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Everything posted by SinisterDeath

  1. Or the original source https://www.nielsen.com/top-ten/ I can't be the only one sussing Amazon's numbers being the same two weeks in a row like... Did they forget to submit the numbers correctly?
  2. I really need to finish watching Vikings... Almost makes me wish they tied the two series together... but ya know... bbc vs history channel...
  3. I will say, it is confusing as hell, that Ragnar Ragnarson has no relationship to Ragnar Lothbrok... But Uhtred's 2nd wife, is the great grand daughter of Ragnar Lothbrok. I was also surprised to learn that Ubba was Ragnar Lothbrok's son! I ended up looking up familial connections on the last kingdom wiki last night after hearing Ragnar Ragnarson's speech about "You know me, you know my family" just to see if he had any connection to the famous Ragnar...
  4. Two things. 1) How many people are actually watching/rating it on Prime? Shannara Chronicles didn't initially come out on Prime. It was originally an MTV show. 2) As of Season 2, I haven't been able to rate shit on Prime. The most I can do is give it a "thumbs up" but I can't actually give it "star rating". I can't do this on my TV, Phone, or Web. So who knows how many other's can't figure out how to "rate" the show on Prime.
  5. I recently started watching this show, after having it suggested... several times by @Elder_Haman. Last night I finished Season 3, Episode 3. I have never read the book series it's based on, and as a stand-alone TV series I'd say it's solid. I'd actually rank it above the Witcher in terms of Action/Drama/Plot. It's CGI budget is definitely lower than Witcher's CGI budget in Season 3, but that's apples to oranges. Season 1, Episode 1 had a fantastic battle scene that really set the stage for the entire show. Once the Danes put up their shield wall it left the audience saying: "Yeah, these British guys' are absolutely bloody fecked". As the season's progress, you start to see how these impressively trained Danes, can be paralyzed in the face of new scenarios, tactics and techniques that are introduced...
  6. This is the topic for Season 2, Episode 8: What Was Meant to Be Director: Sanaa Hamri Writers: Tim Earle / Rafe Judkins This topic is for discussing Episode 8 only. You should expect to encounter Full Spoilers Up To Episode 8, and full book spoilers on this topic.
  7. Perhaps the concessions the WGA strike won from studios, will allow more writers to work on projects like this, like they did... back in the day?
  8. Lan "knowing more about channeling" was something that didn't happen until episode 7.
  9. TBF, Asmodean was castrated in what he could teach Rand. Must really suck if Rand's a visual learner and not a book learner... Who knows? It might still happen? Maybe in a different way this time? Perhaps we'll see him in the Black Tower as Taimasmodean? lol
  10. Book lore no. Show lore yes... sorta? Show lore they've made changes like. You can't sense someone channeling unless you're channeling. Logain has a talent that he can see men channeling even when he's not channeling, and possibly a talent to see weaves when he's not channeling. (That's independent of him being stilled?) This replaced his talent to sense plot armor. Miri (Young Seanchan Damane) has a talent that allows her to sense women who can channel even when they aren't channeling.
  11. The two aren't mutually exclusive things. A person can be niave/make mistakes due to lack of experience, and make a deliberate decision on how they treat someone. lol There are adults Today that don't have adult level of maturity that still get married and shouldn't. 😉 EF5 and the main cast are between 18 and 25, they aren't children, they are young adults. I don't think @Scarloc99 called them children? You did? And they definitely went from few to no sexual activity to lots. Getting married and running states/waging war... Yeah, they are responsible for their actions. They have to grow up. That's why this is a... coming of age story... Where people grow up. They make mistakes. They grow. They change. They adapt. They go from being selfish assholes who only have one world view to being selfless people who have an expanded world view...
  12. Moved both of your posts to this topic since Episode 5 was NOT the correct topic for Lan knowing about Moiraine being shielded.
  13. There's a ton of debate about Faile over on the book forums... My take on their relationship is that of culture. They come from two polar opposite cultures. That said; Every behavior you described here, was the behavior of "Men" from the 1900s.
  14. When it comes to "Mystery who done its", something I as a viewer absolutely detest, is when they reveal the guy who did it out of left field, and it's someone you've never seen before. It's like doing a Detective Holmes novel where you're on this journey of "Is it this guy, or that guy" and then in the end he's like "Yeah, it's actually THIS GUY who I've never mentioned until NOW!".
