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Ok so I am only 5 books in the series and I know there is a long way to go till I am finished.  However, I have read in forums as well as synopsis's that the seanchan become allies with rand and the "good guys", if you will, and I just can't see it with them still having collars and leashes.  I am not one to worry over spoilers and having the books ruined for me, I need to know if they do become allies, are the forced to give up the leash and collars?  If not, how can Rand accept them?


No they don't give it up, Basically it comes down to they get to keep what they have but can't take any from lands they don't control or from Rand's allies during the fight. Rand was forced to allow them to keep their leashed channlers in order for them to join the fight.  Rand pretty much says this is another "crime" he is going to be forced to live with.  Egwene then makes a deal with Tuon.  One thing I noticed is no one brings up men who can channel and whether or not the Seanchan will continue to kill them or what they will do with them.


Uggghhhh. It is for that reason that I would never be a great leader. I could not think of a worse life then that of the ones that where the collar.


Though I would have to imagine that there will be a huge migration out of sanchane territories. I am not a fan of aie sadi, but I would rather be there then in a collar. Not to mention certain secrets of who held the bracelet and their powers.


The Seanchan are powerful, and Rand and co. couldn't afford to keep fighting them and the Shadow at the same time. 


In order to save the world from the greater evil, they make an alliance with the lesser evil. They don't like or accept the Seanchan, but they need all the allies they can get. 


However, as you already know, there are certain 'secrets' that undermine the Seanchan culture. Along with halting the Seanchan collaring people outside their territory, there are other advancements made. 

Basically, it was unrealistic for them to just drop their collars and stop doing what they do within the scope of the story, but it sets it up that the Seanchan are beginning to change their ways. It may take 10-20 or even 100 years, but the process has been started. 


Rand had to agree, but Tuon orginally wanted to be bale to collar all women on this side of the ocean who could channel if I remember right and Rand said no.  So basically they agreed they keep what they have but can't take any more women from Rand's follower during or after the last battle.  Rand had 2 reasons for agreeing to what he personally hated and assumed history would condem him for.  1.he knew he needed the Seanchan help in the last battle or the forces of light would lose and 2. He promised the other leaders he would get the Seanchan to sign the dragons peace he had all the other leaders sign.  If he failed they wouldn't sign it and after the last battle all the nations would turn and attack each other. He left the Aiel free to negotiate after the last battle for the freedom of any captured wise ones. 


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