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Amazon Premieres Clip from Wheel of Time Show

Jason Denzel
  • Amazon premiered a clip from their upcoming Wheel of Time TV show.

Amazon revealed today, as part of their New York Comic Con panel, a video clip from the premiere episode of their upcoming Wheel of Time TV show. Showrunner Rafe Judkins introduced the scene as an iconic moment when Moiraine Sedai (played by Rosamund Pike) first appears in the Winespring Inn.



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What did you think of the clip? Who's ready for November 19, 2021?


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I loved everything about this.


The feeling was so good. Jovial atmosphere drops to worry when Lan enters...then even that deepens to fear when Sedai is uttered.


So subtle a change but perfectly executed.

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How did Marin al'Vere recognise that ring so quick that she immediately called Morraine, Aes Sedai? I reckon she has seen them before, i wonder if she may in fact be a failed Novice, maybe no stronger in the OP then Morgase.

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Recently rereading The Dragon Reborn, I was so amused by the unnerving atmosphere on the Snow Goose just because Moirane was uphappy about them knowing she's Aes Sedai.  

Now in this clip, Mistress Al'vere directly named her "Moiraine Sedai"....wow, I can't wait to see how she turns the whole village upside down...just kidding! What really interests me is the interaction between Moiraine and Nynaeve...


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It's all wrong but on the other hand just seeing anyone try to make this come to life on the screen is amazing. Greatest books ever, just hope they don't screw with the plot too badly. If they lose the hard core fans this will be a huge failure. If they keep us we will tell everyone we know to watch and they will make a fortune. 

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31 minutes ago, Malkeri said:

It's all wrong but on the other hand just seeing anyone try to make this come to life on the screen is amazing. Greatest books ever, just hope they don't screw with the plot too badly. If they lose the hard core fans this will be a huge failure. If they keep us we will tell everyone we know to watch and they will make a fortune. 


Sadly "ANY" deviation has already lost a portion of the hardliners.


I however have high hopes. Its clearly being made to follow TV based pacing. Compressing essentially an entire chapter's introduction of Moiraine into a single scene.


That said the set design is gorgeous. The costuming choices have assuaged some concerns I had with the early on preview photos. The first music drop was wonderful and the throwaway tavern theme here is lovely too.


That said my goal for any series was for it to bring NEW blood into our fold. We are not getting any younger as a community after all. ? I think this has the marks of something brewing.

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9 minutes ago, JJLXL said:

So...Perrin is taller than Rand? ?


I actually thought Perrin was when I read it. I just flashed back when they spoke. I smiled.

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This is looking good! I'm hoping they take a lot of liberties in changing the characters and how they interact. I would love it if the tv series offers more varied or nuanced personalities and interpersonal dynamics. If the characters are interesting and the world building is somewhat retained, then I will be satisfied.

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The Inn and occupants fit with the WoT atmosphere - I can see it. But not with the Winespring Inn as described. I can live with it, though.

What grates with me is Moiraine and Lan.

Lan, uber Warder, stomping in to a public place like some cheap cowboy, boots (or something) jangling so hard a Trolloc could hear him miles off? Then posing until all attention is on him, giving his name, then announcing Moiraine for every possible Darkfriend in the area to know within days? And Moiraine flaunting herself like that? She acted more like Liandrin would have.

No. Just no.


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2 hours ago, JJLXL said:

So...Perrin is taller than Rand? ?

That's a very minor thing to nitpick. Rand pops out with his appearance.

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1 hour ago, Elgee said:

The Inn and occupants fit with the WoT atmosphere - I can see it. But not with the Winespring Inn as described. I can live with it, though.

What grates with me is Moiraine and Lan.

Lan, uber Warder, stomping in to a public place like some cheap cowboy, boots (or something) jangling so hard a Trolloc could hear him miles off? Then posing until all attention is on him, giving his name, then announcing Moiraine for every possible Darkfriend in the area to know within days? And Moiraine flaunting herself like that? She acted more like Liandrin would have.

No. Just no.



Yeah but I can tell why its done. To capture new tv audiences you want to give them the impression Lan is… something nigh legendary. Like as you say a cowboy entering the saloon. Or a knight entering.


Hell if it helps just imagine how loud he’d be if it was the EotW cover version of Lan with all that armor he never actually ever wears. lol

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Remember in the books, where the first real introduction we got to Moraine and Lan was after the Trolloc attack? How we heard whispers of what they'd done, but hadn't gotten to see it ourselves? That's how they got their air of mystery and power. Nobody in the Two Rivers would have been able to recognize an Aes Sedai ring (except Tam). They wouldn't have all frozen and watched them as they entered and made a big scene, because they were trying to keep a low profile. They wouldn't have made a big scene to begin with. 


Every adaptation is going to have changes, but this feels like a betrayal of the spirit of the characters. You would think that, when advertising (inevitably to people who are already fans), they would start with well-known scenes from the book, to get people excited. The fact that we really haven't seen even one scene like that (unless maybe I missed something?) is very concerning to me. So far, it doesn't feel like the people making this show actually care about the source material at all, regardless of their claims otherwise

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I found this clip heartbreaking... I waited so long and hoped so hard for these books to be brought to life by someone who loved the books and wanted to honor Robert Jordan's vision. But just in this clip everything seems so wrong. How much could they possibly change in just two minutes?