  15. Yep. And we've covered the whole girl-tower-escape thing to death. lol They cut corners, and implied a conspiracy for those looking to thinking about it. I'm fine with that. This though is just a harder pill to swallow. A woman can no more teach a man to channel than a fish can teach a dog to climb a tree. Yet, we had Lan figured out some random obscure knowledge regarding the Forsaken, completely off screen, when we've mostly ever seen him brooding, mediating, or standing around shirtless. Involving Verin is only conjecture. We don't know that she had anything to do with it. As written, it could 100% be Lan that figured it out with no help from anyone, and he got his eureka moment after talking to Logain. No Logain would have been horrible... And not just because less Logain is bad for the show! He rocks every scene he's in! I dunno, I feel like if any scenes hit the cutting room floor, like Lan in a library, reading a book, or even any interaction with a brown Ajah, that the editors did a lazy job in terms of continuity due to Amazon's BS adherence to "run time restrictions".
  16. As we know, TV Shows need to "show not tell" in regards to exposition. I believe this also relates to plot relevant inferences. We don't need to see the characters relieve themselves to infer that they do in fact, relieve themselves on trees. Just like we don't need to see how Liandrin managed to single handedly sneak 3 accepted out of the tower, and have time to run back up the tower and put a compulsion weave on Sheriam to make a false entry on the girls leaving the tower, to make the assumption that Liandrin had all kinds of help in Tar Valon, even if it was just making liberal use of compulsion. Even then, given how little Lan actually did this season and how much of it was acting off of those around him? Why not show Lan getting help from someone, or show Lan doing some research, instead of just telling us that he found something? Because in all honesty, they violated that one rule. They told us, instead of showing us.
  17. I mean, this site is subject to censorship as covered in this section of the website. https://dragonmount.com/forums/forum/561-forum-rules-guides/. (Hence why we have rules regarding Language, Naughty pictures, WoT Fan Fiction, etc.) This is a private website hosted by private individual(s). It is not a website hosted by the US, State, or Local Government and is thus not subject to the 1st amendment which reads as follows: Last I checked, DM is not congress and passes no laws. DM is not a public space, it is a private space like someone's house. Section 230 which was originally part of the Communications Decency Act is something DM is subject to in multiple ways. Both as a Publisher of WoT related News and Content, and as a Web Forum. Broadly Section 230 makes DM not legally liable for things users post or upload. Section 230 also legally allows DM to moderate user submitted content as it sees fit. Should Section 230 ever get repealed, we'll likely see the Forums shut down, and every comment field turned off on DM. In social media sphere(s) like Facebook, Twitter, and beyond this has led brigades of people to cry foul of "My free speech is being violated!"... In general, no it's not. Those sites can do whatever they want. When the government requests those sites do it, that's another thing entirely... Either way, I think we can probably all agree that Facebook's algorithm moderation is an absolute joke. It's trash. They need to hire real people because holy crap the spam bots are bad on that platform. Really bad... We balefire our Spambots here. My spambot kill count is over 9000!
  18. Unfortunately, COVID and Rafe isn't the reason why their shows aren't released annually. I put this spreadsheet together of various prime shows and the number of days between season start to season start.. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iDBsu3dsd7K8Lj9qG5v11BUKr0UVbEQ_ncttG05ni2c/edit?usp=drivesdk
  19. I "watch" stuff on prime to, but it's not my go to platform. We're in the age of streaming overload. There's too many shows, on too many platforms and not enough time to watch everything. It used to be possible to watch most shows you were actually interested in watching. These days you'd have to make it a full time job... Or have a full time job that lets you do watch TV while you work....
  20. So they need to play some Egwene oragami and then unfold her? Or Leave her collared and send her back to the white tower for more training. Which would be a real great look for the show, to have the only indigenous Australian on the show be the only literal enslaved channeler in the white tower under lock and key under Eliada whom is presumably being played by Shohreh Aghdashloo, whom is of Iranian decent... Yeah. That'll go over well.
  21. In other news. I went back to the Season 1: Episode 6 Flame of Tar Valon episode, and checked the X-Ray to see if it updated locations at all. I was curious if the hut was located in T'a'R. Hint: No, it did not update the location. However, reading the Ter'Angrael description it mentioned that they can be used to transport people to places or... experiences. Which is exactly what Moiraine and Siuane were describing in the cold opening. So I'm guessing it puts people in what's effectively a dream shard?
  22. I mean, everything is WAFO for us as viewers... lol. Rule #1 in any media. Someone isn't dead unless you see the corpse dead and buried. Preferably dismembered and turned into ash. The show has yet to show whether the costume designer is correct or not. Hence... WAFO. Let's just decapitate Egwene, heal her head back on so she can become Amyrlin of the rogue tower after it splits...
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