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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Vote Count:


Lenlo (4): Dice, Tina, Askthepizzaguy, Besie

Tina (1): Cory

Pizza (1): Lenlo


Not Voting: Nolder, BFG, Zander, Shad, Sooh, Nikon


With 12 remaining, 7 votes needed to lynch

I think it's probably


Lenlo (2): Dice, Tina

Pizza (1): Lenlo

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POE is starting to shrink though, although it doesn't feel right just yet


With you 100%. Going to figure it out. Believe in the me that believes in you.


Time to put in some real #werk


At the least I'd like to have some people out of the POE that I don't think I'm likely to tinfoil on :rolleyes:

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Vote Count:


Lenlo (4): Dice, Tina, Askthepizzaguy, Besie

Tina (1): Cory

Pizza (1): Lenlo


Not Voting: Nolder, BFG, Zander, Shad, Sooh, Nikon


With 12 remaining, 7 votes needed to lynch

I think it's probably


Lenlo (2): Dice, Tina

Pizza (1): Lenlo



Thanks. But isn´t Cory voting me?

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If you are still tinfoiling on me you really, really, really don't have to. I am telling the 100% truth and I want to make it apparent as possible. I'm apt enough to know I can't really do this alone, so I guess it's sort of important to me that we trust each other, because we live together or we die alone.

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Vote Count:


Lenlo (4): Dice, Tina, Askthepizzaguy, Besie

Tina (1): Cory

Pizza (1): Lenlo


Not Voting: Nolder, BFG, Zander, Shad, Sooh, Nikon


With 12 remaining, 7 votes needed to lynch

I think it's probably


Lenlo (2): Dice, Tina

Pizza (1): Lenlo



Thanks. But isn´t Cory voting me?


He either unvoted or talked about unvoting you

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If you are still tinfoiling on me you really, really, really don't have to. I am telling the 100% truth and I want to make it apparent as possible. I'm apt enough to know I can't really do this alone, so I guess it's sort of important to me that we trust each other, because we live together or we die alone.

Everybody dies alone.


Right now I'd say town. Tinfoil I can't promise, still I haven't reread since like page 15 so we'll see what a reread brings

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I mean, it is what it is. I don't have any confident read on you, and to say I do would require me making something up. I'm not the kind of player who is just going to make something up in place of admitting he lacks confidence with a particular slot.


Previous reading of you in general seems to suggest you care more about being a wolf than being a villager, which emphasizes you probably would make conscious efforts to develop your wolf game, and with zero understand of your villager game (which as far as I know doesn't even exist yet) I have literally no point of comparison.


Barring mechanical reasons you'll probably be in my PoE all game. Consider it a rite of passage.

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If you are still tinfoiling on me you really, really, really don't have to. I am telling the 100% truth and I want to make it apparent as possible. I'm apt enough to know I can't really do this alone, so I guess it's sort of important to me that we trust each other, because we live together or we die alone.

Everybody dies alone.


Right now I'd say town. Tinfoil I can't promise, still I haven't reread since like page 15 so we'll see what a reread brings



Please reread and let me know what you think, I'll do the same tomorrow and let's see where we're at.


I understand your fear and general trepidation but I am going to work you through it. "The fear is real", etc., whatever; we'll get there.

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Vote Count:
Lenlo (4): Dice, Tina, Askthepizzaguy, Besie
Tina (1): Cory
Pizza (1): Lenlo
Not Voting: Nolder, BFG, Zander, Shad, Sooh, Nikon
With 12 remaining, 7 votes needed to lynch




I'm very tired so I'll be back tomorrow.


Just going to [v]Unvote[/v] until I've caught up tomorrow.



try a later post len




@ cory Im stating to think hes being too thick to be a wolf. but he is REALLY annoying me for some reason so i am not the best judge atm.



as such





Been napping now I'm off to dinner.

Before I do..







Pizza your ignoring me. I dont like it.

Well I'd better do something about that before you vote me.


I haven't been ignoring you, wolf. I've been catching up and responding to posts as I see them.



[v] Pizza [/v]


Brother there may be some elaborate plan you have but man my gut is pinging so bad right now.  This is not what I seen from Nightmare homie i'm not feeling Town!Pizza at all.





Btw, I responded to Pizza's "Please to village Lenlo" but he hasnt gotten back to me yet. Lookin forward to it.


You reached the Yates Event Horizon.


So scummy and with dishonest arguments that for pages and pages, and hours and hours, I just think you're caught-er and caught-er scum, and then it dawns on me that you're a townie because a scum wouldn't do X.


Why "Yates" event horizon, because he faked a guilty result on me in game three, and made a mistake with his leans list which added an extra person to the game, hilariously, and it got worse and worse for hours and hours, so I just assumed he was caught and smirked my happy smirk and kept taking potshots at him here and there, until dat moment when I saw he had a legitimate reason to act that way.


If you were a scumbag, you probably would have walked away a few posts after the screw me post. I don't get what is accomplished by continued camping in the thread after all that.


I'm not saying you'd be scared of me or something, as a wolf, it just isn't accomplishing any kind of scum aim.


While I can't clear you for the same reason why I should look town objectively, since I was the aggressor in our tiff, there's a different kind of futility at work in that I think that a very large number of scumbags would not be sitting here right now still talking to me. It's going nowhere and you had a natural exit point, several of them, and you're still camping.


I've never used this town-tell before and may never again. I also can't say you're fully clean.


But that washes away a ton of that suspicion.




I really wanted to go to bed thinking I've accomplished something more major than partly clearing a scum read. I can't say that. But it has been useful to me, particularly if this is correct.


PS- Yates Event Horizon is now trademarked, and probably won't ever be used as a town-tell again.



It´s possible that I missed some. 


Unofficial VC


Lenlo (1): Tina

Tina (1): Cory

Pizza (2): Lenlo, Zander

Sooh (1): Nolder

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I mean, it is what it is. I don't have any confident read on you, and to say I do would require me making something up. I'm not the kind of player who is just going to make something up in place of admitting he lacks confidence with a particular slot.


Previous reading of you in general seems to suggest you care more about being a wolf than being a villager, which emphasizes you probably would make conscious efforts to develop your wolf game, and with zero understand of your villager game (which as far as I know doesn't even exist yet) I have literally no point of comparison.


Barring mechanical reasons you'll probably be in my PoE all game. Consider it a rite of passage.

*starts bonfire*


I am honoured.


Seeing as how I was wolf in my previous game, and how much I loved playing that role (and then ofc the fact that you could observe my entire thought process that game) - your current deduction/thought process makes complete sense to me.

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Now I read Pizza´s unvote post again and my question is: Do you unvote Lenlo because he is fighting back? Is that the reason?

Looked that way to me. Apparently Len would have stopped replying if he was really scum, according to whatever theory Pizza has.

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I mean, it's really as simple as "if Pizza is a wolf he realized he wasn't gaining any actual traction on Lenlo anymore and decided to flip it around and make it look like some long-term strategy in which he had control" in terms of the potential wolfiness of that post. Funny he brings up Yates since I've always thought Yates and Pizza are similar style players (with Pizza being a tad more active, involved and communicative) and that "180 read change because I can" is sort of something right out of the Yates wolf playbook. Control is important to both of them, specifically looking like they are in control even when they aren't.


Of course, there's certainly reasons he could be a villager doing that or earnestly making a read, so unfortunately not so easy. Pizza's sort of a nightmare to read. lol.

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