Tiny, ageless, almost child-like Moiraine who keeps her identity as an Aes Seadai a secret... instead arrives standing 5'9", looking like she's in her mid-forties, flashing her Aes Sedai ring for all to see.


Subtle, always-preaching-caution Lan strides (stomps?) in, introducing himself by his full name, posing until all eyes are on him and then formally announces Moiraine to the entire village like a visiting queen (wearing a terrible wig - what happened to her oft-mentioned ringlets?) who immediately comes in and starts flashing her ring for all Darkfriends to see.


The village of Emond's Field, isolated for hundreds of years, so forgotten by the larger world that they haven't even seen a tax collector in generations is somehow made up of a very evenly distributed, very distinct global population, including a European, sub-Saharan African, Indian, Hispanic, Asian and so on... the books present so many opportunities for inclusion and diversity as these country bumpkins are introduced to a larger world and many different and distinct cultures... but instead we have this heavy-handed diversity box-checking right out the gate that actually beggars suspension of disbelief.


Lan is smooth-faced and pretty rather than rough-hewn and worn, Rand might be the shortest in the group, the direction seems all hammy, trope-ish and over the top... just ugh.


The fact that so much is different - not different in service to the story, not different because these changes NEED to be made to facilitate adaptation to the screen, but rather made because Rafe & crew want to put their stamp on Jordan's vision, to 'update it' for what they believe to be the proper sensibility... it's honestly breaking my heart. Not because of these relatively minor changes, but because if they will make these drastic, pointless changes we can already guess at how many more foundational changes they will also make for... reasons.


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Edited by StoryArcher

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22 hours ago, CaddySedai said:

I loved everything about this.


20 hours ago, Youss99 said:

I hate it already.


19 hours ago, Malkeri said:

It's all wrong. Greatest books ever, just hope they don't screw with the plot too badly.


10 hours ago, Knasp said:

This is looking good! I'm hoping they take a lot of liberties in changing the characters and how they interact.

and this goes to show you can't please everyone.

Rafe may as well make all the changes he feels he needs to. it won't change the unpleasable fanbase, and it may actually work.

10 hours ago, Elgee said:

What grates with me is Moiraine and Lan.

Lan, uber Warder, stomping in to a public place like some cheap cowboy, boots (or something) jangling so hard a Trolloc could hear him miles off? Then posing until all attention is on him, giving his name, then announcing Moiraine for every possible Darkfriend in the area to know within days? And Moiraine flaunting herself like that? She acted more like Liandrin would have.

No. Just no.


I like then better here than in the books.

In the books Mouraine and Lan are trying to keep a low profile, going by fake names and everything.

And yet, Moiraine keeps wearing her great serpent - which you never know who could recognize, there are plenty of stories about aes sedai - and Lan his color shifting cloak - that, besides being recognizable, is also clearly supernatural in nature to anyone.

Utterly ridiculous. I never liked that, it made them look like morons. No, actually it just looked like the author wanted to introduce them in a distinctive way, and he did so even when it would have made more sense not to. He forced them to pick up the idiot ball just because he wanted to introduce the ring and cloak.

This version, where they don't try to go incognito and instead just announce themselves as important people to get top services? I'll have to wait, it can still have problems - we know moiraine was trying to hide from the black ajah. But from what little I've seen, I like it better than the original.

Edited by king of nowhere

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21 hours ago, Youss99 said:

I hate it already.

I want to love it so badly, so very badly, and I can find almost nothing good about this clip. And this is what they CHOOSE to show us to get us hyped. What other unnecessary and disappointing changes await us?

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I don't know. It all seemed so overly dramatic like a Sergio Leone spaghetti western with all the staring and pregnant pauses  and over dramatization. It was so absurd that I was close to laughing. Moraine and Lan were as subtle as bricks. Why was Nynaeve grabbing at her knife? Is it that bad. So far I'm not impressed. I hope it gets better.

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I think Nynaeve is grabbing her knife because Lan presents himself looking as a Myrdraal .

And maybe "boys" already have spoken of the man in a black cloak watching them from a distange?


I'm happy with this clip.

Dont expect the tv series to be an copy of the books.

Tv series never are.

This looks great, sounds great feels great and gives me goosebumbs.

I waited almost 30 years for this moment to happen.


The Wheel of time is coming to live!!!


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Ohh ... every single thing about it seems wrong. We sed the same thing about got in season 5, but no one seemed to listen, which led to that disaster. I don't know why creators of the show feel the urgency to impress the viewers at the first stages of the story. The eye of the world was the foundation of the series and the most important book. Now we are looking at a show that betrays the characters' personalities to imply a fake hype.

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I get all the concern about the clip - and I certainly don't like the blatant attention-calling actions of Moiraine and Lan - but as the show seeks to streamline events and details into a well-paced on-screen story, I'm trying to remember that purpose and context matters.


