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Aiel Heart

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Status Updates posted by Aiel Heart

  1. *jumps out of the way* hmmm....... *runs at volke with a sword*

  2. *Comes in with a flamethrower, destroys all nerds as the come towards me* I win :D

  3. what he's /running/!?!??!?!

    *Dodges grenades and runs after him*

  4. *is wearing bullet proof vest* haha!

  5. *has nerf machine gun, ninjas to Volke's hide out and open fires*

  6. NYEH!!! *Darts away and pulls out nerf gun*

  7. Need to finish The Hero of Ages so I can start another Wheel of Time reread ;)

  8. Why would you think I'm crazy??? I was talking to my white ninja squirrel Tim.

  9. Meh.... Either these siggy ideas need to stop, or I need to learn how to make siggies!! Feel bad asking people to make them all of the time :P

    1. Gabby


      Hehehe... same. :P


    1. Gabby


      I looked...... man, you must feel sssssoooooo good!!!!!!

      I'm totally jealous......

    2. Aiel Heart

      Aiel Heart


    3. Gabby


      I would be too. :P

  11. Thank you that is greatly appreciated

  12. I actually have not!

  13. How about you?

    And have I ever told you that I love your avatar?

  14. I love WoT. It's my escape, my dreamworld, and it's given me this place filled with so many wonderful people and great friends. Thank you Robert Jordan. I owe you a ton

  15. *Looks up* a ceiling.

    Just living life wondering what the future holds for me. Same old same old

  16. Dream about Thom last night, dream about Perrin and Faile a few nights ago... Yikes they just keep coming! :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aiel Heart

      Aiel Heart

      Haha really? What kinds of dreams?

    3. inferno


      all i know it was about Rand and Elayne. All i can remember is a snapshot of it.

    4. Aiel Heart

      Aiel Heart

      Haven't had one with Rand in it that I can remember yet...

  17. Yes, I love your art :) I'm on your page a lot. Can't wait to see what you come up with in the future :D

    1. Reddera


      Thank you so much!

      I'm sorry I have not responded to this post, I had no idea I had it until now.


  18. Mommy feeling better?

  19. If looking up sayings to add to my shirt and laughing maniacally. I blame the Taint.

    1. Aiel Heart

      Aiel Heart

      Oh peer pressure :P

  20. I had the dream again... That's three times now... I know it's about WoT but I can't remember what happens or even what characters are in it....

  21. And this time I had a dream about Harriet :)

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