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Posts posted by Arette

  1. I think that mentoring and actively interacting with N&A is the best recruitment method there is. I sadly don't have time atm to do that with Annais but I will try to finish enough RPs to be able to do that again. If we do the Gray Ajah trip RP that we were planning, I will participate that, though.


    Gray Ajah class sounds really good.


    I have been sadly neglecting Gray sisters with Annais. Mrija and Mat, do you want to get our characters to know each others?

  2. The smile faded and became a slight frown at Lillian's words. Arette hadn't even come to think that Lillian might be weary from her journey - very bad of her - and she didn't want to impose her company. The White had invited her in but it could be just because she had heard of the incident or because she was polite. "I could always come back later when you are rested. This is hardly urgent. I just wanted to chat." Not the most elegant thing to say but being social just for the sake of being social wasn't exactly her forte.


    "No, no, I wanted to talk to you anyway, come in."  It was tempting to simply ask Arette to go away, but Lillian did want to talk to her and make sure she was alright.  It just meant she was going to have to set aside everything else for the meantime.  At least until Arette was gone again.  "Come in and have a seat, I'll get some tea."


    A polite retreat had been offered and refused, so Arette entered and seated herself. She didn't want to overextend her stay so she'd have to keep an eye on when Lillian would want her to leave. "Thank you, tea sounds lovely. So, where all did the Wheel take you this time? Do you always go somewhere according to a plan or do you travel by fancy too? I've started considering it myself too, I just don't know where to start. It has been a while since I was last out of Tar Valon."


    "A while?"  Her tea set out, it was a simple matter of heating the tea and serving it.  Easy enough to do as she mused on what Arette said and answered the questions.  "There is always work to do, if it isn't mine then there are always others.  I just see who needs things done, and while I travel about I get them done as I can.  But when did this thought come to you?  I don't recall you ever seriously talking about leaving except to muse that you might further your studies in astronomy."


    Lillian hadn't likely meant her words as an admonishment, to imply that Arette hadn't been doing her work properly as she had cloistered herself in the Tower. But that was how it felt now. That she hadn't done enough as a Servant of All. "I have actually been out of the Tower", she said defensively. "Well, once. Right after I had been Raised. I visited my family - my brother's son was getting married - and the Libraries and I helped to test young women. After the thing happened... it got me thinking. I could do more and I should. My studies have been just to humour me but they have been of no real use to the world. I just don't know where to start. Maybe I could find more novices, I seemed to be decent at that."


    "There are a few questions I would pose."   Setting the pot down, Lillian served Arette's tea to her before claiming her own.  Sitting down, she took one of the biscuits as she spoke.  "Why are your studies no use?  Why do you feel useless?  What do you think would be useful that you want to do, apart from find Novices.  What is there in the world out there that you want to try your hand at?"


    This was likely the second reason why Arette had come to Lillian. She was bright and asked good questions that forced the other to think. She received her tea mug with a nod of thanks and pondered on her reply. "I have always believed that all knowledge is worth having. And I still do. When we study and make new innovations, we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us and made research. But surely some knowledge must be worth more than others, the kind of knowledge that would benefit the people immediately. I have been teaching here in the Tower, but maybe I could do the same out there. Just who and what to teach is the question. I just know that I want to do something, something that feels immediately important. Maybe I should just travel and see where there is need."


    Listening as she bit the biscuit, it was easy to extrapolate what had happened now that she had put her own thoughts aside.  Arette was rattled, the way she was talking she sounded like she doubted herself, maybe even depressed.  When people began to question their purpose, but had no clear idea of where to go instead, that was a clear indication.  "Maybe you should be asking why you feel like this when you haven't for a long time.  Or perhaps you already have?"


    Arette could see where Lillian was aiming at but she hadn't become entirely addled by the experience and she wouldn't bother the White with her ramblings if she wasn't certain about it. "Why I haven't felt like this is because I simply haven't thought on it before. I have been content and drifting in life without any real direction. Now that lack is bothering me because the experience forced me to stop and look. And I don't like what I see. Too many years spent without any real results and goals reached. Because I haven't set any goals for myself. Traveling might not be the answer but at least it will give me something useful to do while I muse what that goal will be."