First, Emond's Field is not the rest of the world. This is her destination, and she is seeking something/someone(s) that she must find and quickly. So, wanting to draw attention to herself in the most populated part of the village could make a certain sort of sense. It's the fastest way to identify those she seeks and draw them to her (which they indicate she is doing in the clip - identifying them). It could also be the fastest way to root out darkfriends where she knows an attack or disturbance is imminent. It could even make her and Lan the new focus of attention/target rather than the youths she seeks.


Second, the rest of the world is not Emond's Field, meaning she and Lan would likely still travel in as much secrecy as possible throughout the world until reaching their destination, especially after leaving it while being pursued.


So, while it does seem out of character for them to be so out front with their appearance, it can make sense in the right context and in the interest of making multiple events more efficient for the show.


Also, regarding Moiraine being instantly recognized as AS, even if no one there had ever seen one of her group, the ring (as described in their tales) is certainly a recognizable symbol, especially when combined with her regal nature and entrance and accompanied by a man of war. It all makes recognizing her as AS make sense.


In short, I'll wait for context and consideration of purpose before condemning this clip. There's much more to be excited about than discouraged by here.


UPDATE: Also, about the "diversity" in Emond's Field...I love it. To me, while they are isolated, they are not wholly unaware of the world. It's separate and distinct from them, but it is there. Being from a fairly rural upbringing myself, the assumptions about these types of communities is so often wrong. So many of our rural communities are not as lacking in diversity as we believe. Instead, they tend to produce diversity at times because people, ethnicities, origins, etc. all tend to land in places like this and blend together. Emond's Field seems to be that - a place where various people of various origins somehow, long ago, landed and produced people who are of one community but various origins. It's isolated from the ideals of the world - that those various origins and traits mean splintered lifestyles and communities - and instead exists as the melting pot that, for example, America was once revered for aiming to be. Emond's Field is an isolated melting pot of people that has blended seamlessly - sometimes even unknowingly - into a single community. But they are certainly physically diverse, like an example to the rest of the world of how a community CAN be. Rand himself is a perfect example of that. Every person outside The Two Rivers/Emond's Field sees him as reminiscent of an Aiel. But in Emond's Field...he's just Rand...Tam's son. And the revelation he may be anything else is shocking to everyone.

Edited by Nicholas

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Did they try hard to superimpose the WoT characters on LotR characters? Because that is what it looked like to me, tbh. Not that that is a bad thing: WoT lead people to read LotR and LoTR fans must have had a look at WoT books in return.

Still keeping an open mind and the words from my guy (who never read the books) were 'looks nice'.

I do understand that the story telling and pacing of the story will need to be adapted to tv and that the little things that feel odd to some readers are just needed to do that. I will see if I watch it past episode 3.

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I think there's only so much you can glean from 2 minutes of contiguous footage.  Context will color how this scene actually feels in the full episode.  All of that being said, at the end of the day, these two minutes are what we have now, and we can perform a little bit of critique on it.


I think there's a lot to love and be critical of in this scene, but I'll start with the latter.  The choice to have Moiraine advertise herself in the Two Rivers is - I believe - poorly thought out.  I've heard it said that this is Moiraine putting everyone on edge to give herself an advantage.  At face value, that makes sense; it portrays Moiraine as a intelligent, strong, capable - vaguely malevolent - entity, just like she is in the books, and does so in a short few minutes.  However, consider this: Moiraine does not stand out in the series as a "paragon" of Aes Sedai because she's the most manipulative - though she can manipulate - but because unlike most of her peers, she doesn't use her status as a cudgel to overpower or overawe.  In taking the shortcut, they've done - I would argue - a lot of damage to what made Moiraine a beloved character and distinguished her from the rest of the Aes Sedai.  Not to say that that cannot be repaired, or is even as meaningful in the context of the full episode.


Second, I can't say I'm a fan of the tonal whiplash they invoke in this scene.  It's totally on purpose, I just disagree with the editorial direction.  It's supposed to make the contrast of Lan/Moiraine entering more dramatic and throw more contrast into the scene, making the enormity of the event obvious.  But for reasons others have put better already, I don't think the scene really needed the extra help.  But that is likely a personal choice, I prefer "mystery" to "suspense" as my story hook.  This scene leans heavily on the latter at the expense of the former.


All of that being said.  I think the moment to moment acting in this scene is chef kisses good.  In particular, the subtle interplay between Egwene, Rand, and Perrin is great.  Little body language cues, the natural sounding dialog between Perrin and Rand, it's all very well done.  And while I didn't love the tonal choice with Lan and Moiraine, the acting was really good.  Looking past the tone, the choices made to invoke that tone were well done and I have no doubt that the emotional story beats are going to be very good.

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I don't like how much "liberty" they are using to change it from the book. In the book no one knew she was Sedai until the attack on the village, as her whole point was to go there under a low profile to investigate her belief in the Dragon Reborn. She only revealed herself to save the village. This entrance and introduction serves no purpose and actually goes against the fact that she was doing this investigation in secret due to fears about the Black Ajah.

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