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Greetings! I just registered to the DragonMount and figure I should finally join a WoT community since I've been an avid reader of the series (reading it again currently for the fourth time). Mainly decided to join a community because well...nobody where I'm at I think really reads the series haha. But it is good to be here.

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Guest Barmacral

Only 4? Pitiful! Pitiful I tell you!


Heh, kidding, don't worry, glad to have you here, and be sure to check out the discussion boards, you will find out a lot of stuff about this series that 4 rereads won't clue you in on (believe me, I'm in the double digits for rereads and still finding that).


Also, if you are into RP, check out the division boards, they'll be glad to have you.


Also, each of the different Organizations (Orgs) discuss different things, the Seanchan Org discusses entertainment, the Illuminators are are the creativity org, and so on, I believe one of the stickies above this thread has all that info.


Enjoy yourself, and be sure to remember, 12th Regiment is strange but harmless, and SboydW thinks that fiddlesticks is an Org.


Yours truly,


The Almighty


A.k.a. Barmacral


P.S. Be sure to check out the worldbuilding thread in the Illuminators Org.

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Hello and welcome Mrjoxo :)


Guess no need to warn you about spoilers :wink: After four reads... you must have a thought on who did it in the infamous murder scene (no names... trying to avoid putting spoilers here...) Please leave a vote in the big poll on the general WoT board 8)

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Guest Emperor

*pushes the other greeters out of the way*


I apologize for the lame welcomes before me. I do not want to say that I am a welcome snob... but.... .yeah, that is what I am.


*brings in the marching band and pulls a rope so balloons fall from the sky*


Welcome to DM!


Am I pretty? Will you comb my hair?

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Hey, welcome to the bestest community around...(actually haven't been to any other...oh well)



This the place where everyone is very friendly and kind....we even allow a few 'cases' out to greet people.


Okay someone take Empy back inside now :D

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Oh yes there is *waves her 'erase post scissors'*... but I won't use them as long as you supply quality spam and first and foremost say hello to the new guys :)

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