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Posts posted by Andrej

  1. 49 minutes ago, Gentled Ben said:

    I signed up and used your codename. I don't have time to fiddle with it right now, but I'll look into it later tonight. I don't want to do like I did with Pokemon and choose a faction that is powerless in my area, so can I see some sort of map before choosing? I want to know that I will have adequate support at home and at work, where I will be playing. I have no desire to be one of seven purple dudes in a town with seven thousand red and six thousand green. If it's close, I'll just pick the faction I like best, but if one of the three is quite dominant, why get my ass kicked? I'll join the rampaging mob...


    In that case you wanna go Swarm then. The game isn’t nearly that active though, with thousands of players in the big cities. The green in greater Denver is pretty strong, from what I’ve heard, though. Pun intended :tongue: 




    Keep in mind that you’ll have until lvl 100 to switch to any team without penalty - just in case you change your mind.



  2. One of my favorite things about sports is the passion it brings out in people. The elation when all that hard work pays off in a victory, or that crushing sense that you just weren’t good enough - or let your opportunity slip your hands - in defeat.


    Sports bring out the best in people, and when I saw this photo of some Pats teammates celebrating a score from last night’s game, I just had to share.




    Beautiful, isn’t it?

  3. My ability to make predictions has gone on hiatus. I have a hard time cheering for the Eagles - regardless of how much I don’t want the Pats to win.


    The real key matchup imo is the Eagle’s D vs the Zebras.

  4. Yeah, you’ll need either a data connection or WiFi to use it and the GPS to pinpoint your location. The newer version is centered on mobile phones, though. On the older version you could run it on iPods and other devices, but then you had people cheating and making multiple accounts to play with. It’s all a numbers game in essence, so the more people you had in your area the stronger you collectively are. Some people took it to the extreme and decided they’d make their own army versus recruiting and getting friends/family to play. We call it multi-scoping.


    You can play on the go but you have a 25-30 mile radius for most of the formations so you can play mostly at home and cover the entire city. Or if there’s something a bit out of range, a quick drive to a store or gas station will let you do some work. It’s a pretty fun game. I like that you’re fighting over actual neighborhoods and such. It’s not like Ingress though where you have to be at the physical location to battle for it.

  5. 58 minutes ago, Nolder said:

    Legion sounds about right.

    Can I play on Kindle Fire? I don't have a phone.


    I don’t think it would work on tablets, at least not the current version. You could maybe download and run the older version,  but it goes without a lot of the newer features.

  6. QONQR is a phone app that I have been playing for nearly four years now. In a nutshell it’s a GPS-centric war game between three different factions. Using your phone’s location, you can battle for supremacy within your local area up to a radius of 30 miles, and up to 1000 miles with certain ordnances that are purchased through the game using “qredits”, which are the game’s concept of currency (and can be collected freely).


    The actual play is more nuanced, but I won’t spoil it all here. There are offensive, defensive and supportive formations that can be used to wage war. Each has their advantages and disadvantages.


    The story around QONQR is centered around a sentient technology that comes to Earth, which has fractured mankind into three sects with different ideologies of how to handle this new AI. The Legion (colored red) believe that QONQR will enslave humanity and will stop at nothing to destroy it. Swarm (colored green) believe it will usher mankind into an unprecedented golden age and wish to protect QONQR. The Faceless (colored purple) are militant hackers who wish to control QONQR for their own means.


    The app should be available on nearly all newer phones and platforms. I personally play on iPhone but it is also available for Android. There is decently large community of players from across the globe, and the messaging apps GroupMe or Line are used to get in touch with other teammates for coordination, etc. The social aspect of the game allows for a lot of depth and fun.


    So check the game out! If you decide to download and make an account, list 5thHorseman (that’s me) as your recruiter and you’ll get some free goodies to start out with. Also contact me through DM so that I can explain things a little more in depth. The game can be confusing to begin with but really isn’t hard to grasp with some guidance.


    I hope to see some of you on the digital battlefield :wink:


    QONQR on!

  7. I like to compare him to Palpaltine, personally. He’s the evil emperor of the NFL galaxy.


    As far as the matchups go, I’d still probably take the Vikings defense vs the Pats. I don’t think Philly will beat Minnesota on Sunday. Their front seven isn’t as small as the Falcons and the game will probably come down to Foles making plays. Not a wager I’d make.

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