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Posts posted by Andrej

  1. The facade of training continued, but a heavy air weighed over the camp with the knowledge that some had turned against the masses. The chosen Asha'man and their handpicked associates kept eyes and ears open in hopes of discovering any information, noticing any odd behaviors, finding any clue as to who had caused the deaths of so many just the day before.


    In the midst of a training exercise, one of the overseers noticed a Soldier with shifty eyes and nervous posture. Before the long, the newcomer attempted to sneak away from the group as they were brought into a tight huddle for a demonstration. With a quick gesture, the overseer and another senior Dedicated peeled off and pursued. They found the Soldier not far off in the treeline, muttering to himself in an inaudible voice, and weaving a particularly nasty thread in preparation to attack the group they'd just departed from.


    The madman burst into flames before he could ever unleash the torrent of destruction he had planned. Nothing remained but a pile of ashen dust where he had stood.


    The Dragon Reborn was clear with his orders.


    "No mercy."


    Gentled Ben was lynched.


    He was:

    Mafia Traitor


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