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About to do my first re-read, and wow what changes!

Jagen Sedai

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I began reading WoT when I was 14, about the time when book 7 was newly published. I have to say how very, very different WoT is going to change for me because now I'm 29, and I also just finished reading "Costume in the Wheel of Time."


I had NO idea this whole time that Randland fashion was supposed to be more Renaissance and not medieval fantasy. Wow. I mean that totally changes the entire bookseries, somehow. No wonder I had such trouble picturing their dress! That, and now that I'm older, I hope to catch other things I might have missed my first time through.


I am not looking forward to re-reading certain story arcs though. I have never cared for Perrin, nor Elayne, but I guess I'll have to bear with it. I didn't like Egwene from the start, but since she later becomes Amyrlin, and lived up to the title, she has become one of my favorites. I think again, since I'm older, I'm looking forward to changing my perspective on things. But I just can't get over how I'm going to be picturing everyone looking now XD



my understanding has been that the time setting of all fantasy is roughly the medieval ages.  the renaissance era I take to be part of that time period.


about re-reading this series, I began my second and third times through with the prequel.  I am on my third time through this series; though the furthest I read is Towers of Midnight.


started my first time through the year Robert Jordan died with book 1; and finished first time through weeks after the release of Gathering Storm.


I still remember my first reread of the early books...I was amazed at how much foreshadowing RJ had put in there that I completely missed..Moraines and eggys little chat that ninnie listens in on for instance explains Parts of Rands story in tEotW.



  • 4 weeks later...

I remember my first re-reads.  I've probably read them a dozen times.  They used to have an old WOTmania site that was helpful with things that I didn't catch the first time through, although I ran into a few people who knew EVERYTHING and were extremely unhelpful and nasty to the point that I just trolled around the site without commenting for fear of them condemning me again.  I hate when people tell you "You must not have read very carefully".  Or "You clearly don't understand any of the Wheel of Time by your questions.  Have you really read the books?"  This has been a great site over the years with questions and answers, decent folks and opinions, and you can get a lot of insight on things you may not have caught on your own. 


I hope you enjoy the re-reads.  I didn't really like Perrin that much until he went home to the Two Rivers to save them from the Trollocs.  I loved him after that, but hated Faile to the bitter end.  I also never liked Egwene and thought her to be a complete waste of time throughout the series.  I had no interest in Elayne's politics, but she redeemed herslf for me in the Last Battle.  Nyneave was hard to like, until she freed Egwene from the Seanchan and meted out her own type of "justice" on that damane.  Mat was my very favorite, hands down.  I was a huge fan of Cadsuane from the moment she entered the story.  To me, she is everything an Aes Sedai should be compared to the others who played at White Tower politics and had no interest in things going on around them.  A lot of people hate Cadsuane, but that's the beauty of it all, we can all have our favorites. 


My first time through, I pounded the books and during my re-reads, I read a lot slower to soak it in and was amazed at all the things I had missed or didn't catch the first time through.  Enjoy!


I barely read the series any more, but I do listen to the audiobooks nightly.  I started years ago after I finally built up enough credits with Audible to get them all on my Kindle, so I start with Eye of the World and listen through to Memory of Light, and start over again.  This is a two and a half to three month process, and once in a while I'll start with New Spring to spice things up.  I still find new things that I have missed before, or skipped while following Mat and Perrin arcs.  Some with the girls gets a bit nerve grating but i'll listen to it when I'm in the mood.  By the time I finish AMOL and start back with EotW, it's like Wow, you can see how basic these characters started but there are so many hints and foreshadowing of things to come, as well as hints of what RJ might have intended that are fun to contemplate.  I don't know how RJ managed it even with a continuity person helping him.  Poor Brandon, even as a fan having to finish the last three was pretty intent.


I read the series in about 10 months which is quick for me, re read the AMoL straight away and then from the start after New Spring. Half way through Winter's Heart and loving it. Really have an appreciation for the characters I overlooked last time. Elayne and Avi's 'sister' ceremony was great knowing more about what that link is. I'm looking forward to cleansing Saidin as well.


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