    There was something about the way that Arette spoke that was slightly unsettling, maybe because Lillian heard that level of doubt in the woman that was becoming more and more apparent.  Still, it was fixable, Arette just needed to think about it.  "Traveling won't help.  Figure out your goals and you'll know what to do.  What are your goals?  What do you want to achieve?"


    It was getting quite frustrating because she really didn't have the answers. "I am a Brown Sister and I am good at gathering information, academic things, teaching. I want to continue doing that, I just think that I might need a new specialty, something that feels more immediately useful. I also want to start applying the knowledge that I already have practically. And that is what is my problem with the stars, they can't help anyone. Navigation certainly, but what don't the sailors already know? But if we approach it a little different way, can you state your own goals and what you want to achieve? I'm sure that you know where you want to go but can you put it to words?"


    Arette & Lillian

  3. Lillian clearly reacted to Arette's presence but she didn't seem to recognise her. She just kept saying the same thing over and over again. Light, what had been done to her. She needed to rest and get her strenght back. It was all just trauma and exhaustment since there was not a mark on her.


    "Of course you are, Lillian", Arette said gently and stroke her hair the way she soothed her daughters to sleep. "You are Lillian Tremina of the Purple, I mean, White Ajah. You are safe and alright now."


    She wasn't certain if Lillian had even heard her as she still whispered the mantra almost inaudibly. "Shush now. You can sleep and recover." Some assistance was likely needed and since no herbs were available, Arette embraced Spirit and wove sparingly a thread that gave Lillian the release of slumber.


    It was a shame that her Sister couldn't help Arette with the wounded, but was one of them herself, another victim of Ja'varan's. But the White would recover and others would be saved today. With a sigh, she made her way back upstairs and arranged Lillian to be moved to a comfortable bed in the Palace until they could all go home. Her rest would have to wait as there was still work to do.


    Arette Stavros

    Exiled Brown Sister

  4. Cool description :) I had thought it to be more like a TV, though, rather than something that you actually enter as that is too much like the Arches. Maybe there could be two or three headsets of a kind that connects you to it. But I'll let ashara to be the final judge of would a door or a screen be better.


    Likely the scene created would be a small pocket of a Dreamworld and the t'a allows you to control it. This is the same principle how the Arches work and that mechanism we could at least copy.

  5. A great beginning again, Arette remarked with disgust. Once she had been able to feel at least some pity for Marden but he was truly dangerous, a prime example of a rabid male channeler. Let the man spout his ‘truths’ and condemn himself even further. She knew his life story so it was easy to listen expressionlessly. The events had gone quite typically, with old friends being horrified by what he had become.


    Even though she had hardened her heart, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for the male channelers in general. It was the joy of Saidar and pleasure of learning that you could channel viciously and cruelly twisted. The men didn’t want it and it just wasn’t fair. But fair or not, before the Black Tower someone had been needed to stop the men from going insane, and that someone was the White Tower. The Asha’man could hate them for all they wanted but the White Tower had done what was necessary and right.


    Then Marden got to the phase where he had met Dramon Calgar, his idol and the finder of the Black Tower. He was clearly touched even now when he spoke of the man. Likely the man was important to him as Karana had been to Arette. If she could have somehow sacrificed herself so that her mentor hadn’t been Stilled, she would have done it.


    It was quite incredible how they had managed to sneak into the camp when Calgar had been caught by the Aes Sedai and release him. But the Wheel had had need for the Black Tower and he would become its finder. And Marden’s role had been to become captive in Calgar’s stead and the Aes Sedai would play the judges. It wasn’t a pleasant task and only the most vicious Red Sisters received any satisfaction from it. Arette had no intention to defend the White Tower because anything that she could say would be wasted on those who were already set against the Gentling. And those who saw it’s necessity didn’t need convincing. Veniso was the one accused here, not the White Tower.


