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Aiel Heart

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Status Updates posted by Aiel Heart

  1. *Leaves a mug of hot chocolate in the middle of profile*


    1. Crimson_Ayla


      Merry Christmas to you too! I hope you and your family have a wonderful day :) <3

  3. I live a double life. Part of the day I'm a student, going to classes and to church. The rest of the time I'm Aiel Heart, throwing sparkles, raising pups and spamming everywhere....

    1. Naked~Frog


      And part of the time I am nudist frog :D

  4. Hahaha yeah I can be.... The rest of the time I'm just random, quirky, and enthusiastic!!! :P

  5. *ernova phase. We're made from them :)

    Sorry didn't realize I'd run out of space :P

  6. Just has always been a thing of mine. I don't know all of the constellations and such like some people do, but I've always just felt so free when looking at them. When I see a star, something in my heart echoes. Hahaha, which makes sense I suppose, seeing that all every naturally occurring element but Hydrogen and Helium was made either in fusion inside a star or during a star's sup...

  7. *Puppy wags it's tail and licks Volke's nose*

  8. *closes eyes when getting scratched, and then yaps at volke when his hand goes away. Puppy tries unsuccessfully to jump out of the box*

  9. *A puppy's head pokes out, a little tail wags*

  10. *Leaves a mysterious box in the middle of the profile*

  11. *Runs onto profile, leaves a ball of yarn, runs off*

  12. *trips Volke while he's running around and too busy gloating to notice*

  13. Ok I'm too tired to think of something that could possibly combat that. You win :P

  14. >.>


    *Squeezes lime juice all over thread*

  15. >.>


    *Leaves a pile of stuffed wolf puppies in the middle of profile*

  16. >.>


    *Runs across page with glowsticks*

  17. I am forgiven. I am loved. I am pure. I am strong. I am beautiful. I am truly me again :)

  18. Life is wonderful

  19. Gone to grandma's for the day. She has no internet. Ttfn!!

    1. Gabby
    2. Aiel Heart

      Aiel Heart

      Eh. It was nice in a way. Actually got some homework done!

  20. *summersaults to the side, shoots from there, moves again, shoots again, keeps moving and shooting*

  21. *Heart's warder ninja detecting skills sense volke's exit of the tank. Picks up the gun, rolls to the side, and shoots*

  22. *Wonders if he fell asleep inside the tank*

  23. *Sits on top of the tank and knits, gun at my side*

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