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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Can I help you guys in any way?


Tell you what, I'll give you one question that I answer truthfully.




Terms and conditions: I won't out my scum bud in any way, so don't try that one.

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this is wut I do to Zander cuz he scum


But this what actually happens when Scum!Shad goes after Town!Zander



You're being kicked by scum!Shad, scum!Zander...

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Can I help you guys in any way?


Tell you what, I'll give you one question that I answer truthfully.


Are you looking forward to your first game as village?

I don't know. I really love the deception and techniques involved with being scum. And to keep my scum game in tact I'll probably play the same as a villager. Not sure if I look forward to being voted out as villager on no grounds other than "you play the same as last time, thus you are scum".


Look, I'll give it my all. But I don't know.

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Village can be frustrating at times, and granted, you don't get as much of a thrill as you do when being mischievous and evil.


You have to rely on consensus more, often times you feel paralyzed because even if your reads are good, you have to persuade people and sometimes people are not willing to be persuaded. Then when you die, it's usually painful to watch your team flop around aimlessly.


But there are moments when it's awesomesauce, and you really get the feeling of having earned it when instead of winning because others guessed wrong, you won because you guessed right and got people to listen.


It usually makes up for the bad moments. But you gotta have an excellent group to play with.

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Like, the thing I did with Lenlo?


There was a time in my villaging life where nothing could persuade me that a wolf was anything besides a wolf when they reached a certain level of scummy to me.


You will lynch dozens and dozens of villagers when you're so sure they're scum, and it won't even register because sometimes you lynch a scum when you're certain.


It's difficult to push past your own confirmation bias.


Once you latch on, and you don't trust them, everything they say sounds really suspect. And usually they respond by a combo of aggression and defensiveness, regardless of alignment.


So in that state you guys aren't going to figure out each other very well and you're dis-inclined to even think you could be wrong, because after all, they're wrong and acting scummy too.


Knowing when to pull up and when not to pull up and swallow your pride is one of the most challenging things you'll ever do, because each and every time you let go of a wolf when you do that, it stings like 10 times as hard as the goodness you'll feel when they actually are a villager and you corrected yourself.


Your own emotions bias you. Hard.

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Pral, brother, you should really include the rules of the game in the first post.




3) During the Night Phase, the androids can post, discuss and get to vote on who dies that night. The player with the maximum vote dies (gets converted to an android). Tie will be randomised

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Like, the thing I did with Lenlo?


There was a time in my villaging life where nothing could persuade me that a wolf was anything besides a wolf when they reached a certain level of scummy to me.


You will lynch dozens and dozens of villagers when you're so sure they're scum, and it won't even register because sometimes you lynch a scum when you're certain.


It's difficult to push past your own confirmation bias.


Once you latch on, and you don't trust them, everything they say sounds really suspect. And usually they respond by a combo of aggression and defensiveness, regardless of alignment.


So in that state you guys aren't going to figure out each other very well and you're dis-inclined to even think you could be wrong, because after all, they're wrong and acting scummy too.


Knowing when to pull up and when not to pull up and swallow your pride is one of the most challenging things you'll ever do, because each and every time you let go of a wolf when you do that, it stings like 10 times as hard as the goodness you'll feel when they actually are a villager and you corrected yourself.


Your own emotions bias you. Hard.



My worst downfall will not be my emotions, but how stubborn I am. The only person I know that tops me, and only slight, on stubbornness - is Zander.

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Can I help you guys in any way?


Tell you what, I'll give you one question that I answer truthfully.




Terms and conditions: I won't out my scum bud in any way, so don't try that one.

How's the crochet blanket going :p

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Pral, brother, you should really include the rules of the game in the first post.



3) During the Night Phase, the androids can post, discuss and get to vote on who dies that night. The player with the maximum vote dies (gets converted to an android). Tie will be randomised

When is the DL, Pral?

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Towning is by far the best imo.  I guess what I enjoy the most about it is....having to take a leap of faith and trust not only in yourself and your own abilities but others as well and theirs.  And not only that but having to solve the puzzle....what pieces fit where, the who, what, where, when and how,  The pure thrill of of being right and finding scum and getting your fellow townyes to follow you in taking down that dirty scum bag.  And the sense of pride, accomplishment and ecstasy of a job well done and VICTORY!!!!

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