    She had decided to not let him get at her with his vile words but her fists clenched when he kept painting them the villains and hypocrites. It was so tiring to receive only ingratitude for hard work and have to make such decision almost daily and that was why she was glad to be in Tar Valon anymore.


    Her lips twisted with disdain when Veniso tried to paint the school a torture center and himself an innocent suffering prisoner. It took every ounce of patience to not interrupt him and she listened his filthy lies with gritted teeth.


    “Congratulations Veniso. You spin the truth just as skilfully as an Aes Sedai, only as you have never taken the Oaths, you can outright lie. And that you certainly do. Although in your case it could be just delusions.”


    “The school was a rehabilitation center. You were sent to Far Madding because we had good reason to suspect that the moment we released you, you would try to attack an Aes Sedai. Can you deny this?”


    “As for your treatment in the school, that is the real exaggeration or lie. I received reports from the Sisters monthly and they never mentioned a word of imprisonment. I read the personal journals of all three Sisters after their deaths and there was not a single word of a prison there either. Omission from official reports might have been possible, but there was no need to censure private notes. And Sera Saunders’s notes were most detailed.”


    Aes Sedai could not lie in written or spoken word. Not unless they were Black Sisters. Light, could it be possible that the three had been Blacks? It was true that the bodies of Harbin and Muldoon had been in as bad condition as Veniso described. And he didn’t look like he was twenty five but years older. Arette had never heard of such pre-mature aging on any Gentled male channeler. She glanced at Con with slight uncertainty but he was regarding Veniso and she couldn’t read his expression.


    "Those three women tried to help you, just like they had helped others. They had successes with cases like yours. Hu Sanche and Devril Robillard were also in Far Madding and they were sent to new lives. They still live and prosper, so why would the Sisters have treated you any differently?"


    "They didn't and you thanked them by killing them. No, you hacked them mercilessly into pieces and took their rings as trophies like a real psychopath. It was a cruel and deliberate murder. I am sure that Dramon Calgar would be very proud of you now."


    She stood up fast enough that her chair toppled but she didn’t care. Marching at Veniso, she grabbed the necklace he had slipped back under his shirt, intent to reclaim the rings. It turned out to be a very bad idea as the man moved like a viper. He stood and uppercutted Arette right under the jaw which sent her staggering back dazed and concussed. She collapsed on the floor quite out of the situation.


    Arette Stavros

    Exiled Brown Sister

  6. It's really cool that Ajahs have their own websites but currently only 3 Ajahs (Red, Green & Gray) Ajahs have a write-up on the WT Div site. The other Ajahs could also create a short 'Ajah Mission Statement' blurb and list 'Concepts most likely to join' so we could have your ads on the Div webpage too :)

  7. This really was the heaven on earth and Iussi Dyfelle couldn't have been more satisfied. Well, maybe if they had had done it the normal way but this novelty had certainly been unexpected and quite pleasent. He had just had to make sure that Telcia got her pleasure too. They would have to start quarreling more often if it had results like this. Not that he really wanted to argue with his wife, or make her upset, but the different ideas they had of politics and how the society worked caused problems sometimes. Even after all her years in the Tower, Telcia was still used to how things were in Arad Doman and how Domani relationships worked. But they were in Ebou Dar now and even though Iussi was willing to compromise in what came to their marriage, he was expected to live and act like an Ebou Dari man. And that included dueling.


    He grinned with pleasure when she cuddled against him and watched with wonder as she summoned a glass of water to her with Saidar. Soon he might be doing tricks like that with Saidin too. As committed as he might be to seeing it happen, the thought made his skin crawl, and he wanted nothing to spoil their wonderful moment. His whole body felt pleasently langourous and now when the activity had seized and the desire had calmed down to embers, sleep didn't seem like such a bad idea. Well, not unless he wanted to get stabbed. But that was just wishful thinking since Telcia hadn't embraced that aspect of Altaran culture quite yet.


