh meat always fears their shawls. Tell her to hop to Illian and be quick about it. You could lift a ride with her if it tickles your fancy. Although I suppose that Nanny Mimi wants to be here to wave her hankie and shed a few tears when her golden boy and his gang leave tomorrow."


    "But hey, it is none of my business so off you go. Dismissed." Grumpily Annais reached for her cigar box and grabbed the one she had been supposed to have smoked already before Mia's appearance.


    Annais Nevell

    There is just no gratitude in the world :P

  11. The two men both watched the match unfold in silence, Con in his thoughts and Iussi merely waiting for his reply. The woman with the staff fell on her fine bum and certainly had felt the impact. Iussi gave Con a side wise look at his tone when he told the pair to have a break. He was really expecting the no and shrugged in resignation before his old Commander continued after a moment. He shouldn't have tried to keep anything back. "Omission isn't lying", Iussi sighed. "But you are right that there is something else. You've been hanging around those Aes Sedai too much." He wondered if Con could actually spot if Arette or Telcia tried to keep something from him.


    "I will tell you everything that I can. It started even before we had gotten the children back from Arad Doman. Telcia had returned to the White Tower and it seems that the Red Sisters had a plan regarding the male channelers. I don't know if it was all of them or just a small faction but Telcia agrees with them." His expression revealed quite blatantly that he didn't like the idea even though he tried to keep it under wraps. "I'm sure that Muirenn would have warmed Telc's bottom for that if she had been back to hear it. Anyway, we had a discussion on the way to Arad Doman and I promised this. So it might not have been my idea originally but now it is."


    He had very badly hoped that Telcia would forget it and that it would never become topical but it had. "Some time before your wedding, a Red Sister from the Tower came to visit. This Reddie taught Telc to Travel, a handy little thing, and I think that they had a discussion about this plan too. And no, Telcia didn't tell me to do this. She is even trying to call it back now. But a promise is a promise. And it will make a difference. I really don't know what is going to happen. I thought that she was off the Tower's hook and she will never return. Bonds of Ajah just seem to bind tighter. Not that this has anything to do with the other Sisters. They won't like it when they find out. What the Tower has once taken, they don't like to return to you." It was important that Con wouldn't get the wrong idea that Telcia had gotten him mixed into some Tower scheme. She would never do that.


    "I don't know if this helped my case or finished it. But that is it. And don't even start telling me how I should have talked her out of what ever it is." He should have still been able to do it. That was what Tower Guards did. They protected the Aes Sedai even from themselves if need be. "No one can talk her out of anything when she makes up her mind. But this isn't about her, it is about me."


    Iussi Dyfelle

    Gentled channeler

  12. Well, well. The Attack Leader had also resorted in Saidin to fulfill a simple task of providing a chair or just letting Annais to get it herself. She had been half expecting it so she wasn't too startled. Her slight unease of being around when the male hald of Source used was quickly supressed by the amusement as she and Sereth had just discussed such strategies. Subtle power play was definately going on behind the scenes. She seated herself gracefully and nodded in thanks. No chair was given to Mia but the Tower Guards were used to standing when in attendance. Annais wondered if it would occur to Arath that Mia was also screening him and her surroundings. It would remain to be seen how much the woman would share of her observations with Annais but she couldn't let the possibility that Mia would report on her too to affect her behaviour too much. The most important thing was that the mission succeeded.


    Annais smiled openly at his comment about being diplomatic. It was the bread and butter of Gray Sisters and the Tower wouldn't send someone who was clumsy with words. She nodded slightly and unconsciously as she fully agreed that the situation was regrettable. His smile when he spoke of his... Bonded Aes Sedai was both promising and disturbing. It resembled too much how a Sister might have expressed amusement over the quirks of their Warder but it spoke good of the man that he didn't resent Serena and seemed to like her despite her displays of temper. "I genuinely hope that the situation will get settled as soon as possible. Then you can sleep decently again, and well, we all can."


