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Aiel Heart

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Honestly, I'm ok with pluto being a dwarf planet and it's because I know the reasons behind the classification.


To be any sort of planet (dwarf or normal), you need to be big enough to have shaped yourself round and need to be orbiting the star of the system. 

To be a main planet, you need to have also cleared out your orbit. Pluto and the other dwarf planets have not done this. Pluto actually has a partner which is the almost the same size of it named Charon, and it has other things of like size in its orbits. 


Other dwarf planets include

--Ceres (which is actually in the asteroid belt but it is big enough to be round so it is no longer an "asteroid" but has been upgraded to dwarf planet)

--Haumea (which has two moons of its own)

--Makemake (pronounced mak-ee-mak-ee)

--Eris (which is actually over a quarter times bigger than Pluto is).

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i honestlly didnt care about all of that and the fact seemmed some americans got angry over that was laughable. planetary classification doesnt mean whole lot when comes down to it - just way fior humans, and most specificaly those who are at all seriouss about studying astronommy, to systematise and try to make sense of what they observe. they coulld have decided to classify pluto in the "condensed ball of dung" subcategory and it woldnt make any diference to me; just humans sorting things into their somewhat arbitrary categories for their own cognitive convenince, pluto is still pluto, an extremly far away place im never going to see in this lifetime except in dreams

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knowldge systems are continusly updated in science, and while i agree didnt seem like a very imperative channge to make, astronomers can do whatevre they want in their own discipline, not my concern and dosnt change my life one iota, and i dont see how it shoulld matter to anyone else - those generations of kids - beyond some strange nostalgia for clasifying planets, becuse its hardly a big mental feat to note that pluto is no longer clasified a planet. im teaching my son that conventionall names and systems of thoughtt scarcely matter, so that he focuses on the real substannce of any issue, such as there being worlds beyond this one, both in this universe and others, big and small - what name they are given by consensus, whethre pluto, dwarf planet, planet, is asinine. 

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Its just Bias against little things!!


seriously i actually didnt like the decision. Generations of kids have been taught it is a planet. there was even those rhyme things to help you remember it. I dont think there was any real need to change it.

So a memory rhyme should make it stay a planet even though if it deserves planet hood so do multiple other planets that we would then have to add to the rhyme?


Just remember this 




Or if you're not Grumpy Cat, perhaps she'll give you nachos :P 

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