    At least this time there had been no patter of little feet. Light, that time he had been so enwrapped into what they were doing that he hadn't even realized that Jelene was there until Telcia had noticed her. But there was the bell and the nifty tricks with Saidar that spared them from worrying about noises. Not that his wife had complained him biting her shoulder to keep quiet until he had fully accepted that voices were no problem. Another grin came when he remembered how she had sounded like just a moment before.


    Maybe Telcia had seen his expression and thought that he would want a round two, he certainly was tempted with the way she stroke him. But she was a quick one and slipped off the bed before he could grab her. He got to admire a beautiful round behind and planes of perfect back far too short time as she covered herself.


    The herbs, what herbs? Oh yes, the concoction that kept her from getting pregnant. He certainly had mixed feelings about that. They had already two lovely children who were more than enough. And Telcia had almost died delivering them, just like his own mother. So he certainly never wanted to experience that worry again. But still, a third child would have been quite wonderful... The time just wasn't right and never might be again. Not when he was going to the Black Tower. A husband and father had to be there for his family and Light only knew how well he would last with Saidin back. Maybe that was why a little boy or a girl had been on his mind. Everyone wanted to leave a legacy and he certainly hadn't achieved so much in life, save for Jelene and Jamal and somehow capturing their mother.


    The promise of another gift certainly perked him up from the brooding. He arched an eyebrow at Telcia, half fearful and half expectant. Her tone wasn't a clear indication of whether he would like it or not. Women could go to bed with you and be all sweet one moment, but they never fully forgave you, even if they let themselves to forget for a moment. Not that he was a huge expert on any other women but his wife and she was still about as uncomprehendable sometimes as the Wheel's weaving.


    The liquor bottle was certainly unexpected and he beamed at her and reached eagerly for the glass she was pouring. "If you were really that worried about the eye, you could just Heal me. But yes, I know. The little pain is a good reminder the next time I feel the urge to duel." A cool smile rose on his lips when he thought the comments the Blue faction bastard had made of Telcia. "All pain in the world wouldn't have kept me from this duel, though. He had it coming." That was what worried him, what would happen when he wasn't here to take care of situations like this. Of course Telcia could handle herself, she was an Aes Sedai and accustomed to the Great Game much more than he. But things were done a bit differently in Altara than in Cairhien. Would she hear all the rumours and deal with them in the upfront way the Ebou Dari expected.


    The smile softened when Telcia offered him the glass and he took a hold of her wrist and kissed the veins under the pale skin before he accepted the glass. "It is a wonderful gift, dear. I will savour it and think you every time I taste it. And every time I think of you, I can taste you. A wonderful mix of sweet and salt. Mmm. Want to give me another banquet after you have finished your tea?" He nibbled her fingers half expecting a thwap.


    Iussi Dyfelle

    Like an 18 year old boy around his wife

  8. I'm sure that James wants his Forsaken to corrupt as many people as possible and have them owe favours to him :P But I think that Grays could have figured out the t'a on their own over few decades of dedicated studying after finding it. They could have thought to submit once they figure out what it does t get extra kudos points. But when they realized what it does, it is so useful that they decide to keep it a secret.


    It would be cool to open it for other Ajahs too but we need to figure out the timelines then. I suggest that the scandal is old news during the current timeline, so that all those who are N&A now have the potential to RP with the t'a. So the scandal would have occurred about 100 years before current timeline and all Ajahs can use it after this RP.

  9. The amusement built on from what echoed through the Bond from them both until Annais laughed out loud and decided that one of them had to stop it before it would get totally out of hand. It was kind of bad to chuckle at your own jokes but it turned into a wince and outright exclamation of 'ouch' when Mia thwapped her. She hadn't been exactly gentle and Annais rubbed the aching spot with an accusing glare. Mia had felt it too, so they now had some idea how physical feelings would carry to the other when they were so close to each others.