    "It is just fair that you get to ask questions when I do the same." That left her neatly the option to not answer them if they were too risky. "I prefer a dialogue to an interrogation. But for the questions, I am curious as to what was your opinion of the White Tower before the event and how has it changed since. Such close personal contact to an Aes Sedai could affect things. Has it done so? This all is certainly a new experience to me. My specialisation and interest has always been something else than the male channelers but I think that it allows me some less bias." It wasn't maybe wise to bring up the Red Ajah but that was something the Asha'man would think anyway when they thought of Aes Sedai. And some candidness and personal confidence was necessary to establish a connection. "From what I have seen so far, you are no different from ordinary men, soldiers preparing for a battle. You just use more... unconventional means and are more dedicated to forging yourself into weapons."


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  13. Sahra should have known that Sana would try to coddle her and she didn't approve it. She was fairly certain that this would be her last mission as a Trainee. She would finally be deemed worthy of the purple cloak. It had taken her a bit longer than her mates due to few calls of bad judgement but she had learned and she was ready now. His praise made her beam and she waited nervously for the Aes Sedai to arrive. Sahra was glad that it was Aramina Sedai. She liked Jaydena Sedai well enough as she was quite relaxed but her being Bonded to Cairma meant that the intimidating woman would have come too. Cairma the Mother was an unexpected combination that softened the woman's image a bit but it didn't change their past dealings. She was still feeling uncomfortable around the former mentor of Fior.


    The recall of events was quickly done and Aramina Sedai took charge as the Sisters were meant to. The short and quick words of approval stroke her just the right away. "We will notify Jaydena Sedai and no one will notice anything", she assured readily. It wasn't hard to play faint believably even though she despised such displays and the worried host ushered Sana to take her to her quarters.


    She wanted badly to cheer but as some nosy servant could hear it and carry the tale, she settled to just squishing Sana with a tight hug. "Uh huh, I already said that I was fine." But she batted her eyelashes at him flirtatiously. "Of course I could be just so shocked by the events that I missed some grievous wound in my excitement. Maybe you should give me a full body check to make sure that all is well with me." Her heart rate certainly wasn't at normal. Not when they were all alone like this and he was as mouth-wettingly desireable as always.


    Turning her back at him, she took a deep breath to steady herself. "But in all seriousness, you should help me with my buttons. If I apply some cold water to the stains now, they can still come out and the pretty dress won't be ruined." During the pregnant pause she thought of all kind of other things she could do when the dress was off. But Sana would reject her like he had always before. And she wouldn't ruin things now when they were so close to being able to do it without any rules stopping them.


    A new topic was needed. "Sana... do you think that I am ready?"


    Sahra Covenry

    Tower Trainee

  14. The slight unease which cause Annais was unable to pinpoint grew as the answers to her questions were not forthcoming, and they kept walking closer and closer to the edge of the Black Tower grounds and small woods. Her companion whose name she still did not know chattered on about Healing. He certainly wasn't someone she would peg as a person to tend sick but then the Talents were not reliant of suitable personality. Annais mmm'ed politely to show that she was listening and encouraging him to keep talking. He regretted that the Black Tower had so little Healers and she nodded emphatetically as it was the same problem the White Tower had: Healing was a rare Talent indeed.


    Annais gave no inclination for yes or no as the young man asked her to wait while he fetched the pair. She was still considering backing out. She had gotten no information at all and she didn't know who she would meet. She had an inkling that that was how her 'guide' liked it. Strange, considering that he had been the one to approach her in the first place. There was something buried here and she just couldn't grasp what it was. Or then it was all just her imagination and slight paranoia and she would come across horribly impolite. The boy seemed harmless enough but there was that something that set her on guard.


