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Aiel Heart

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Status Updates posted by Aiel Heart

  1. On for five minutes. I'M A YEAR OLD TODAY!!!!! I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! For the record, I had 11 PMs and 514 notifications

  2. I'll see y'all the evening of the 8th!!!

  3. Brave was pretty cute. I have to really focus on talking normally now--otherwise I have a Scottish accent

  4. Looking at old threads and laughing to the point of tears

  5. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I am a sparkling example of patience. I am VERY patient. Oh yes *nodnod*

  6. Sick with a very sore throat and a swimmy head, but veryveryveryvery happy!!!!!!!!

  7. I HAVE MY COPY OF TEotW BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. No matter how crazy and hard things get just remember that life is good :)


  10. If any of you sees me on dm between now and Friday, yell at me

  11. Now's one of those times when life's just good :)

  12. "The years go by and time just seems to fly but the memories remain"

  13. I'm a fan of Rwilight fan site or fake staff board permission screw up.
    1. Aiel Heart

      Aiel Heart

      Caught you Jenn

  14. I wonder how long it's going to take for me to get used to this....

  15. That settles it!! Fnorrll is out to kill me and I love dm.

  16. Love you Grandpa

  17. 8 months and 1 week old and I'm already #16 on the top poster's page. Not bad....

  18. is having sooooo much trouble picking a funniest thread

  19. In D.C.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. *Sits in the middle of profile and howls lonesomely*

  21. I HAVE A BABY BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Not going down without a fight.

  23. *Leaves plate of cookies in the middle of profile*

  24. *Leaves a mug of hot chocolate in middle of profile*

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