    Her fresh Warder was completely non-chalant about it and since there was no chance of apology, it would be just useless waste of energy. Mia changed topic, completely at ease, and with a slight shrug Annais decided to go along with it. "I was wondering about that. Yes, there are small quarters for a Warder, or even Warders in case the Amyrlin is Green, attached to this apartment. The rooms are fully equipped and furnished but you'll need to bring your own bed clothes and such, I think. Odelia can help you with that."


    The thought of her maid brought a small frown. "In fact, she should be here by now. She is never late. I'm sure that she will recruit you into the harrasment party to wake me up every morning but you really need to..." Something was coming through from Mia that Annais couldn't quite interpret. "What?" Then it all clicked and made horrible sense. Odelia wasn't here when she should be and Mia was here when she shouldn't have been. Those two just had to have a connection. Lia wouldn't have... but she had.


    "She brought you here, didn't she? How could she?" Hurt, betrayal and anger were the foremost emotions. Annais valued loyalty above all else in her friends and she definately counted Lia as one. She was more than a retainer and had been that for over ten yars. Never before had she divulged Annais' secrets or did something that would make the Gray question her commitment. Oh, she was certain that Mia wouldn't see it that way and was thankful to the woman but this was between her and Lia.


    Annais stood up tight-lipped and determined to make the Domani squirm and regret. "Well, since she is not here, you can help me to dress up. Duties call after all. We can talk more in my office or later if you want to start moving in right away."


    Annais Nevell

    Bonded to Mia

  10. I haven't seen Evaida around in a while so we might need 2 Sitter players.


    If Mat isn't interested, I could write an NSW Sitter and represent her. But I don't think that I would have time to do much with her aside from Hall RPs or other political stuff. If novice recruitment is needed, I would rather retro Annais.

  11. Howdy Alin :) It's good see you around these hoods. I hope that your holidays went really well too. *grins* We named a set of new RP Awards after you. So for that reason alone, you should start dropping by more often.

  12. The response was simply a smile and a nod and Annais could read nothing but confidence from Mia's face. It was more than she felt. She was confident that she could do the weave, she had been to quite a few Bonding ceremonies over the years and watched the deed performed. No, it was more what would come afterwards, having Mia in her head and vice versa and how being so intimate with someone would feel. It would be even closer than being in love and making love.


    She rubbed her palms a few times on her thighs and licked her lips before deciding that it was just best to get done with it. They didn't need any fancy ceremony or witnesses but there would be a small, private celebration and Mia would just have to suffer it. Annais reached over and laid a hand on the Tower Guard's forehead. The weave was complicated and she took great care forming it, glad that Spirit was her strongest element. When the flow was ready, she let it sink slowly and gently.


    Her eyes widened with the awareness that came. It was like linking when you felt what your Sisters felt, only the Bond was even more intense. With Mia, the feelings were condensed into a small ball at the back of her mind and she wasn't certain if she was reading her right. Excitement, maybe even a touch of giddiness, warmth. But most prominent was just generally feeling good. Mia was glad and so was she. Her own feelings changed slightly or magnified as Mia's emotions strenghtened them. It was mirroring at work and it was slightly frightening at first. But they would figure it out and Mia wouldn't do anything to harm her.


    "So how does it feel to be my Warder?", she asked with a voice slightly thickened with emotion. It became laced with amusement in an eyeblink. "Was it really worth going through all that trouble just to stop me from sneaking to Brent's bed?"


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  13. Congratulations Sereth :) I definately vote for the goatee! But why settle with that when you could have full fledged moustache and beard? Or are those reserved for Asha'man rank?


    And I owe you postage. Sorry for keeping you waiting. You are on top of my to do list.

  14. I'm fine with the need for approval for Warder relationships and marriages.


    I know that Mat would do her best to keep the form working on the website from now on, but we should also have a backup version that could be copypasted and sent to the Warder email in case something comes up.


    And if you need help with writing the class (which could be just few essays on the topic, maybe in story form to make them more entertaining), I can help you out.

