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Everything posted by Ryrin

  1. Hi, all!! I’ve decided I’ve waited too long to get in here.
  2. I didn’t like the first season so no, second season. However, I love darts.
  3. Lily, was it a TIA? I’ve had those. Lol, I remember moving some clients along if I could. Lol. I’m glad you are getting sometime off. Does anyone have any good soup or casserole recipes?
  4. I love news! I’ve been hitting the gym pretty hard (for an elder.) It’s just gotten cool here, so very nice! My husband is retiring 11/15 so we will be able to do things during the week when it isn’t so crowded. I should be getting back on my bike soon. I’m confident. My book club is meeting tomorrow. My former one fell apart during the pandemic so I started another one and we just got a new member! I think I might join the one at my library too. Are you reading anything? Any time? We need to get active in the SCA again. So much to do and learn.
  5. Simply ask and you shall receive. Treat if you will, trick if you must.
  6. My friend Warren Gold died in 2017. He was like my 2nd father, actually way better than the first. I would pick him up to go to Temple & he was always full of good advice when I needed it. Tom Simonian died of COVID on 10/31 two years ago. I have so many fun memories of the times we spent together. I would go to the cemetery and cry but more often than not, now I think of all of the good memories I have that can never be taken away. He was like a brother. Jody Smith died in 2022 at age 62. She was a fabulous friend and we had so much fun when I lived in her city. I couldn’t believe that she died. She was a great community and church member. I always thought we would have more time.
  7. Come to the Tower to become an Aes Sedai! I bought some of my books at thrift stores and used book stores.
  8. We are just settling in to our new home! Planning is taking place to add some more fun & things to do here. If you have an activity that you would like to suggest, you are most welcome to post it here or send me a PM. I am Ryrin, the Eldest of the Kin, figuratively and literally.
  9. Welcome back to the "Forum Roundup." I'll briefly cover the big news!!! The Wheel of Time television show is moving forward, slowly, but surely. Sony will serve as the production studio! The news was released right before JordanCon 9. Robert Jordan left us with many thought provoking quotes. "In war, boys, fools kill other fools for foolish causes." I'm curious if this view originated from his own experience in Viet Nam. I previously covered Robert Jordan's military service and decorations. I'd rather picture him in his "carriage house" writing his books. Our own Jason Denzel described the carriage house as having "at least several hundred bladed weapons. Swords, axes, spears, and knives of all shapes and sizes line the walls and shelves of his office." Jason shared a picture with us. As you can imagine, the news of the television series has set off excitement and speculation at Dragonmount's Social Groups. The White Tower has multiple threads on suggestions for The Wheel of Time casting. It's loads of fun sharing our thoughts on who should play various characters in the books. The Dragon Reborn Role Play has seen a surge in activity and characters. The Band of the Red Hand has been focusing on music. The General Wheel of Time Discussion has been visited by members who are in the midst of reading the series for the first time! Can you remember when you picked up Eye of the World? JordanCon 9 took place April 21st to April 23rd 2017 in Atlanta Georgia. It was held at the Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center. The author guest of honor was Charles E. Gannon and the artist guest of honor was Stephen Hickman. A recap of JordanCon 9 along with details and pictures can be found at the blog of Chez Lannis here. JordanCon 10 will be held April 20th to April 22nd in Atlanta, Georgia. Our very own Jason Denzel will be the author guest of honor and the artist guest of honor will be Stephanie Law. You can find information on JordanCon 10 at their Facebook group here. See you next month!
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