    His explanation why Mia should wait a bit further away was logical and Annais found her resistance easing slightly. She wondered if the Asha'man who had suffered such losses at the hands of Tower Guards would even let her to speak with the Aes Sedai bonded to him, but she was quite certain that the man wouldn't do anything to her. It would mean risking the displeasure of the M'Hael and certainly Brent wouldn't let anyone unreliable to remain Bonded to the Sisters as they were valuable negotiation assets.


    The lack of names and knowledge still bothered her but she nodded at the man. "I understand and I have no desire to cause any confrontations because of past dealings gone wrong." Turning to her companion, she continued "Mia, you should go and wait beyond those two buildings. I will merely converse with the Asha'man and the Sister. And I will stay at sight." Annais didn't expect mutiny in the matter but Mia's behaviour with Brent had been so unexpected that she couldn't be quite certain.


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister

  15. It was an interesting morsel of information that men couldn't tell each others' potential strenghts but Annais wasn't quite certain what Sereth meant by his comment about holding it. She nodded that women could sense each others' strenghts but he wandered on to the next topic already and her chance to ask would have to come later. From his words they would be seeing each others quite often during her stay and Sereth would be another rare friendly face.


    There would be competition. The White Tower and the Aes Sedai of the old guard would not give up their position in the world without protests and some fight. But things just couldn't continue the same they had been. Still, Annais hope that the White Tower would not loose too much influence since the Tower had potential to be really important in the events that would play out if they just adjusted right. She tilted her head slightly to acknowledge that there was some truth in his words but she didn't confirm them vocally. It was nice of him to exclude out of the group that would bitterly oppose the Black Tower and it was the truth.


    Annais smiled slightly at Sereth's sarcastic remark about sanity being an important criteria to get a leadership position. It was likely bad taste to find amusement in such things but humour helped alot. It was really chilling that the Black Tower felt like they needed a position for leading men in battle but that was what the organization had been found for; to be the Dragon Reborn's weapons in the Last Battle. Sereth's advice certainly sounded sensible and embracing Saidar was out of the question during her whole stay as the male channelers could somehow detect it.


    "Thank you for the offer of help. I will keep it in mind and seek you out if need be."


    The closer they got to the building Sereth had dubbed manor, the more uncertain Annais grew. She really would have prefered to go first to this Rion as she trusted Brent's judgement that he would be the most receptive toward an Aes Sedai. She didn't know anything about this Arath save what Sereth had told her and that he was Bonded to Serena of the Blue Ajah. She had no intention to let the Attack Leader see her hesitation so she would wing it up. It would have been better if Sereth had stayed but then back in the Tower a novice wouldn't have been allowed to remain during this kind of conversations either. At least Mia was there.


    "Thank you for receiving me and my companion Mia Stavros, Attack Leader Faringal." Annais inclined her head to the Tower Guard at her heel. "I hope that I am not interrupting you." She pointed at the small figurine he took to his hands. "I will not take too much of your time. I merely wished to discuss with some members of the Black Tower of their views on the current situation between the White Tower and the Black Tower. And as you hold a rank and are... hosting one of the Aes Sedai currently here, the Soldier escorting me mentioned you as someone I could approach." Of course she also wanted to speak with Serena but it wouldn't do to mention that right away.


    "Do you mind if I take a seat?" She kept her tone neutral as she did not wish to imply that he was an impolite host.


    Annais Nevell

    Gray Sister


    OOC: No worries :) I haven't been posting very much lately either.

  16. Why had the slip happened around Lillian of all people, a bright and perceptive woman. Annais' only saving grace was that the White Sister seemed to have high enough opinion of her that the real state of matters didn't even occur to her as a possibility. And it shouldn't have because the whole thing was so ludicrous and stupid. Now she had to somehow squirm out of the hole she had dug for herself without revealing too much but satisfying Lillian enough that she would put it out of the mind. And all this without lying or dancing around it too much as that would make the other Sister wonder even more.