  15. She had done it, she had really went and asked someone to become her Warder. Hundred and ten years she had worn the shawl without someone to share everything with, and now Annais had made the offer. Excitement and dread alternated and she doubted if she had really made the right choice. Mia could get under her skin too easily and now she was giving her even deeper access. They didn't even know very much about each others yet and Mia knew more about her than she of Mia. Still, with some people you just knew it. You felt comfortable around them instantly and there was a connection, a feeling of kinship. There had been such a feeling with a certain man but this would be almost certainly a kiss of death for that.


    He had been kind of the reason why they had just been arguing a moment ago. This could yet end up badly with both of them wanting to strangle the other. But when they were Bonded, there would be a forcing reason to work it out. And it would be good, Annais was certain of it. Mia was upright and dependables and she could easily trust her life and secrets in her hands.


    No. Such a simple world but it conveyed utter rejection. All the glorious hopes and dreams of friendship and solid support were shattered. Annais' face fell and she lowered her gaze to hide the hurt. Maybe there was a tinge of relief too but it was like being told that you couldn't enter the final Arch to claim the shawl. She had been fully prepared to take the plunge and when it had been robbed from her after being lead on, there was a keen sense of betrayal.


    She plastered a polite smile on her lips and faked a shrug when Mia took her hand. She was prepared to tell her to get out and stop wasting her time and then the woman suddenly said yes. Annais just stared Mia with uncomprehension. Then her face flushed with red and she reached for the closest object. For Mia's luck, it was a pillow that smacked on the top of her head repeatedly.


    "You bitch, you bloody shrewish harridan!" Annais kept hitting and shrieking but soon helpless laughter of relief took her over. She laughed until her eyes watered and her sides hurt. Breathing was a chore, but she managed to pant. "You'll be the death of me." Mia supported her to sit upright and soon the simple function of inhaling and exhaling became available again. "Mia? Are you really certain about this? This is the last chance to back out because I will never find anyone as crazy as you." Annais finally responded the smile and squeezed the hand back.


    Annais Nevell

    Amyrlin Seat

  16. Annais was about to reply Mia right away but she thought it best to let her finish first. Her stance on having lovers, no, rather the blunt way how she painted it frivolous and selfish, didn’t sit well with Annie. She regarded the Tower Guard through slightly narrowed eyes. “That is why are having this conversation, to clear out what our views on bonding are. There seem to be differences and we have now moved onto another topic, how we carry out our duties. I know very well what mine are and I have no intention to falter. However, I am not on duty every hour of the day. If I was, I wouldn’t be of any use to anyone in few months. When was the last time you got laid anyway? Why do I have a feeling that it was some time ago.”


    Raising an eyebrow, Mia responded.  "If that petty stab is the best you can do to try and get a rise out of me, you're in dire straits.  We may only have a few months, Annais, this isn't some lark, this isn't something other Amyrlins have had to deal with, even if they've known it was coming.  You could be the Amyrlin when Tarmon Gaidon comes, you're on duty every hour of the day now.  The same as if I were bonded, from that moment, you are it.  There are no distractions, there are no indulgences, there is the course to stay with and that is all.  You don't just take on something half hearted, was that your intention when you accepted that stole?  To just be there during the working hours of the week and the rest of it is your own?  We're on the edge of an age that could end all ages, you don't get that luxury, none of us do now."


    You should never speak in haste and annoyance and Annais wanted to take back the words the moment they escaped her. It had been petty and not at all how she had imagined a conversation between her and her prospective Warder candidate to go. But then this was likely what she needed, someone to whip her and to keep her on the right path. A Warder, who respected her so bloody much that she would do exactly what Annais said, wouldn’t be doing her any favours. She lifted her hands in a gesture of appease. “Peace. I shouldn’t have said that, Mia. I’m sorry.” Likely it wasn’t a good idea to make such decisions when you weren’t all calm and deliberate but it seemed fairly inevitable. She regarded Mia solemnly. “If it is your duty and mine, then why postpone it. Mia Stavros, will you become my Warder?”


    Annais & Mia

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