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Wheel of Time Pilot FXX


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  • 3 weeks later...
Could have been better, could have been worse. It annoys me that Red Eagle Entertainment sat on the rights for years and then right before they were about to loose those rights they air this at 3 in the morning without approving the script or any of it with James's (Robert Jordan's) Widow Harriet.


Illeyna is a Blonde ("Sun hair") not a red head (BUY SOME HAIR DYE OR A WIG!).

The Background scenery was ok, about what I expected (could have a more greek/roman feel or Modern Feel the Age Of Legends was a great deal like our modern world).

Billy Zane did an OK Ishmael. He is not Anthony Hopkins, but could evolve to do a good job as Ishmael the unstable delusional Sociopath.

The bodies needed to be more gory and sticking out of floors and walls and what not, Lews Therin didn't use "Power Word: Kill" From D&D, he used the one power to turn rock into mud then back and air to fire. the rest does not have to be graphically gory,But Lews Therin doing in everybody who ever cared about him needs to disgust the viewer. It needs to lay the foundation for why male channelers are so bad.

Finally, WE NEED TO SEE AT LEAST PARTS OF THE BREAKING OF THE WORLD, Not Just Ishmael putting his hood on. The breaking should grip the audience like watching Sauron pitching elves around the battlefield in The Lord Of The Rings, one of those old nuclear apocalypse scenes.

Maybe, Harriet should just corner Peter Jackson and convince him to do in series form what he did with The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit. Please Please Please Do Not Let Renaissance Pictures do what they did to The Sword Of Truth books (Legend of The Seeker) to the Wheel Of Time.

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