    "I don't particularly feel the need to speak about it", Annais remarked wryly. "But since I know that your quicksilver mind has set itself on this, I as well might. I am not worried about tonight's meeting." Not professionally at least. "Like you said, the rapport is there and we get along fine. It will be mainly just maintaining and deepening that connection. Before I can craft a proper plan for what we want from the Black Tower I need to speak with the rulers and gauge the reactions on the announcement we made about them. The White Tower has lost prestige for events like the Dumai's Well and now this... amendment to the Black Tower so it will be tricky to balance being co-operative and still seeming strong to the world. And naturally I need to figure out what will be the immediate steps for the White Tower now and how the Black Tower can be utilized in them."


    "So the meeting will be light and without any really relevant agenda. Which is something new that I am slightly nervous about. There won't be roles to hide behind or at least that would be the goal." And that was as much as she was going to admit. Lillian could read between the lines and draw her conclusions but Annais also offered her the option to not delve into it. Sometimes there were people you just got too well along with and it was best to avoid them in professional circles.


    "But Far Madding. What is their attitude toward the White Tower currently? Is it something that I should be worried about?"


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  17. His hands on her calves and feet were pure bliss. It was teasing how slowly he removed her silken socks and how his touch grew stronger gradually from light strokes. He had good hands just like she had known and Annais didn't even try to hold back her pleased reactions. Some Yellow Sisters claimed that there were connections from your feet to other body parts and she certainly felt the effect of the caresses and massaging far beyond her soles. She had been supposed to think another Dare but all she could focus on was his hands on her.


    "They couldn't hear us because the room is Warded", she mumbled and sighed with disappointment when he stopped moving his hands even though he left them to rest over her feet. She doubted that they would be playing any more rounds but it suited her just fine even though she was compromising her position too much. But she would get the lead back soon enough, for now she would just enjoy. She pulled her feet away from him with aversion and stood up. She stepped in front of him, turned her back and sat on the carpet.


    "I know what the second Dare is. Will you help me with my buttons? I want you to work my shoulders too."


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  18. Life just didn’t get much better.  He wasn’t adverse to foot massaging, and it appeared Annais had missed the point of his dare and was trying to figure it out; so foot massaging got forgotten for a minute while he appreciated the view.  When she finally figured it out, Brent just laughed at the prospect of two dares; no sense trying to get out of it until he found out what it was.


    Changing his focus from her chest to the legs generously displayed in front of him.  He took his time in stripping off her stockings, fingers trailing over shaved skin.  Knuckles and fingers rubbed the stiff muscles of her feet.  It wasn’t long before his fingers drew a reaction the surprised him.  Each moan and sigh was another point to his ego.  For someone so out of practice...


    “Now now, Annie, people” he carefully avoided mentioning “the Hall”, “be thinking I be taking advantage of you if they did walk by now.” Brent chuckled.


    Brent Enios


  19. Brent's Dare made Annais blink. She just couldn't see what was the fun in that. She was tempted to try it out to see how it worked but since she intended to win this round, it would be totally silly. She hid her smile at her good luck. The eight and five at her hand would have been poor cards if there weren't other two eights and a five in the table. She was going to get a wonderful foot rub soon and they both would be tormented by the ideas of what else Brent could do from the kneeling position. But not yet. They had time and they would use all of it to build the anticipation.


    Laying the cards on the table, she smiled at him triumphantly. "I won." She kicked off her slippers and leaned forward to remove her silk stockings but then she decided against it. "No, you should do it." Pulling her hem up to her knees to reveal a pair of well-formed calves, she wiggled her toes at him. "Get into the position then." She decided to subtly try the trick Brent had tried to make her do and pushed her shoulders back trying to connect her elbows behind her back. It was bloody impossible and she gave Brent an annoyed frown.


    The frown turned into a disbelieving laughter when she realized that he was staring at her fairly flat chest that she was displaying clearly by pushing it forward. She returned to a normal pose with an amused groan. "Burn you. You owe me two dares now." Propping her feet at his lap, she poked him in the belly. "You should get started while I think on the other one."


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

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