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Gawyn and the Younglings Q


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I have read the series a few times, but one thing I guess I never paid enough attention to is the reasoning for Gawyn supporting Elaida. Did he support Elaida because he just disliked Suian so much? I know he doesn't like Suian because Suian always side stepped him when he tried to get information about Elayne's whereabouts. Is this the only reason? Or did I miss something?


I think its because he hated how Siuan used Egwene, Elayne and I also think he hated what she did to Min.


My guess is that hes with her NOW because he wants to kill Rand. Even though he promised Egw he wouldn't


If that is indeed the only reason, then that is pretty stupid. I mean yes I know he loves his sister and Egwene... but starting a war over it, splitting the tower? How does that make him any different than Galad and all his do-gooder-ness?

Also if that his reasoning then why did he let Min, Leane, and Suian escape? Doesn't that defeat the point of his fighting?


Suian using the girls while sidestepping him and galad was certainly something that helped lead him to the decision to back Elaida but those weren't the only things. Gawn grew up with Elaida as his mothers advisor so when she claimed that Suian had helped Mazrim Taim escape he believed her which was no doubt influenced as well by the fact that he was already furious with Siuan. Ok that could have came out a lot clearer but...oh well.


I chalked it up to best intentions gone awry in a snowballing effect. he didn't start the split of the tower; he just made a choice early on and stuck with it.


as for letting Min, Leane, and Siuan escape, I think he heard some sense for the first time in several days and was honorable (or tired) enough to follow it despite his personal feelings. definitely some conflict going on in his head.


Guys, he said why he let them escape. Siuan knew where she had sent Elayne and Egwene, and Gawyn wanted her alive so that if he needed information from her about them, he could get it. He was afraid that if she stayed in the Tower (or got caught trying to escape) that she would be killed and that information would be lost. He would rather have her alive and free (where he could hunt her down if he needed to) than dead.


(The Shadow Rising, chapter 47)


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